Half-Life 2 wont work! Help!


The Covenant

When I try to start Steam, an error message comes up and say that steam.dll is missing. So it won't start... What do I do?!
Validation is done through steam, so I doubt that will work.

Did you change anything? Move steam folder, or rename it or anything like that? The problem is simply that it is looking for steam.dll, but it is not where it is expecting to see it. Do a search of your PC for it just to make sure you have it.
I'm having the same problem as well. Just bought a new notebook too. But its saying "Error: Steam.Exe (main exception): Unable to load library Steam.dll". This thing'll play Doom3, so I don't think its my computer.
I did a search on it, and couldn't find Steam.dll on my computer at all. Is there a place I can go to download it?
I'm a bit computer stupid myself.
ThakasDB said:
I'm having the same problem as well. Just bought a new notebook too. But its saying "Error: Steam.Exe (main exception): Unable to load library Steam.dll". This thing'll play Doom3, so I don't think its my computer.
I did a search on it, and couldn't find Steam.dll on my computer at all. Is there a place I can go to download it?
I'm a bit computer stupid myself.

Is this the first time you've tried to use it after you've installed Steam?

Completely exit Steam and try deleting the file entitled:


And then restart Steam. Are you using a firewall/router?
ThakasDB - The problem is simply that when steam loads, it trys to use the file "steam.dll" and can't. This is because either the file was not installed, or had been removed/deleted. The best thing you can do is reinstall the steam installer over the previous install location, should fix it right up.
No Joy

Hi Your answers might work for some people

Sorry I have no luck with any of these suggestions.

What I would like to know is : Does Steam have to download steam.dll - it is 100% not part of the installation you get from Steam.

And can someone please mail me a Steam.dll that works with the most current version of Steam.

[email protected]
Link said:
ThakasDB - The problem is simply that when steam loads, it trys to use the file "steam.dll" and can't. This is because either the file was not installed, or had been removed/deleted. The best thing you can do is reinstall the steam installer over the previous install location, should fix it right up.

This is misleading - Steam.DLL is not part of the installation pack provided by Steam.
Ok, I stand corrected, steam has to download the file rather than it being installed by the installer.

Your not getting the file through steam, which means somthing is stopping steam from accessing valves servers. Check you are connected, firewall, etc etc.

Link said:
Ok, I stand corrected, steam has to download the file rather than it being installed by the installer.

Your not getting the file through steam, which means somthing is stopping steam from accessing valves servers. Check you are connected, firewall, etc etc.

Ok great, finally we are getting to the bottom of this - I know that I am behind a firewall - So I am guessing Steam is not using standard port 80 for its downloads.

Does anyone know - which port it uses, or how to correct Steam to use port 80?
How do I configure my router to work with Steam?

You must open ports on your router to allow incoming traffic while using Steam.

Steam uses the following port(s):
1200 (UDP)
27000-27015 (UDP)
27030-27039 (TCP)
I have the same problem as well...All my ports are open no firwalls on and it still won't connect to gte the updates...
^^okay, sorry for being such a newb but what does updating graphics card and sound card involve? how can i do it ( i need steps) ? can anyone be kind enough to help me!!
RathMan said:
^^okay, sorry for being such a newb but what does updating graphics card and sound card involve? how can i do it ( i need steps) ? can anyone be kind enough to help me!!
First you have to see which graphic card and sound card you have, then you search for drivers on the internet (try looking on the official site), and then you have to download them, install them and have fun with your new and improved drivers :p
SO let's say I have no internet connection at home, is there any way for me to still play half life or am I s.o.l?
flizbap said:
SO let's say I have no internet connection at home, is there any way for me to still play half life or am I s.o.l?
Well in theory you can play HL2 (I assume that is what you meant) if you select the "play in offline mode" option in steam. However in reality you must create an online account upon first installation, and wait an insane amount of time for various updates etc. Also steam will try to force you to connect to check for updates for itself after a while (weeks) and won't let you do sh*t untill you do.

So no, you can't. It does have it in writing right there on the box though- "requires internet connection..."
Shasta said:
So no, you can't. It does have it in writing right there on the box though- "requires internet connection..."

Actually it doesen't say it ANYWHERE on the box . I checked, my fiance checked, it's not on there. So now I'm stuck with this game and cant get my money back because it's opened, but i had to open it to find out i needed an internet connection. :angry:
On my box it's actually on the bottom of the box, it says 'internet connection required'.
Well aparantly the "game of the year edition" of hl2 has nothing but "game of the year edition!" written all over it, and little else.

And considering I have neither cable nor phone line installed in my house yet, the internet is not really feasible at this juncture.

Think valve will at least give me a refund?
Why not just hold on to it? Surely you will have internet access eventually?
flizbap said:
Actually it doesen't say it ANYWHERE on the box . I checked, my fiance checked, it's not on there. So now I'm stuck with this game and cant get my money back because it's opened, but i had to open it to find out i needed an internet connection. :angry:
Well if this is true then you would definatly be able to get your money back from the store you got it from; just explain the situation, and tell them it is false advertising by not stating ALL requirements on the box.

