Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

I already searched through this thread and closest post to my problem i found was that it had already been fixed. In chapter 2 when barney tosses me the crowbar and i pick it up the picture is red and I am unable to use it. I have version 1.0
Any help would be appreciated.
Removing bullet time from jumping

First of all, I have to say that this is a great mod.

But I have a problem about jumping in Liquid Snake form. It keeps switching to bullet time when I jump. Which file should I modify to remove this feature (so I won't trigger bullet time everytime I jump). Thanks.
i dun like that metropolice i can do that in irfanview [i can change the overall color of the entire thing i just cant change specifics] any word on the sound editing tool?
twen you have to download the 1.1.. you should read the site
kucing the bullet time jump is part of the form.. it's ment to be like that
henkjan said:
kucing the bullet time jump is part of the form.. it's ment to be like that
Yeah I realized that. But I really want to remove the bullet time from jumping since it is annoying.
Hi xdiesp, and everybody.

First of all, I have to say, that this mod is awesome. +100% replay value to one of the best games out there.

My question: Are there invisible combine soldiers in the mod? Because I've come across a lot of invisible troops (you can only see the weapon they carry - quite freaky), but I don't know if this is intentional, or it's a graphical bug (textures disappear sometimes from new combine soldiers, but they don't become invisible, they look like some semi-transparent untextured model - but the invisible soldiers on the other hand, are truly invisible). So what's with this?
As far as the invisible soldiers go you are supposed to be able to see a faint blue outline of their bodies as well as their gun. The key to the invisible soldier is that if you don't kill them fast enough they will regenerate health/armor so that is why they seem invincible, I reccomend useing Snake's knife or a really strong/fast shooting automatic weapon.
Malleus: they should be light blue translucent,very hard to kill but not impossible

kucing: in patch we'll have that removed!

Twen: have you tried updating to patch 1.1c and if you really have to,pressing the bugfix button?

jason: I'll mail you too,the fact is you came when we just had found the performer...

the Hotdog Man: I've come back to my place,I'll update you on that 2° blue beam bug
Well, to me, they look like this:

Oh BTW, is there any way to watch the (retextured) Substance models in the SDK model viewer?
Malleus: crap,have you got the patch 1.1C? I worked a bit to have them more visible,weeks ago,but maybe it wasn't enough!
xdiesp said:
Malleus: crap,have you got the patch 1.1C? I worked a bit to have them more visible,weeks ago,but maybe it wasn't enough!

Yes, 1.1C patch is up. Anyway, I have Catalyst 5.2 (the newer versions don't work for me very well - HL2 won't even run with 5.6...)
Hey, what map has the bullsquid? That's all I wanna fight, where't is located? It used to scare me in original Hl1, I need to fight it in hl2 again! :sniper:
Malleus said:
Well, to me, they look like this:

Oh BTW, is there any way to watch the (retextured) Substance models in the SDK model viewer?

why noy use that skin from the hidden?
it's weird xdiesp.. when u gave me the patch to make them more visible, they where like verry verry visible... it think it's peoples video cards or something
anybody with DX9? How do you see the assassins with that?

hot564231: would you send me that? It is not the one with blue pants,right?
i have dx9 and i duno what is going on sometimes i c them as transperant bright blue other times there just eyes and a gun i will have a more extensive look tonight
I'm using DX9. I've messed with the graphics settings, but they still look the same. :O Strange. What video cards, and what drivers are you using?

EDIT: Transparent light blue stuff happens to me sometimes, when textures disappear from the soldiers. I'll try to make a screenshot of one of those....

Got it!
Here's the texture error (I saw them turn into these blue stuff, so it is surely not intentional):

And I think this is what they supposed to look like originally (it seems that only this model is affected by this bug - at least on my comp.):

But the invisible soldiers are not affected by this bug. They are invisible as seen on my preveiously posted pictures.
They are supposed to turn into the blue people in the first screenshot. It's some sort of cloacking thingy, when they don't have it activated they look silvery.
hot564231: yes,the hidden skin

Malleus: it's all ok,we thought your card didn't show the blue halo either. What you see in those photos is the assassin with and without stealth/shields active. I think the eyes idea was a little cheap though,I'll cut them out
xdiesp said:
hot564231: yes,the hidden skin

Malleus: it's all ok,we thought your card didn't show the blue halo either. What you see in those photos is the assassin with and without stealth/shields active. I think the eyes idea was a little cheap though,I'll cut them out

Thanks for clearing that up!

