Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

well actually.. The Beta HL2 shotgun.. Was actually in the GCF file so it was still useable.. but he changed the shotgun sound it made.. and the sound that shotgun makes is used for a super shotgun Big boss has (i think) but if that OCIW or whatever it is called.. you found it in the GCF file.. There is no problem using it
What I never really understood about the shotgun modles is that they have no stock, I mean it seems like it streches out and stuff, anyone else notice that? I would use a screenshot to show what I mean but I don't have one right now. Take out a shotgun in substance(you can see what I mean better) and sort of move around with the mouse and look at the stock, it's just one long bar instead of the end of a shotgun. Anyone know why?
becouse when valve did the model they didnt plan to put it on an over sized fov like xdsipe did, they modeled only what was neccery so no need for stock
omg u lucky sob i dun car eif its leaked i want that OICW!!!!

and i have also noticed that theres 2 things i chek when i change fov in my mod 1 is the gravity gun i chek so u can stil c the hands and the other is to make sure the shotie dosnt look retarded
fgd file for hl2-substance?

Hello! do anyone know where i can download a fgd file for hl2-substance???
Or can someone send it to my e-mail adress, please if you found it anywhere.
THX much
there is no FGD
the mod is a bunch save games and some spawnd guns and npcs all over it.

I have a question:
how did you make the model use both the bump map and the env map?
I mean how did you make the solider use the bumpmap and the texture that makes his eyes glow in the dark?
i would like to put the combine soldier with diferent skins into garrys mod but i only get the 1 skin can u guys tell me how to get all the different skins btw i played substance today and my assassins r fine but i would sugest that if they die they go back to normal skin cuz i like blue gaurds just not blue bodies oh and substance is alot more than jsut some spawnd guns and npc's its got all kinds of stuff like bullet time diferent classes alot of new and interesting weapons it basically revamps the whoel hl2 and makes it alot more fun for those who can take it :]
it some guns and npcs + half assed weapon code and some CSS models.
some nice code was made there and I give respect to jerry.
the calss system dosent impress me ethere.
I can run HL2 with every thing maxed and AF 4x
and even C17 works fine
while Substance stuters on lower settings while I talk to alex n red letter day...
Hey that's acutally a pretty nifty arrey of vehicals, I can see them being placed in stratigic areas in substance. Nice find.
some nice code? hunderds of nice codes. shut up and go flame somewhere else

EDIT: and yeah about the vechicles from GMOW v2, you cant shoot with them.. maybe xdiesp can find something out to make them shoot... BUT! it would be so cool to have those vechicles in subctance! i can think of alot of places they could be verry usefull! please xdiesp we need the cars :)
I know.. What about the car Gordon had in Azure Sheep :).. He could run over combine and antlions in it :D
i would defenitely like to see some of thosw GMOW vehicles in substance

and yeah you can shoot with them, its just that they have by default a fixed tau cannon aiming forward at all times. I'd like to see stuff like perhaps a machinegun turret mounted on the roof of a big rig, or perhaps some forward pointing heavy combine energy guns on a bus. Interstate 76 4ever!
Sufferin-rebel said:
I know.. What about the car Gordon had in Azure Sheep :).. He could run over combine and antlions in it :D

You played Azure Sheep? Cool, and here I was thinking I was the only one. Say, ever play the sequal Point Of View, you play as an alien slave. It's pretty tricky caues you can't use standard medpacks or any human weapons. You generate health by killing people with your electric blast. Pretty clever if you ask me.
Inflames007: first,you've been proved wrong multiple times already with the leaked argument,it's silly that you still try selling this sh1t to unaware people,especially here where everybody is serious and do not tolerate flamers. Second,the DX7 shotgun is not even remotely yours,everybody who ever used Model Viewer and browsed through all its files knew about it well before you: when Cosmic_Fool from HL2 Fallout reported me on the topic there that you "found" it,I indeed answered I knew that already

I've completed my exams and getting back in touch with my collaborators,let's see what we can do. I know the vehicles would be good in the city,but as of now we never tested spawning props... Anyway,remember that the 1.2 patch will just be a *patch* (the final one),the levels themselves will get few or no changes - nothing major in the end. Even the guns graphics and sounds will remain mostly unchanged: simply an adjustment,that's all

ScriptO,if you read me,mail me!
i thought the 1.2 would be huge u were talkin about all kinds of stuff like everything from strider desintegration fx to hijackable striders oh and could u bring back big boss' m4 and liquids mk23 cuz i dont use them cuz i dont like the model [maybe not these specific models but something diferent] oh and if anyone has a tutorial on adding custom models to garrys mod could u plz show me thanx
xdiesp said:
Inflames007: first,you've been proved wrong multiple times already with the leaked argument,it's silly that you still try selling this sh1t to unaware people,especially here where everybody is serious and do not tolerate flamers. Second,the DX7 shotgun is not even remotely yours,everybody who ever used Model Viewer and browsed through all its files knew about it well before you: when Cosmic_Fool from HL2 Fallout reported me on the topic there that you "found" it,I indeed answered I knew that already


looks way better in game
oh and the mod that does this finelly fixed the flash electro shock that happens after the houndeye attacks

last note
this is not a reskin
it is a remodel of the old hound eye, and it ooks damn cool for that.
good to have you back xdiesp :). this will be a patch yes.. just as 1.10 is a patch..
this wont be a small patch because u have a verry big list of things to do.

EDIT: maybe we will hit 100 pages of posts!
i would like to have a work in progress page :)
Hey Xdiesp!
I don't know if this can be fixed, but it's quite annoying that in the Entanglement chapter the turrets fire upon allies (resistance members) too - and rebels treat the turrets as enemies. It wasn't a problem in the original game since it was only alyx and you, but now that the resistance came in... This should be fixed in 1.2 if possible.:|
yeah i would like that too.. xdiesp tried it befor but it didnt quite work..
maybe he will fix it
Great Job...

Now that i looked over the site a little more this mod is even cooler. I always just thought that the big boss and liquid forms dident work sometimes because of a bug or that while in the solid snake suit you moved so much faster because of another bug. But atleast i know it has meaning now :D. I really loved the new weapons (the sniper rifles scope is really cool and neat idea). Also the italian extreme mode made the game VERY hard (headcrabs 4 shotgun shots) but i do have some suggestions. Im not gonna flame the mod or anything but it would be nice if they could be fixed, tweaked, or put in. One thing is if liquid could just jump instead of the bullet time jump. Also i find that the "conversion" bug bait doesent work on all enemys although having a strider back you up is nice. Ooo the hound-eye's and bull squids made alot of since and were nicely done in my opinion. But it would be cool to see some big mama's, garg's, and more of the bigger aliens from HL. The last thing that would be cool is if in some way do a multiplayer online co-op. It wouldent make since story wise and the levels would probaly take forever 2 load but it would be really fun. Especaily with all those extra air boats and jeeps laying around :D. Other than that great job on the mod and ive played it threw atleast 3 times. I really had alot of fun!!!! :E :E :E
- SuperRad987
why did you put a usless ichthyosaur that dosent move or attack?
in the flooded room in nova prospect?
cool didnt know there was one of those unprounceable fish things in this mod.. looks good for show, and Xdiesp.. have you considered my extra zombie request? and to the hotdogman yea i played POV quite clever.. and good ending where he meets Kate and barney :D
Inflame007: it's dead,jim! I'll add some more in 1.2,for fun

Sufferin-rebel: the current zombie is a mix of the city17 and one with black trousers...but still,the model decompiler I use to add multiple skins to the zombie doesn't fully support the npcs,so they still have to use one only (but I would really like having more zombie skins)

SuperRad: thanks,currently the status is polishing the game you've already seen,with less bugs and fewer strange features like the BT jump,for a more "solid" game. MP unfortunately is still out of our reach however :(

looks like Jerry's in holiday for 10 days...but now I have time to bugfix. The second blue beam crash reported by the Hotdog Man works differently from the first ones that were easy to remove,and I don't get any crash at them either: this will take to remake the whole stage,very well. Darwin mailed me he *still* cannot pass the stage where you originally had your airboat upgraded: now,it was possible to remain stuck in *earlier* versions than 1.1,but now the canal is open and your boat is armed already - I don't know if this is a bug or some error of installation overwriting by him. Today I'll try something with the hostile turrets too (thanks Malleus)

after a 1½ month of school and no game,I'm quite rusty at HL2!

uuuuuh,I forgot to ask you,who was able here to polish audio files? I have the tripod scream to adjust...
any other coders doing something?
and ps it's great to have you back :p i now have the feeling something is finaly going to happen
Dear xdiesp...

Dear xdiesp, im huge fan of the mod and just had 1 question. Im starting a mod myself based on the gameplay of MGS and one of my favorite parts of substance was the MGS forms. My question is did you ask Konami if u could use the MGS stuff? And if u did could u tell me what u said and how u got in contact with them..
thanks, SuperRad :D
Will there be a 56k freindly virsion of HL2:S? Like segments that come in 15 mb per pack?
I think legal lines are being screwed using the MGS naming system for the forms, but they can simply be renamed to something unique in the event of a lawyerization.

-Angry Lawyer
i was thinking of making a mod wher instead of combine there where zombie citizens [not that hard just some renaming and stuff] and u have counter terrorists and terrorists on ur side and i cant code [bloody vis studio] so i was wondering wether i could use ur early version [without the forms] so i can have more guns
Angry Lawyer: don't we lose our head,legal madness can be high in the USA but the rest of the world is mostly sane,yet

DieHard: I guess not if I can't get my hands on more free webspace in the first place...

kaotik_stalker: angry lawyer can give you much more help than me about modding,I'm very short on coding!

ok,I'm waiting for any call back from ScriptO...let's hope we have not lost him!
Half-Life 2 Substance in GMR?

I was looking threw a stack of old videogame magazines yesterday and i was looking at a issue of GMR from Feburary 2004. In this it had a top 50 of the most wanted games of 2004. And in second place was Half-Life 2 but when i looked at the screen shots they dident look like the Half-Life 2 i played so i just thought it was from a beta of smoe sort. But then i saw 1 with some male asassains running from a strider and then i thought these must be from HL2 Substance. There is also a picture of u fighting with a combine prison guard and a picture of barney and a civillian with there costums from HL2 Substance. Did u guys know about this? Im gonna try and post the pics as soon as i get my hands on a working scanner..
I noticed on hl2.files there was a new skin for the combine rifles,it looks much like the M.G.S. stealth camo. Has there been any thoughts or talk about maybe applying this type of look for the asassins?

As for the audio fixing, there a program thats been running for 10 years which is a pretty basic editing program, but it hasn't failed me yet in the 8 years that I've used it, it's shareware but 50 USD can change that:


i wasnt talking about coding i just wanted to use ur mod [substance 0.84] as a basis i wont use ur sounds or models or anything i would just like to have it as a basis becuase then i can have more weapons in my mod oh and if u can grab sounds from movies maybe u should get a darth vader sound for the metropolice or something would be pretty freakin scary if u heard that comin for ya