Half-Life 2 Rated 95% in Hyper magazine and awesome new screenshots inside


Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Hi just lookin a local newsagent today and found the hl2 review in Hyper an Australian mag they gave the game 95% and there are some awesome new screens showing that it is possible to kill a strider... update l8r
isn't the method of killing the strider a HUGE spoiler?
ill buy the mag 2morrow and post the screens

actually can i do that
well maybe

highlight to read spoiler warning

but from wat it looks like u can kill it with a rocket to the head
disappointing to see hyper got it before PCPP, but nonetheless a good score :thumbs:
Strange, because PCPP and Hyper and are owned by the same Publishing Agency.
yer wats the deal with PCPP they bin sayin they gonna review for the last two months i wonder if its gonna b tru this time
Interesting but not going to read spoiler.
It's a fairly obvious spoiler. We all know you can kill a strider. How long you plan on spending trying is all that matters, really.
and another thing i noticed when i gave the review a quick look over

warning: spoiler

i noticed a new monster it looked like a mix between a headcrab and a spider and no its not the poison head crab this was about 10x the size of a head crab and i think it had 4 long legs and a horizontal oval shaped head it was all chocolate brown. You might b able to compare it to a very miniture strider but then again maybe not. ohh and there are more screens of that white combine dude, i forget his name the dude with red eye. And my God the graphics so hot.
mods am i allowed to post screens from the mag or not and if i can anyone want me or would u rather wait till the 16th
this is a reply to the first spoiler
aww man you cant kill a strider by shooting off one of its legs or something???
well ne0 it dont look like it but lets just see shall we or 4 the impatient like myself ill post sum pics 2morrow
MetalHead said:
mods am i allowed to post screens from the mag or not and if i can anyone want me or would u rather wait till the 16th

What, are you new here? Of course you can't post screens. Unfortunately. Those damn forum nazis...
sorta new but yer wasnt sure bout whether i could or not they should set up a spoiler thread so all those ppl that dont wanna look at em dont hav 2 it would b a lot easier but no i guess it just dusnt work like that dus it.
MetalHead said:
and another thing i noticed when i gave the review a quick look over

warning: spoiler

i noticed a new monster it looked like a mix between a headcrab and a spider and no its not the poison head crab this was about 10x the size of a head crab and i think it had 4 long legs and a horizontal oval shaped head it was all chocolate brown. You might b able to compare it to a very miniture strider but then again maybe not. ohh and there are more screens of that white combine dude, i forget his name the dude with red eye. And my God the graphics so hot.

Sure that's not the Antlion Guard?
^^ Dude, is this review on the net? or did metalhead send it to you?
nah m8 its not the Antlion guard i've never seen this enemy on any hl2 fansite enemy lists i've only seen it in this mag and no tokin i dont hav the mag yet and no its not on the net its in an Australian PC GAmes mag called HYPER i saw it in a newsagent today and im gettin it tomorrow
actually come to think of it, it looks something like this dude from stalker cept alot bigger and it has much longer spider like legs
gross dude. I dont wanna fight that thing, gives me the heebie jeebies, and not in a good way. In a very bad and upsetting way, like when you fell guilty about handicapped children. But seriously, that monster looks like it has super nuclear mutation downs syndrom. git outta here kid ya bother me.
lol ahahaha yer i recon... nah it dun hav the face but its pretty dam ugly and cH0WyUNf4T who u tellin to piss off the retard or sum1 else
hm..... i don't think there will only be one way to kill a strider..

Also you still sure it's not an Ant-lion guard? Have you seen the bugbait bink?
yer i got all the binks and i'm 100% its not an AntLion Guard. And lans i'm gettin the mag tomorrow ill tell u more then. And has anyone seen the overseas mag Score dunno where its from but its not in english it has so many spoilers and i think it also shows a new enemy but im not sure it could just b a real ****ed up zombie.

WARNING: may contain spoilers


  • weird_hl2_pic.JPG
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btw thats from the SCORE magazine not the HYPER one that i bin talkin bout all afternoon
MetalHead said:
yer i got all the binks and i'm 100% its not an AntLion Guard. And lans i'm gettin the mag tomorrow ill tell u more then. And has anyone seen the overseas mag Score dunno where its from but its not in english it has so many spoilers and i think it also shows a new enemy but im not sure it could just b a real ****ed up zombie.

Yer.....just search for SCORE Magzaine in this website and you'll find all the threads on it.....

Hm..... Spoiler tags around that pic woulda been nice? Oh well.. i don't mind... other people might
MetalHead said:
ohh k so its not a new monster

it is...if yo mean it's not listed... but a few already have seen that before and many are just avoiding spoilers.......
MetalHead said:
and another thing i noticed when i gave the review a quick look over

warning: spoiler

i noticed a new monster it looked like a mix between a headcrab and a spider and no its not the poison head crab this was about 10x the size of a head crab and i think it had 4 long legs and a horizontal oval shaped head it was all chocolate brown. You might b able to compare it to a very miniture strider but then again maybe not. ohh and there are more screens of that white combine dude, i forget his name the dude with red eye. And my God the graphics so hot.

From the way your describing this thing, it sounds like it might be the Big Momma (or Gonarch to use its proper name). But than again I'm not sure.

Did you complete the original half-life? If you did then its probably not what I just said in the spoiler tags.
wow wtf is that thing? theres too much fire :( i get what you meant about the small version of that other enemy...but its more spindley if you know what i mean?

could they be fast zombies at a weird angle?