Half-Life 2 Release Update

Yup I just read the Valve info thread and that struck me aswell. The game will be pre-loading "pretty far in advance." How long do you think "pretty far" is? I would say a minimum of 4 weeks, more than likely 6-8 weeks. Anyone know how long CS:CZ pre-loaded before release?

If my guesses are right we wont be seeing the game until at least August, but we already knew that....
As i said:
July: if a miracle occurs
August: likely the soonest possible
September: much safer bet
October: conservative safe bet
November: if it ain't out this month, we start killing the hostages.
Apos said:
As i said:
July: if a miracle occurs
August: likely the soonest possible
September: much safer bet
October: conservative safe bet
November: if it ain't out this month, we start killing the hostages.

LOL I love your release calander
I have my money on September - October. At least Doom 3 will probably be out next month, there's something to play.
From: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 12:44 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Clearing up some LH2 rumors on the HL2.net forums.
There are reports/rumors floating round that....
(Source = www.halflifesource.com)

"Valve will deliver the finished game to Vivendi Universal within a few weeks. However, Vivendi is telling us that they hope to have the game on the store shelves by the fall."
I'm not asking whether or not this information is 'true' or asking for a release date, but is this information indeed reliable?

Best Wishes,
Jonathan Griffin

----- Original Message -----
From: Gabe Newell
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 11:40 AM
Subject: RE: Clearing up some LH2 rumors on the HL2.net forums.

Not from us.
^^^ from the valve imfo topic
for once this isn't valve's fault, this time it's the pulisher...
still why the hell would they delay it i mean every single person on the face of the earth knows about this game even if there waiting for christmas there will be proably nodiffrence
i just don't think they are thinking clearly...

i say we wait until they offically annouce the "delay" and then do somthing to get there attention (hmm i live near by...)
Apos said:
As i said:
July: if a miracle occurs
August: likely the soonest possible
September: much safer bet
October: conservative safe bet
November: if it ain't out this month, we start killing the hostages.

LMAO Apos! Thsi thread needed some humour to lighten the tone and this is perfect :) I personally hope that it comes out before the end of September. Any later than that and the Hax0rz will be out again. Basts. :eek:
I can tell ANYONE from past experience that Hl Radio are not to be relied on. The game is comming, just sit back and wait.
EuroGamer reports that the Half-Life 2 release date saga continued to rumble on this weekend, with an Autumn release date now mooted as the title's likely launch window despite development on the hugely-anticpated game reportedly being completed in a matter of a few weeks .

Reports emanating from Half Life Radio in the US state that Valve will deliver the game to publisher Vivendi in the next few weeks, in line with the Seattle-based developer's recent promises that work on the project would be finished this summer. In fact, Valve's marketing director Doug Lombardi restated last week that the game was still "on target" for the summer
Not to spoil anyones appetite, but remember that this is the same thing we had last year.
We didn't hear about the delay until a week before the game was supposed to be released.
What i'm saying is keep an open mind, just let ignore all this stuff and be surprised when the game comes out.

Besides, anticipation is often better than the real thing (although i hope this isn't the case ofcourse :D).
Gamesites are once again, trying to gain from the HL2 hype.
Dont let them get to you!
No dollar respecting publisher would release a game in the autumn when they can cash in on CHRISTMAS just a coupla months later.
CR0M said:
No dollar respecting publisher would release a game in the autumn when they can cash in on CHRISTMAS just a coupla months later.

Oh you must be a marketing executive.
CR0M said:
No dollar respecting publisher would release a game in the autumn when they can cash in on CHRISTMAS just a coupla months later.

SHEDDEP! :frown: lol
if we dont get any news from valve by the end of july, ill be worried then.
SubKamran said:
SHEDDEP! :frown: lol

Well it worked for jebus...
if I remember rightly he got a gold frankenstein and... meh.
CR0M said:
No dollar respecting publisher would release a game in the autumn when they can cash in on CHRISTMAS just a coupla months later.
The game is going to make a shit-load of money no matter when it's released. Holding it for a few months makes little sense when they could take the money and run now.
naive, but I can see the direction you're going. *nudge nudge wink wink*

oi Valve - Listen to Mountain Man and release it NOW, dammit - he's right, you have nothing to lose
What will I do if HL2 doesn't come out? HL2 has been my life for the past year! I wasn't looking for reason to live before seeing HL2.
Actually, the real good publishers, would launch the game in the end of the fall. Because a good selling game, reaches his peak about a month after the release. So if they would release HL2, let us say somewhere at the beginning of November, they would have a huge succes right after the release, but an even bigger one, during the holidays.
ferd said:
Actually, the real good publishers, would launch the game in the end of the fall. Because a good selling game, reaches his peak about a month after the release. So if they would release HL2, let us say somewhere at the beginning of November, they would have a huge succes right after the release, but an even bigger one, during the holidays.

