Half-Life 2 gone too far?


Jul 31, 2004
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I don't know about you, but, you could call my technological equipment "lacking".
I wonder, has Valve taken HL2 just a little too far on the basis of raw processing speed? I for one live in Australia, in a small city called Sydney, don't know if you've heard of it, and it seems that all my friends are just like me computer wise.
Our computers suck ass. I will say that much, Condition Zero raped our machines.
If you are like me, you come home from school/work and just want to relax for a while, turn on your tv or computer, and entertain yourself. Now, I'm no expert in Hardware, no implications there, but I do understand one thing, the system requirements for HL2 are big. I still use the machine that powered Half-Life when it came out.
So I was just wondering, has Valve forgotten that a very large number of people who play video games do not have the latest hardware? My '97 IBM Aptiva works fine and I have no intentions on replacing it, I don't have the time nor the money to start over.
Australia seems to be behind in the computer scene, no one, I mean no one in my grade (216 kids) has a computer that meets the borderline system requirements of HL2.
I know no one with an advanced sound card, surround sound, massive screen or has upgraded their computer. These addons simply cost too much.

So I was wondering, is anyone hear in the same boat?
The train is leaving the station on newer video games, hop on, or be left behind.
The guys at Valve have been trying their hardest to push the min reqs as low as possible. I think the requirements are very reasonable, and IMHO very pleasing. If you think HL2 is a machine raper, try having a look at Doom3's min requirements!
Well, if you want to play the latest games up to a good standard then at some point you're going to have to update your machine.
It seems like you have a problem then.

I live in a country you might not see it in the news.Usually the weather girl has her elbow in front of it.Portugal.

We are not a superpower of the wolrd or the richest etc etc.
But we are behind australia.We only got 3 god damn medals in the olympics.But i´m sure 70% of the pc owners have the min req for hl2.

Get a part time job.

Or dim the lights get all the binks together and pretend to play HL2
jesus man,its called getting a job,earning money,and buying a new computer,get with the times and stop complaining,i have a computer worthy of any game out right now,and you know how i got it? i worked my ass off night and day to get paid money to earn it,you and your friends need to get a job,and if your too young to get a job,then find other ways to get the money,there is always a way,just stop complaining at valve,its not there fault your either a.to tight b.too lazy or c.too young to get enough money to upgrade to a better system,they aimed at a perfect spec,what was you expecting? a sequel on the original hl engine?
When you think about it, the requirements are that high considering how good the game looks. Eventually, everyone who wants to play the latest games will have to upgrade their computers. The only things you can do is either take advantage of good prices or drop the hobby...
Just play Opposing Force, it's still as good as it ever was online :D

And the community is coming back too :)
i bought opposing force years back but i never played it lol,is it any good online?
I live in Melbourne. I come from a not-exactly-well-off family. And this is my computer:

Athlon 2400+ XP
Radeon 9600 Pro w. 256MB RAM

Save up and shop around. My computer only cost me about $1000, way below the usual price. You've just got to find the right palce to buy...
I'm not complaining, I'm asking if anyone was like me.
I do work, I just prefer to use the money to help my parents raise myself and my 1 brother and 2 sisters.

Anyway, another thing seems to be location, theres one computer shop in my town, and I know for a fact the prices are way too high.

I'm in high school aswell btw
this seems to be a pretty strange post. I for one don't want a game that is only of the same graphical/aural standard as its predecessor in 1999. Your complaint sounds like it could just as easily slate sony for inventing the playstation 2!

on top of this valve, who you seem to be deeming inconsiderate, are the only 21st century games company that boasts great backward compatibility with older graphics cards etc.

Perhaps aston should make a 3 wheeler like the morris miner because I can't afford a DB7.

I'm not flaming you, i just don't think your post is very well thought out.

Yes, there will be people in the same boat as you regarding pc spec, but no it is not a valve problem. They're maximising HL2's compatibility as well as catering for a gfx hungry gaming market that would tear them to shreds if they released a game that was nothing less than sublime
The hl2 system requirements are NOT big, as you say.

Compare them to games like doom, and you'll see what I mean :)

I for one got my current system by working the whole summer vacation.
Well, I feel sorry for you if you can't play the newer games. But then I'll start Doom 3 and soon forget about it...

