Half-Life 2 only standart game ???!!! Lies about game.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lexx2k
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Originally posted by quaint
anyway just wait for the REAL half life 2 to be released(aka preGold)
..then u will know whats AI

Funny, and here I thought the "real Half-Life 2" was going to ship in a box and be available for purchase at my local software shop.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Funny, and here I thought the "real Half-Life 2" was going to ship in a box and be available for purchase at my local software shop.

No there are two versions - the free stolen version which comes out today and the $49.99 official version which comes out in April 2004.
Originally posted by Netherscourge
I can just as easily say Valve has a near complete version of the game on a PC that was not hacked and that the stolen version was an earlier Beta/Alpha. Or perhaps just a version they throw around the office for testing.

Until Valve comes out and tells us EVERYTHING, then we have nothing to go by - except what the hacker has stolen and distributed publicly.

yea, question is, WHERE THE HELL IS VALVE in all this!?
I really do not know what goes thru Valves head this whole week .... this is truley facked up and I cannot believe they remain so calm about this.
let me say it is NOT scripted. i tested it myself, if you kill the guy the door doesnt get opened!

that anon guy is full of shit, a leaker, a hacker and should burn in hell.
The AI's actions are not scripted. But they use script-like hints... just like every other game in existence. (True AI is not possible in today's games). Oh, and BTW, English is by far the hardest and stupidest language to learn. In no other language will you find 4 ways to spell something, 10 words for one thing and some of the most horrendously thought up spellings. I'm more fluent in English than I am in my native language, even moreso than most American-born people here are. I've yet to see a single adult of foreign origin that has got this stupid language down to an art. It's only easy to learn if you start young, and have all the nonsense crammed in your head. European countries start learning foreign languages in the 2nd grade, and they don't need to spend every year of their education learning their OWN language. They've already mastered it by age 7. I know from experience, so give the guy a break, even if he is spewing nonsense.
Originally posted by Lexx2k
As i see Half-Life 2, not so good game.
You already see trailer's and hear wonderful things about half-Life2.
But now you can see: Game ready only at 50%, ai in the game builded on scripts! What's next ?
It's another game, not HalfLife wich you see on the Trailer.
It's 100% lies: Super Ai, super Visual perfomance.

Fcuk off.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Please shut the fack up already, you didnt even play the damn thing.
Im a very hard person to please and very picky about games, and after playing the "Demo", this is BY FAR the best FPS ever made, even tho it wasnt even done.
Graphics, lightning, engine & pshysics are untouchable, now please go away.

Can i know where to download the demo? I seen trailers but never seen the demo yet?

I would like to try if given a chance!

Any help?

I've yet to see a single adult of foreign origin that has got this stupid language down to an art.
This is the case for all languages. There is a critical period for language aquisition. You can read up on it if you like.


Lesson over.
Originally posted by chuawenching
Can i know where to download the demo? I seen trailers but never seen the demo yet?

I would like to try if given a chance!

Any help?

"Demo" with " " is the keyword

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(and no, its not a warning, its just a kind reminder)

And can people please STOP SWEARING SO GOD DAMN ****ING MUCH?! The discussion isnt good from the start, if you want to keep the discussion going refrain from single line response containing above mentioned swear words.
Okay i won't request anything...

I just read the forums regulations after posting...

I will be careful next time :)

Thanks for reminding me.
Okay, for those who don't think that the e3 traptown level is scripted, I went through it just now and even made a vid (10Mb compressed with Xvid) and I can pinpoint pretty much every trigger on the map.

Want to try it yourself? It's simple, use 'notarget' to turn yourself invisible.

When the map starts, make yourself invisible.

1.) walk forward slowly, when you reach that first barrel the grunt will come running up the stairs. He'll just look around cluelessly though.

2.) Close the door and push the table over it, this triggers the next event. More grunts are spawned and starts shooting through the windows. One grunt will kick the door open and then begin firing in the direction of the stairs. Once they enter the room, again, they just walk around aimlessly.

3.) Slowly walk up the stairs, when you get to about the top of the stairs another grunt will start shooting through the window.

