Half-Life 2 and XBOX

jacksel92 said:
why do you say hl2 will be better on pc?

becuase a PC is far far far far far far far far far more advanced than the Xbox.

I garuantee right now that the Xbox cannot possibly run Hl2 at full settings like a PC can.

*note: im not talking about crappy 400mhz computers that belong in a museum*
well think of it this way. halo kicks ass on xbox and sortof sucks on pc
thats because gearbox did a piss-poor job of porting it to the PC...

now I ask you, what if the same happens to the port of HL2 onto the XBox? hmm?

And yeah, HL2 XBox will have many limitations compared to the PC. No mods, less detail, no keyboard/mouse, blah blah etc etc.
physics will probably be the same since they are all based on the CPU, and the X-box's CPU is probably capable of running the physics at their max just like any average PC today.

I don't know how the graphics will look on the X-box but it wouldn't surprise me if the max setting on the X-box will be lower than the max setting for the PC.
i probly would consider myself having the crapiest pc there ever is and ever will be
well put it this way. if hl2 runs the xbox to the max, hl2 will be a pretty damn good game for the xbox.
The majority of you guys are idiots. The Xbox is a very powerful machine, the major benefit is the fact that it has a standard spec - that means all software made for it will run the same on every xbox.

This means code can be optimised to run on the xbox specifically - where as all pc versions need to include stepping to ensure it runs on both crap spec machines and the latest kit.

The Xbox has a DX8 GPU which is capable of producing all of the effects shown in HL2 - sure its no DX9 but there are DX8 substitutes for these effects, and when its running at a console resolution on a TV, this doesn't really matter - it looks sweet anyway.

I hope there is a HL2 port on the Xbox. I like to play games from the sofa on my 32" widescreen.
I am an idiot because I won't have to keep buying new gaming systems everytime technology advances. And because I can do much more -MUCH MORE- with the computer.
Computer hardware prices are expected to plummet withing the next few years, so any advantage a console has over a PC involving hardware prices will be almost non-existant a few years from now.

Consoles may be growing at the PC's expense but in the end either the consoles will die off or they will become PC's themselves.

Just thought I would share my opinion on the subject. :)
Pobz said:
The Xbox has a DX8 GPU which is capable of producing all of the effects shown in HL2 - sure its no DX9 but there are DX8 substitutes for these effects, and when its running at a console resolution on a TV, this doesn't really matter - it looks sweet anyway

Only being DX8 means that there will be no pixel shader 2.0 or vertex shader 2.0 effects, no high dynamic range, the water refraction/reflection effects wont be anywhere near the DX9 effects. As far as physics are concerned the xbox has a 733 mhz processor and so should be ok. But I dunno how anybody can play an fps with a conroller, its alright, but its nothing compared to the keyboard/mouse combo.
i looked up screenshots for both pc and xbox for hl2 and the graphics looked the exact same
Xbox is the most powerful console, but compared to a PC? Not even close. It should look and play fine: but certainly not much better than a midrange PC with a midrange GPU.
pretty much the only difference between the xbox and pc verson is that xbox will have no mods and the graphics will be a little better on pc
No, he's already said he's got a spinky PC to play it on.

And where are these "HL2 XBox screenshots"? Link please? I wasn't aware that there were any...
HL2 4 Xbox...

In the end it comes down to what people want.

If you want the best graphics with the best sound etc and have the huge wads of cash to back it up, then the PC is your obvious choice, but i for one cant keep paying $500 + for every bit of cutting edge technology that pops up just to play games the way i like them, at a decent frame rate with good quality.

This is where the Xbox comes in. Luckily for me i have both an OK PC (2.66ghz P4 with Radeon 9600XT) and an Xbox, but for others who want the good games without the burning wads of cash to get it, then the Xbox is the obvious thumbs up.

Now what would be REALLY good would be if PC's started getting designed around a consoles arcitecture, making way better usage of memory using an extremely small version of windows specifically catered for gamers, or maybe windows would automatically detect a game running and minimize windows functions while addressing all available memory and CPU bandwidth to the game, and then restoring normal functions afterwards, now THAT would be cool.

My question is: Vavle said that Nvidia cards just wouldnt be able to cut it that well when it came to rendering halflife 2 and that ATI was the choice, so how will this affect how well the Xbox's Nvidia chip will perform?

