Half-Life 2 release hour confirmed

qdlaty said:
Omg sorry 4 that but i must ask...
I live in Poland thats GMT+1 and i suck at this time madness so it will be unlocked thru steam at 9PM 16th November ? Or its gonna be at 8PM ? omg

9am :)
qdlaty said:
Omg sorry 4 that but i must ask...
I live in Poland thats GMT+1 and i suck at this time madness so it will be unlocked thru steam at 9PM 16th November ? Or its gonna be at 8PM ? omg
Whichever it is, its going to be AM , not pm
Someone should email valve. :) Looks real. Hope its real.
3AM EST? ooh.. :x
don't think thats gonna sit too well with some pple :p
FISKER_Q said:
You wouldn't be saying that if you knew who boomtown is :p

Ya iv heard good things about them. Dunno.

Dr. Freeman said:
3AM EST? ooh.. :x
don't think thats gonna sit too well with some pple :p

I think thats perfect. Because it still feels like its the 15th. + i never go to sleep. :/
I can't see any viable reason why someone would want to fake something like this. It makes perfect sense.

I live in the U.S. eastern timezone, so it'll be 3 a.m. when the magic happens. I won't stay up for it, though I may go to bed early and get up an hour or two earlier on the 16th to grab some play time before I head off to work.
10am at Finland, cool! I have cshool from 10am like 4hours so when I get at home with HL2 I can start play instantly.

If I got Lobster right with that Time Zone thing...
I love the guys that can go to school or work on hl2 day. I would never be able to. In fact im staying home like that whole week.
so 12am PST = 8am here in the UK. Owned me thinks

Daves Night of Monday 15th November:-

Dont come online, get to bed early.
Listen to some Kerrang TV to get relaxed.
Dont have any caffiene or anything like Red Bull.
Go to bed for around 12pm

Tuesday 16th November
Get up at 7am...take the missus to work for 8.....

Get back home at 815, start PC...play hl2!!

owned....owned beyong reasonable doubt!
8am GMT!? what the shit

id be happy with 8PM, no way am i waking up that early to play any game
I'm at Uni that day during the morning, nevermind I'll call in sick :D.
Ahh, that's good, 10 am.. I have three hours out of school from 11 am to 2pm! yay! hl2 madness!
I doesn't matter when they release it to me. I work til 4:30 on the 16th so I can't play it til then anyway. If they release it at 3am EST that's fine by me. That just means everyone will be updating hteir steam while I'm sleeping and I'll have more bandwidth when I do it after work.
deltron zero said:
I doesn't matter when they release it to me. I work til 4:30 on the 16th so I can't play it til then anyway. If they release it at 3am EST that's fine by me. That just means everyone will be updating hteir steam while I'm sleeping and I'll have more bandwidth when I do it after work.

Most people already preloaded so bandwidth wont be a problem. + valve wont let their bandwidth get filled on hl2 release day.
Raziel-Jcd said:
I love the guys that can go to school or work on hl2 day. I would never be able to. In fact im staying home like that whole week.
same here, i took Tues-Fri off. still trying to come up with an excuse to get my wife out of the house (LOL)
BladeTurbo said:
same here, i took Tues-Fri off. still trying to come up with an excuse to get my wife out of the house (LOL)

Oh man thats a hard one. Lucky im still 17 :p

Try giving her some cash be like go to the mall. You know once women go to the mall its like 30 mins per shoe rack. haha!
Hmmm. 2am. At 11am on the 16th I have a group speech to give. Damn! I'll have to either go to my speech really tired or resist playing until after I get back from my class...
Bah this sucks for New Zealanders, it will almost be the 17th by the time we get to play.
09.00 here, still, I wont be able to play it before I get home from school, and then time's around 17.00. :(
Hmm, when did Vivendi send out that info? I'm in their email and postal services so I get it all but I didn't get an info of any sort ???
Mountain Man said:
I live in the U.S. eastern timezone, so it'll be 3 a.m. when the magic happens. I won't stay up for it, though I may go to bed early and get up an hour or two earlier on the 16th to grab some play time before I head off to work.

I am also in eastern time zone and that is exactly what I plan to do too. There is no way in hell I am staying up till 3:00 A.M., I would be too tired to play and I have to work in the morning. The only thing I will do that morning before work is set all my controls, sound, video settings and then take the ride on the train to city 17 and watch the credits roll, once the train stops then I will have to go to work. But that night is when I really get to play
Damn you people are crazy. I sleep like 2 hours a day or less during the summer. Pull all nighters all the time. + during the weekdays ill probably go to sleep around 4am etc. wake up 7am. Hl2 comes out im not going to sleep for days!

(my record is 5 days no sleep) (thats also 5 days infront of comp)!
I get it at 8am! Cool, I can sleep in, eat breakfast, and have fun!!!
7pm on wednesday the 17th woot no exams on that day :) or the day after :).

Im sure someone will break the release date though :rolling:
Yombi said:
7pm on wednesday the 17th woot no exams on that day :) or the day after :).

Im sure someone will break the release date though :rolling:

Even if they break it you wont be able to play. It will get unlocked at that time. If you but it early you will just have the cd and box etc :frog:
same here. get up, go to work and start my deliveries around the town, sneak into the gamestop, buy my copy, do another few deliverys, sneak home, play the game, do another delivery, sneak home play the game, etc etc.......