Half-Life 2 Delay Discussion Thread

I also think this is not about bugs, its about money.

The whole AA thing has already been resolved.

This is all about maximizing the profits of two games.

CZ and HL2.

To which I say **** the publisher and release it on steam.
Originally posted by razorbill
At French VU's offices, it's official that HL2 is delayed..

Link, statement, quote?

Again, not another she said, he said.
Originally posted by razorbill
At French VU's offices, it's official that HL2 is delayed..
Yeah, well, what do the French know.

(Oops...did I say that out loud?)
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Yeah, well, what do the French know.

(Oops...did I say that out loud?)
something wrong with french people, mate ?
You know exactly what he is talking about...unless you have been living on a rock...

Anyway, I have now contacted Gabe, Doug and a PR person at Vivendi Games and I will let you all know if anything surfaces.
I still have no word back from any of them and doubt I will get word. If I don't get word back, I must assume that a delay is in the talks....but they can't tell the public yet.
Originally posted by d8cam
I still have no word back from any of them and doubt I will get word. If I don't get word back, I must assume that a delay is in the talks....but they can't tell the public yet.

I still think its:

Vivendi: We're gonna delay it.

Valve: The hell you are.

*Giant arguement insues*
This is taken from www.shacknews.com

"here's the quote from lead PR at Vivendi working on Half-Life 2 thanks to Evil Avatar:

Valve is still working toward the Sept.30 ship date

Given Valve's uncharacteristic quietness on this, I can think of only one thing. Valve is working hard on hitting that shipping date and they still feel they can hit it, but perhaps they shared with Vivendi that there is a possibility of them missing that date, and things got misintepreted from there. There is always the possibility of missing a ship date though, but if Vivendi is going back on earlier statements then there must be at least some confidence that Valve can still hit that target date."

So there we go.. keep those fingers crossed.

I can understand VU's standpoint if the reason for the delay is, in fact, to generate as much sales as possible from CS:CZ. Think about it, CS:CZ isn't by any means top of the line. Actually, from the looks of it, it's very dated. I wouldn't see any reason to buy CS:CZ (not that I have alot of incentive now) seeing as there is a shiny new engine in hl2 coming out in a few weeks after CS:CZ's release. So why wouldn't they push back CS:CZ instead of Hl2? Because who the hell would buy CS:CZ when there too busy with hl2. :p
the delay's fine by me.

it'll give me time to get bored of KOTOR and HALO

if it came out too early, it'll just screw me over when University starts and i'll end up dropping out, then becoming a male stripper going by the name of "hot rod" or something.


that's disturbing me now...
Originally posted by Jackl
I still think its:

Vivendi: We're gonna delay it.

Valve: The hell you are.

*Giant arguement insues*

thats probualy right. I think valve wants to release it on the date but vindendi is being gay and doesn't want to. But i think valve will win the arguement

And i don't think that the HL2 team would wait longer just for money. The HL2 team and most of valves games are made to please the fans that play the games. Not because of money but the fans.
Originally posted by kohoyin
the delay's fine by me.

it'll give me time to get bored of KOTOR and HALO

if it came out too early, it'll just screw me over when University starts and i'll end up dropping out, then becoming a male stripper going by the name of "hot rod" or something.


that's disturbing me now...

I think it's disturbing us all!

At least I hope it is!
Or it could be a simple case of Vivendi second guessing Valve as opposed to Valve dropping hints that they wouldn't make the promised date.

Still not sure why Valve won't just say something and clear all this up.
No offense to our Eropean friends here, but could it be the the worldwide retail release is scheduled for December, while US retail release is Sept. 30? Thats wouldn't be too bad. :)
lot of french fan sites think about it.. no worldwide release..
O.K., here's the most promising news I've seen yet:
We have now managed to chat with Ms. Farris over the phone who confirmed that Valve is still planning to ship Half-Life 2 on Sept. 30. She also called the previous news on its delay from the other major gaming web sites "a misscommunication".

Man, am I keeping my fingers crossed that this is legit!
If it does turn out its not delayed I'm personally sending several people at PHL an email saying they should get a reliable source other than the janitor:cheese:
I must say this is a very tense community, u just have to sneeze the word delay and every site is writing its own news post about it.

However this homeLAN post is the most encouraging, and PHL are about as accurate as a patriot missile, (bit of british humor there)
Oh, I am eagerly awaiting the spectacle as PHL is forced to eat crow. They have been particularly smug about this the past couple of days.
I cant stand it!!!!!!!


