Half Life 2 multiplayer - Was it always CSS?


Jul 17, 2003
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In an interview at 10/01/03 Gabe (developer interview 2) said he plays Half Life 2's mulitplayer daily and its something unique and really cool.

The delay comes and goes and then in an interview after CSS was announced (the infamous video with Cliffe talking with clips of italy and the table being pushed in the door way) Cliffe states they started work on CSS around February.

Last monthish we found out that Half Life 2 does not have a multiplayer.

Thus how can Gabe have played something daily that doesnt exist? :rolleyes:
Maybe it did, but got dropped. Ever think of that, smart guy? Huh huh huh?
OK, I'm done.
azz0r said:
Thus how can Gabe have played something daily that doesnt exist? :rolleyes:

He was playing Counter-Strike. Think about it. CS:S is just Counter-Strike with some prettier graphics. They are essentially the same game. I can see how Gabe can get away with making such a comment.
No he was not playing CS, he was refering to Half Life 2s multiplayer at the time.

CSS wasnt even in production.
BetaMaster said:
Maybe it did, but got dropped. Ever think of that, smart guy? Huh huh huh?
OK, I'm done.
That would be the logical conclusion. Of course, logic seems to be in short supply around here.
BetaMaster said:
Maybe it did, but got dropped. Ever think of that, smart guy? Huh huh huh?
OK, I'm done.

azz0r said:
No he was not playing CS, he was refering to Half Life 2s multiplayer at the time.

CSS wasnt even in production.

How hell do you know? All he said was "Half-Life2's Multiplayer"... and we all know CS:S is HL2's Multiplayer component.

You just assumed too much.
whats really disconcerting is doug said there were no plans on ever making one in the future.
WhiteZero said:
How hell do you know? All he said was "Half-Life2's Multiplayer"... and we all know CS:S is HL2's Multiplayer component.

You just assumed too much.

umm, read his post. CS:S didn't begin production till februrary of that next year.
He is right though!! Something has def happened with it.

I hope this isn't deleted as this is a Valid point that needs discussing. Fed up with all negative posts being locked.

If it raises a decent point, any topic about Valve and HL2 should be valid.
They were probably working on it, decided that implementing it was going to take too long and delay it further and decided to drop it realizing the mod community would be able to do just as good a job. So they took what they had and put it inside the SDK as part of the "multiplayer examples" that we have heard about.

That seems the most likely explanation to me.
Is there any chance for Half Life 2 Multiplayer in the future...cause I would really love to throw paint and stuff at people...
azz0r said:
No he was not playing CS, he was refering to Half Life 2s multiplayer at the time.

CSS wasnt even in production.

As I said before, CS:S just CS with fancier graphics. If he considered CS:S to be HL2's multiplayer component, then he could get away with saying "I play the multiplayer every day" if he's just playing regular old Counter-Strike. The difference between CS and CS:S is in the presentation. The game is the same.
The Mullinator said:
They were probably working on it, decided that implementing it was going to take too long and delay it further and decided to drop it realizing the mod community would be able to do just as good a job. So they took what they had and put it inside the SDK as part of the "multiplayer examples" that we have heard about.

That seems the most likely explanation to me.

Probably correct
WhiteZero said:
How hell do you know? All he said was "Half-Life2's Multiplayer"... and we all know CS:S is HL2's Multiplayer component.

You just assumed too much.

Do you actually read or is that assuming too much?

hype.db said:
This topic is getting old azzor.

First time ive discussed it.

I honestly dont mind if HL2DM was dropped or what not- I would just like some clarity on the issue, why did Valve tell a lie.
The multiplayer is really unique, and I play it every day.
1.) Gabe plays Counterstrike everyday, and since CS:S is pretty much the same thing, he can get away with saying this.
2.) It is a unique idea to simply remake on old game with better graphics for a game's multiplayer component - unique in that no other developer would be stupid enough to do it.
ya when gabe said that a while ago i assumed hl2 had its own. man i hope tf2 wipes the floor with css.
Narcolepsy said:
1.) Gabe plays Counterstrike everyday, and since CS:S is pretty much the same thing, he can get away with saying this.
2.) It is a unique idea to simply remake on old game with better graphics for a game's multiplayer component - unique in that no other developer would be stupid enough to do it.

No way. Someone email Gabe because that would be disapointing and totally asshatted if thats what he meant.
azz0r said:
No way. Someone email Gabe because that would be disapointing and totally asshatted if thats what he meant.
I don't actually think that's what he meant. The quote is incredibly ambiguous and can be explained pretty much as anything.
For once i agree with Azzor.