Out on to the roof, the grunts down below aren't doing much, one grunt goes and stands in the direct path of the swinging girder, he obviously dies (AI could do with tweaking then).

4.) Slowly walk down the stairs looking to your right. As you reach the edge of the ledge a zombie will spawn at the right of you.

5.) Walk forward past the fan towards the other two paths, zombies will spawn to the right of you.

Shoot the zombies (don't kill them) and get them to come towards you.

6.) When the zombies have passed the barrel, turn off 'notarget', watch as one of the zombies turns back around and goes back to kick the barrel at you.

That's about it, going forward in the other direction spawns some more zombies and I believe another zombie spawns somewhere near the car.

Like I said, I made a vid if anyone wants to see for themselves.
Originally posted by Oakey
Okay, for those who don't think that the e3 traptown level is scripted, I went through it just now and even made a vid (10Mb compressed with Xvid) and I can pinpoint pretty much every trigger on the map.

Want to try it yourself? It's simple, use 'notarget' to turn yourself invisible.

When the map starts, make yourself invisible.

1.) walk forward slowly, when you reach that first barrel the grunt will come running up the stairs. He'll just look around cluelessly though.

2.) Close the door and push the table over it, this triggers the next event. More grunts are spawned and starts shooting through the windows. One grunt will kick the door open and then begin firing in the direction of the stairs. Once they enter the room, again, they just walk around aimlessly.

3.) Slowly walk up the stairs, when you get to about the top of the stairs another grunt will start shooting through the window.

Out on to the roof, the grunts down below aren't doing much, one grunt goes and stands in the direct path of the swinging girder, he obviously dies (AI could do with tweaking then).

4.) Slowly walk down the stairs looking to your right. As you reach the edge of the ledge a zombie will spawn at the right of you.

5.) Walk forward past the fan towards the other two paths, zombies will spawn to the right of you.

Shoot the zombies (don't kill them) and get them to come towards you.

6.) When the zombies have passed the barrel, turn off 'notarget', watch as one of the zombies turns back around and goes back to kick the barrel at you.

That's about it, going forward in the other direction spawns some more zombies and I believe another zombie spawns somewhere near the car.

Like I said, I made a vid if anyone wants to see for themselves.

------------------ :eek: -------------------------

Halflife2.net does not condone downloading illegal software. The moderators of this forum will remove every post that discusses this as well as the posting rights of the user creating it. Yes that's right you will be banned. If you want to discuss this go elsewhere.

Do not:

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If you have a problem with this email me at [email protected]

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Originally posted by Netherscourge
No there are two versions - the free stolen version which comes out today and the $49.99 official version which comes out in April 2004.
No there are two versions, the supposedly stolen version which probably won't come out today (and is most likley just made up by a kid, not the real hacker), and the $49.99 official version which according to valve will come out over the holidays, and according to some random guy from vu who hasn't talked to valve in over a year is coming out april 2004.
Dawdler: I won't be posting links, people can email me or pm or something.
While in the real game the AI probably won't be scripted to do specific things (ie, kick the door in), you can hardly blame them for scripting it in the demo. Of course they'll script things they show off. They're trying to show the most advanced things their AI will do, and so in order to make it go as smoothly as possible they'll script it.
Originally posted by Oakey
Dawdler: I won't be posting links, people can email me or pm or something.
I dont care about that, since you as you said didnt do it. However, what you did do was post explicit information. That is covered in the rules, if you see my bold remarks... I cant ban. Nor do I want to report for ban. But if I see it again in this thread, I will. Lucky for you I'm going to bed now.
*looks* Those rules only appeared today. I don't see what the big deal is, it's entirely what this thread was about (I think :cheese: )
Originally posted by Oakey
*looks* Those rules only appeared today. I don't see what the big deal is, it's entirely what this thread was about (I think :cheese: )
Well yes, but there is alot of difference between saying Valve lied and its scripted to say "Out on to the roof, the grunts down below aren't doing much, one grunt goes and stands in the direct path of the swinging girder, he obviously dies"

See what I mean with explicit information?

