Half-Life: Filling in the blanks

*Gordon put on HEV suit in HL. Techno music starts playing*
"Huh, this thing has an MP3 player too"

*Summer Lovin' comes on the MP3 player*
Gordon: (Viciously shooting Combine/Headcrabs/Antlions/Whatever)"Summer Loving... had me a blast... Summer loving... *BANG*... Happens so faaaaast... *OOOooF!* Met a girl... craaazy for me...! *BOOM* Met a guy... cuuute as can be..."
*Summer Lovin' comes on the MP3 player*
Gordon: (Viciously shooting Combine/Headcrabs/Antlions/Whatever)"Summer Loving... had me a blast... Summer loving... *BANG*... Happens so faaaaast... *OOOooF!* Met a girl... craaazy for me...! *BOOM* Met a guy... cuuute as can be..."

Is it wrong of me to be envisioning John Travolta as Gordon Freeman in a movie? :p
Is it wrong of me to be envisioning John Travolta as Gordon Freeman in a movie? :p

Gordon: *strutting down the street* well you can teeell by the way I use my (BLAM!) walk I'm a womans (BLAM! BLAM BLAM BLAM!) man, no time for (BLAM!) talk..
Refugee 1: *sigh of relief* Phew, thought you were civil protection.

Refugee 2: He's one of us.

Gordon: Hell no, you think I'm with you? I'm DEFINITELY with civil protection after seeing the kick ass company APCs they get, plus bonuses! You think I'm with you guys! Screw you! *Whacks refugees over the head with TV"
Civilian: Hurry! Get to the roof!
Gordon: .....
Civilian franticly tries to hold the door closed....

*Five minutes later*
Gordon: Alright, that's enough dilly dallying.
scientist: "Don't shoot I'm with the science team"

Gordon: "Oh sorry man I almost shot you there."

*pats the doctor on the back and then runs into the next room. Pauses. Facial expression changes. Turns around and comes back.*

Gordon: "No. You know what you dill hole, I'm with the science team too. But do you see me running around with hands in the air scared out of my mind like a class one dick face? No. 'Oh Don't shoot I'm with the science team. I'm scared. I'm a pussy. Poor me.' Well boo freakin' hoo. You think I'm loving this? Every 3rd room I run into has "die Freeman" written on the wall, the army left me in a trash compactor to die, and in case you haven't noticed their are thousands of aliens. Aliens that zap me, aliens that burn me, aliens that shoot bees at me. Where the hell are those bees coming from anyway? There are even these little buggers that every time they see me they try to face f**k me! Hey I've got a novel idea, try picking up a gun and shooting something!! "

*long pause-scientist hangs head and kicks feet from side to side, then slowly raises head with a confident look on his face*

scientist: "Alright"

*gordon nods and hands scientist shot gun*

scientist: "with my brains and your braun we'll make an excellent team."

*they run into next room and are confronted with a soldier, gordon shoots soldier and keeps moving*

scientist: "I refuse to go another step"

*gordon turns and slowly walks toward scientist*

*gordon crowbars scientist do death*

*picks up shot gun*
Alyx: <fake zombie groan>

Gordon: Hey - knock that f***ing shit off, will you?! What's this look like, f***ing Disney Land?!

el Chi said:
Barney: "And if ya see Dr. Breen, tell him I said f*ck you!"

Gordon: "I shall do nothing of the sort."

nokori3byo said:
Breen: Doctor Freeman! If I'd known you were going to come right to my door, I wouldn't have bothered hunting you in the first place.

Gordon: Barney says, "f*** you"

Alyx: <fake zombie groan>

Gordon: Hey - knock that f***ing shit off, will you?! What's this look like, f***ing Disney Land?!

Alyx: <fake zombie groan>

Gordon: *Shoots Alyx*

That's what i did the first time. Was a good headshot too, she's lucky Valve removed team killing.
Episode One Train Ride:

Gordon: Alyx, I think about something we could do together. Some thing like...
*Citadel starts blowing*
Alyx: Oh God...

