Half Life 2 Gold Date Tomorrow

"Valve remained tight lipped about Half-Life 2's release date at this week's press event. However, Gabe Newell, Valve's founder and managing director, did note that the Half-Life 2 benchmark program will be included in the box when the software does ship and that it will be distributed to the press on September 30. Taken in combination, these two bits of information make it doubtful that the game will ship on September 30, Valve's announced release date. "

are they idiots or did i miss something?? They say that Valve is including a benchmark in the box of HL2 and the benchmark will ship the 30th.. but then they say it's doubtful HL2 will reach the ship date? Uh wtf Gamespot? :(
It seems like Valve is hiding something about the release date. Either its for the good or bad. Either hell it may even come a few days earlier, or will be delayed.
I doubt they would release early, im going for 30th or less than a week after.....
...but mainly 30th:D
There's absolutely no reason for them to finish early. There's ALWAYS more that can be done, more that can be checked, more playtesting that can improve things.
theres no blacks in the mafia now shut ur mouth eminem wannabe...

its over k
were done...


Maybe Gabe told Vivendi to tell GameSpot that HL2 was delayed so we can play other things. THEN when it comes out on September 30th,everyone will be damned surprised! Maybe he's planning that!
Originally posted by LUSITANO
theres no blacks in the mafia now shut ur mouth eminem wannabe...

its over k
were done...

1) There are blacks in the mafia you fruit.

2) I'd rather be an eminem wannabe then some pussy ass hater.

Why you gotta talk shit? I thought we were over it. Get over me, I ain't your ex-girlfriend.

oh and if you'd know ANYTHING Three 6 Mafia is a ****in underground rap group. (black fools)
You think it takes 2 weeks to print up some CDs? Chances are box art is done...all they have to do is print everything up, put in a truck and it's at your door. 2 weeks...try 4-5 days from Gold to at your retailer.
i like how i click a on a thread, that has a subject. and i click to view the last page.. expecting to see something along the lines of the subject title... and i see 2 kids argueing about being black mafia's and talking shit..

Originally posted by Three6Mafia
1) There are blacks in the mafia you fruit.

2) I'd rather be an eminem wannabe then some pussy ass hater.

Why you gotta talk shit? I thought we were over it. Get over me, I ain't your ex-girlfriend.

oh and if you'd know ANYTHING Three 6 Mafia is a ****in underground rap group. (black fools)

Didn't Project Pat go to jail for shooting someone?
Originally posted by Apos
There's absolutely no reason for them to finish early. There's ALWAYS more that can be done, more that can be checked, more playtesting that can improve things.

If that was the case we wouldn't even have HL right now.
well.. i don't like saying it, but i am one of those people who believe hl2 is coming out on steam early(sept30th)... then in boxes a month later..
Originally posted by Quotidian---
well.. i don't like saying it, but i am one of those people who believe hl2 is coming out on steam early(sept30th)... then in boxes a month later..

But that is so bad marketing wise. I mean, if, IF Valve and Vivendi have a contract deal, thats totally screwing Vivendi over. They won't be making any profit share. By the time it hits store shelves, majority of the hard core gamers and enthusiats will have the game via Steam. Leaving the boxed version for scattered enthusiasts /casual - gamer shoppers.
Gabe said: steam and retail come out together. They are NOT going to do a release with only steam prior to when it is available in retail.
i guess man, but each day it looks more and more so that way...

cuase in my opinion boxes would have already had started being made by now.. and being shipped within the next few days.. cuase if you remeber its a world wide release...(maybe just means steam worldwide boxes usa. but who knows¿) and to generate the amount of boxes each retailer just in the U.S. alone is going to have ordered is going to take weeks alone to produce. and weeks to ship. i'd say 2 weeks minimum to ship. that alone right there makes sept. 30th seem very very unrealistic. even if it goes gold tomarrow, by what i'm saying.. it won't make sept. 30th.

thus if they are so hardcore yes you can get it sept. 30th.. i'm going with its going to be steam only. Which i refuse to pay for a game on-line and download it. i want hl2 in my hands in my cd player.
You gotta realize bro, the technology they have, can create a CD per SECOND. They can chunk out about a good couple hundred thousand or so a day or day and a half. Nevertheless, when that first few million ship to store to be put out on shelves, the CD's will still be kickin out for the next shipment.
WOW, this forum must suck your brain dry of any intelligent life. How the **** do you know they haven't already printed boxes? I mean seriously. And do you know how long it takes to print 100,000 of them on a modern day press? What about CDs? How long does that take all knowing genius? Why do you people talk about things you know nothing of. Seriously.

HL2 is NOT DELAYED <--Official. PHL and Fragmaster can go make babies in Valve's front lawn.
just SEEMS to late to get boxes on store shelves by sept. 30th.

and they would have announced its gone gold, which would mean production of boxes, and i never said i was all knowing. i started the f'ing paragraph with in my opinion for christs sakes.
Don't mind Infinity bro, your just stating your opinion. Printing of the boxes aren't too difficult either.
Well, I can't tell ya in Celcius, but in Farenheit, it runs around 102, and my Ram im not sure of, my case runs steady between 75 - 80 degrees. Why do you ask? lol
my cpu runs 75 F and my MB runs 91 F

i only have a side fan blowing in, and a back fan blowing out.. the fan on my cpu and the fan on my ati. (and the powersupply fan)

just curious, i was comparing are rigs :)
I have to rear fans blowing, three front fans intaking, one top fan intaking, and one fan on the window on the side intaking.
man, for some reason my comp runs so much cooler than everyone i know, and considering i only have 2 case fans.
Originally posted by Quotidian---
and they would have announced its gone gold

Um, no? Going gold is when the programming is finally wrapped up, the version is bumped up to 1.0 (if the company isn't a group of nitwits) and CDs start getting printed. Odds are, they've already printed about fourty bajillion (rough estimate) boxes, hell they probably even have all the CD inserts and everything made up too. All they need? Final release on the CD's.

Am I saying for SURE this is how it is? Of course not, I have no idea. But, if Vivendi has any clue what they're doing, which I'm guessing they DO, it's moooost likely right around the situation I layed out.

If Microsoft had got it their way, u will not even see Half-Life2 for PC this year. What u will see another stupid Xbox 'exclusive' title. U see Mircosoft have this little team, well actually its a sizable team, and their job is to basically sniff out promising games from other platforms, espcecially PC's. They go to the developer or publisher, more so the publisher knowing they are greedy bastards just like themselves. Anyway they go in, door shuts, discussions start, a suitcase gets layed on the table which happens to be packed with wads and wads and wads of money from a truly limitless source. The words gently float across the confernece room from the Xbox Game Aquisition Team to the suits from the PC publisher.."Hiya fellas, u will completely halt your little PC game, and start as of right now on 'our' new Xbox version. U will finish the Xbox version ASAP, then your free to do what u like. This game WILL BE an Xbox exclusive. Any complaints? weeell, feel free to open the suitcase then :)" The rest is almost inevitable.

Make NO mistake, dont think for a second that this Microsoft PC Game Saboteur Team is sitting idily by watching Half-Life 2 get built for PC and not Xbox. They would be all over Vivendi and Valve like a cheap suit, right from the onset of HL2 being announced. Im suprised Valve even gets any work done at all with the constant bickering from their publisher and publisher's new found friend. "U started the Xbox version yet? U started the Xbox version yet?!? It better be released before or at the VERY LEAST with the PC version!...u hear me! Theres ALOT of money at stake here!"

Xbox has few good games going for it, so basically this team has to 'steal' GREAT games. Considering they have access to unlimited funds, its not a hard thing for them to do. They well know that maximum profiting for the Xbox is built around stealing the best games from other platforms.

This is the reason HL2 will not make Sept 30. Do not underestimate the negotiating/aquisitioning power of M$. What u think Vivendi? am i on the money (no pun intended), hot or cold? Hmm?

Would someone from Valve like to come here and use up a precious 60 seconds of their time to refute these claims, to say that the release date is still solid? Anyone? Cmon 60 seconds, oh sorry is that too long perhaps? Silly me, i always ask for unreasonable things. Apologies.


Sorry had some to time to kill ya know. :)
Originally posted by Three6Mafia
1) There are blacks in the mafia you fruit.

2) I'd rather be an eminem wannabe then some pussy ass hater.

Why you gotta talk shit? I thought we were over it. Get over me, I ain't your ex-girlfriend.

oh and if you'd know ANYTHING Three 6 Mafia is a ****in underground rap group. (black fools)

they aint underground for one you dirty assed middle class white boy bitch

and for two quit talking in ebonics it hurts my brain you filthy white middle class bastard

p.s. im severly drunk and can still shut you down....go away
Originally posted by Sunbeam

If Microsoft had got it their way, u will not even see Half-Life2 for PC this year. What u will see another stupid Xbox 'exclusive' title. U see Mircosoft have this little team, well actually its a sizable team, and their job is to basically sniff out promising games from other platforms, espcecially PC's. They go to the developer or publisher, more so the publisher knowing they are greedy bastards just like themselves. Anyway they go in, door shuts, discussions start, a suitcase gets layed on the table which happens to be packed with wads and wads and wads of money from a truly limitless source. The words gently float across the confernece room from the Xbox Game Aquisition Team to the suits from the PC publisher.."Hiya fellas, u will completely halt your little PC game, and start as of right now on 'our' new Xbox version. U will finish the Xbox version ASAP, then your free to do what u like. This game WILL BE an Xbox exclusive. Any complaints? weeell, feel free to open the suitcase then :)" The rest is almost inevitable.

Make NO mistake, dont think for a second that this Microsoft PC Game Saboteur Team is sitting idily by watching Half-Life 2 get built for PC and not Xbox. They would be all over Vivendi and Valve like a cheap suit, right from the onset of HL2 being announced. Im suprised Valve even gets any work done at all with the constant bickering from their publisher and publisher's new found friend. "U started the Xbox version yet? U started the Xbox version yet?!? It better be released before or at the VERY LEAST with the PC version!...u hear me! Theres ALOT of money at stake here!"

Xbox has few good games going for it, so basically this team has to 'steal' GREAT games. Considering they have access to unlimited funds, its not a hard thing for them to do. They well know that maximum profiting for the Xbox is built around stealing the best games from other platforms.

This is the reason HL2 will not make Sept 30. Do not underestimate the negotiating/aquisitioning power of M$. What u think Vivendi? am i on the money (no pun intended), hot or cold? Hmm?

May the force be with us.


Sorry had some to time to kill ya know. :)

Ever time I try to read that, it hurts my head.
There is no power greater than X!

Well, actually the Gamecube and the PS2...and of course at the top is the PC...