I understand its hard to prove anything without backing it up using information from the beta, but if you need it for this, just leave the discussion. Ignore it. No posting of such information.
Originally posted by Lexx2k
You just don't know a THING.
Ai movement's just scripts.

no they aint man sorry but the ai is NOT based on scripts.
i still think the AI works real well :) and even if you don't like it, the AI is the least important component of this game, isn't it?
i think lexx needs attention.. and he gets it through his stupidity in these forums..

The game's nice and all, gfx are excellent and all that. But if all the levels / maps worked on scripts the way I explained about traptown, this would mean the game would be exactly the same every time you played it. There'd be no replay value, except for MP of course.
We don't know jack whether the events will be scripted in HL2. Just because they seemed to be scripted in the E3-demo doesn't mean they'll be scripted in the Gold version. Hl2 will most probably be released nearly a year after the E3 event and if you ask me, the chances of the scripted events still being there would be pretty slim. They told their customers/other developers what HL2 will be capable of in terms of AI and if you ask me: they'd be kicking themselves in the nuts if they'd come with scripted events in the Gold version.
Originally posted by Oakey
The game's nice and all, gfx are excellent and all that. But if all the levels / maps worked on scripts the way I explained about traptown, this would mean the game would be exactly the same every time you played it. There'd be no replay value, except for MP of course.

I'm kind of under the impression that all the e3 maps were just that, maps made for the e3 demonstration. I could be wrong, but why is e3_lab so much different from the d3_lab_01 level? Also, all of the e3_ maps end abruptly, you get to a certain point, and it just stops, no more buildings, nothing.

Either way, someone suggested moving the barrel and seeing what happens, I tried this, the nearest zombie to the barrel headed for it and kicked it.. also, I let them get closer, and another zombie used it again.

I assume it's a trigger set for the zombies to use the barrel, however it'd be interesting to see what taking another barrel from a different part of the level to that part would result in.

And one last thing, the combine that kicks the door down, if you kill it, the door doesn't get kicked down.

**Sorry if this message broke rules, just contributing to the discussion, would never openly post about this if there weren't others doing so.
How could this post get this big... Jesus I'm jealous... I guess you have to be a moron and have everyone flame you...
Halflife 2 theft...

I cant believe that some people are actually supporting this hacker, thanks to him, we could be waiting up to 4 months to get a non beta (if you could even call it that) version of Halflife2.

Personally, if i knew him, id kick his ass! Thanks to arrogant, impatient guy's like this, developers all over the globe are going to be more focused on securing their systems then actually developing the games!

People are posting saying they have been 'deceived' by Valve. Valve are putting all their resources into trying to make a game that will set the new genre of PC Shoot 'em' up's, they put long, grevious hours of programming into trying to produce a product to satisfy the public and this is the thanks they get? and then some people are complaining because the game 'might' be scripted, i mean really, does anyone care as long as the game is an enjoyable experience?

Valve are a hard working team, how do you think they feel knowing a huge chunk of their creation has been stolen? How would you feel if something you'd been working on for almost 2 years had been stolen in an instant? Valve deserve better then just non-stop complaining over an un-official beta, they deserve your support, after all, they make the games for you and me.

All you people taking cracks at the developers and supporting the hacker should really think twice about what your doing, because encouraging lowlife's like this will just mean that more and more of the games you want will fall victim to computer crimes such as these.

In short :

Dont even bother to comment on a game unless you've played the "OFFICIAL" release. Everything else is just speculation.

Re: Halflife 2 theft...

Originally posted by Razorscott2YK
Dont even bother to comment on a game unless you've played the "OFFICIAL" release. Everything else is just speculation.
Give this man a cigar!
*Shuzer hands Razorscott2YK a cigar

I agree with his post, though, and I'd like to add that they've been working on HL2 as a whole for 5 years, not 2, but either way, good post man :)
Originally posted by silent
How could this post get this big... Jesus I'm jealous... I guess you have to be a moron and have everyone flame you...

