Half-Life 2 Delay Discussion Thread

Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Half-Life 2 + Radeon 9900 pro :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Yes, indeed :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

I find it most curious that all named sources have contradicted the delay rumor which seems to have originated with anonymous contacts of unknown veracity.

Another bit of promising news - in the "Info from Valve ONLY" sticky thread, there's this exchange:
In this screenshot
the shadows on the wall are very pixelated, Unless Source does things compleatly different from every game out there, its due to a low-res lightmap.
Is source capable of high-res light maps like the Unreal engion, and if yes, is it something that has to be changed while making the map, or can be changed "On the fly" from a settings menu?

Thank you for your time,


Gabes reply:
you can set lightmap density per face

it's set by the mapper

the example you show is the kind of thing we're cleaning up now (i.e. it's ugly and needs to be higher-res)
So it sounds to me like if they're going through and cleaning things up (which they've said is one of the last things they'll do), they're very, very close to finishing the game. So if there is any truth to the delay rumor, it's strictly coming from Vivendi Universal and not Valve!
This is ****ed-up, nothing good is coming out for a while now ..... **** now wait few months more for anything good to play.
So what is the release date now ?
Originally posted by Acidtrip
This is ****ed-up, nothing good is coming out for a while now ..... **** now wait few months more for anything good to play.
So what is the release date now ?

.... That would be September 30th. Like they've been saying. PAY ATTENTION!!!

:eek: Sorry, i get snappy when i'm tired >.>
Originally posted by Chazz
.... That would be September 30th. Like they've been saying. PAY ATTENTION!!!

:eek: Sorry, i get snappy when i'm tired >.>

So its due next month on the 30th yet its been delyed huh, thats makes no sense :dozey:
Originally posted by Acidtrip
So its due next month on the 30th yet its been delyed huh, thats makes no sense :dozey:

Nothing was ever delayed, the whole thing was a publicity stunt.
The delay rumor came from an unnamed source and goes against everything Valve has been saying up to this point. The only named sources seem to indicate there is no delay.

Make of that what you will.
ATI 9900 bundle with HL2


Does anyone think anything speacial about this New ATI 9900 bundle includeing Half-Life 2?

I have a MSI KT3 Ultra Mobo and a MSI Geforce4 4600.

ATI is shipping with its new 9900 Pro the very eagerly awaited Half-Life 2. Nvidia is reported as haveing problems with the Anti-Ailiasing in HL2 and a Patch for the Nvidia cards wont fix this, seeing as its a Hardware issue.....somthing about Direct-X 9 hardware or lack of on the Nvidia, but the 9900 Pro supports.

do i really need AA in the game.......
I would hate to dish out another $400.+/- on a new card.
well, first of all, AA has been fixed on all cards now

and second, you probably won't be able to turn on any AA anyway with a 4600, i would know, i used to have one
I hate lies

Listen to this...

Half-Life 2 Ship Date [Jul 31, 2003 : 02:56 pm]
129 Comments - Steve Gibson
Well now isnt this just an interesting turn of events. As I'm sure many of you recall a couple other places were reporting that Half-Life 2 had been delayed and we had this silly idea that it wasnt even though the reports were coming from Vivendi themselves. But guess what, after what can only be called just a tad of confusion it seems Vivendi has a new stance, here's the quote from lead PR at Vivendi working on Half-Life 2 thanks to Evil Avatar:

Valve is still working toward the Sept.30 ship date.

Given Valve's uncharacteristic quietness on this, I can think of only one thing. Valve is working hard on hitting that shipping date and they still feel they can hit it, but perhaps they shared with Vivendi that there is a possibility of them missing that date, and things got misintepreted from there. There is always the possibility of missing a ship date though, but if Vivendi is going back on earlier statements then there must be at least some confidence that Valve can still hit that target date. If we ever get any kind of on the record statement from Valve we'll be sure to let you guys know.


We have now managed to chat with Ms. Farris over the phone who confirmed that Valve is still planning to ship Half-Life 2 on Sept. 30. She also called the previous news on its delay from the other major gaming web sites "a miscommunication".
There is just too much proof that it was all Bull-Shiat!