Its rather pathetic that there are some people so blind that they willingly accept Valve for following up the potentialy greatest SP experience with a 5 year old mod.

i do not care if some terrorist has a 1000 more polly's, its the same f*cking game.


Though no doubt to those that are actualy that blind this message will be dissmissed as a flame, my only hope is that some decent mods can turn HL2's Pile of crap MP into something decent.
they way i see it is they were making half life 2 style multiplayer. they game got jacked, during en masse recolection stated in many an interview they saw that the half life 2 themed multiplayer detracted from the seriousness and overall the wait for half life 2.

they looked at what god they could put the source engine to in order to create a good multiplayer game, Counter Strike: Source.

I dont see what the big fus is half life 2 themed multiplayer could be put together in a matter of moments within the community.
Narcolepsy said:
1.) Gabe plays Counterstrike everyday, and since CS:S is pretty much the same thing, he can get away with saying this.
2.) It is a unique idea to simply remake on old game with better graphics for a game's multiplayer component - unique in that no other developer would be stupid enough to do it.

If that is the case, then sure it wasn't a lie, but it was incredibly misleading.

Edit- I agree wholeheartedly with Dougy.
I think, they were making a HL2 multiplayer, but at one point they realized they could sell it as a separate game later on, so they decided to continue working on it, but not as HL2 MP, rather as a separate game.

seperate game = more money!!!!$

just like TF2, or who knows, it could've been TF2.
CS:s is not HL2's multiplayer, thats just like saying DoD:S is HL2's multiplayer, cs:s is just a online game u get w/ the purchase of hl2
Actually Kurt it is technically HL2's multiplayer. Though it is just not hl2 themed.

There was most likly a HL2 multiplayer at one time, they probably had big plans with the physics but then they came to the lag issue and they decided it would of just been a big disapointment and dropped it. Then they simply forgot about it, then they relized they needed one and decided to kinda get smart and attract CS fans. Since tons of people played cs, why not it would really attract more money very easily.


According to gabes knowledge, he was told that the multiplayer was almost ready, totally cool. So gabe decided to say that he played it every day n it was unique etc.. Though the truth was gabe didn't know, and the multiplayer wasn't even started.

I got another idea!
What if the multiplayer, is whatever the community wants it to be. What if HL2's multiplayer really is unique. What if its pretty much "What the community wants" because the community will make it. What if it was all that. And Gabe new that the community had big and unique plans for the multiplayer. And the idea behind this idea is very unique to.
icarus7495 said:
I dont see what the big fus is half life 2 themed multiplayer could be put together in a matter of moments within the community.

IMHO if thats true why would valve relegate it to the modding community if it so easy to do? The fact is, it isn't easy and quick and now we're going to have to wade though countless bad HL²DM mods to find the one or two good ones, and in doing this splinter an already small online following.

Also I wouldn't say gabe lied as the would mean he ment to mislead us. I think he just overestimated what he had, all be it CS, CS:S, or a HL²MP and had to drop it later for some unknown reason. Deep in my foolish naive heart I hope Valve passed their HL²MP over to another dev team. Or that TF2 was ment to be the MP but was delayed to make sure it was as good as it can be.

In the end until someone get a e-mail reply from gabe telling us what he ment, why he say it, and what happened, we well never really know the truth. But I still got my Silver package ether way as it really just DoD:s I care about :|
I think up until sept. 2003, they were going to include TF2 with HL2 as the multiplayer component, but when the big delay happened, they had a chance to think about it and, I.E make it better, or just sell it as a seperate product anyways.

Actually HL2 will have as many Multiplayer functions as HL1 did... someone will mod your precious little HL2 MP DeathMatch if you're so much into that... you'll see
azz0r said:
I honestly dont mind if HL2DM was dropped or what not- I would just like some clarity on the issue, why did Valve tell a lie.
I fail to see how what Gabe said constitutes as a lie.
It's obvious they didnt do HL2 MP because they didn't want to take the time to code the manipulator in for online play.
Zeus, why not just cancel the minipulator? All the minipulator would do is cause a little...lot..more lag.
no duh people are going to try and mod it. but if valve doesn't release the sp map source files, we aren't going to see many decent hl2 related maps. not to mention they will have to come up with model animations. it just has the potential to be a disaster and there won't be one widely accepted mod. so the community for each one will be really small.

unlike dod and cs:S, this mod is up for grabs for any team thats wants to try, and despite all the talent in the modding community, theres just gonna be a mish-mesh of attempts that probably wont materialize into anything significant. of course i hope im wrong.
i am dissapointed there is no hldm. i do think it has everything to do with the manipulator.