You are nto in a unique position, but remember if you are hanging around the game forums, remember that the people who hang around here, for the most part, have up-to-date computers and won't likely have any sympathy.

Perhaps it's not the game that is too modern, but the computer is too obsolete? I think you may wish to invest in a newer computer if you can't play SIMS2 when it comes out..
Orcone101 said:
I don't know about you, but, you could call my technological equipment "lacking".
I wonder, has Valve taken HL2 just a little too far on the basis of raw processing speed? I for one live in Australia, in a small city called Sydney, don't know if you've heard of it, and it seems that all my friends are just like me computer wise.
Our computers suck ass. I will say that much, Condition Zero raped our machines.
If you are like me, you come home from school/work and just want to relax for a while, turn on your tv or computer, and entertain yourself. Now, I'm no expert in Hardware, no implications there, but I do understand one thing, the system requirements for HL2 are big. I still use the machine that powered Half-Life when it came out.
So I was just wondering, has Valve forgotten that a very large number of people who play video games do not have the latest hardware? My '97 IBM Aptiva works fine and I have no intentions on replacing it, I don't have the time nor the money to start over.
Australia seems to be behind in the computer scene, no one, I mean no one in my grade (216 kids) has a computer that meets the borderline system requirements of HL2.
I know no one with an advanced sound card, surround sound, massive screen or has upgraded their computer. These addons simply cost too much.

So I was wondering, is anyone hear in the same boat?

Dude, Game industry is gowing faster than before, and games are getting more advanced in every aspect you can think off. If you like to tast what games are now you require to buy a new PC.
I think thats unfair! Valve are perhaps the best company for supporting older systems as well as the new!
People like EA Games make several games in a short space of time for maximum profits, they have very untidy programming and have huge system requirements.

Im still on my old athlon 2.2ghz 512mbDDR2700 GF4-Ti4200, and allthough i will be changing my g-card at least for HL2, i dont need to, it will run OK!

On a side note, the CS;S beta runs BETTER on my machine than the old CS1.6 Did, its smoother, in CS1.6 i got around 22FPS, in CS:S i get average of 40-50FPS, how this is, i dont know! I belive that the SOurce engine is properbly the reason behind it. Years of clever coding has been put in place so that older computers are supported more.
EAGames never do things like that, its just for quick money making releases with EA.

Fact is if your computer is from around 1999, then it is old, you should consider a new one! its no different from games console, PS1 games were great in there day, then in order to progress PS2 etc etc..

Hardware takes constant leaps forward, and 2bh is quite cheap, i mean ok the ATI x800XT is expensive, but a ATI RAd 9800 Pro is like £100.
Software also has to take the same process of growing and expanding, if it were upto you we'd all be running dos!
Orcone101 said:
I don't know about you, but, you could call my technological equipment "lacking".
I wonder, has Valve taken HL2 just a little too far on the basis of raw processing speed? I for one live in Australia, in a small city called Sydney, don't know if you've heard of it, and it seems that all my friends are just like me computer wise.
Our computers suck ass. I will say that much, Condition Zero raped our machines.
If you are like me, you come home from school/work and just want to relax for a while, turn on your tv or computer, and entertain yourself. Now, I'm no expert in Hardware, no implications there, but I do understand one thing, the system requirements for HL2 are big. I still use the machine that powered Half-Life when it came out.
So I was just wondering, has Valve forgotten that a very large number of people who play video games do not have the latest hardware? My '97 IBM Aptiva works fine and I have no intentions on replacing it, I don't have the time nor the money to start over.
Australia seems to be behind in the computer scene, no one, I mean no one in my grade (216 kids) has a computer that meets the borderline system requirements of HL2.
I know no one with an advanced sound card, surround sound, massive screen or has upgraded their computer. These addons simply cost too much.