Gordon: Haha something like that to your ass!
Alyx: Looks like the reactor's back on track for a meltdown.

Gordon: C'mon, you must have something else in your mind...
Alyx: That transmission's going out after all.

Gordon: Your jeans gonna go out soon...hah
Alyx: Here we go.

Gordon: Wanna taste some fiddlestick?
Alyx: Ugh.

Gordon: Okay I'll start.
*Gordon tries to get Alyx's shirt off"
Alyx: We did it, Gordon!

Gordon: Not yet.
Alyx: We'll be seeing my Dad before long.

Gordon: I'm gonna be daddy with you soon haha.
*Screen goes white and Gordon does something dirty*

The End....
*Gordon turns into gir*

Dr. Breen:
Go back, Freeman, you have no idea what you'll unleash!

Alyx: Go Gordon!

Gordon: Oohhh... WHAT IS IT?!?!?!

*Picks up energy ball*

Alyx: That's... an energy... ball...

Gordon: I'm gonna eat it!!!! ^^

*Eats energy ball*


*Flies into portal, and blows it up*

Dr. Breen: No!!!... You need me....

Alyx: YEHES!

Gordon: Aww... I wanted to explode :(

Alyx: You did it!

Gordon: I DID IT! I DID IT! ... Wait... What'd I do? :eek:

Alyx: Come on gordon, we've got to get out of here! Maybe we have some...

*Portal exploads*


*Time stops*

Gordon: Aww man... Why won't anybody let me expload?!

*G-man walks up*

G-man: Time... Dr. Freeman?

Gordon: Ehh... Uhh... I don't know... I can't take it! You're too smart for me! We were trying to escape you, and we almost did, but you stopped time, and now I'm stuck, and I wanted to expload but now you won't let me!

*G-man stares at gordon, dumbfounded*

G-man: I can't beleive this... thing... is the last hope for the universe...

*Gordon pulls a stuffed pig out of his head, and hugs it*

G-man: Guess it's time for shephard... Goodbye Mr. Freeman... I do hope you can somehow endure your next challange... If not... There are no alternatives.

*Warps Gordon to powerup chamber, in front of gargy*

Gordon: (Still hugging the pig) I love you piggy!

*Gargy roars*

Gargy: Bauuuuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooo!!!!

*Gordon looks up, and frowns, hopelessly*

*Gargy raises his foot*


*Runs in a circle*


*Falls on floor, asleep*

*Gargy shcuffles jaw, and pokes gordon*

*Alyx radio's gordon*

Alyx: Gordon... You there? Wake up! Kill the gargantua!

*Gordon abruptly stands up, with his hand on his forehead, and eyes red*


*Gargy stomps the piggy*

*Gordon stops, and looks down at piggy, and turns green again and starts to cry*

Gordon: Why! Why my piggy! I loveded you piggy! I loveded youhohohoooo!!!!

Alyx: AVENGE... Umm... piggy...!

Gordon: Alright big blue tall guy! You might be big & bad, but I have a trick up my sleeve!

*Gargy roars again*


*Gordon flies out of roof, screaming*

heh... thats all for now... Gir + Half-life... = classic. :D
Bit lame but here goes,

G-Man: "Time.... Dr. Freeman?"

Gordon:*Looks at wrist* "err... I.. think I've left my watch in my other HEV suit..."
Alyx: This water's nasty! There room for two in that suit? *wink wink*

Nerd Gordon: Hm, I don't think so. It's fairly roomy, but I don't see how we could possibly get in here together, sorry. Let's get back to work!
Eli: Gordon Freeman? You haven't changed one Iota!
Gordon: But an Iota is a letter of the greek alphabet! How could I possible change a letter of the greek alphabet? I don't even have an iota to change!
Eli: Gordon Freeman? You haven't changed one Iota!
Gordon: But an Iota is a letter of the greek alphabet! How could I possible change a letter of the greek alphabet? I don't even have an iota to change!

