Half-Life 2 Pre-Loading

wonkers said:
What's taking them so long? I could do this a lot faster. I think I will make my own block busting game. Then put it out in 38 hours. Show them who's boss.

Really though. WHAT THE HELL. they are sloooowwwww.... geeze.

Bah, give them a break. They created a kick ass engine. It wasn't like they built HL2 on the freakin Quake 3 engine.

Besides, HL3 will probably be a 2 year project or so.
Hectic Glenn said:
Can someone tell me where the pre-load saves to as default. Because i pre-loaded the first one, and decided im going to buy it instead now, so me needs to delete it :( I would make a new thread, but i thought it kinda fits in here? Cheers, im hopeless, i cant find it. :imu:


Where x is the drive you installed Steam on and xxxxx is the rest of the path.

Delete "base source shared materials.gcf".
Hectic Glenn said:
Can someone tell me where the pre-load saves to as default. Because i pre-loaded the first one, and decided im going to buy it instead now, so me needs to delete it :( I would make a new thread, but i thought it kinda fits in here? Cheers, im hopeless, i cant find it. :imu:

Don't Delete It! Because as soon as you buy it and install it, it's just gonna but the same files back on your computer ;) Preload it, then when you but it select purchase HL2 in steam and enter your Cd-Key. It will then be unlocked and already installed :)

(This is assuming the purchase options are the same as every other game on steam)
I am stuck at 52% too, but that's because all steam servers are full.
Click Pause, then click Continue, and you'll see.
"Steam servers are currently too busy, blabla"
Thanks alot, i found it, big thing aint it! Well thats to be expected, but, if i buy the retail version, there will be no benefit of having the pre-loads, thats only useful for those buying it from steam i understand? Theres absolutely no point having them if i buy the game, am i correct in saying that? :upstare:
Hectic Glenn said:
Thanks alot, i found it, big thing aint it! Well thats to be expected, but, if i buy the retail version, there will be no benefit of having the pre-loads, thats only useful for those buying it from steam i understand? Theres absolutely no point having them if i buy the game, am i correct in saying that? :upstare:

You could probably just enter your CD-Key (that you get with your box) and then it will already be installed.
Hectic Glenn said:
Thanks alot, i found it, big thing aint it! Well thats to be expected, but, if i buy the retail version, there will be no benefit of having the pre-loads, thats only useful for those buying it from steam i understand? Theres absolutely no point having them if i buy the game, am i correct in saying that? :upstare:

Read my reply on page 3.
Of course you can just enter your key, that guy should have used the search for the answer to that one.
This file must be massive im only at 66% and ive been dling for about 1/2 hour. I am getting 1.8Mbs
Whenever I get stuck preloading i hit pause and then i resume it and it starts downloading.
w00t! It's starting! 700+ kb/s! And kudos to Valve for making what has already been a great day for me even better!
So in that respect...buy just reading off my cd key from the box, i dont need to even use the disc...thusly keeping it in mint condition? I like that idea. Thanks guys, i haven't been staying up to date enough with this *hits head* im currently getting 350-450kb/s, pretty awful compared to you guys.
so im a bit confused, is this 1 gig we have now, or 2, becuase i know they use a different standard for data

Just press pause, then press continue so it connects to a different server :p
ARG THE GAME IS DLED I AM PLAYING THE HL2 NOWWWW... lol i wish i cant wait for all these preloads to finish.. it just makes me more and more excited

audio files? i thought the first preload was for audiofiles...
Meh, I thaught this was the finaly dawnload, we still far away.
Yay, more preload. I smell gold, fellers. Just you wait...
SMT said:
Yay, more preload. I smell gold, fellers. Just you wait...
Whenever the next preload is. Probably a week since they seem to come weekly now.
Just think, we will soon have 99-100% of hl2 and wont be able to play it :)
Yeah I know prolly 2-3 weeks of waiting after the preloads are done.
I wasn't round a year ago just before valve 'said' hl2 was gonna be released, but did you guys get suspicious then when there was no pre-loads near the date? or wasn't it going to be released on steam then? just a thought :bounce:
Hectic Glenn said:
I wasn't round a year ago just before valve 'said' hl2 was gonna be released, but did you guys get suspicious then when there was no pre-loads near the date? or wasn't it going to be released on steam then? just a thought :bounce:

Yeah they said that just before the game was released they'd begin to pre-load. So if they're sticking to the same plan (never know with them) then this means good news for us!
...before you're going to change the server you should take a look at the builtin traffic monitor. sometimes steam seams to swallow the decimals. btw, 96 k/s here, with dual isdn. even here not the full bandwidth. still convinced that sitting and starring at the preload, just to hit pause&continue in case the traffic drops, doesnt make any sense. progressbar-watching was never on of my favourized computer-activities.
i just think that more preloads is good because that means more of the game is ready... what is left? models and code?

Personally, I didnt think that steam could handle the demands of preloading at the time. But now, its seems to be just humming along.
storyline script, maps, and proper executable, which will probably overwrite the current one.
when they start preloading the actual map files, gold will be very close.
71% @ 2.0Mb/s Content Server 3
What speed are you guys getting?

[Edit] 6 Minutes later I'm at 81% @ 1.7Mb/s [/Edit]
This one seems to be taking much longer. Is it 1 gb compressed, or 500mb compressed like the last one?