Half-Life 2: The Lost Coast -- Released

This is a little bit off topic but its a question thats been annoying me for weeks now, when you quote, does it automatically appear saying, "originally posted by bla bla bla" or do you have to do it manually, or am i quoting "Wronge" ??
Just finished. Not bad but I expected a bit more. Not in length but in content.

Almost forgot ... got to go back and do the commentary thing ...
I sung it to Linken Park: CRAAAWWWLIIINNGG IIINN MMYYY SKIIIIN and it worked quite well ;)
P.S After you played it turn off steam use GCFSCAPE go to "lost coast content" and get that monstery music :D it owns.. "VLVX song3" :P
The Fisherman is a P.I.M.P.!

I like it how you get a harpoon right off the bat and can nail those two combine going up the stairs with it.
Drackard said:
This is a little bit off topic but its a question thats been annoying me for weeks now, when you quote, does it automatically appear saying, "originally posted by bla bla bla" or do you have to do it manually, or am i quoting "Wronge" ??

Preveiw Post dude.

After you click ---->
Neat level. I always thought that you got to go to the town in the distance, but that was just for show.
Noticed a bug in the church. Hit the swinging chandelier thing with your gravity gun. The chandelier moves but the rope doesn't. :p
Hmm... For some reason my game keeps crashing on me, after playing for a little while. Anyone else experiencing this?

I suspect it's my graphics-card though... passive cooling on an x800xl :)
Nathaniel said:
Hmm... For some reason my game keeps crashing on me, after playing for a little while. Anyone else experiencing this?

I suspect it's my graphics-card though... passive cooling on an x800xl :)
When stressed those can reach up to 100° C, not kidding :O
Yeah, I stuck my hand in there and felt the heatspreaders... They were quite warm, but not even as warm as my old trustworthy Palomino 2000+ :>

It's warm alright, but not burning up.
Ha 98%

but my bandwidth is going from 630kbs to 1mb back to around 630 again,
so you'll probably beat me beerdude
Nathaniel said:
Yeah, I stuck my hand in there and felt the heatspreaders... They were quite warm, but not even as warm as my old trustworthy Palomino 2000+ :>

It's warm alright, but not burning up.

Be careful! Don't touch your graphics card when the computer is on. I killed my old one that way.
SpArKs said:
Ha 98%

but my bandwidth is going from 630kbs to 1mb back to around 630 again,
so you'll probably beat me beerdude
99% :O
I can't figure out how to get out of the church. Can someone help me?
jsnake said:
Be careful! Don't touch your graphics card when the computer is on. I killed my old one that way.

Bah! You kids today... All conductive and stuff... pfeh! :>

I'm sitting on a chair with plastic wheels, there really isn't anywhere for any kind of electricity to go. And I've actually never killed a single component due to ESD or anything like that.
jsnake said:
I can't figure out how to get out of the church. Can someone help me?
It's fifteen minutes long and you get stuck? :p
Well, there sure ain't a walkthrough right now :p
at the machine: just rip off some of the parts of the machine, and stick them into it
My machine ****ing owns this:

Beat that!

P.S. the only reason I'm posting these now is because it crashed when I got to the cliff :D
EDIT: And yes, all that junk in the water? It keeps appearing and disappearing. So does the skybox for the HDR.
That's all on a 9800 pro. Lovely.
100%! \0/
/me goes to play Lost Coast

EDIT : Still have enough time to laugh at Dekstar's uncomplete model :laugh:
Beerdude26 said:
It's fifteen minutes long and you get stuck? :p
Well, there sure ain't a walkthrough right now :p
It took me 5 minutes to figure that part out. :p I was ready to save my game and come back on the forums and ask for help, when I re-read the sign that said not to put objects in the machine. Then it was obvious.
jsnake said:
Be careful! Don't touch your graphics card when the computer is on. I killed my old one that way.

No don't touch whether on or off.....

Smallest static charge will render the card useless. hold it around the edges
if your installing a new one, anyway

100%, cya
dekstar said:
My machine ****ing owns this:

Beat that!

P.S. the only reason I'm posting these now is because it crashed when I got to the cliff :D
EDIT: And yes, all that junk in the water? It keeps appearing and disappearing. So does the skybox for the HDR.
That's all on a 9800 pro. Lovely.

K, just got through - nice graphics, just a little crashing for me. No missing models. Eagerly waiting for the SDK update.
EDIT: Yeah, fun to think some people were going "zomgz i gotta upgrade for loast coasts!!" and then it ran fine on a 9600xt and A64 3000+... Well, everyone wins.
Yeah its short as hell but its nice eyecandy ran slightly better then expected but its nice to se what the source engine can really do.
The graphics were even better than I expected.

Source is simply incredible, truly next-gen stuff.
dekstar said:
My machine ****ing owns this:

Beat that!

P.S. the only reason I'm posting these now is because it crashed when I got to the cliff :D
EDIT: And yes, all that junk in the water? It keeps appearing and disappearing. So does the skybox for the HDR.
That's all on a 9800 pro. Lovely.

Just played it through twice, once with once without commentary.. wow..

Heh the first time I got confused on the cliffs and swam (somehow avoiding the leeches) to the other side with all the tower things. I figured i'd done something wrong when I walked through one and turned to see only half a village :P

It ran great for me, looked incredible :) awesome job, valve
wow that was really jaw dropping. i was more than pleased. It ran perfectly with my 6800GT, AMD64 3500, and 1 gig RAM on high settings.

I can't wait for aftermath and more dod maps !!!! :bounce:
Is this good? Tomorrow I will be able to finally play it on my 7800GT that has been sitting in my room for 2 days. :P
Awsome. It was short, but fun. It looks great and ran beautifully on high. Can't wait for Aftermath. :)
Parts of the level looked like crap (ie... looking out one of the windows after you've broken it reveals a low-res rock texture... looks awful)

Same problem as in hl2 with the water moving into the skybox... either see a white line going across or the lighting is different on one of them or the texture scale. Either way the water still doesn't look good for "ocean" water... but it still looks okay.

The shader effect on the rocks looks like crap! The first thing i thought about it when i saw it was "that's not what rocks look like". Here's a picture to demonstrate:


Although i think this is just the way shaders display in games nowdays (as i have this safe effect when zooming in on water in black and white 2)

The only thing "next-gen" is HDR, and as it stands in this level is nothing more than a gimmick. More clearly seen in the light rays in the cathedral that are models, not dynamically produced. Also notice the SHARP transition to light beams when you shoot out the window... it would be more subtle than that and not like flipping a switch.

Although I liked the commentary. I'm more interested to see what mod teams will do with it... i'm guessing only the textures used in this level was re-done in HDR? I would love to see that chandaler have awesome blue HDR around its lights with physics ala. reality engine haunted mansion demo (google it).