Half-Life: Filling in the blanks

Scientist 1:... Although I will admit that the possibilty of a resonance cascade is highly---
Scientist 2: Now now, Gordon doesn't need to hear all this, he's a highly trained proffesional.

Scientist 3: I'm showing a small descreoancy in... well, no, it's well within balance now, sustaining sequence

Isn't it weird how every body is worried about the experiment, but no one stops it? I always went through those first chapters wondering how everyone could be so stupid.
Eli: Gordon Freeman! Let me get a look at you man! My god man, you havent changed one iota. How do you do it? Now let's see...the last time I saw you, I sent you up for help after the resonance cascade. I never thought it would take you this long to get back to me. Welcome to the lab anyway, its not Black Mesa but it serves us well enough.

Gordon: Heh, yeah...I remember. Um, that was back on my first day on the job, right? Or no, wait, was it like seven months after I started at Black Mesa or something? Can't remember. Help me out here, bud...
K... Let's assume gordon still couldn't talk, but he carried around a notebook and a pen all the time...

Barney: If you see Dr. Breen, tell him I said F**K YOU!

*Writes giant "K" on paper, and holds it up*


Dr. Breen: Tell me Dr. Freeman, if you can. You have destroyed so much... What is it exactly that you have created?

Gordon: *Points to pile of dead combine soldiers*

Breen: Ahh... Right... Taataa then... *Screen turns off, and Breen jumps out window*


Soldier: Suspect! Stay where you are!

Gordon: *Writes "NO!" On a paper, and tapes it to a wall.* (He found tape somewhere... SHUT UP!!! :() *Runs away, and hides in a dark corner*

Soldier: Uhh... Yes...? *Soldier runs other way*

Gordon: Phew... That was close... OOPS! *covers mouth... Looks around, and runs away*
Soldier: Grenade!
Gordon: Oh, you noticed that huh?

Gman: I apologise for what must seem like an Arbitrary decision--
Gordon: You Damn Rights!

Breen: How about it Doc, were you aware that your contract was open to the highest bidder?
Alyx: Gordon would never make any kind of deal with you.
Gordon: SHUT UP!!... Wallace, what do you say we get rid of these two and keep talking.
*Gordon throws a combine ball into portal at end of hl2*
*Blows up*
Cp: You citizen come with me.\
Gordon: Why?
Cp1: Gonna need some help on this one?
Gordon: Why?
Cp2: naw im good.
Gordon: Why?
Cp: Backup!
Gordon: Why?
Cp: Yeeaa im gona need some privacy for this....
Gordon: Why?
Barney: Now....about that bear I owed ya.
Gordon: Why?
Barney: Damn it Gordon stop that!
Gordon: What are you talking about and Why?
*Gordon picks up Cp radio*
Gordon: Hey bitch im rick james!
Cps: The hell?
Barney: "Hey, Gordon, before you go... I was getting tired carrying this around. Listen, I don't have many more of these so try not to lose this one, ok?"

Gordon: "Dude, I have a grenade launching sub-machinegun, a Combine Pulse Rifle that can shoot orbs as secondary fire; disintegrating anything close to and/or under the mass of a full-grown human that gets in its path, a shotgun for those close encounters so there goes the crowbar's "combat use," a crossbow that can incapacitate a Combine 'leet in one shot, 5 grenades and a device that can levitate objects three times my weight and thrust them with amazing speed. Sorry Calhoun but I just don't see the point in you giving me a crowbar."

Barney: "teh cr0wbar iznt teh sux0rz........"

Alyx: "Is Dr. Kliener really telling everyone to... get busy?"

*A considerable amount of time passes*

Gordon: "Ok, well, we better get going. God knows how long that damned reactor is gonna hold out. C'mon, guys. Don't just stand there like idiots. We have to-"


Citadel: "SHOOP DA WHOOP!1!!!11"
Citadel: (Breen Reactor) IMMA CHARGIN' MA LAZER!1!1!
btw, just so everyone understands the post I typed above, the huge gap in between is supposed to signify an elapse. There's only one joke in my whole post.
Alyx What!? I don't believe this! Damn her!

Gordon Who?! Yo momma?!
Scientist: Why do we have to wear these ridiculous ties?
Gordon: SHHH! Do you want the boss to hear?! OHHH A MICROWAVE!
Gordon: Thank god there is Air Conditioning in the Facility. It would be a major pain to walk with this suit in the cliff side!
Vortigaunt:Greetings to the Freeman.
Gordon:THE Freeman has a name, you know. It's Gordon. Anyway, it's DR Freeman to you, ET.

Probably not that good, I know.:cat:
Kleiner: "The worst she might try to do is couple with your head"
Gordon: "That's what she said"
KLEINER "Let's see, the massless field flux should self-limit and I have clamped the manifold parameters to include CY and LG orbifold, Hilbert inclusive. Conditions could hardly be more ideal."
GORDY " This sounds baaadly familiar..."