"I have recieved word that the gold date for Half-Life 2 is September 13th. Expect to see warez copies of HL2 widely available before the september 30th relese date. By the way, the delay of HL-2 was just miscommunication between Vivendi and VALVe, so apparently the release date is september 30th, unless VALVe makes an announcement of a delay in the near future"
Correct I just read a post about the AA being fixed.


Thanx for the update.
And why doesnt AA work on my 4600?

honestly i havent payed much attention to that setting, but its good knowing Valve has fixed yet another issue and is listening to Comunity.

and i gotta say "DAMN!" have you all seen the Mods Already in the makeing for HL2?


I know hte SDK was released to select MOD teams before game even went GOLD, but WOW! HL2 is gonna be DA ShizNiaK!

heh, it better be for all the Hype.

What kinda pisses me off is that I've been playing Battlefield 1942 mods like crazy, mainly Desert Combat and now the new StarWars one "Galactic Conquest"........hmmm..... AND DICE STILL HASNT PUT OUT THEIR SDK!
Man that gets my goat, or Lama/Camel what ever part of the hemisphere you are located.
i can bet you money that this isnt true but im not. first off doom was just delayed to jan. do to competion from hl2. from tech tv:cheers:
trust me i know gamepro is a big site and im hoping there wrong but im pretty sure that its not delayed.
with the 4600, AA came at such a performance hit that it simply wasn't worth it, i mean, even 2x AA simply killed my game
I play most games with 4x AA on my 4600, and I can't really notice a big fps drop.
yeah, but i'm willing to bet none of them are very current, i.e. BF1942, AA, UE2003
UT2003 gives me some 50-60 fps with everything on max (you know, when the comentator says "holy sh*t!"), well, except when I get more than 10 charcters really close (rare) or in one of the new oficial maps, irondeity or something. I'll probably end up buying a new card towards the end of the year, so if my 4600 won't give me cuality, it won't be for long. Of course, this thing is "slightly" overclocked.
Originally posted by -BloodStripe-
There is just too much proof that it was all Bull-Shiat!
The biggest proof is the fact that the delay rumor kind of came out of the blue and directly contradicted everything Valve had officially and specifically stated.
It wasn't a rumour. Vivendi did say it, but then retracted it.

Valve or Vivendi haven't really said anything official against the report. Maybe it's going to be out early and they are keeping it a surprise. That would be lovely. It would explain why they haven't said "Still on track for 30th September". But it's very unlikely.
Well, Vivendi said it was a miscommunication. The most likely scenario is that somebody somewhere said, "The game will be out Holiday 2003" and another party, not realizing that September 30/October 1 technically marks the beginning of the holiday season, assumed the game was being delayed and mentioned that Half-Life 2 had been "pushed back to a Holiday 2003 release" when the fact is, the game hasn't been delayed at all and will in fact be available in time for the holidays.

Of course, I do like the early release theory. Maybe Valve said, "Half-Life 2 will ship a month early." and Vivendi thought they said, "It will ship a month later." Yeah.
Wow, Valve is releasing Half-Life 2 a month earlier! At least thats what the rumor mill is putting out. I heard it from a guy on a message board, who read an article on a website that got an E-mail from Valve. Cool huh?

See, this is how rumors get started.
Gabe Newell hasn't exactly instilled us with a lot of confidence of late. His outright refusal to comment on the delay rumor is most suspicious. If there is no delay, why doesn't he just come right out and say, "Half-Life 2 is not delayed."? I think that's what has people most frustrated.

At this point there are three possibilities:

1) The game is delayed or at least has the possibility of missing its deadline and Gabe Newell is embarrassed to admit it after making such a big deal about the September 30 release date.

2) The game will come out when promised and Gabe Newell simply doesn't feel like answering dozens of "When is the game coming out?" e-mails every day.

3) The game is coming out early and they want to keep it a surprise.

While option 3 is a fanboy dream, options 1 and 2 are distinct possibilities and you could make strong arguments for either one. The only way to resolve this confusion is if Valve makes a definitive unambiguous statement or the game is released, which ever comes first.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Gabe Newell hasn't exactly instilled us with a lot of confidence of late. His outright refusal to comment on the delay rumor is most suspicious. If there is no delay, why doesn't he just come right out and say, "Half-Life 2 is not delayed."? I think that's what has people most frustrated.