Brian Damage said:
No, he's already said he's got a spinky PC to play it on.

And where are these "HL2 XBox screenshots"? Link please? I wasn't aware that there were any...

gamespot.com buddy
there probably just PC screens used to placehold with the Xbox information. we would know if they had tested it on Xbox,, it really wont be out for id suspect another year at least on the Xbox, amybe not even on Xbox, I can imagine how highly optimised it would have to be

any earlier and Ill be LMAO, most likely it'll be on Xbox 2, but Microsoft can say what they want for now

edit: ive just had a look on gamespot and there quite clearly the PC screenshots :p
Razorscott2YK said:
If you want the best graphics with the best sound etc and have the huge wads of cash to back it up, then the PC is your obvious choice, but i for one cant keep paying $500 + for every bit of cutting edge technology that pops up just to play games the way i like them, at a decent frame rate with good quality.
You don't need to shell out $500 for every little hardware increase if you want decent performance. Any game out there right now (excluding Far Cry :dozey:) runs acceptably well on mid-range hardware. Hell, I've got an AXP 1800+ with 512MB PC2100 DDR and a Radeon 8500LE 128MB, and every single game runs really well, some even with maxed-out settings. You really only *need* to upgrade yearly to keep the good performance/good quality up to snuff.

Razorscott2YK said:
Now what would be REALLY good would be if PC's started getting designed around a consoles arcitecture, making way better usage of memory using an extremely small version of windows specifically catered for gamers, or maybe windows would automatically detect a game running and minimize windows functions while addressing all available memory and CPU bandwidth to the game, and then restoring normal functions afterwards, now THAT would be cool.
Hmm... Windows XP Gamer Edition :E Not as good as the nearly OS-less consoles, but that's a good idea.

Razorscott2YK said:
My question is: Vavle said that Nvidia cards just wouldnt be able to cut it that well when it came to rendering halflife 2 and that ATI was the choice, so how will this affect how well the Xbox's Nvidia chip will perform?
That depends. I'm not really an expert on the Xbox VPU, but it's something along the lines of a GeForce 3/4Ti hybrid. Based on the poor benchmark performance of the GeForce line, I would say that it wouldn't run very well at all, but I think the huge performance gap was while running in DX9. the Xbox uses DX8, where the performance gap between Nvidia and ATi was much smaller, so the performance could still be good. Plus, if Valve decides to put all the coders on "porting" duty, they would really fine-tune the engine to run well on the Xbox hardware, which would make it run a lot better than the PC version on a GeForce 4. I need not remind everyone of how good Halo 2 looks...
Razorscott2YK said:
In the end it comes down to what people want.

If you want the best graphics with the best sound etc and have the huge wads of cash to back it up, then the PC is your obvious choice.-Razor2YK...

are you retarted? you call side panel speakers "best sound"? iv got my xbox hooked up to surrounded sound speakers.
I really dont know why they havent yet made a video game consel that is pretty much a pc but its only made for gaming. it would be so much more powerfull then all the other consels
Because it won't work?
Consoles are instant action. Put the game and play. A modular system would need hardware updates with newer games coming.
Actually, I'm pretty sure a couple of companies are doing what jacksel suggested... I'm pretty sure that Phantom is like that... and there are a couple of others...
jacksel92 said:
are you retarted? you call side panel speakers "best sound"? iv got my xbox hooked up to surrounded sound speakers.

not all PC speakers are side panels, newbie. look at these.
Brian Damage said:
Actually, I'm pretty sure a couple of companies are doing what jacksel suggested... I'm pretty sure that Phantom is like that... and there are a couple of others...

Phantom, my favorite. :)
Turns out it's probably real after all... all the secrecy was apparently some sort of tactic to get investors interested...
Phantom? The console with 50000 games that will never be released?
I heard, in the office there is an angry guy who answer the calls :O ;)
Those pc-console hybrids won't ever sell good.

forgot to say, the angry guy is alone in this office.
Pobz said:
I hope there is a HL2 port on the Xbox. I like to play games from the sofa on my 32" widescreen.
Or you could just connect your TV to your Video Card. That is, if you have one that isn't integrated...