Half-Life 2 only standart game ???!!! Lies about game.

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Originally posted by Oakey
Don't believe this 'sad Anon guy'. The guy that actually released all this? Right now he's more reputable than Valve.

I've tried the e3 demo about 10 times, it's pretty much the same every time. I'll explain again. If you kill the grunt BEFORE going through the door, then go in, shut the door and push the table in front of it you'll hear "FREEMAN!!!" followed by two kicks to the door. There is no computer controlled character outside the door!! What's kicking the door then? A ghost?

If you don't kill him, go in, close the door, push the table in front of it then they'll try kicking the door down, except they don't break it down, it just opens the other way, like this:


Lol. THere are infact spawning 1-3 new combine-soldiers when you enter the room. Scripted in a way yes, but thats why everyone believes that "it doesnt matter if you kill HIM". There are more than one. See for yourself again...
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
The only thing funny here is your retarded english and your stupid ass comments!
when I played the demo, the dude did NOT kick the door in, he didnt even follow me, next time I played he did kick it in and chased me .. next time I did it he was shooting at me from the windows ... so please SHUT THE HELL UP you wanker.

I'll second this
you are right oaken, we should thank the hacker for all his hard work.He is the one responsible for the beta, not valve. valve contributed nothing but lies..

Look what the community did for valve..& what we get in return? lies!
Lexx2k ìëèí, òû òóïîé ÷òî ëè? Õâàòèò ðóññêèõ ïîçîðèòü óæå, ñàì ïîíèìàåøü, ÷òî ýòî äàæå è íå alpha âåðñèÿ, à õåð çíàåò ÷òî. Ïèçäåö, à äà, òû åùå Àëëîäû ïðèòàùè ñþäà, ñî ñâîèìè ïðèìåðàìè.
Originally posted by iParasite
Lol. THere are infact spawning 1-3 new combine-soldiers when you enter the room. Scripted in a way yes, but thats why everyone believes that "it doesnt matter if you kill HIM". There are more than one. See for yourself again...

FFS. If you go down the steps and kill the grunt first, no MORE grunts are spawned!!
iParasite, the pic you posted looks hideous .... mine looked so much better, I think you need a new video card, and BTW read the rules you not supposed to POST ANYTHING from the beta.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Lexx2k ìëèí, òû òóïîé ÷òî ëè? Õâàòèò ðóññêèõ ïîçîðèòü óæå, ñàì ïîíèìàåøü, ÷òî ýòî äàæå è íå alpha âåðñèÿ, à õåð çíàåò ÷òî. Ïèçäåö, à äà, òû åùå Àëëîäû ïðèòàùè ñþäà, ñî ñâîèìè ïðèìåðàìè.

Speak english, damn retards.


Originally posted by Oakey
FFS. If you go down the steps and kill the grunt first, no MORE grunts are spawned!!

There are 4 combines, 2 downstairs, 1 on the balcony and 1 on the 2nd floor, wtf are you playing ?
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Speak english, damn retards.

Wtf, you're the retard. English isn't the be all and end all of languages. Are you American by any chance? That would explain why you aren't thinking outside of your own country. Those two speaking Russian to each other is no different to you and I speaking English to each other.
Do you hear that ???? Some idiot's joking about that haker on the radio.
I fink this man must be very angry. Say's get of from you computer kid and more. I think it's not smart move, hear that i remember 3-th class in the shcool. =)))
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)



I didnt judge the game by the demo at all, actually I'm really impressed with it, and I cannot wait to buy it as soon as it comes out.
Originally posted by Oakey
Wtf, you're the retard. English isn't the be all and end all of languages. Are you American by any chance? That would explain why you aren't thinking outside of your own country. Those two speaking Russian to each other is no different to you and I speaking English to each other.

Actually I'm from Amsterdam, and English is an international language, either learn it or shut the fack up.
Originally posted by Lexx2k
Actualy i know a lot more, but i can't tell you.

You dont know squat and you proved it over dozens of times already, so your credibility is like 0.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
There are 4 combines, 2 downstairs, 1 on the balcony and 1 on the 2nd floor, wtf are you playing ?

That's only if you let the first grunt chase you. I've tried this demo multiple times. One example; first thing I did was go straight down the stairs and kill the grunt, checked about, no more grunts.

Went in the building, closed the door, pushed the table across, the 'ghost' bangs on the door. Went upstairs, no grunt on the balcony this time. Went outside on to the roof, some grunts spot me, run right in front of the swinging girder. That's it, if you allow the grunt to chase you then the others appear.

It's the same with the first zombie near the fan. If you edge slowly towards the fan looking to your right you'll see no zombie but the closer you get and he'll magically spawn next to you.
Originally posted by Lexx2k
Look what you say, Valve says best ai, now look at truth SCRIPTS You just say it. =)
Scripts in the E3 demo. Does this mean that they'll be in the Gold version? It means as much as some of the shade-errors in the demo movies. Which is nothing. The E3 demo is too outdated to judge the current quality of the game.

The game isn't done yet. You can't *possibly* predict if anything from the E3 demo will be in the Gold version. End of story.
I guess its random, everytime I play it, I always have more then 3 combines and few head-crabs.
His credability is in the minus numbers.

This build is very impresive compared to most modern games from the looks of it. (I havent played it myself)
I dont think you should be complaining. your not even suppost to be playing it remember. Its illegal not to mention imoral. Remember that please.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Actually I'm from Amsterdam, and English is an international language, either learn it or shut the fack up.

