HALF LIFE 2 FULL DEMO video from both BOOTHS

If we felt sorry for the zombies, imagine how it will be when humans or important characters will be dying in pain.... :o
sounds like you have a good host and a great Net connection. I needed that last night while I was uploading!
Edcrab said:
How long does it last, guys?
A lot.

Luckily I went to bed just before the FP file was released - otherwise I would have been tempted not to sleep at all.

I woke up at 10.30 AM and joined a FP queue. Geez, FP's estimate was a 109 minute wait and I got the file at 15:40: about 5 hours! And I was downloading at an average of 90 KB/s...

So good luck. As somebody has already said, there's light at the end of that tunnel...
Ok, this is probably a big ask, but if there's anyone in australia with the vid, could you possibly please B+P (Blank and Postage) me this vid? PM me if so... I'd be most grateful, I'd even find a way to repay you. Thanks in advance.
FuNkYViNcE said:
If we felt sorry for the zombies, imagine how it will be when humans or important characters will be dying in pain.... :o
Probably bad enough to make the German government go ape-shit.
Someone is telling me IGN got a better quality movie then the one of Fileplanet.com, is that true? And when that is true, how big is that file size?

I can't download it from IGN because you have to be an insider...
i am onto around 50% done on dling this 600mb movie!

I so cant wait to see the second presintation on this 600mb movie!

i seen the first but not the second. does anyone know if it shows alot on the second presintation?
sharp said:
Someone is telling me IGN got a better quality movie then the one of Fileplanet.com, is that true? And when that is true, how big is that file size?

I can't download it from IGN because you have to be an insider...

IGN and FilePlanet have merged. If you try to dl anything from IGN you will get a nice link to fileplanet.
sharp said:
Someone is telling me IGN got a better quality movie then the one of Fileplanet.com, is that true? And when that is true, how big is that file size?

I can't download it from IGN because you have to be an insider...

The quality is much, much, MUCH better, sound quality is better. The file size is around 700 mb unzipped. It's an .mov file.
Great, why did I go to bed when I did? Im not very trusting of torrents and im only on a 150k connection, so i'll be on fileplanet for a while!

Im not complaining though, the queue has actually gone quite quickly. What am I now... 1213th. Great.
I'm just read the new download links at the news site and there is a text: ". I cannot vouch for these links, I don't know if they're any good and how long they'll be up for." I'm writting from Hungary, and because i work for a hl2 page (www.half-life2.hu), i know a lot of informations about these links and home pages:

The first is an official CS homepage in Hungary. This download link will be ok for a very long time, and they have good servers!
The second is a personal ftp, and maybe the file deleted soon
The third is a very reliable homepage. One of the most popular gamer site in hungary, the link will be good for long months.

And i offer you a new link, also a hungarian link, check out, it works: http://www.gamedox.hu/index.php?page=download&id=1074
cEx said:
I'm just read the new download links at the news site and there is a text: ". I cannot vouch for these links, I don't know if they're any good and how long they'll be up for." I'm writting from Hungary, and because i work for a hl2 page (www.half-life2.hu), i know a lot of informations about these links and home pages:

The first is an official CS homepage in Hungary. This download link will be ok for a very long time, and they have good servers!
The second is a personal ftp, and maybe the file deleted soon
The third is a very reliable homepage. One of the most popular gamer site in hungary, the link will be good for long months.

And i offer you a new link, also a hungarian link, check out, it works: http://www.gamedox.hu/index.php?page=download&id=1074
Thanks for that information cEx, I'll update the news immediately.
Apos said:
Second of all, who knows when they changed the buggy.

in an interview after E3 Gabe said that they had since E3 optimized certain models, the Buggy being the most obvious (he claimed it was drastically reduced in polys)
however one would assume optimization would include overal shape/poly count, rather than just stripping pieces completely.

not that it matters, Im not really insinuating that Valve have lied to us (thats silly and naive) Im simply stating it odd, that they decided to use that version of the buggy.

its just not as aesthetically pleasing as the previous E3 version (IMO)
sharp said:
Someone is telling me IGN got a better quality movie then the one of Fileplanet.com, is that true? And when that is true, how big is that file size?

I can't download it from IGN because you have to be an insider...

I've just downloaded the Insider videos.. here's what I can tell

The resolution is 640 x 480, but the camera isn't as perfectly centered as the FilePlanet video. The camera's colors seem more true and the audio a bit crisper, though

Check the attachment for what the IGN video looks like


  • ign.JPG
    46.2 KB · Views: 289
Marius said:
The link works, but at a measly 500 bytes/Sec

Should have the video downloaded by the time HL2 is actually released!

These links are came from big gamer sites, but tomotrrow there will be excellent personal downloads....
I can't believe it, first I get to 14% then it fails, then I get to 56% and it fails, then I get to 58% and Firebird tells me I havn't got enough room on D:, when I'm saving to M:, I mean I love firebird but that bug needs sorting!! I'm now back to 4% :frown:
What player i need to view this new 600+mb lol ?

QuikTime and WindowsMediaPlayer arent working with it

realy starting to piss me off :laugh: , im dense about videos btw, u can probly tell :D
oMarKs said:
I can't believe it, first I get to 14% then it fails, then I get to 56% and it fails, then I get to 58% and Firebird tells me I havn't got enough room on D:, when I'm saving to M:, I mean I love firebird but that bug needs sorting!! I'm now back to 4% :frown:

If your getting all these fails, you dont have enough HD space...
Could the people who have the video already (if any) get on Kazaa (Lite) and start sharing it?