Umm, actually I think an iota can serve as a symbol in an equation or something like that...
Umm, actually I think an iota can serve as a symbol in an equation or something like that...

Wiki says no, although it does give a nod to the phrase "Not even an iota of difference" as being part of the english language. Although as to why, it can't say.
G-Man: Time, Dr Freeman?

Gordon: Jokes on you, buddy, you just stopped time!

G-Man: Oh, sss-sss-sssnap, Dr Freeman.
What would happen if gordon dropped his MP3 player's headphones on the announcement system's mic? This is what I think.

Gordon: I'm not sure ow I got up here... but it's pretty cozy... I'll go take a nap... but this MP3 player's bugging me... I'll set it here.

*Sets headphones next to Mic, with it still playing*

Gordon: Not sure why I'm talking to myself, but it must be for a good reason, so I'll just go to sleep.

*Falls asleep*

*Cuts to city square, where gordon came out at the beginning*

*Civs are trying to pull down the huge T.V. Screen*

Speakers on TV: I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! I like to... MOVE IT! *Boop boop boop boopboopboopboop boopboop boopboop*

*Civs look at eachother, shrug, and start dirty dancing*

*Cuts to streets with striders*

Speakers on TV: I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! I like to... MOVE IT! *Boop boop boop boopboopboopboop boopboop boopboop*

*Striders step to the beet*

*Civs, dancing are implaed on the legs of the striders, still dancing, and smiling*

*Cuts to outside the Citadel wall where Barny and Dog are*

Speakers on TV: I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! I like to... MOVE IT! *Boop boop boop boopboopboopboop boopboop boopboop*

*Barny looks at the T.V. confused*

*Dog starts bouncing*

*Civs start dancing*

*Dog grabs barny, and tango's*

Barney: DOG! Hey! You put me down! No! ... You're actually pretty good at dancing...

*Barney starts to dance*

*Cuts to breens office, while interrigating Eli*

*Combine elite comes in*

Elite: Sir, we have a... situation...

Breen: Can it wait?

Elite: Well... uhh... it's uhh... You should take a look.

*Brren walks to his desk, and turns on security cameras*

Breen: What the... Why are they...

Elite: Apparently there was a break in at the Announcement facility.

Breen: Freeman... Send a squad down there immidiately.

Elite: Yes sir!

*Cuts to square behind broken bridge, and the roof where alyx was "captured"*

Speakers on TV: I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! I like to... MOVE IT! *Boop boop boop boopboopboopboop boopboop boopboop*

Alyx: I love this song!

*Grabs nearest combine and dances*

Soldier: Civillian... Realease me... Out break, outbreak, outbrea... Aww hell...

*Stats to dirty dance with alyx, doing the girly moves*

*Dropship flies off fluttering to the music*

*Cuts to gordon, waking up*

Gordon: That was a good nap... I like this song... did I leave that on? ... Oh well...

*Pluggs MP3 player into suit's loud speaker, and comes louder on the Annuncement machine*

*Everyone dances more*

*Squad comes in, pointing guns at gordon, then look at eachother*

*All look at eachother, shrugg, and dirty dance*

Speakers on TV: I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it! I like to... MOVE IT! *Boop boop boop boopboopboopboop boopboop boopboop...*

Lol... Thought of that earlyer... that'd be a kickass game... XD
Gordon: Where am I?
Citizen 1: Didn't see you get on.
Gordon: Where am I?
Citizen 1:This is my third transfer this year.
Gordon: Oy mate, this bloke won't answer me, can you tell me where I am?
Citizen 2: No matter how many times I get transferred I never get used to it.
Gordon: Okay, but where am I? And what's that flying thing? Hey, little robot, where am I?
Scanner: *flash*
CP: Get back citizen! *hit*
Breen: Welcome... Welcome to City 17...
Gordon: Thankyou! Finally someone answered my question! That guy is the friendliest person I've met so far! He seems nice.

