guys i am in a dilemma and need your opinion

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Lambda is ELO_9191_NEO I believe, going by the sigs. So that was his "friend" who said that.

Tbh lambda you ALL acted like dickwads.
LOL... gtfover it...they were assholes arguing over a moot point which you raised. I recommend you spend more time in this web-forum. It's safer here.

lol damn right it' safer here.

btw which one are you?

who wrote this? you or your friend? ..cuz it's really annoying

My "friend" wrote it, I am the topic creator.

Tbh lambda you ALL acted like dickwads.

Yeah I know but I don't think I would ever go so far against anyone. I don't think the comment I made was very nice granted but it came after he insulted me and then when everyone else gangs up I just gave up.
the guy sounds like a primadonna ..tell him to grow a nutsack and shutup (you too can stand to be a little less emo)

whatever happened to settling diferences with a fist fight/drinking contests? people need to bitch on the interwebs instead?
the guy sounds like a primadonna ..tell him to grow a nutsack and shutup (you too can stand to be a little less emo)

uh okay but stern I don't think anyone has ever called me emo before O_o feels weird
not in the fad/fashion sense but in the the "omg the drama" sort of way
oh ok but hell i hardly expected this so yeah drama :O
You've thoroughly disappointed me there, ELO. Not only did you put other people's reputations at risk (who had no part in this anyway), you mentioned aspects which you have little or no knowledge of, i.e, anything to do with what I want whatsoever.

I would say you acted like a child, but even an infant would have been smart enough to know what you said was wrong, and you obviously don't possess that kind intellect.

And as for my admission to the priesthood? I don't care what the padre or any of my friends think. Actually, I do, but I'm doing it for them, am I? I'm not making up some false mode of thinking (e.g an opinion) just to gain popularity or respect.

I'm becoming a priest for the sake of the people, not for myself. It's called selflessness, another thing you don't possess that a wide range of younger children exhibit.

Now some tips from someone who, against his better nature, will probably miss and above all pity you.

1:You can't jump over ideas. It just won't happen, because it's an abstract. You might as well try jumping over "ego". Of course you can't jump that high, can you?

2: Don't, above all else, use real people's names online. Not only is it widely irresponsible, it's dangerous too, and ultimately selfish (can we detect a theme here?)

3: Yes, I did say you were less smart than those currently admitted into nursery schools across the country. You might have a better memory, but I've seen shellfish with a higher IQ than you, and they were dead. (Shellfish=Selfish. Get it? Or is that too much to hope for?)

4: Verbatim? You don't take them word for word? So what, you miss a few out so you can skim read?

Well, I suspect his will be my ultimate correspondence with you. And I mean that as in final. And yes, the word you're looking for is patronizing.

Just one last thing. I know that whatever I do with my life I will be loved, because I am not a horrible little self absorbed fool, with delusions of grandeur and a chip on his shoulder. I will be liked because I have the ability to actually empathize with others, and do not spend every waking moment of my existence trying increase my own personal gain.

And I know that, if the moderators don't get here first, then you're going to mark this post for deletion, and there's a strong possibility I might even get banned. But whoever reads this in the mean time, be that C_Wizzy, SL or even the moderator themselves, will know just how horrible and petty certain people can be.

The human condition, eh?

OMG HE'S JESUS!!111 He's becoming a priest for us guys, he's dying for my sins!!

Hilarity. Please make more.

PS: Advise? The priest wannabe dude sounds like a tard, if you're unwilling to drop them all (which you should) then you should at least make sure you drop him. I can't believe anyone could actually hang out with a retard like that.

And remember AHA-Lamda:

I AM DOING THIS FOR THE PEOPLE. May the flying spaghetti monster have pity on your mortal husks. And always remember this: I will always be loved.

By my cats.
No :D

OMG HE'S JESUS!!111 He's becoming a priest for us guys, he's dying for my sins!!

Hilarity. Please make more.

PS: Advise? The priest wannabe dude sounds like a tard, if you're unwilling to drop them all (which you should) then you should at least make sure you drop him. I can't believe anyone could actually hang out with a retard like that.

And remember AHA-Lamda:

I AM DOING THIS FOR THE PEOPLE. May the flying spaghetti monster have pity on your mortal husks. And always remember this: I will always be loved.

By my cats.

Yeah I also did find it quite ironic this argument over essentially nothing having escalated by the holy man's actions
Any real life friends who will fall out with you over a dumb game are quite honestly not really your friends.
The thing that makes this silly is that... You know these guys IRL... But you're arguing on a message board. Over a video game.

It's hilarious.
2. Let people sh*t all over you.
Being ripped apart by insults builds character. If you see an opportunity to make a fool of yourself, don't hesitate to take it! This will attract scores of people eager to offer their testaments as to how pathetic you truly are. But remember: Jesus said to turn the other cheek. Don't try to defend yourself or stop them to retain any fleeting shred of dignity you might have left. Remember to thank them afterwards!

Thats actually legitimate advice.

I used to be pretty bloody sensitive about getting ripped into, I learned the hard way to not be so thin skinned.

I also learned to respond by simply sticking an insultive crowbar into their weak welds and pulling them apart right back (sorry been on gmod all day, gaming marathons FTL....)

Also my ex helped me be a cold heartless infuriatingly logical common sense kinda bloke when dealing with females.

Man it pisses them off so much...

But the point is, grow a pair, don't take it personally, TBH they probably forgot this little tiff the moment they closed the firefox tab.
OP, through careful observation, I am afraid I have determined that you are an asshole, and all your friends are assholes.
I thought this was an old thread at first, but I was just thinking of the last time this happened. I'd say find new friends, to tell you the truth.