Half-Life 2 only standart game ???!!! Lies about game.



As i see Half-Life 2, not so good game.
You already see trailer's and hear wonderful things about half-Life2.
But now you can see: Game ready only at 50%, ai in the game builded on scripts! What's next ?
It's another game, not HalfLife wich you see on the Trailer.
It's 100% lies: Super Ai, super Visual perfomance.
Please shut the fack up already, you didnt even play the damn thing.
Im a very hard person to please and very picky about games, and after playing the "Demo", this is BY FAR the best FPS ever made, even tho it wasnt even done.
Graphics, lightning, engine & pshysics are untouchable, now please go away.
You just don't know a THING.
Ai movement's just scripts.
Well all AI has to be coded after all...and that is done with scripts (not scripted, but scripts).

But geez...you're playing a "game" which isn't meant to be released and is clearly missing pieces. If you'd judge a game based on a stolen build ..that's kinda sad.
As i say don't know i Thing, to judge me.
Look in the eye of truth, video maked by Professional director. It's not a real gameplay.
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
how about you both shut up?

can you all spell L-O-C-K or D-E-L-E-T-E?

Can you spell R-E-T-A-R-D ?? dumb ape.
Originally posted by Lexx2k
As i say don't know i Thing, to judge me.
Look in the eye of truth, video maked by Professional director. It's not a real gameplay.

Im not even gonna bother with some of you anymore, you obvisouly are all mentally challanged, so fack y'all.
of course its still scripted moron. well the e3 demo are the only ones which moderate scripts but of course that whole sequence was scripted it was to show off Half Life 2 you moron they want to make it perfect. plus its not anywhere close to done some of the stages only hvae the layouts and not texture or skins. some of the weapons dont even show up. this has about 50 % script and A.I thats why only the scripts kick in and usually dont when they are supposed. this is so early and bugged it only allows for you to be placed in the game not follow the story. if you were expecting actual game play put a bullet through the back of your head for being so stupid.
No stupid to place in ai code stroke like this.
Objective = KICK THE DOOR.
This is funny.
The only thing funny here is your retarded english and your stupid ass comments!
when I played the demo, the dude did NOT kick the door in, he didnt even follow me, next time I played he did kick it in and chased me .. next time I did it he was shooting at me from the windows ... so please SHUT THE HELL UP you wanker.
oh NO! A hacked and stolen unfinished version of a game does NOT do everything the developers have promised. My world is collapsing..... man that sarcasm juice tastes good...:cheese:

Seriously why do you post your experiences with something that was stolen, when obviously it is NOT FINISHED. Are you going to say the new top-of-the-line, partially completed, car sucks because it is missing the motor and some wheels?
From the other thread:

"What happens is, you kill the grunt before going in the building. Then go in, close the door and push the table across it. You'll hear "FREEMAN!!" and then the door kicked twice when it's quite clear there is nobody outside it.

If you don't kill him and let them come after you, something a little odd happens (every time I've tried it anyway). They don't burst the door down, instead it opens in the opposite direction (towards outside).

Also, in the E3 vid you'll remember they made that girder come swinging down and kill the grunts. Anyone that's played the beta will tell you that girder is ALREADY swinging the moment you start the map.

As for the AI? Well, imo, I find it to be incredibly dumb. For example, the swinging girder, when you go out on to the roof, the grunts spot you and come running towards you, running right in front of the girder (which they've been stood at the side of for 5 minutes, how the hell can they not notice it?) and they get splatted. If the AI was that clever it should know to avoid that pretty dangerous obstacle."
No name calling. And dont judge a game until you have played it, cause you havent, no matter what you say. Why? Its not released, not even gold *GASP!* (insert any kind of smilie with a dull face or toungue sticking out here)
Get rid of this retard. The AI is not "super". But it takes cover. Infact, the AI is quite remarkable at times.
I have seen some videos on IRC that show the enemy ducking behind boxes... and circling around the player . Duck behind box.. player approaches box.. enemy soldier goes around several boxes and shoots from behind.

THAT IS NOT BAD AI.. to say the least.
Yo man this is only 10% of the actual game's feature, means 90% of the AI commands instructions are not inluded, + Graphics+.....etc
Originally posted by loofy
oh NO! A hacked and stolen unfinished version of a game does NOT do everything the developers have promised. My world is collapsing..... man that sarcasm juice tastes good...:cheese:

I agree, what a bunch of turds.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
The only thing funny here is your retarded english and your stupid ass comments!
when I played the demo, the dude did NOT kick the door in, he didnt even follow me, next time I played he did kick it in and chased me .. next time I did it he was shooting at me from the windows ... so please SHUT THE HELL UP you wanker.

Did it ever occur that English isn't his first language? Not everyone is fluent in English and it's one of the most difficult languages to learn.

As for your comments about the demo. If you kill him first, no more grunts appear to chase you. If you close the door, it still gets kicked. If you let him chase you another 3 grunts appear. There'll also be one outside the window.
Look at Ai in game called Silent Storm it's better then in Half-Life2.
Sorry for the bad English i am from Russia.:cheese: :cheese: :cheese:
Just a heads-up. The E3 DOOR KICK was NOT SCRIPTED.

I've tried to look at ths several times, and everytime slightly different things happens. Sometimes they open the door, other times they dont, I can kill him and he wil never open the door. Don't believe this sad ANON guy.

Gabe has also said earlier that the AI is based on hints, whch means that it is IN A WAY scripted, but only by telling the AI "this is a good place to hide" "the door is locked, kick it in?" etc...
It's strange if am seal the door with table. grunt not kick it. =(( What the ???
Hallucinogen, thanks man,

I think the pics is very enough for me, I would rather wait for the final version that will come next month.

