Half-Life 2 -vs- Stalker Oblivian Lost?

Originally posted by jasonh1234

2. Pass the bong dude.

How so? Stop speculating because your a hyped up fanboy. It says so right on their main site, X-ray engine, physics capabilites: Ballistic physics, liquid physics, and one other detail I forgot.

2. Funny. Look at the 1st person pics, their max resolution pics look no different then any other guns we've seen in a game. Even HL2's don't have much greater detail, we've all seen it before, nothing new.
Miamisa, your right I went a bit too far there, the enviornments do look about equally good, in some areas (textures) STALKERS look a bit better, but who knows what kind of card they were using.
Miamisa, your right I went a bit too far there, the enviornments do look about equally good, in some areas (textures) STALKERS look a bit better, but who knows what kind of card they were using.

Whoa, you must be tired, you can't spell either ^_^
Directly from the site:
Realistic simulation of ballistics, movement, and fluids.

Ballistics - not a big feat.
Movement - HL2 has that.
Fluids - physically, definately better, haven't seen proof, but if they have realistic water simulation, then goddamn. But graphically, HL2's water (so far from what ive seen) looks better.

Also, from their site:



Sorry, if anything, they look worse than counter-strike.
You guys need the glasses. Stop being fanboys. You know you've seen the same shit, if not, better, not nessicarily(SP?) hl2, but in other games.
also AI i think is better than both hl2 and stalker.

How the heck could anyone know this? You can't prove it until you actually play a game, so AI is all hype until you see it in actiona nd actually sit down to play with it.

Basically, what I see is a polygon/texture res war, which isn't exactly the best way to compare games since anyone can bump up their polygons and texture sizes. The Valve guys are even talking about constantly doing so over time to keep the game fresh.

I mean, remember how great DNF looked way back in 1998? But they could never get the game to be playable on any reasonable system.
Far Cry has some good gfx, not the greatest detail, but looks beautiful and the map(the tropical island the story is based on) looks absolutely gorgues. Can't compare Far Cry and HL2 though, two totally different games. STALKER however, been there done that. Story is excellent though, very conspirical.
Originally posted by TheWart

You need some glasses.
And I am *not* a hyped up fanboy. LOL!
Go watch some of the E3 Stalker physics movies where they duplicate some of the exact same things HL2 was showing off. Rag dolls, etc. They even shoot apart wooden structures and watch them fall realistically. It's funny watching people adamently claim to be an authority when they obviously don't know what they're talking about. :rolleyes:
There is a lot of variation the in quality of the images released for STALKER. Bare in mind HL2 media was released simultaeously in a controllled way, stalker has had a drip feed of media over the last 2 years that I've been folloing it.

I know the close in detail is missing on this pic but for those who dubt the quality of the weapon models here's a link to a pic.


Personally in upcoming FPS game stakes I think my order of favourites is HL2, stalker, far cry and then a long way back is doom3. I can't see the aging gameplay of doom3 competeing with the newer approach taken to the other 3 games. I think doom3 might go the way of unreal2. I hope I'm wrong.

When comparing stalker and hl2 bare in mind the open ended and non-linear aspect of stalker. the world evolves around you. An npc can finish the game instead of you if you're not careful. Much more range of scope on the way you play the game. However Engine wise all in all I do think hl2 and it's mod support will be the better engine.

Lets hope that with source, stalkers engine (forgot name sorry) and cryEngine (far cry) having such good editors and physics and gfx engines that the future of game development in the FPS area and the mod community have a great deal of scope for good games for years to come.
Half-Life2 is unparalleled!
Deus Ex:Invisible war blew my mind!
S.T.L.K.E.R also looks good!

Games I want:
2.DeusEx:Invisible war
I dont need the retarded Doom3.
Yeah sure cs weapon models look the same:



really the same detail level.
that pic of stalker is either a dodgey scan that has been lightened or it's in a part of the zone with an effect field warping the visuals at a guess.

And very possibly an old build of the code. www.oblivion-lost.com has a fair chunk of new info and screenies on it along with www.stalker-game.com if you want more screenies to compare. There are movies on the official site too if you rummage around for them.
OMG, we have not even gotten in in-game screenshot of HL2 directly from a computer. Stalker, we have. This is like comparing apples and oranges.. Stalker could look better or HL2 could look better. We just have to wait and see.
Originally posted by Rafael
Looks like the STALKER story is based in the Jack Williamson sci-fi relate "The Dead Spot".

Stalker story is based on a book called Roadside Picnic by the Strugatsky brothers. It's a really good book.
Oh, ya, Stalker looks to be a very boring game. I doesn't have the "feel" to keep me playing.
flox, sorry your right, the STALKER weapons are enormously over-sized to show texture compared to cs's. If CS enlarged their weapons to unordinary sizes, it'd look the same.
The models are a bit big for my likin but i still think the weapons, player models and environment looks great in stalker. The textures are just as good as HL2. I cant compare the games but i can compare the engine specs. Both engines seem great for the types of game they are going to be made for.

The X-ray engine seems great, some of physics i seen of it looks good but unfinished. The source engine physics looks 99.9% done.
Oh, ya, Stalker looks to be a very boring game. I doesn't have the "feel" to keep me playing.

Again, how can anyone have any idea what these games will be like without playing them?
Well, the mood of the game in the videos makes me sleep... Not a lot of action from the media I saw...

DL one of Far Cry E3 vids and it shows off the AI. You'll see what i mean.

Also, Far Cry looks to me like the best Multiplayer with the huge maps and all the places to Snipe ppl. If u check one of the Vids from Far Cry it shows off the sniping aspect. Its Amazing.

Only time will tell which is better Stalker or HL2. We all have opinions about each game but noone really knows for sure. I just hope more ppl get into PC gaming and buy all these incredible games.
I want Stalker to get successful just so I have a wide variety of mods on different engine's to choose from (Stalker's and source). I'm getting both games anyway so more success = more mods.
Can't we just all agree that ther next 12 months is going to be a golden time for PC gamers. :)
Agreed. So many things to keep us busy. HL2 storyline thoughts, even more discussion about the G-Man, Xen, and all of that. Also, storylines from other next gen games comin' out. Ohhhh what a wonderful time to game.
DL one of Far Cry E3 vids and it shows off the AI. You'll see what i mean.

You can't tell from a video. It's one of those things you can only tell by playing a situation over and over and seeing how things react differently.

Regardless, how can you possibly compare the AI of two games you've seen almost nothing of (a few vids, comon?) and never played?
Apos, is right, we need to experience a game to fully undersatnd it.
yeah i guss he has a point.

When u guys are saying the next Gen games u mean the ones were talking about right now right?
Sort of, the games which basically take advantage of DX 9 features or new Open GL features.
Originally posted by guinny
If CS enlarged their weapons to unordinary sizes, it'd look the same.
Wow. That's all I can utter as my jaw hangs open.

Let me ask you something. Do these look about the same to you as well? I know the one on the right isn't from Stalker but I'm just curious.

Stalker looks amazingly detailed....I saw it on a nvidia demo showing off the GeforceFX line.
Grass and everything looks amasing........but of course you probly need a super computer to run it.
HL2 blew me away....The graphics had that gritty look and The physics are sweet.
my Gosh... you people are totally biased. S.T.A.L.K.E.R will have better visuals.
Dont know about that.. ive compaired both Stalker and HL2.. graphics wise they are just about matched.. the thing that will define HL2 is its storyline and gameplay.. im not sure about stalkers storyline.. but im sure it will do great aswell
Sorry, but Half-Life 2 just doesn't look as good as S.T.A.L.K.E.R DX9, it just does not.