You see, BitTorrent is "tit-for-tat" and my upload is capped very low by my cable provider which means it will take quite a while longer to download than it should. And FilePlanet has like a five hour WAIT and the other hosts are either full or even slower than BT. So I would really appreciate it if someone would do this for me.
Mr. Redundant said:
in an interview after E3 Gabe said that they had since E3 optimized certain models, the Buggy being the most obvious (he claimed it was drastically reduced in polys)
however one would assume optimization would include overal shape/poly count, rather than just stripping pieces completely.

not that it matters, Im not really insinuating that Valve have lied to us (thats silly and naive) Im simply stating it odd, that they decided to use that version of the buggy.

its just not as aesthetically pleasing as the previous E3 version (IMO)

Well, I think that it does lack the hood, but it's now probably way easier to see where you're going.

Also, there were a lot of kinda useless polies on the last version. They had modeled electrical wires attached to the rollcage, and even the tape that stuck them on. Not exactly useful stuff. It was a nice touch, but a poly waste.
Finally got my video earlier this morning..... I've been to busy watching it to post, all I have to say is...

amneziac85 said:
If your getting all these fails, you dont have enough HD space...

I have 1.4 gig free, but I'm clearing some space on my windows drive (even though thats not where I'm dl it too) anyway.

Ps I've since had another fail at 8% - this time I made the mistake of uninstalling some software which restarted my computer
THAT FULL MOVIE 696mb WAS FANTASIC!!!!!! the start on the train and goin in that room :O WOW

also the edited longer eli scene! WOW the animation when he holds aylx! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW SO WANT THIS GAME!

I bet valve will say the release date tomorrow at E3 on the LAST PRESINTATION well ok just got carried away then
I so wanna see this video, but I don't wanna spoil myself. IT'S HARD TO RESIST GODDAMNIT!!
CheapAssStrat said:
Could the people who have the video already (if any) get on Kazaa (Lite) and start sharing it?

You see, BitTorrent is "tit-for-tat" and my upload is capped very low by my cable provider which means it will take quite a while longer to download than it should. And FilePlanet has like a five hour WAIT and the other hosts are either full or even slower than BT. So I would really appreciate it if someone would do this for me.

Nevermind, I hammered my way onto a decent server. :cheers:
Seppo said:
I so wanna see this video, but I don't wanna spoil myself. IT'S HARD TO RESIST GODDAMNIT!!

damn, i know EXACTLY how you feel. have started the dl like 5 times and aborted it everytime after about 100mb :borg:
Wow I love the way you completely disreguarded my other thread that had the same exact link to the same exact info in it. I guess some people just can't resist being the center of attention....
oMarKs said:
I have 1.4 gig free, but I'm clearing some space on my windows drive (even though thats not where I'm dl it too) anyway.

Ps I've since had another fail at 8% - this time I made the mistake of uninstalling some software which restarted my computer

Most programs (for some reason) insist on DLing to your sys (C) drive first (unless you've manually changed your temp directories) and then copying from there to the final location. Make sure you have space on your sys drive AND the destination drive.
Am I missing something here? I know the demonstration vids are mainly for the benefit of those who went to E3 (the media, etc...), but why couldn't VALVe (or whoever) host the original .mov?? Why do we have to put up with 4-hour waits for blocky, blurry, shaky video-camera footage? I understand that we, the buyers-in-waiting of the game, will eventually get an original version, but it just seems so hypocritical.

Valve are supposed to be so enthusiastic about "the community" and stress to the media how important [we] are to them, yet we're always the last in line for any screenshots, newsbites, information, whatever... I understand that the press, paper or electronic, are important to the publisher and developer of any game and agree that they must have NDAs and secret previews of games, but IMO once news (or video, for example) has gone public then it should be up for general release.

Nevertheless, I've tried and been let down by the numerous links posted earlier in this thread, and decided to get in line for the FP file. I'm now in the top 950 people waiting in line, a mere 4 hours away from downloading. I already have the low quality ATi vid and was impressed, especially by the opening scene in the apartment block (the sad man peering out through the window, TV playing to otherwise bare, unfurnished rooms), so I guess the full clip has to be worth the wait - suppose I can entertain myself on SoF2 for a while...


** One concession I have to give is that they (VALVe) have been pretty good at responding to email queries sent in by fans - it's been good to see a steady flow of info in the stick thread above ^^^ - shame they couldn't stretch to giving this site the odd exclusive screenshot etc...

Wow - I just downloaded the whole 664 mb in only 8 minutes 10 seconds @ an average of 10.71 mbs off of fileplanet.

And what's even better is I didn't even have to wait one minute - they had just put up two new servers and I jumped on one immediately and my download started screamin!

Now I'm off to watch it!
LOL thanks for the heads-up - I was 900th in line on one of the other servers with 4 hours to go at the time of your message, now I'm down to 38 minutes... (the server now has over 650 in the queue!)


Valve will release the binks after E3, when those belgian students visited them a week or two back they said they were working on getting them on steam following the presentations.
Okay, this is kinda off topic, but on aswell...

I was downloading the large file from a good few mirrors with getright... (been at it for about 24 hours, and finally i was winning- it was on about 500 meg)... so i leave it... go downstairs... come back... and it's reset to about 2 meg... As you can guess I'm a little vexed... anyone know anything that can help me out I need to see this video =(