At this point there are three possibilities:

1) The game is delayed or at least has the possibility of missing its deadline and Gabe Newell is embarrassed to admit it after making such a big deal about the September 30 release date.

2) The game will come out when promised and Gabe Newell simply doesn't feel like answering dozens of "When is the game coming out?" e-mails every day.

3) The game is coming out early and they want to keep it a surprise.

While option 3 is a fanboy dream, options 1 and 2 are distinct possibilities and you could make strong arguments for either one. The only way to resolve this confusion is if Valve makes a definitive unambiguous statement or the game is released, which ever comes first.

I don't think it's an embarassment issue...what's the point of not saying a release date just because you're embarassed that you wre wrong??? That doesn't seem like Gabe's style. I could see a variation of number 1 where he doesn't want to say anything because it's still up in the air or because he's not allowed to because of pending discussions between VU and Valve...
Yeah, I think they may be having alittle struggle between VU. I mean it would make sense for Gabe to just stand up and say it wasn't delayed, but if he did I think he would be talking to VU.
Other software companies, like ID software, 3D Realms and Epic were probably shaking in their boots when they saw the E3 trailer. This has to be a great feeling for you guys?

Right now we just worry about shipping and living up to the communities expectations.

Ok, i'm looking at the answer from Gabe here, obviously with all crunch times they are going to be worried about shipping, but perhaps they mentioned that because although they are on target for a sept 30th release, something may have changed in the game development cycle that brought the "gold date" a little too close to the release.

Or more specificly, something MAY happen that MIGHT change the gold date.

Now think Chinese whispers, and to vivendi this sounds like a delay, so they go and accidently release a statement that its delayed by a few weeks, rather than waiting on confirmation, which may be why they then state it was a "miscommunication" when they retracted it.

****i'm reposting this here instead of the link further up so i can point out the part referring to possible delays****
I think he's using the term "worry" in the figurative sense. For instance, somebody asks, "What's for dinner?" and you say, "Let's worry about lunch for now." It doesn't mean you're literally worried, just that it's your primary focus for the time being.

Re. my saying he's embarrassed: O.K., that may be too strong a word, but I'm sure he'd really rather not have to confirm a delay seeing as he all but guarenteed the game would be out September 30.
Now here is some excellent news. In the "Info from Valve only" thread, Gabe dropped this little nugget of information:
Question: At the moment are you done with the major content of the game and just making some last minute finishing touches or is there still some way to go?

Gabe: Finishing up.
So it looks like "the conditions could hardly be more ideal" for a September 30 release! If rumor is to be believed, the gold date is going to be around September 13, which means they still have a month to go before they have to wrap things up completely. This is very good news indeed!
yes it is my little mountain friend. Hopefully by the end of this month, all videos will be out, maybe some new screenshots, all art released, uh in about 1 1/2 weeks the new pc gamer is coming out and its going to talk about HL2's multiplayer i believe and tons of new 411 on HL2. So pick that issue up soon. So yeah maybe a HL2 Gone Gold September 13th release date and we should be on our way. Now if we could only hear something about TF2.
Haha, I knew it. On Sept. 13 all those gaming websites are gona end up looking pretty dumb.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, MY GOSH WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO? CONCENTRATE ON SCHOOL WORK? DAD GUMMIT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, well, i guess i should spend that $50 bucks i was saving for hl2 and save up later
Originally posted by tokin
in about 1 1/2 weeks the new pc gamer is coming out and its going to talk about HL2's multiplayer i believe and tons of new 411 on HL2. So pick that issue up soon.
This is your wish-list, yes? Or are you basing this on flimsy fact?
Meh...I'm only going to believe that there's a horrible delay if Valve tells us....
Indeed, I've been lurking at these forums long enough to doubt every piece of HL2 info unless it can be directly attributed to something someone at Valve has said.

Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up on the new rumour currently being churned out.
Originally posted by BloodyL
Sorry to be a necromancer here, but yet another delay rumour has surfaced.
This time from a gamenews site called evilavatar.
They claim that an "inside source" has revealed that the release date has been pushed back to January 2004.

Here's the URL: http://www.evilavatar.com/modules.p...e=article&sid=673&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
Does anybody else find it odd that only anonymous "inside sources" are predicting doom and gloom while all named sources seem to indicate there is no delay?