as mountain man said, it doesn't matter when they release it there still going to make a mountain of cash
ferd said:
Actually, the real good publishers, would launch the game in the end of the fall. Because a good selling game, reaches his peak about a month after the release. So if they would release HL2, let us say somewhere at the beginning of November, they would have a huge succes right after the release, but an even bigger one, during the holidays.

True enough, and you're not even mentioning the intrest they would miss in the 3 months of later releasing.
And the huge hit their credibility would take. If we found out they sat on the game for 3 months, and they could have released it during the summer, when they (Valve) said....God I don't even want to imagine it :rolling:
seriously, putting release off for a few more months would not lose them a penny, the same people will still buy the game a few months later that would have bought it anyway, and the revenue from christmas will ADD to the amount from relatives buying for kids, extra xmas gift cash etc., they can only gain. That's why major games usually show their faces near christmas.

As for ruined cred, are you saying that you wouldn't buy it just out of spite? course you would, and they know that. Don't forget Valve and vivendi are money making organisations, not our biatches. That's what they do. Release the game early and make consumers happy or make flipping great wodges of cash for themselves at xmas... what would you do?
Surely I would still buy the game, no question there. What I'm saying is, Vivendi probably wouldn't get publishing rights to Valve's next game if they sat on it for 3 months, and made Valve look bad. Speaking of Vivendi publishing one of Valve's future games, is there any word on this? Their relationship doesn't seem to be the greatest :p

Putting the game out a few months before the holiday season (as others have already stated) would make sense, just so popularity would rise, and would give time for the word to spread. Then, when the holidays hit, everyone will be buying the, "Game Jimmy has." Not many people (that aren't big gamers) even know about HL2, so it would be smart to give them some time to find out about it.
Jimmy already has it? :eek:
Quick, everyone round to jimmys place
but holidays is a good time to release the game because there are far more kids around with spare time, they shall see this game and get on to the parents, with a decent advertising campaign they could clear up. In fact releasing it in time for Christmas doesn't guarentee sales because they shall have to compete with all the other games being released at that time, plus console games, etc, sooner they release it the more sales they shall get, if the game is good enough word of mouth shall promotoe it.

Add to this the fact not everywhere celebrates Christmas, in China CS is huge and so HL2 shall also be absolutely vast, no Christmas there.
summer release is better people have a longer holiday break about 9 weeks
Are you guys in denial or something? Of course a Christmas release would be more beneficial to Valve/Vivendi!!
Er, why? If the game comes out now, they get an influx of money NOW (money today is always better than money tommorow), plus the game is STILL out for purchase when Christmas season rolls around. They can even do a another big ad campaign for the Christmas season that plays up all the good reviews and huge popularity of the game to attract new players.
Apos said:
Er, why? If the game comes out now, they get an influx of money NOW (money today is always better than money tommorow), plus the game is STILL out for purchase when Christmas season rolls around. They can even do a another big ad campaign for the Christmas season that plays up all the good reviews and huge popularity of the game to attract new players.

And they could always release HL2 now and TF2 for Xmas. :)
i think they should just release the damn thing... how much more can they improve what they've done so far? even if they can, steam should make the improvements.. i think we are all ready for hl2, even a buggy one.. i know i am
iamaelephant said:
Are you guys in denial or something? Of course a Christmas release would be more beneficial to Valve/Vivendi!!
good for them, bad for us
bad for them (the customer is always right)
Tarkus said:
i think they should just release the damn thing... how much more can they improve what they've done so far? even if they can, steam should make the improvements.. i think we are all ready for hl2, even a buggy one.. i know i am

wtf?! no! i don't want to play HL2 the first time full of bugs and wait ages for a fix?!
GSW said:
wtf?! no! i don't want to play HL2 the first time full of bugs and wait ages for a fix?!
well, i sure am...bring it on
have we had a poll on this yet? im not sure, but i think we may have!