Am I right it is coming next month, or is it delayed till 2004?
It's delayed because it's not ready yet, signle game not ready too.
Originally posted by iParasite
Just a heads-up. The E3 DOOR KICK was NOT SCRIPTED.

I've tried to look at ths several times, and everytime slightly different things happens. Sometimes they open the door, other times they dont, I can kill him and he wil never open the door. Don't believe this sad ANON guy.

Gabe has also said earlier that the AI is based on hints, whch means that it is IN A WAY scripted, but only by telling the AI "this is a good place to hide" "the door is locked, kick it in?" etc...

Don't believe this 'sad Anon guy'. The guy that actually released all this? Right now he's more reputable than Valve.

I've tried the e3 demo about 10 times, it's pretty much the same every time. I'll explain again. If you kill the grunt BEFORE going through the door, then go in, shut the door and push the table in front of it you'll hear "FREEMAN!!!" followed by two kicks to the door. There is no computer controlled character outside the door!! What's kicking the door then? A ghost?

If you don't kill him, go in, close the door, push the table in front of it then they'll try kicking the door down, except they don't break it down, it just opens the other way, like this:

Nothing works because the scripts aren't set up, get that through your head!!!! The hacker did not steal half of the game, if he did then he only released a small part of it. Almost nothing works on this beta and the only real thing you can get out of it is the graphics and the feel for the physics. Everytime you load the map you get about a 100 errors, this is why you see the door opening the wrong way or the trap already swinging. If you do not understand this then you are a complete moron and should not post here. I swear, because of this beta this entire community is turning into total jackasses.
Look what you say, Valve says best ai, now look at truth SCRIPTS You just say it. =)
Fact: The anon thief is a liar and you fools who are following him are guillable.

He says everything leaked is all Valve had? Well, then answer this. How come he now says he has a more complete pre-gold? How come he says if Valve doesnt stop lying, then he will release more? How come there are models missing in this leak that were there during E3?

Bet you cant answer that.
There is nothing to indicate the two Anon's are the same Anon, the second Anon knows nothing about programming and contradicts himself wildly.
Originally posted by Cander
Fact: The anon thief is a liar and you fools who are following him are guillable.

He says everything leaked is all Valve had? Well, then answer this. How come he now says he has a more complete pre-gold? How come he says if Valve doesnt stop lying, then he will release more? How come there are models missing in this leak that were there during E3?

Bet you cant answer that.

I can answer. When the source was leaked. No one believed it, everyone was in denial. When the beta was leaked. No one believed that. Everyone was in denial. This guy is still releasing stuff. The fact he's released so much means you can't rule out he has more.
Originally posted by Oakey
I can answer. When the source was leaked. No one believed it, everyone was in denial. When the beta was leaked. No one believed that. Everyone was in denial. This guy is still releasing stuff. The fact he's released so much means you can't rule out he has more.

Doesnt answer the question of how much of the game is done. In fact it shows that it is a lie that HL2 is only 50% done if he is still releasing more.
As interesting as it is, speculation on what the hacker actually has is utterly futile. Only time will tell. Even then we mightn't find out the whole story...
Originally posted by Lexx2k
Look what you say, Valve says best ai, now look at truth SCRIPTS You just say it. =)
You just proved my point about the community turning into complete morons. You need scripted events to have a story in a game, there is no way to do it through smart AI. Yes, the AI is extremely smart but they still need scripted events to get them where they are supposed to go. I am done discussing this with you as you have no idea of what you are talking about and have absolutely no clue how games work. Also, just to prove my point of this game not being even half finished (mods don't think this is against the rules, but if it is please delete it):

material "models/props_c17/fence_post" not found
execing skill1.cfg
models/weapons/v_Physics.mdl has wrong version number (35 should be 37)
Model models/weapons/v_Physics.mdl can't be loaded!
models/weapons/v_slam.mdl has wrong version number (35 should be 37)
Model models/weapons/v_slam.mdl can't be loaded!
models/weapons/w_slam.mdl has wrong version number (35 should be 37)
Model models/weapons/w_slam.mdl can't be loaded!
models/weapons/w_ml.mdl has wrong version number (32 should be 37)
Model models/weapons/w_ml.mdl can't be loaded!
models/spore.mdl has wrong version number (35 should be 37)
Model models/spore.mdl can't be loaded!
models/weapons/w_ar1.mdl has wrong version number (32 should be 37)
Model models/weapons/w_ar1.mdl can't be loaded!
Game started
Serverinfo packet received.
30.7 megabyte data cache

This is the amount of errors for a small map the size of a tiny room with only alyx and a TV screen with the scientist. I won't even mention the fact half of the textures are missing and the fact that you get many more errors as you move along the map. Get over yourself, this build is probably before e3 if not much earlier than that and can not represent the final game in anyway.
Even if the hacker THINKS he is telling the truth. How can he be 100% certain that what he got is everything? How does he know he had the most current build? Eeryone seems so eager to hate Valve that they ready to follow this guy like a Lemming off a cliff.
Originally posted by Cander
Even if the hacker THINKS he is telling the truth. How can he be 100% certain that what he got is everything? How does he know he had the most current build? Eeryone seems so eager to hate Valve that they ready to follow this guy like a Lemming off a cliff.

There's nothing to say the hacker didn't work at Valve, know someone at Valve, etc, etc (he said he's in Russia, it could be a lie).

It's all speculation. The fact that he's released a crap load of stuff already shows he has something.
Yeah i am in Russia too and that ? Maybe it's i am Anon ??? =)) LOL
i don't understand how people can judge a game from a very incomplete release. Its like judging a car when all you've done is push it around.

And the scripted events were probably just for the E3 demonstration anyway.