Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Released

urseus said:
Once again, Valve times its huge releases in perfect tandom with Australian gamers.

Its 5pm here now. A long nite of quality gaming to come. Thankyou valve for finally thinking of a land down under. Where women blow and men chunder.

It's 9:30pm here in Valveland - Tuesday :)
Calm down guys. Seriously, if it's steam the thing won't work for 2 hours. Just wake up tommorow, it'll work properly.

Seriously, my hl2 didn't work for 3 hours, but I didn't start crying like a baby instantly. That's what all of you are good at. Just have patience.
What a horrible day I picked to reformat and setup a dual boot system! :p

Thank you very much, Cliffe! :)
slightlyretarded said:
who cares about australia, we're ****ign americans all we give a shit is about ourselves GOD DAMNIT VALVE LET US PLAY

Dude...you are annoying as hell, please shut up. :E
hot diggity damn.... i just killed a man with a barrel, then the server shut down. must have been out of spite.

SixThree said:
It's 9:30pm here in Valveland - Tuesday :)
Exactly, bad time. We have the best time, because were all finishing work. I wouldnt be able to play it if i lived at that timezone.
Check their status page, I think we just killed them.

Yeah, not working for me too. *cries!*
yeah its past my bed time but im a ****ing rebel and i rule at everything so once again, eat my cock
slightlyretarded said:
yeah its past my bed time but im a ****ing rebel and i rule at everything so once again, eat my cock

Again, another statement to prove your name really is true.
Wow! Congrats Valve, you really know how to make your customers happy...:-)
Well I got Dm to work, I don't know how... But my Hl2 and CS:s still do not work, I think it is because they need to be validated again. Does anyone know how to validate Hl2 and CS:S?
RogueForce said:
Well I got Dm to work, I don't know how... But my Hl2 and CS:s still do not work, I think it is because they need to be validated again. Does anyone know how to validate Hl2 and CS:S?

Go to steam news section of their website,its there.
the validation didn't work for me. I deleted everything and reinstalling. It's 4am here and I have about 3 hours to wait for it to finish :( Dammit I was SOOO stinkin excited and now this has to happen..
I played deathmatch! And it owns! :D

There wasn't many lag that I espected with these physics and such...

This is a great deathmatch! It ****ing OWNS!!!

GJ Valve!
Damn, it plays for an hour or so on my rig and then just freezes. Ridiculous.
DM was cool though. The sound was still buggy for me (Sb live 5.1) and it was kinda laggy but i managed to kill someone with a chair the breif moment i was in. hehe its so late now I don't want to get involved or I wont get any sleep
Hehe, Valve's complete team just owned the entire community and just about all of the game magazines. Wonderfull!
Well hello, heres a notice HL2DM changes several configs in for HL2 which causes the other source programs to Crash/not work at all. Do not Download Or use HL2DM unless you plan on reinstalling with out HL2DM
those people who cant get it working, seriously, dont have a sad at it just wait till you can play it. I was playing it and it KICKS ASS!!!! I didnt notice lag anymore than any other online game, and its fast paced and fun and jesus it is awesome. They also made some weapons WAY more accurate than they were in the single player, and plasma balls are like, the best weapon :D
thankyou valve i love you this RULES!!!! I hope soon there'll be more than 2 maps but.... damn... ive never had so much fun in a dm
well im hoping this will be fixed by the time i get home from work, cause i really wanna play
fantasiser said:
those people who cant get it working, seriously, dont have a sad at it just wait till you can play it. I was playing it and it KICKS ASS!!!! I didnt notice lag anymore than any other online game, and its fast paced and fun and jesus it is awesome. They also made some weapons WAY more accurate than they were in the single player, and plasma balls are like, the best weapon :D
thankyou valve i love you this RULES!!!! I hope soon there'll be more than 2 maps but.... damn... ive never had so much fun in a dm

Does your Hl2 or CS:S work as well?
HLdm is ok i never liked it back in HL but im willing to try it :) wheres the damn css updates
DM in low ping servers absolutely rocks. Although I would have liked more DM specific maps instead of single player maps. Still cool it is.
frusion said:
HLdm is ok i never liked it back in HL but im willing to try it :) wheres the damn css updates
This goes far beyond anything in original HL deathmatch. Respect the gravgun.
Can someone please post up some images?

I'm in London, and don't finish work for four more hours...