^ that is worth repeating haahahah good one :cheers:
Offtopic but to the person who said English is one of the hardest languages to learn, well im sorry to say thats total BS. Try learning sweadish or chinease. Those are the hardest languages. The swedish gramatic rules are totally wierd, and dont make any sence compared to english, finnish, french ones.
Wow, I've never met a bigger group of morons EVER

Not all Code compiled correct = Bugs, Errors, etc. etc.

Would you morons "The ones who are complaining" get it in your little brains, that the hacker did not get all of the code? And the code he did get wasn't compiled 100% correctly. Sheesh
Originally posted by Shuzer

And one last thing, the combine that kicks the door down, if you kill it, the door doesn't get kicked down.

I'm not sure that's exactly what was said (although it rings a bell). What DOES happen, is if you kill the grunt, then close the door and push the table across it, there will be a shour of "Freeman!!!" followed by two kicks to the door. The problem is that there is no one outside to kick it.

As for learning languages I bet the majority of people here learned a secondary language in high school. It might be easy to learn a language there, it's not if you're trying to learn yourself OR you have no NEED to learn another language and are just trying your best from what little you've picked up.
Oh yeah, regarding the door getting kicked down, some people could be seeing different resulsts cause they have different builds. The ones that are seeing the expected results probably have a better compiled build.
Originally posted by Dsty2001
Oh yeah, regarding the door getting kicked down, some people could be seeing different resulsts cause they have different builds. The ones that are seeing the expected results probably have a better compiled build.

Erm, everyone is using the same build.
Originally posted by Oakey
It might be easy to learn a language there, it's not if you're trying to learn yourself
Not exactly true. I got English in my final two years of grade school but I was already able to speak it nearly fluently. How? Neither of my parents are either American or English. They seemed to have a disfunction for Soaps on the BBC and because we only had 1 TV and no computer at the time, I was kind of forced to watch the soaps with them. And unknowingly, my parents taught me English.

It's easy. It just takes time.
Originally posted by MaxiKana
Offtopic but to the person who said English is one of the hardest languages to learn, well im sorry to say thats total BS. Try learning sweadish or chinease. Those are the hardest languages. The swedish gramatic rules are totally wierd, and dont make any sence compared to english, finnish, french ones.

Hehe... okej.. så du tycker att svenskan är svår? tycker inte jag.. kanske för att jag är svensk :cheese:

in english:

hehe... okey.. so you think swedish is hard? I don't think that.. maybe because I am swedish :cheese:

ps: I WANT THIS GAME..... NOW!! :cheers:
Originally posted by Saltpeter
Not exactly true. I got English in my final two years of grade school but I was already able to speak it nearly fluently. How? Neither of my parents are either American or English. They seemed to have a disfunction for Soaps on the BBC and because we only had 1 TV and no computer at the time, I was kind of forced to watch the soaps with them. And unknowingly, my parents taught me English.

It's easy. It just takes time.

Exactly, time. Some people don't have it and even more so if you have no inclination to learn. Sure it's easy if you want to, but if you don't, or have no need, then yeah you're going to struggle just using bits you've picked up.
Yeah, Swedish is nothing like English. Also, Chinese is actually kinda easy, considering there's really no alphabet to it. English is just the most.... oh, what's the word... fudged up language. It's a concoction of many different languages. Over the eras we borrowed words from all sorts of different places and peoples, and we're not even sure how everything is supposed to fit. Take the spelling for example... it sounds nothing like it is written. I'm Polish... so, I can tell you that the polish language is entirely phonetic. Everything sounds the way it looks. And we even have more letters and compound-letters (kind of) that make more sounds that Americans couldn't even pronounce. I think America is the only place that has spelling bees. Even a 1st grader in Poland could spell every single word in the language, while there's some adults here that can't spell simple 5 letter words still.

On a more related note... Valve never said there was no scripted sequences. They merely stated that the AI decides what to do based on situations. In code form, this would be like a if/else statement. It checks what options are available to it and picks the best one. So yes, obviously the door being kicked down might be there for artistic flair and drama. But that's a good thing. It keeps the monotony down. Stop complaining. This is the e3 build after all... they wanted to make sure it happened for the demo movie, so they probably just coded it in there.