So I was wondering, is anyone hear in the same boat?

lol im from germany, and nearly half the ppl i know could play hl2 :bounce: perhaps it is because you have better weather than us...so we like hanging in front of the pc and you go surfing ;) (btw my dad was in sidney once and he loved it)

btw2: is it correct that you have actually spring now? (weather wise) i did never really believe that (although im pretty shure that it is correct)

PS: hl2 is extremely optimised!
For starters, Sydney isn't a small city, and yes I'm (currently) in the same boat as you. I don't think they've gone to far as you suggest though, because it's the nature of the beast. Day of Defeat gives my machine a run for it's money :LOL:

pixartist said:
btw2: is it correct that you have actually spring now? (weather wise) i did never really believe that (although im pretty shure that it is correct)

Yes, spring officially started 17 minutes ago for me :)
Why people whine about new games being "too much" for their obsolete computers I will never know. Frankly it pisses me off because people are so damn ignorant feel they're entitled to play cutting edge games on hardware that's about 5 or more generations behind the times. Let me explain something to you: technology isn't slowing down, its NOT waiting for you, your 7 year old computer is OBSOLETE, and this is all a GOOD THING!!! The faster technology advances the sooner we'll be seeing EXTREMELY cheap computers that are capable of playing games with INSANE system requirements that have graphics that are better than real life. Why wouldn't you want this to happen if you're a gamer???? If you WANT to play older games that will actually run well on your computer, there are TONS of great old games out there for you to play. If gaming is going to advance however, game developers can't be looking back and creating games that will run 100+ frames per second on computers that are nearly a decade old so some lazy ass kid from Australia, or anywhere the hell else for that matter, can play their latest games!! If you're telling me that over the course of 7 years you haven't been able to save up enough money to at least buy yourself a semi-modern computer that can at least meet the minimum system requirements for today's games, you truly are a lazy ass like I assumed in the previous sentence. Worthless!!!! Go get a job like the rest of us!!
As a side note!: Who's from England thats up for creating a couple of Gaming-Cafe's over in AUS?! i mean, if no-one in aus has decent PC's then we'd make a killing!

There should be loads of demand! particually if we were to write our own mods :) hey, thinking about it, we could make a mod for DeerHunter!, just replace the Deer with Kangaroo Models! OMG! 0wnz0r!
leadfish said:
For starters, Sydney isn't a small city, and yes I'm (currently) in the same boat as you. I don't think they've gone to far as you suggest though, because it's the nature of the beast. Day of Defeat gives my machine a run for it's money :LOL:

Yes, spring officially started 17 minutes ago for me :)

lol thats silly :D hot christmas
well, i like snow too but i live in hamburg, northern germany! our winters are mostly grey and about 1° C...well i can still go skiing in austria :bounce:

PS: OMG a cybercafe in sydney ;) what a dream
pixartis, i know it would be a cool job tho eh! running a cybercafe lol, i mena hmm what shall i do, oooh i know ill go play online!
mdk30 said:
Why people whine about new games being "too much" for their obsolete computers I will never know. Frankly it pisses me off because people are so damn ignorant feel they're entitled to play cutting edge games on hardware that's about 5 or more generations behind the times. Let me explain something to you: technology isn't slowing down, its NOT waiting for you, your 7 year old computer is OBSOLETE, and this is all a GOOD THING!!! The faster technology advances the sooner we'll be seeing EXTREMELY cheap computers that are capable of playing games with INSANE system requirements that have graphics that are better than real life. Why wouldn't you want this to happen if you're a gamer???? If you WANT to play older games that will actually run well on your computer, there are TONS of great old games out there for you to play. If gaming is going to advance however, game developers can't be looking back and creating games that will run 100+ frames per second on computers that are nearly a decade old so some lazy ass kid from Australia, or anywhere the hell else for that matter, can play their latest games!! If you're telling me that over the course of 7 years you haven't been able to save up enough money to at least buy yourself a semi-modern computer that can at least meet the minimum system requirements for today's games, you truly are a lazy ass like I assumed in the previous sentence. Worthless!!!! Go get a job like the rest of us!!