VORTIGAUNT "There is no distance between us. No false veil of time or space may intervene."
GORDON "Die gay, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!"

VORTIGAUNT "We are there still, in observance of your final stroke."
THE FREEeeeEEE MAN " Man that was good - BOOMCUMSHOT, and teh NIHILATH chokes..."

VORT.... "We have lost all dear to us."
MR. FREEMAN "I've still got my dick"

ALYX "Why don't you whack it a couple times with your crowbar ..."
FREEMAN "Weeeeeee... giant pinata..."
*whaen it's crowbared to tiny miny little pieces*
"Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh;(;(;(No candie"
Gordon: So Alyx, were in a bedroom! You think...

Alyx: Combine!

Alyx: Oh My GOD! Let me catch my breath

Gordon: ....

Alyx: Gordon please be quiet

Gordon: but I...


Gordon/B]: *mutters* Bitch
This was exactly what I was thinking at this moment:

Scientist: Well, so much for the government. Their idea of containment is to kill everyone associated with the project! Judging from your hazard suit, I’d say you were part of what went wrong. Isn’t that right? Now look…if anyone can end this catastrophe, it’s the science team in the Lambda complex, at the opposite end of the base. With the transit system out, I couldn’t tell you how to get there. But there’s an old decommissioned rail system somewhere through here, beyond the silo complex. If you can make it through the rocket test labs, you might be able to worm your way through the old tunnels to track down whatever’s left of the Lambda team. You can trust them. You can trust all of us. Good luck
Alyx: Nice thinking Gordon! Huh... I never would have thought you could plug up a burrow that way.

Gordon: ... Why do you sound so f*cking sarcastic all the time?


Alyx: Darn! Theres a power lock on that door! Lets see if we can find a power box.

Gordon: You're starting to annoy me with your sarcasm.


Alyx: Gordon... I wish there was something else I could do to help...

Gordon: And you're absolutely sure you can't stabilize the thing from in here?

*Alyx looks away*

God damnit...


Alyx: *Fakes zombie noise*

Gordon: *Jumps, and turns around*

Alyx: HAHA! Gotcha.

Gordon: ... *Mutters to himself and walks to the elevator*

Alyx: I DON'T BELIEVE IT! AN ACTUAL ELEVATOR! I would have settled for stairs!

Well, for what's about to happen, I'd rather the stairs.

*Power shuts off*

Alyx: You've got to be kidding me...

Gordon: Yeah... Wtf ValvE

Alyx: ...?

Gordon: Nevermind...

Alyx: I've worked with electricity a time or two, and I'm pretty sure this sparking wire is connected to a power supply.

Well thank you Capt. Obvious! The Physicist didn't quite make the connection! I've worked with electricity a lot, and I know that as soon as I turn this thing on... A shitload of zombies are going to come toting grenades and claws, trying to play jump rope with our intestines...

Alyx: *Looks at Gordon horrified* How bout those stairs? O_o

Gordon: Yeah, lets go fi... *Fakes flashlight power loss* Shit... Wha? OHH MY GO... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALYXX!!! *Fades off*

Alyx: Gordon? GORDON?! GOOOOOOOOOORDON?! Hello?... Anyone?... Help...

Gordon: *Turns on flashlights, standing behind alyx*

Alyx: *Turns around*

Gordon: Boo.

Alyx: *Smacks gordon*

*Zombies howl*

Gordon: F*ck me gently with the DooM 3 chainsaw...
Alyx: We did it Gordon!

Gordon: We sure did, Alyx. But, y'know, I'd feel safer watching this explosion from inside the train.
Alyx: See where those rollermines are coming from. Gordon:I know where there coming from.I just can't reach down that far. :/
Alyx: yeah...about that cat...
Gordon: Oh, right, they told me all about it! A cat somehow exploded while starting the teleport sequence. Don't worry, you'll be fine...I call dibs on her car!
filling in the blanks

Alyx: Watch out for medical supplies!
Gordon: I'll need more than medical supplies if you don't watch my back little missy!
Alyx: Dr Freeman, I presume.
Gordon: Argh! A woman! Back in the kitchen, I say!

Alyx: "This water's nasty... got room for two in there?"

HEV Voice System: "Warning: perforation detected within groin region. Power draining."

Gordon: "Aww, God damnit, Alyx. You gave me a friggin' boner. Now I have a hole in my HEV Suit. Quick, bring up the command console and spawn some batteries. I'm a little busy here with these zombies."
Citizen: "Get. The hell. Out of here!!" *runs into Gordon*

Gordon: "You get the hell out of my face! I'm trying to pass here!"