Half-life 2 doesnt look speicial anymore since far cry is out


Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
well i hate to say it but hl2 doesnt look so amazing anymore coz far cry has pretty much all the stuff that we were looking forward to in hl2. i am not comparing the games coz hl2 isnt out yet but i am just saying if u r really looking forwarad for the awesopm physics and the awesom graphics well far cry has them both along with an amazing singleplayer , but the multiplayer is pretty shitty for far cry.
Yes, farcry is good, but HL2 and Doom 3 and STALKER imho (from what I have seen) are going to be more fun than Far Cry. I do agree though that Farcry looks and feels awesome, but I dunno, just something about it that doesnt catch my fancy.
Meh. Far Cry is okay, but it's no gaming messiah IMHO. It has a rather mediocre physics implementation, I think. I've really enjoyed the game up until now, but after a while it got to be like "Oh look, hooray. More crawling through bushes and ambushing islands from a boat. Three cheers for repetitive gameplay." I imagine I'll finish it sooner or later.

The Crytek engine does a great job of rendering long distances with aggressive LOD, but they really overdo the specular map on absolutely everything. And the models move rather stiffly, a problem which Half-Life 2 does not seem to have. I'm looking forward to a time when game designers really begin to use shaders in a more subtle, unobtrusive way to actually pull off graphic effects with finesse.
The graphics of that game was good, SP gameplay also good. But also has B-movie dialogs, so-so voice over, so-so multiplayer options, system hog.
-it's physics are pretty much nothing more than an effect, don't affect gameplay that much, and sort of clunky and not often used on objects
-it's gameplay is a little repetative and one note after you get used to the greatness of the big open levels
-the AI is nothing too special "where are you! where are you!? where are you!,?" and most of the enemies are the same for most of the game
-it's graphics and art don't really seem to match HL2's in diversity, creativity, or complexity

= nah
mad max said:
Then don't buy the game when it come out.

if u r gonna reply , then say something smart! i am not dissing hl2 i am big fan , im just saying my opinion
I guess I still feel like Half-Life 2 has plenty of special things in store for us in terms of everything from graphics to gameplay. We'll find out eventually, won't we? ;-)
Silent_night said:
if u r gonna reply , then say something smart! i am not dissing hl2 i am big fan , im just saying my opinion

Something smart? What you said was obviously stupid. Don't come on a hl2 board and say something like that, you will get that exact answer.
puke, they are two different games in the same genre..

Stop comparing them.
I hate these kind of threads OMG FARCREH IS SO GEWD ACH EL 2 WILL BLO!!!!

no sorry, HL2 will pwn your pants off in your language
Silent_night said:
if u r gonna reply , then say something smart! i am not dissing hl2 i am big fan , im just saying my opinion
isnt what he said HIS opinion?
but he criticized his opinion.
In any case another important factor is that HL2 is scalable. And cheap bastards like myself who don't want to spend over the 50$ for the game can get away with playing on a radeon 9000 pro with 512mb of ram.

cheap ram. and the farcry demo: the polygons of the rocks and trees disappear and reapear ie. not getting game
My opinion is that farcry is on par with pacman compared to hl2/doom3/stalker.
crabcakes66 said:
My opinion is that farcry is on par with pacman compared to hl2/doom3/stalker.

:LOL: good thing I love pacman wick ooh wick ooh wick ooh wick ooh wick ooh wick ooh wick ooh wick ooh wick ooh
Apos said:
-it's physics are pretty much nothing more than an effect, don't affect gameplay that much, and sort of clunky and not often used on objects
-it's gameplay is a little repetative and one note after you get used to the greatness of the big open levels
-the AI is nothing too special "where are you! where are you!? where are you!,?" and most of the enemies are the same for most of the game
-it's graphics and art don't really seem to match HL2's in diversity, creativity, or complexity

= nah

Agreed. It's bad when I shoot an enemy soldier in the arm/leg repeatedly to kill him because he won't move from the supposed cover he's behind. The AI in HL is better.
farcry is a good game if you just lookin for somethin to keep you busy for a month but i hardly consider it worth 40$... the large island rendering is nice but it has cheap gore... you should know what i mean if you unloaded onto the shark in the beginning of "fort"... they cooda ATLEAST used havok physics and removeable limbs... comon... i shoot the guy 30 times in the head and its still thare, just a lot of blood decals on his head... ATLEAST ALOW CHUNKS TO FLY OFF...