Ruuustar said:
The guys at Valve have been trying their hardest to push the min reqs as low as possible. I think the requirements are very reasonable, and IMHO very pleasing. If you think HL2 is a machine raper, try having a look at Doom3's min requirements!
Quoted for emphasis.
You can upgrade to a decent machine without having to sell your parents into slavery though. There are plenty of good cheaper components, decently priced retaliers or second hand stores that have very good parts for much cheaper than usual.
Man, I must admit that you are a little after when it comes to computers in Sydney...no offfence.
Yeah, lets stop technological progression, cause some people are way behind. Sorry to say this to you, but if you don't have the hardware to run it, then too bad, you won't be playing it. It's your own decision to no want to upgrade, and the consequences of that is that you're never gonna play modern games. If we all thought like you, we'd be living in a cave wondering about the magic of fire right now.
Besides, the requirements for HL2 are more than decent, very low actually.
Isn't Sydney like the biggest city in Australia? Or is 4,000,000 people considered small now? :O
Letters said:
Isn't Sydney like the biggest city in Australia? Or is 4,000,000 people considered small now? :O
<Whispers> Psst, Letters, I think it may have been meant as a joke. Just a thought. <Whispers>
By the way, who's the new pretty lady in your avatar? Y'know, just for... Erm... Just interested. <Ahem>
keira knightley...mmmmm
most sought after british babe lol :E
For everyone saying "Doom 3's minimum requirements.. now THOSE are high!"

They're actually really close to eachother these days. HL2 *used to be* very low in the minimum specs, but now it's been bumped up quite alot.

HL2's minimum specs:
• 1.2 GHz Processor
• 256MB RAM
• DirectX 7 graphics card

Doom 3's minimum specs:
• 1.5GHz Processor
• 384MB RAM
• 64MB Graphics card (GF4MX is minimum)
Pureball said:
keira knightley...mmmmm
most sought after british babe lol :E

pfff skinny bitch needs to grow some tits ;) :p

It's impossible for Valve to create a better looking game with the same spec as 5/6 years ago. It just wouldn't happen, otherwise it would have looked better 5/6 years ago.

The only thing i can suggest to you, like other people, is save up and buy a better system. The lowest spec machine for HL2 won't set you back much nowadays.
Shuzer said:
For everyone saying "Doom 3's minimum requirements.. now THOSE are high!"

They're actually really close to eachother these days. HL2 *used to be* very low in the minimum specs, but now it's been bumped up quite alot.

HL2's minimum specs:
• 1.2 GHz Processor
• 256MB RAM
• DirectX 7 graphics card

Doom 3's minimum specs:
• 1.5GHz Processor
• 384MB RAM
• 64MB Graphics card (GF4MX is minimum)

Yup, but when you consider the unwritten rule of "If you really want to play the game well make sure your system is twice the minimum specs" then the gap widens


  • 2.4 Ghz Processor
  • 512 Megs of Ram
  • DX 8 Card

Doom 3
  • 3 Ghz Processor
  • 768 Megs of Ram
  • DX 9 Card
No i don't think it's valve's fault, but it does suck having to buy all the latest most expensive equipment to play a new game its best. But me i'm a generation or so behind the newest stuff

AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (2ghz)
1 gig pc2700 333mhz
Radeon 9800 Pro 128

and i just want to run HL2 "good" but i'm not gonna fork out another $1000 to get top of the line everything and play it "great".... i got rent to pay :)

I also agree that valve is doing a nice job of keeping it running good on old machines (name any other company that makes modern games boast full dx7 compatability, well, maybe far cry that i know of)
dont be stupid, why earn money when you can steal it? just sell your soul on e-bay for £1000 or something.
I don't know about Australian Dollars, but in the US, I can build a gaming computer for around 350 USD (perhaps lower). It may not have the latest and greatest tech, but it will be able to play HL2 and Doom 3.

Anyways, how much longer to do you think your computer will last? It is approaching the typically life of a computer (10 years). I suggest you start saving your money for a new one. Or stop playing computer games. Playing computer games is an expensive hobby.
Another thing to consider. If HL2 and Source are going to be played by gamers all over the world for as long as HL (5 going on 6 years) then the minimum req are going to be childplays eventually.

I remember having to upgrade my video card for HL. I had a Voodoo 1 and had to go buy a Voodoo 2 for $180 (US). It was painful yesterday, comic today. :D
lol your joking but i'm sure there are people out there with a market for that
king John I said:
dont be stupid, why earn money when you can steal it? just sell your soul on e-bay for £1000 or something.

Ehhm... It would be worth it if you could actually play the game afterwards and no become a mindless zombie...:borg: