Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

SuperRad: thank you if you do,very interesting!

kaotik_stalker: look at the credits,if that something is made from us or some of my italian collaborators,just credit them again and you'll be fine. If it's some american guy,stay sharp because you need to ask them first (it's not that they will sue you,but they'll give you an headache about thm having that power)

Jason Voorhees: what could you make out of these?

I've been working on transparencies too,but while Dagoon's based the predator on the water texture,I worked on the combine shield one.

No.1 on the left is the best one,it's the mineral water assassin you should find in 1.2:
(overwrite in the substance folder to see it)

While a 100% predator effect looks cool,it makes the enemy completely invisible just on a short distance (look at the small picture to see what happens to No.4,a slightly colored Dagoon's): to avoid this,ours is slightly blue and less transparent. Note that what you see here is how the texture looks like at Shaders High: if you turn them to low,the texture returns to the old 1.1 bright transparent blue one (Dagoon's doesn't show at all on Low). No.3 is just No.1 with a different texture animation: it's the sea water assassin. No.2 is different: while No.1 is made more to look like an energy shield than stealth (even if it's still harder to see than 1.1 bright blue one),No.2 is all about camouflage:
(No.2camo on the left,No.1/3 non camo and buzzing on the right)
No.2 http://ludus1942.ngi.it/combinesoldiersheet4.vmt

No.2 moves too as No.1,but slower and with a metallic camo feeling (think of Dural from Virtua Fighter),you always see through it and it has bubbles as it was filled with water (it's the goldfish water assassin). Yet,No.1 looks more mean in action
Nice work on the Camouflages Xdiesp!
My favourite is the No.2 variant, IMO it looks better that the other "water-like" camos. Especially on the camocomparison.jpg. If there going to be a stealth unit in HL2:S 1.2, it should be something like no.2.
Malleus: I added no.2's vmt in the previous msg,if you want to check it. At first,the number of FXs on no.1 is overwelmingly better than the ones on no.2: but when it comes to enviromental light morphing,no.1 is a body of gased water (hence the name) while no.2 is more of a camo illusion
Yeah, the first one looks better in the game. The second one would be good for camo, but from a distance it can be easily seen. So now, no.1 seem to be the best - maybe it could be a little bit more transparent... :)
But there's a strange bug: no matter which one I try, they look totally invisible in the Nova Prospekt level. Just like before. They appear correctly on Highway 17, however. Strange...

EDIT: I don't know if it's possible, but it would be cool if the assassins with the shield active had no textures at all (eyes maybe), only the light morphing/distortion effect. Maybe worth a try...
henkjan: yes,updated with the new assassin effect,now I'm working on the 2° blue beam

malleus: you won't get them anymore,fixed right now. BTW,the eyes aren't shown at all now

nothing to do right now with the different zombie skins: when I try to decompile and recompile the zombie model for it to host multiple skins,an animation called Flinch 1-2-3 gets screwed up beyond help. If anybody knows how to avoid this,please mail me!
xdiesp said:
malleus: you won't get them anymore,fixed right now. BTW,the eyes aren't shown at all now

Bugfix confirmed, excellent work!:E
Though I think it would be even better if their shield would deactivate on death. So to switch them back to "normal" mode when they die...:|
Malleus: it's coding related,we'll fix it when Jerry is back

I worked on the bug concerning the prison turrets shooting the citizens: no way,it seems we'll have to play our last card,setting them friendly to citizens anytime anywhere. I know it's ugly,but after all there's like one real encounter between the 2 of them in all the game and it wasn't that good - having that big battle fully working is more important. Again,this will need Jerry's help. I also tried,again,setting multiple skins for the zombie model: nope,still bugs,my model decompiler doesn't allow that yet. In other news,omg ScriptO disappeared!

our skinner LKL truly loves the 2° turrets resistance combat in nova prospekt. If you found it too difficult in Substance,here's the right tactic:
1) before jumping down to the lower ground and start the fight,raid the nearby control room for furnitures and drop them below;
2) once down,refill your health/armor/ammo and barricade the turrets room with the furniture: this way the combines won't be able to kick them so easy;
3) take your time trapping the energy doors with both land mines and proximity headcrabs;
3/4) between point 3 and 4,all your pals die,it is up to you how and when (how sad);
4) place the turrets inside their room and hide in one of the closets: be ready to pick up and toss enemy grenades and if you're in real danger,use the furniture or the turrets bodies to kill enemies with the ggun
well i will ask permision for whoever did the weapon coding thats all i need oh and in my zombie mod i am thinking of taking ur savegames load them into garrys mod kill everything in them and try to make as much mess as posible i will give sombies lots of health oh and if anyone wants to help me please do as i cant code i want to know what u think is beter takin the hl2 story and mukin it up with blood and bodies or askin permision from map makers to use their maps oh and does anyone know what the comand is to slow movement donw as it would be much scarier if u walked slower and as for the turret bit i put all the turrets into 1 little room and barricaded the door with them and kept my ggun on hand there were a few close calls with grenades but they were usually backfired
p.s. i hope u dont think im hijackin ur thread
p.s.s. how is gibing goin there is a chainsaw model that davor made if u can grab some animations for it u could have 1 big blood bath and gibing is even on antlions
I'm still having a crashing bug in "Follow Freeman!" after the Strider fires it's blue beam at the wreckage, the system locks up.

I have the 1.1C patch.
beavermon: you mean the second blue beam in the town hall square,the battle of the striders? Still working on that...

kaotik_stalker: my savegames are not compatible with garry's I fear...
kaotik_stalker said:
well i will ask permision for whoever did the weapon coding thats all i need oh and in my zombie mod i am thinking of taking ur savegames load them into garrys mod kill everything in them and try to make as much mess as posible i will give sombies lots of health oh and if anyone wants to help me please do as i cant code i want to know what u think is beter takin the hl2 story and mukin it up with blood and bodies or askin permision from map makers to use their maps oh and does anyone know what the comand is to slow movement donw as it would be much scarier if u walked slower and as for the turret bit i put all the turrets into 1 little room and barricaded the door with them and kept my ggun on hand there were a few close calls with grenades but they were usually backfired
p.s. i hope u dont think im hijackin ur thread
p.s.s. how is gibing goin there is a chainsaw model that davor made if u can grab some animations for it u could have 1 big blood bath and gibing is even on antlions

Man, there's so little punctuation in that that I get out of breath just reading it.

-Angry Lawyer
xdiesp said:
beavermon: you mean the second blue beam in the town hall square,the battle of the striders? Still working on that...
Well basically I was in that 1 area where someone says; "Hey down there! Supplies!"
I see a Strider walking from where I saw the Combine Forces coming, but the crash happened from another Strider that shows up on the other side, and fired it's blue beam near my position.

That's what happened.

And IMO, about having to setup those turrets. Why don't you just disable them like you did for the first fight? I actually liked kicking ass with the Big Boss Form's AWP (in the 2nd Combine Soldier battle). :D
(unfortunally I can't keep on using that thing or it'll crash the system. Even the RPG has been causing a few lags/crashes. :( Not sure if it's just my computer or it is a Substance-related bug)

But still, the Restence Forces need to know that the turrets are NOT enemies. In the 3rd fight, they keep on trying to get close to them, and just screwing the scene up by getting in the way.
They also need to know that Antlions (controlled by you) are also NOT enemies. Several times (of the area outside of Nova Prospekt), they shoot at my Antlions. So I have to unfortunally shoot at them.
BeaverMon: yes,that's exactly the 2° beam I mean. I am sensible to crashes caused by the AWP: fortunately,in 1.2 that weapon won't disintegrate anymore - but we could do better,like applying to the normal sniper another kind of disintegration that never bothered anyone,the current AR2 one. Indeed I'm not sure if the blue beams cause crashes because of the beam or because they disintegrate!

in other news,I finally understood how to change the arms color when you switch Hev Form
that would rock :) you would totaly see a diffrence, good job on understanding xdiesp :p

EDIT: hey sufferin-rebel isend it seposed to be Half life 2 Substance.. Singeplayer Mod of the Year!..

it says half life instead of half life 2 :p
the 2° blue beam bug should now be fixed (please report if it isn't),patch updated to 1.1d
I'll download and test it. :)

Edit: Umm. You sure about that. According to the Downloads page;
"Patch v1.1c (updated 13/07)"

Edit2: nvm, it IS v1.1d.
henkjan said:
that would rock :) you would totaly see a diffrence, good job on understanding xdiesp :p

EDIT: hey sufferin-rebel isend it seposed to be Half life 2 Substance.. Singeplayer Mod of the Year!..

it says half life instead of half life 2 :p

U never know.. Xdiesp Might do something like this for Half life 1 :p
After tearing apart and filter-spamming the tripod files, so far the only thing I've been able to come up with is a strider alert sound, I might be able to add it in with the dropship or gunship fly-by sounds(add a little echo in the end for the hl2 worldly feel and fade out some ending base), I will say whatever machine/instrument made this sound, I would love to get my hands on one.
BeaverMon: to test it,you must do this:
1) install the 1.1D
2) type "load SBST_d3_c17_12" in the console
because if you installed the newer patch and just loaded an old savegame of yours,it would crash nevertheless. If the crash still happens after this trial,tell me if the blue beam is fired and if it is directed to the already open wall (yes,to check rapidly if the savegame is the new one,the wall must be ALREADY open). Thanks!

Jason: when you have something,I'd like to try it as a strider warning sound
so xdiesp who coded the weapons for substance 0.84 and do u like my idea about the darth vader soudn for the cp
so xdiesp who coded the weapons for substance 0.84 and do u like my idea about the darth vader soudn for the cp
xdiesp said:
BeaverMon: to test it,you must do this:
1) install the 1.1D
2) type "load SBST_d3_c17_12" in the console
because if you installed the newer patch and just loaded an old savegame of yours,it would crash nevertheless. If the crash still happens after this trial,tell me if the blue beam is fired and if it is directed to the already open wall (yes,to check rapidly if the savegame is the new one,the wall must be ALREADY open). Thanks!
That's excatually what I did. I started the game, typed in "load SBST_d3_c17_12", ran it, activated my god mode. Got to the area where you attack the Striders. Killed them, then ran for that area where that guy yells "Hey down there! Supplies!". Then I see a Strider coming to where the Combine show up. I start attacking it (still in that area), then another Strider shows up, and fires that cannon and shoots at the wall, and locks the system up.

I even tried to "reinstall" the 1.1D patch, thinking it didn't install the latest .sav, but according to what I see, the "SBST_d3_c17_12.sav" file in the .zip matches the 1 I have.

Is there a way I could get a Demo to show you excatually WHERE and WHEN it crashes? Though I don't know how to do that. :eek: I did run into something about a Demo when I hit a certain key combo (like SHIFT+F4 or something like that).
(no, no, no... I triple posted... :( So sorry. Please delete this 1 and the 1 below. I need to stop doing this. I'm not trying to spam. I keep hitting "Post Reply" by mistake)
ZOMG ZOMG The faceposer has agreed to help us ^_^

'm having some graphics card issues once that is fixed, I will get to work on it...depends if you need it now or later on
BeaverMon: I reuploaded the 1.1d with a change,do your worse to test it! I think the problem was that the second blue beam was indeed fixed,but if you entered the destroyed wall,a third and a forth one would be triggered (now it shouldn't happen anymore)

kaotik_stalker: check our credits page on the site,my main coder is Jerry. A dramatization of the Substance team can be found here: http://www.3xl.net/tvcmult/25392541.jpg

everybody,say hello to Dale181 that kindly found us the faceposer expert to mimic MedicDance's lines (that I still have to receive...) for our new intro!
i am very dearly sorry xdiesp but in my books u have been replaced i have just found a mod called taturana's weapon mod and it has over 20 weapons including the ones from the beta and some very cool ones at that like the incendinary rifle [dif to urs] and my fav the oicw i have loaded ur savegames into it and am know playing that do not fear i will still play substance
kaotik_stalker: you can play any mod you want without fearing me getting angry ^^' I didn't know about this taturana mod yet,I just knew about the garry's incompatiblity,good though
xdiesp said:
BeaverMon: I reuploaded the 1.1d with a change,do your worse to test it! I think the problem was that the second blue beam was indeed fixed,but if you entered the destroyed wall,a third and a forth one would be triggered (now it shouldn't happen anymore)
Alright, man. I'll download and test this thing.

EDIT: Tested the hell out of that thing. And all tests... PASSED!!! The other Strider that shows up shortly after the other 1 where the Combine are has been removed, and there's no blue beam. AKA, NO CRASHING!!! :thumbs:

You did it!!! :D
u guys should try taturana's and load up the substance savegames inot it it certainly dosnt have as many features as substance but i just like all the dif weapons beter and i think i will load up ur ragdoll skins into it aswell
Where can we get this "taturana" mod, kaotik_stalker? I'm always up to new SP mods to HL2. :)
substances pwns taturana's weapon mod all teh way kaotik new weapons pfff
technicaly substance has 50 weapons