comon here... farcry dousent even come close to hl2 or doom3... but stalker stinks from what ive seen
FarCry is a game done by an unexperienced team, so that's why it lacks some ingredients you don't code like graphics but do with your imagination (story, enviroment, gameplay, etc...). And that's why it won't be able to compete with HL2 and DOOM III in the final run. FarCry might have better graphics, but won't be a better game as a whole, that's for sure.
A.I. said:
FarCry is a game done by an unexperienced team, so that's why it lacks some ingredients you don't code like graphics but do with your imagination (story, enviroment, gameplay, etc...). And that's why it won't be able to compete with HL2 and DOOM III in the final run. FarCry might have better graphics, but won't be a better game as a whole, that's for sure.

thats no excuse! Valve was a unexperienced team either, and they made hl!
Far Cry isn't something incredible, it's more or less on par with top shooters this year (DIII, HL2, Stalker).
Cutey_Kaite said:
thats no excuse! Valve was a unexperienced team either, and they made hl!
The Valve team was taken from the best of the Q2 modding community. Unexperienced in buisiness, maybe, but that isn't relavent here.
Cutey_Kaite said:
thats no excuse! Valve was a unexperienced team either, and they made hl!

True, but HL was still better than Unreal, which had been released 6 months before and still had better graphics than HL. Crytek made FarCry but they failed to do it properly, due to their inexperience and probably lack of talent which obviously VALVe had already at the begining. It happens but it isn't nothing critical. I'm sure Crytek will learn much on this game and continue to do better and better.
Yeah and i think Far Cry 2 will be better if they decide to do a sequel.
Bought Far Cry, Beat Far Cry, made me want HL2 even more
If Crytek can pull off a game that good with a story as weak as that, then imagine HL2 :D. And the graphics are nice(best to date) but i think HL2's graphics are tons more realistic and better.
will we be able to remove chunks out of someones body in hl2?? i dont think we will....
make a mod if it bothers you that much, or quit being so ****ed up.
Seriussly, the main reason why alot people will buy HL2 is because of the engine.. The extreme amount of mods is enough even without the game.. Hell if there was a "HL2 engine" package without the game but allowed me to play mods I would get that..

And if you make a thread with your thoughts then get ready to have en trashed apart, otherwise you can just keep em to yourself..
I have to say, whilst I haven't played Far Cry, it seems a little hasty to claim Far Cry has already out-stripped it. We don't have all the details on HL2 and, even if you played the leak, we don't know how the final game will turn out. Who knows, maybe you'll be right, but it seems far too early to judge. Silly person.
Leneancy is somehting i need to learn, i simply go for the die die die anti HL2 man die...
el Chi said:
I have to say, whilst I haven't played Far Cry, it seems a little hasty to claim Far Cry has already out-stripped it. We don't have all the details on HL2 and, even if you played the leak, we don't know how the final game will turn out. Who knows, maybe you'll be right, but it seems far too early to judge. Silly person.

It should be the same the other way around as well. To the people in this thread that say, yeah Far Cry is ok, but HL2 will be better ...blah...blah..
Everything is just pure speculation. You can't really make an apples to apples comparison.

Why not wait until you've played through HL2 and/or Far Cry to make a judgement. Obviously most people on this forum will say HL2
Zapp$ter said:
It should be the same the other way around as well. To the people in this thread that say, yeah Far Cry is ok, but HL2 will be better ...blah...blah..
Everything is just pure speculation. You can't really make an apples to apples comparison.

Why not wait until you've played through HL2 and/or Far Cry to make a judgement. Obviously most people on this forum will say HL2
Exactly my point.

will we be able to remove chunks out of someones body in hl2?? i dont think we will.... - Tarkus
Well, there will be bullet wound decals, but I don't think we'll be reducing people to kebab meat, no. Who cares? Although, in the Bugbait video, the Antlions seemed to pop and get carved up by bullets quite well - especially by the turrets :)
Remeber a video when Gordon throws a grenade and the bad guy flies like 10 meters?
didnt lose any leg or show any kind of physical damage(the physics looks really good tho ;) ). That was before the code was stolen, when they claimed the game was near complete i believe, so an early build wouldnt be a scuse. I dont expect the game to be very gore, just see some blood when they get hit. I wish it was a point between a hl1 and soldier of fortune (that one was too exagerated imo)