*~*Half-Life 2 preload begins August 17*~*


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Just got out of a review meeting. 8/11 the Cafe's turn on (tomorrow). 8/16 CZ/ATI users pre-load. 8/18 CZ/ATI turns on. 8/17 HL-2 pre-load starts (textures, audio and other stuff that doesn't change).

Taken from HL2Fallout.com forums.

Direct link to Gabe's post.
is this for sure?
well cant really be...y should they have a beta, when the results don't go into the final product?

edit: WOW ITS TRUE !!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :cheers:
And this person is high profile or what?

I believe it when I here it comes from Gabe's virtual mouth!

EDIT: Well, now I believe it. :naughty:
o.o that must mean the RC was accepted... (im suprised there wasnt any press on it)

HALF LIFE 2 IS ALMOST IN OUR HANDS! (even if this is fake)

WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! WILD PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smoking:
It pretty much confirms what we've all been hoping, HL2 somewhere is september.
OMG. YES. Still doesn't mean it will go gold soon though.

EDIT: Good, the poster edited his post.
This isn't a full pre-load of HL2, only stuff that won't change (like textures and audio). So HL2 can still be a while away if they encounter some show stopping bug in the CS:S beta.

I'm still waiting for a gold announcement to be excited.

Its coming guys...and so am I!!
blahblahblah said:
This isn't a full pre-load of HL2, only stuff that won't change (like textures and audio). So HL2 can still be a while away if they encounter some show stopping bug in the CS:S beta.

I'm still waiting for a gold announcement to be excited.

Yah, that's what I meant :D Still, it's a step closer! And now I know when to wake up early and play CS:S, before school!
I bet this is true because of one reason.... I even started thinking earlier that they would unlock the CS:S beta on the 18th. My first day of school is on the 18th and it is just my luck that the beta starts on that day.
obiwanquinobi said:

Its coming guys...and so am I!!

This reminds me of a spray I made back in june 03... had the HL2 logo and under it it says "it's coming, are you?"
Well this is damn good news!

*The Mullinator pops the cork on a cheap bottle of wine.

Champaign will be for when it finally goes gold. ;)
so wait, pre-loading, does that mean that people that are ordering it off of steam can start downloading the finished files? So that could mean that we are getting it soon. Right? lol sorry im confused, just joined yesterday :angel:
this news is definitely a step towards a release date :thumbs:
come on Gabe, we need confirmation on more things.. like Collectors Editions, Steam subscription stuff.. but yeah anyway its good news :) :cheers:
You can preload some files, not the entire game. Valve may be doing this to easy the stress on their bandwidth; also because not all parts of the game are 100% yet.
Hmmm, so on the 17th we should start seeing images of the various textures and audio tracks popping up after people figure out how to hack the precache! (-: Avoiding spoilers could become difficult...but ah well, great news!!!

Obviously this doesn't mean that the RC was accepted and seems to imply that they don't think it will be accepted by the 17th either, but it is good news none the less.

What really strikes me is the fact that he posted to fans right after he got out of the meeting. Very cool! Especially following id's announcement for Doom 3 coming 45 minutes after the meeting they had. Gabe just had to one-up them (-;
ManHacks said:
so wait, pre-loading, does that mean that people that are ordering it off of steam can start downloading the finished files? So that could mean that we are getting it soon. Right? lol sorry im confused, just joined yesterday :angel:
It means that people who are ordering it off of steam will be able to download some of the final game. they won't be able to play anything but they can download parts of the game that won't be changing, thats stuff like sound effects, music, 3d models, textures, etc.
You smell that? Do you smell that?... HL2 nearly finished, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of a gold disc in the morning. Smells like... victory
ManHacks said:
so wait, pre-loading, does that mean that people that are ordering it off of steam can start downloading the finished files? So that could mean that we are getting it soon. Right? lol sorry im confused, just joined yesterday :angel:

Wouldn't count on it...they've stated many times that steam and retail will be playable the same day. They've also stated that they would start pre-loading quite a while in advance so that everyone (even 56kers) would have a chance to get it downloaded on steam in time.
There's a light at the end of the tunnel after all.
lazicsavo said:
You can preload some files, not the entire game. Valve may be doing this to easy the stress on their bandwidth; also because not all parts of the game are 100% yet.

Probably textures, sounds, and other assets will download first..then when the beta testers find bugs in the Source engine (hopefully theres not going go be too many of those) , Valve will fix them then deliver the all important LAST part part 'Source' through steam...

Seems like a really neat concept - it will ease their bandwidth worries no end if they can pull it off!
Wait im confused now too.......doe sthat mean you can preload the CS source and some stuff for HL2?
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Is it possible for the game to go gold on the 17th?

Sure it's possible, but I don't think that this announcement relates to the 17th as a gold date in any way.
Ice_Walker said:
Wait im confused now too.......doe sthat mean you can preload the CS source and some stuff for HL2?

Yes, but it will only sit on your hard drive so you won't have to download it later. It will be in an encrypted file and will not be accessible. I doubt there will be anything that we'll be able to get our hands on in this pre-cache.
trantjd said:
Yes, but it will only sit on your hard drive so you won't have to download it later. It will be in an encrypted file and will not be accessible. I doubt there will be anything that we'll be able to get our hands on in this pre-cache.
It will still be usefull to get though since it will shorten download times once the full game is finally released and take stress off of Steam.
I just hope that details about the Collector's Edition will soon start to come up. It seems the last leg of development is coming upon us, and it would be nice if people knew what exactly will be in the CE that will make us buy that instead of the regular edition.
All this is a sign that we're moving forward (that Valve has actually been developing a game all this time) and it's great news, but we need a date and date when most of us will be standing in front of one store or another with our crowbars screaming for HL2