*~*Half-Life 2 preload begins August 17*~*

brink's said:
Don't double post, n3wb;)

i can double post if i want to! i am thehunter1320! been here since july... not "September"... lol, september... what is that :LOL: please note the sarcasm so this doesn't turn into a flame war... i'm just making a funny
Maybe this means that the EB games did have the real date of when HL2 will be released (Sept 1st)
Valve does'nt like, it just does'nt like to be very honest..

Can someone clear it up for me? Preload = 17th... when will be get activated?
When it hits the store shelves, which isn't known by anyone.
I hope there's at least 2-3 weeks between pre-loading and the final release date. That'll help Steam servers from overloading.
at least now we know that it cant possibly be more than a month or vavle would risk hackers messing with the pre-load or whatever.

So, has everyone got there half-life 2 boots on?
wahey! talk about a turn on..

too bad I'm going surfing from august 18 till beginning of september. oh well.. ;)
Smack me and call me animal names!!! :thumbs:
This is the w00t! Damn this is the news i wanna see :p

Lets hope they dont delay it again heh, tho i feel positive that this is it :bounce: :bounce: :farmer:
Aaw man just as I am about to start school again. Now I won't be able to concentrate ;( ;)
Alec_85 said:
Aaw man just as I am about to start school again. Now I won't be able to concentrate ;( ;)

Who needs school when you got Half-Life 2? :D

BigNamek said:
Who needs school when you got Half-Life 2? :D


I need it...

I allready failed this yeah at 6th form because i was lazy and too busy!

I dont wana fail again.... :(

HL2 will be nice tho...... :x
Xcellere said:
Taken from HL2Fallout.com forums.
Direct link to Gabe's post.

Great, my avatar has been stolen by a 5 year old on another forum who says hahahaha a lot and likes using exclamation marks. :rolleyes:

As for the topic - i'm with the guy who said the only thing to get excited about is a definate release date

Sorry, had to do that.

But this is something to be excited about, this means that gold isn't that far away.
out of interest CR0M, how did you make your avatar? its exellent i must say.
MaxiKana said:

Sorry, had to do that.

But this is something to be excited about, this means that gold isn't that far away.

1 month or two is still a long ways away... for me at least. :(
I'm so excited
and I just can't fight it
I'm about to loose control and I think I like it
all i can say is woot! thats pretty spiffy stuff even though there not finished with the code. Definatly in september we'll be playing this wonderfull game! yayzorz!
Dr0ndeh said:
out of interest CR0M, how did you make your avatar? its exellent i must say.

just something i knocked up one bored afternoon.
3D max exported to macromedia fireworks for gif compression, after effects, and export.
doesnt exactly mean it will be released this month, they r only releasing things that wont be edited, they cud of done this month ago, but maybe they feel up to it now =)

maybe there will be a delay and this wont happen :)
I'd be very suprised if Half-Life 2 hasn't been declared Gold by the end of the month. Content is finished and the engine is very nearly finished, except for any bugs the CS:S Beta could find. There can't be any "show stopping" bugs otherwise there couldn't have been a beta.

Valve could get a lot of information from the first day of the CS:S Beta. Say that the CS:S Beta has an average of 5000 players throughout the day. In 1 day of the beta test the beta testers will play the equivilant of 1 person testing the game for 13 years. Which is a lot really. Any bugs are bound to be discovered quickly, and Valve will be able to fix them. Add to that the extra week that the Cyber Cafés got, which would've discovered bugs.

Then they will send an RC to Vivendi. Siera took 2 days to test the Half-Life RC. I'd imagine the Half-Life 2 RC will undergo about the same amount.

Overall it doesn't look like it will take long before Gold. Hooray.
What's the rush?

They midas well just release it on Sept 28th, and by the time it hits stores, will be Sept 30th, and then Gabe can say they released on time.
Feath said:
I'd be very suprised if Half-Life 2 hasn't been declared Gold by the end of the month. Content is finished and the engine is very nearly finished, except for any bugs the CS:S Beta could find. There can't be any "show stopping" bugs otherwise there couldn't have been a beta.

Valve could get a lot of information from the first day of the CS:S Beta. Say that the CS:S Beta has an average of 5000 players throughout the day. In 1 day of the beta test the beta testers will play the equivilant of 1 person testing the game for 13 years. Which is a lot really. Any bugs are bound to be discovered quickly, and Valve will be able to fix them. Add to that the extra week that the Cyber Cafés got, which would've discovered bugs.

Then they will send an RC to Vivendi. Siera took 2 days to test the Half-Life RC. I'd imagine the Half-Life 2 RC will undergo about the same amount.

Overall it doesn't look like it will take long before Gold. Hooray.

your reasoning skills make me wnat to have ur baby
deltron zero said:
I'm so excited
and I just can't fight it
I'm about to loose control and I think I like it

I never thought I'll her hear this from a man! LOL LOL!!!