However, I highly doubt that such a huge fu*k-up like that has happened, as companies are usually very cautious about these things, as they stand to loose a lot of money if things are not stated correctly on the packaging. I say get your money back if it isn't printed on the box, but if it is; you are a moron. Option 3 is to stop living in the dark ages and get-
a: a phone
b: an internet connection.

If you can't afford a phone line or internet bills, then I suggest that getting your newly purchased HL2 to run is the least of your worries.

I leave it up to you. Good luck.
I'm assuming that you have all of the drivers. Some may be from microsoft, and microsoft drivers suck.
You want to get to the device manager. That can be achieved by right clicking on My Computer, and choosing Manage from the drop down menu. This will give you a large collection of information about your comptuer, and you want to choose the Device Manager. The Device Manager is your bitch. It lays out every device that is on your system (which isn't available in Gentoo Linux...) Find the category Display Adapter. This will tell you what kind of card you have. Go to the manufactuer of that card, and download the XP driver (either 32 or 64 bit, depending on your version of XP), and install it. The same goes for your sound driver. Expand the category Sound, Video, and Game controllers. Amongst several things labeled Codec, one will be your sound card. Let's say, for example, you have a Creative Labs sound card. Easy pie. Go to creative labs, and download the driver that pertains to your sound card. Elsewhere, you may be in for a treat. Sound card drivers are sometimes hard to find. Google is also your bitch. Google and Device Manager = your bitches. Google the exact name of the card Device manager gives you, and see if you can find the original manufactuer of the card, and get drivers from their site. Any other drivers you find elsewhere may be bad news, or no newer then the ones you have.

Hope this helped!

Wow, I didn't know there was a page of shit between my post and his "driver help" post. I just feel dumb now...
Are you visiting this forum from a friend's house, or the library? HL2 only has to be online every two weeks or so, so you can just plug 'er in to your buddy's internet connection, and update it every once and a while.
HOW TO FIX THIS PROBLEM: Disable PeerGuardian during installation or allow Steam servers (Valve Software / Limelight Networks LLC) to pass through PG.
HOW TO FIX THIS PROBLEM: Disable PeerGuardian during installation or allow Steam servers (Valve Software / Limelight Networks LLC) to pass through PG.
Holy necrophillia. This thread is nearly a year old, and no-one said anything about having PeerGuardian installed anyway.

Great first post.
:angry: :flame:I Have Been To Every Bloody Site With Help In This Matter Now I'm Not Blaming You Guys But The Lack Of Support From Steam Is Bullshit I Just Want Some Answers That's All. I'm Usually An Easy Going Guy But I'm Fuming i just want some bloody Answers To This Shite
What the hell is going on? Your only two posts are to revive a thread that was revived a month ago from almost a year ago, by an idiot for a crap reason too, and now you post this nonsense?

Are you rocksta? But with a new account? Is this your way of apologising for the original screw-up? By waiting a month and reviving the same thread again?

I hope to god that you are not that stupid, and just a regular moron that bumped a useless thread for no good reason.

WTF is wrong with you people?
He's an idiot Shasta.

A true idiot.
What the hell is going on? Your only two posts are to revive a thread that was revived a month ago from almost a year ago, by an idiot for a crap reason too, and now you post this nonsense?

Are you rocksta? But with a new account? Is this your way of apologising for the original screw-up? By waiting a month and reviving the same thread again?

I hope to god that you are not that stupid, and just a regular moron that bumped a useless thread for no good reason.

WTF is wrong with you people?
WhaT iS Your Problem
:angry: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
When I try to start Steam, an error message comes up and say that steam.dll is missing. So it won't start... What do I do?!
same here:angry: :flame: :angry: :angry: :angry:
What the hell is going on? Your only two posts are to revive a thread that was revived a month ago from almost a year ago, by an idiot for a crap reason too, and now you post this nonsense?

Are you rocksta? But with a new account? Is this your way of apologising for the original screw-up? By waiting a month and reviving the same thread again?

I hope to god that you are not that stupid, and just a regular moron that bumped a useless thread for no good reason.

WTF is wrong with you people?
wtf is wrong with you i'm just trying to get a game to work and if this thread is sooooo ancient why are you browsing through it:frown:

When you post in a dead thread you bring it back up to the front of the forum pages. See? That's why we're browsing through it.

Please hold while I attempt to see what the problem you are experiencing is. Also do not fourtriple post.

/EDIT Follow instructions on first and second pages and report back with whatever you end up with.

When you post in a dead thread you bring it back up to the front of the forum pages. See? That's why we're browsing through it.

Please hold while I attempt to see what the problem you are experiencing is. Also do not fourtriple post.

/EDIT Follow instructions on first and second pages and report back with whatever you end up with.

nothing happened i already tried it all
To Confirm: Your error is missing the .dll file, yes?