Only because the British went around and colonized 80% of the world.

Like I said earlier, it's not an easy language to learn. It's NOT HIS FAULT if he's not very good at it. Also, he is under no obligation to learn it. I have to admit though, the crap he's saying is getting harder to understand.
Heck, Lexx2k didn't even respond, because he knows he wrote down some retarded things, now he tries to prove everyone that he is right.

As for speaking English, Hallucinogen, I can, I just wanted to get attention of that idiot. I didn't, oh well.
Originally posted by Oakey
Not everyone is fluent in English and it's one of the most difficult languages to learn.

Haha! No seriously stop it! That's hilarious! LOOL! : D


Ok enough banter, stop with all the nonsense. The beta "roxor"; it's better than you dolts imagine. Stop spending your time reading up on what some random guy thinks or said and download the shizzle and try it out for yourself. And by God if one of you cries and moans that it's stealing I'll put a curse on you and your pets.
But what it all comes down to is that "ANON" should go to prision and pay huge fines to valve and the gaming industry.
I truley feel sorry for Valve, I do like that company alot and I did no expect this to happen. :(
My justice be served!
If the hacker copied all that Valve have, how on earth could they have benchmarked Half-Life 2 if its so "incomplete". They couldnt possibly have released valid benchmarks if this was all Valve really have (it would be missing lots and lots of effects). So sorry but I think its stupid to believe that the hacker has everything Valve have. Unless he has a hell of a lot more than hes already released.
unfortunately oakey..u contradict yourself...
if it is scripted..the condition should be same no matter what u have done. Since they are doing it for E3..why should they do something different if the grunt is killed? no point putting that into the script.
Still valve lied to us...
I am just don't want to respond things like yours Mr.Reak anyone say's what he or her want.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Haha! No seriously stop it! That's hilarious! LOOL! : D

You beg to differ? Most people who speak another language get confused by English because of the various meanings and pronounciation of words.
did you guys really expect a fully non-scripted game? There has to be scripts.. These are just different implementations.

Like Gabe said before, (i think it was him) the AI is given an objective and a few options on how to complete this objective. They will react accordingly to what the player is doing and how the environment is layed out. This is still a script! Just a more open ended one.

Did you seriously think that the AI was going to be completely independent and do something 100% different every time? It's still just one algorithm.

from what i've seen/heard, the AI is real nice as it doesn't always do the same thing. in HL1 there was scripted sequences that you could NOT interrupt.. In HL2 you can do whatever you want basically!

At least there's no cut-scenes that i know of... that's a good step.

As for the 'ghost' kicking in the door, well the game isn't done, so you can't judge it like that. If you are going to play a "beta" then look for the good stuff not the negative aspects, as this will most likely be addressed by the devs.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
iParasite, the pic you posted looks hideous .... mine looked so much better, I think you need a new video card, and BTW read the rules you not supposed to POST ANYTHING from the beta.

I didn't attacha ny pics. Lol!
Originally posted by Oakey
You beg to differ? Most people who speak another language get confused by English because of the various meanings and pronounciation of words.
That does not go for English alone. It's for nearly all the foreign languages you're not familiar with.

English however is spoken far more frequently whether you are on the internet or watching telly. Therefor it's a far more important language to learn.
Originally posted by quaint
unfortunately oakey..u contradict yourself...
if it is scripted..the condition should be same no matter what u have done. Since they are doing it for E3..why should they do something different if the grunt is killed? no point putting that into the script.
Still valve lied to us...

What do you mean? Why should who do something different if the grunt is killed? It's like this, don't kill the grunt and barricade the door, they'll kick the door until they get in. Kill the grunt and barricade yourself in, the door is still kicked, even with no one outside (obviously some trigger is still setting this script off). It's the same with the Zombie that kicks the barrel at you, happens everytime. That's not clever AI, it didn't just think to kick the barrel at you, it's scripted to. That would happen everytime you played through the game.
Oakey, zombie kick's the barrel because it's on his way, he kick's every thing on his way.
move the barrell. watch the zombi

Tell me if it still kicks the feckin barrell.

Oh and tell me one other game where the AI is clever enough to use a physics engine like valves to kick down doors etc.

Its not finished. Its not perfect. But its as good as it gets till the full release. so STFU please!
Originally posted by Oakey
You beg to differ? Most people who speak another language get confused by English because of the various meanings and pronounciation of words.

Yes but that does make it "one of the most difficult languages to learn". It's in fact the easiest language to learn. I am fluent in 4 languages and speak orally 2 others. And English is by far the simplest and most straighforward languages out there.

So yes I guess I do beg to differ : P
I can just as easily say Valve has a near complete version of the game on a PC that was not hacked and that the stolen version was an earlier Beta/Alpha. Or perhaps just a version they throw around the office for testing.

Until Valve comes out and tells us EVERYTHING, then we have nothing to go by - except what the hacker has stolen and distributed publicly.
Originally posted by Lexx2k
As i see Half-Life 2, not so good game.
You already see trailer's and hear wonderful things about half-Life2.
But now you can see: Game ready only at 50%, ai in the game builded on scripts! What's next ?
It's another game, not HalfLife wich you see on the Trailer.
It's 100% lies: Super Ai, super Visual perfomance.
Is it really fair to complain about a stolen beta that was never intended for public consumption? I believe you are what is commonly referred to as a "f*cktard".
anyway just wait for the REAL half life 2 to be released(aka preGold)
..then u will know whats AI