:LOL: i like it!
Alyx: Did you see that?!?

Gordon: What? The dropship that just swooped over my head and exploded in a massive fireball? Naw, somehow I missed that.

G-Man: This is where I get off...

Gordon: If I had control over my body right now, you'd be sooo dead.
Alyx: Did you see that?!?

Gordon: What? The dropship that just swooped over my head and exploded in a massive fireball? Naw, somehow I missed that.

G-Man: This is where I get off...

Gordon: If I had control over my body right now, you'd be sooo dead.


Alyx: Did you see that?!?

Gordon: What? The dropship that just swooped over my head and exploded in a massive fireball? Naw, somehow I missed that.
Strangly, my friend was playing the game and he did miss it :LOL:
Gregori:Did I not tell you to seek the church brotha?
Gordon:... er... umm... yeah, but I wanted to go steal some diamonds from some old mining buildings, but there were none there, so I ran into some problems when these zombies came out of nowhere and I had only pistol ammo, so I blew there heads off with some barrels, and they wouldn't stop coming. It was like out of nowhere man... am I high?

Alyx:(from radio in Nova Prospekt) Kay, I'm on my way, hold the fort.
Gordon:Just take your time you know, don't break your nails either, oh, pick me up a coke too okay?

Breen:Think man, THINK... noo, YOU NEED ME!!!
Gordon:Dude, I've come through hell since BMRF AND I've gotten through most if not all of city 17, crossed through the highway of death, taken out 25 striders, made it to your office, started a whole uprising, fired off a nuke at some tentacle thing, amde it through another dimension...

End Credits Begin...
Grigori: I will meet you at the church, brother!
Gordon: The church! Great! Thanks! Where the hell is the church?
Grigori: Although they call me crazy, I care not, for thou art my helper, my strength, and my savior.
Gordon: ...Is this the real life... or is this just fantasy... Oh, sorry, what were you saying?

/EDIT Apparently Grigori are fallen angels who mated with mortal women, and are bound until Judgement day. I didn't know that.

Alyx: You're my new hero!

Gordon: Woah! At least wait till I put the RPG down.

(click to enlarge or this won't make sense)
Alyx: We used to have to go through the old can--

*Gordon shoves Alyx aside and kicks drink machine through wall*


Sorry, it's 1 AM and I always wanted to picture Gordon as a violent, loud-mouthed, obnoxious asshole.

Barney: Oh, and before I forget, I think you left this back in Black Mesa.

*Throws Generic Scientist #4 over the rails*

Scientist: With my brain and your brawn we'll make an excellent team!

Gordon: O...K...?

Scientist: DON'T SHOOT! I'm with the science team!

Gordon: I kn--

Alyx: I've heard stories about you and airducts. Doctor Kleiner says whenever he locked himself out of his office you and Barney used to compete to see who could get in fastest without using a key.

Gordon: I have no recollection of that whatsoever.
Alyx: We used to have to go through the old can--

*Gordon shoves Alyx aside and kicks drink machine through wall*


Sorry, it's 1 AM and I always wanted to picture Gordon as a violent, loud-mouthed, obnoxious asshole.

Barney: Oh, and before I forget, I think you left this back in Black Mesa.

*Throws Generic Scientist #4 over the rails*

Scientist: With my brain and your brawn we'll make an excellent team!

Gordon: O...K...?

Scientist: DON'T SHOOT! I'm with the science team!

Gordon: I kn--


The time is NO excuse to write the most awesome violent possible quotes evar! Those were Awesome!
Scientist: Thank god you're here! You've got to get me - URHGHGH! *gets shot*
Gordon: (backing away) Oh, come on guys... it's my first day!

*All marines and aliens stop, laugh, and walk away*