I think the eye+gun soldiers are sh*t scary, leave them in. I like them. Just make sure they don't use the blue stealth shield stuff (it would make them visible, it would make no sense). Let them be constantly invisible (or make the assassins be able to turn into these). Really, this is a good idea, don't throw it out.

Those assassins on the other hand (the guys with metallic body armor and the ability to turn stealth shields on), should have a much less visible stealth shield. I mean, the only problem is that it's much easier to see them with the shield - it is supposed to hide them a little bit, doesn't it?
dont cut them as of yet i havnt played substance for a while so i havnt cheked my assasins i didnt know that the stealth is actually a shield aswell because i thought it was just a bug when i had to shoot them 4 times with the super shotgun i would leave them in but i hate how theres just an eye and a gun dont cut them just fix it up
i just saw war of the worlds last night and that is the best movie i sure hope someone does get the sounds for the tripods [there scream is awsome] and probably a big ask but it would be so cool if some1 had a model for them [although in the movie these guys seem 100x more complicated than the striders in hl2] could any1 get me a picture of them i cant find any
and i just found this vid on the net http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=hl2beta-fassassin sure would be awsome if you had those assasins instead of the blue combine
Malleus: metal soldiers,blue-haloed soldiers and transparent-eyes soldiers are actually the same,what I call "the assassin". When they patrol without having the player on target,or after they've lost you (try going Snake's stealth in front of them and check!) they are normal metal. As soon as they spot you,they go invisible with the blue halo,eyes and shields (they're harder to kill). They might look totally transparent only in some level lights' conditions I've yet to understand...
xdiesp said:
Malleus: metal soldiers,blue-haloed soldiers and transparent-eyes soldiers are actually the same,what I call "the assassin". When they patrol without having the player on target,or after they've lost you (try going Snake's stealth in front of them and check!) they are normal metal. As soon as they spot you,they go invisible with the blue halo,eyes and shields (they're harder to kill). They might look totally transparent only in some level lights' conditions I've yet to understand...

I think I got it now. :) :)
So, IMO, if you manage to find out how to make them look like the way you want them to look like :) , you should go with the total transparent version. Maybe a really faint blue body is okay, but they are much better invisible than with the current blue stuff.
And if you don't manage to figure out what makes them sometimes invisible and sometimes blueish, it would be cool if you could make them switch back to "normal mode" when they die. It would make it clear for the player that it is in fact one type of soldier ... but maybe with two type of stealth shields (blue and invisible). If you can't get rid of a bug, make it part of the game :D :D LOL
Oh BTW, is there any way to watch substance models in the Model Viewer?
I spotted a few in water hazard. Speaking of which I reccomend increasing the damage of the bullsquid's acid spit, I stood there taking hits and it didn't seem to be hurting me, either that or it hurt me so little that it didn't matter. how about adding poison damage to them but not as seveare as a poison headcrab.

Also to adress the assasins please do keep them in much the same as they are now I like a challange when I fight them.
keep the assasins but i just hate how when there dead you can just see there eyes why dont you just keep them how they r but when they die revert them back to the original skin btw what blood mod should i use [the hl2 blood just seems average]
Angry Lawyer: ScriptO told me nothing about it so far,but should like to partecipate in person too ^0^

I'll see what I can do about the dying->visible assassins. Yes,the bullsquids in 1.2 will be tougher (WHEN it will be released :p). I've placed a skinner on the strider to have it look metallical and dark,then I got a somewhat good Tripod scream wav and just asked Jerry (he should be back working on the mod shortly,I have my last exam tomorrow too) to see if an incineration special FX could be done (worst of cases,we can turn the normal strider fire to disintegrating - without flying clothes the effect wouldn't be good enough prolly)
xdiesp will there be more of the half life 1 creatures in 1.2? i cna only find them a few times.
yeah you will need the clothes but cant you do that thru code just make it like it has just been gibbed and from what i remember there was green mushy dust as well as clothes so see what you can do about that oh yeah i just remembered theres no cloth physichs how do u get around that?
Xdiesp.. I am wondering if you have taken onboard the idea of different skinned Zombies.. as i said before.. Rebel zombies, (Zombies with rebel clothin on) Refugee zombies and Citizen zombies) and for the combine zombie i have an idea.

The Szarak solider on the right.. Why dont u have a metro cop mask broken like that and a head crab inside of it :D.. It would look neat..

and i just found out the Citizen C17 Zombies have been done
sorry xdiesp can't find the hidden mod no more, been trying all day www.hl2files.com seem's to have a problem and hell if im downloading that program off filepanet.com take to long