Really I cant stand this waiting.
I guess ill keep playing Battlefield 1942 with the DC mod till HL2 comes out.
Ill get TRON 2.0 Aug 26th when it comes out to hold me over, but nothing is gonna be like HL2 i can feel it.
I'm not planning on getting any FPS's prior to Half-Life 2 just because I know none of them will satisfy me. It's like waiting for a new album from your favorite band but having to settle for a cover band in the mean time. It just leaves you empty.
Also would set a great precedent. Could always deny news I don't like.

Guy: Well gamespy/Spot/whatever said blah blah isn't coming out!!!
Me: Well that what they said about HL2 as well, top notch reporting don't you think?
Originally posted by Jackl
Also would set a great precedent. Could always deny news I don't like.

Guy: Well gamespy/Spot/whatever said blah blah isn't coming out!!!
Me: Well that what they said about HL2 as well, top notch reporting don't you think?

Haha, I pray to god this is true....I can't wait till the holiday season. I need it now and by now I mean by September 30 Godd***it!
right now id be happy with a confirmation of a possible confirmation this week.
You know what? I think I will start smoking after all that delay crap will be finished. Too much stress, need a life. Let’s hope Homeland is right.. better be or I will suicide-bomb VU office.
Gabe has said several times that there would be one worldwide release, even if it was only available in some places via Steam.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
No offense to our Eropean friends here, but could it be the the worldwide retail release is scheduled for December, while US retail release is Sept. 30? Thats wouldn't be too bad. :)

Switch the dates around and we'll see how bad you think it would be, my American friend.
hey were all gamers here... i would love for it to be a worldwide release cuz then the talented modders in the other countries will have the oppurtunity to start pushing out content :)
Can you imagine the warez scene if it wasnt a worldwide release? Valve cant be that stupid?
Warez scene explosion. Internet shops' shipping costs explosion. Valve offices explosion.
lol i remember operation flashpoint got released in europe first, and didnt make it to america till us euros had finished reporting all the bugs, 6 months later.
I think I'll start a Drink-in.
Yep, im gonna sit right here not move and just keep drinking beer till the damn game comes out!!!!!!!!

Thats it! now I got my self all worked up again!!!
~reaches for another 40~
heehee =-P
Man I'm glad I was wrong...

But I have a sneaking suspision I'm still right. Here's to hoping I'm still wrong. No word from Gabe yet troubles me.....

[email protected]
They could be waiting for the rumor to blow over on its own so they can concentrate on getting the game out on time.
Originally posted by Lobster
I must say this is a very tense community, u just have to sneeze the word delay and every site is writing its own news post about it.

However this homeLAN post is the most encouraging, and PHL are about as accurate as a patriot missile, (bit of british humor there)


Made me think that all of our guessing on why it's possibly been delayed is almost comparative to why we went to War with Iraq.. that's Iraq not I-raq (a bit more British humour there)

We even have the French arguing with the Americans, lol this is great.

PHL has done little to nothing to encourage me to check their site. i'm not really sure what they are trying to achieve at all with their asinine and childish comments.
I have read in many sites, and I saw it on TV game-network TV. that HL2 will be shiped for PC on the 30-09-03.

I am very happy now.:bounce:
Here's what "fragmaster" over at PHL had to say:
Sorry to be such a jerk about this, but if Half-Life 2 comes out the 30th, I'll dress up as Gordon Freeman, pass out free copies of HL2 on the street while profusely apologizing, videotape it, and post the humiliating results online for everybody to laugh at. Deal?
I can't wait to see the video! I only wish I knew where he was handing out the free copies cause I'd love to snag me one!
Here is a bit of news that casts doubt that Half-Life 2 is delayed:-


This is what it says translated to English:-
ATI's next silicon creation, the Radeon 9900 pro, appears in September 2003 together with Half-Life 2. This announces the GameStar in its current expenditure, which appears on 6 August. After GameStar searches diagram map manufacturers plan to bundle their Radeon 9900pro plates in the USA with the 3D-Shooter Half-Life 2. Its momentarily valid gold date (time of the completion) is 13 September 2003, which contradicts the extension of deadline speculations of the last days. Besides this moves the "errors with Nvidia maps" - discussion into a new light, because a strategic partnership behind the technical problems probably is to not insignificant parts. Further details to the Radeon 9900 pro and Half-Life 2 read you in the GameStar 09/2003.

So ATi seem to think HL2 is on schedule.