Half-Life: Filling in the blanks

Rebel: Dont forget to reaload, doctor freeman.
Rebel: Dont forget to reaload, doctor freeman.
Rebel: Dont forget to reaload, doctor freeman.

Gordon: Oh why the hell can't I make myself shot my allies anymore?! I remember having no such problem back in Black Mesa... I must be getting old...
Vortigaunt: There is no distance between us.
Gordon: Hey, calm down, i'm not... Well.
Breen: "Go back Freeman you have no idea what you are doing!"
Gordon: "You know, he does have a point."
Alyx: "YEEESSS!!!!"
Gordon: "Guess I'll just...keep doing what I'm doing. Fingers crossed eh?"
You're welcome to use mine as well.

you are far more qualified, you king of the Gmods, you :D

also, thanks everyone! surprising amount of support.

also, seeing as I cant do a proper quote in a quickpost, rabarbar said:
"I wanna help!"

I also have one for ya.
Alyx: I guess you proved you can handle yourself out there.
Gordon: damn straight, I handled myself in black mesa all day and all night.
Alyx: *spits out coffee*
Gordon: *oblivious to accidental hidden meaning*

I also thought of a possible script for an episode.
*Gordon is on the tram to black mesa*
Gordon: wait a minute, this isn't my school bus?
Barney: alright Mr Freeman, get out.
Gordon: I'm not Mr Free-
Barney: don't wanna hear it Mr Freeman, get out.
Gordon: *thinking* hmmm, I wonder what happened to the REAL so called "Mr Freeman"..
*picture of Ivan the space biker*
Ivan: Where the hell is my goddamn tram?

verdicts please, be honest and nitpicky. I don't want to make something no one likes at all. don't be afraid to tell me if you think I'm not funny or anything, diplomacy is not on the menu.

also, dont let me hijack this thread either. get back to the other stuff too :D

Hmm. Let me think.

Breen: "Did you realize that your contract was open to the highest bidder?"

Gordon: "Yeah, and did you realise your PANTS were open to the biggest weird-ass slug alien thing? Ewwwwwwww..."
Alyx: "A Combine zombie... that's like a... Zombine, get it?"

Gordon: "L0LL3RSK4T3Z!1!!!11one"
Alyx: "A Combine zombie... that's like a... Zombine, get it?"
Alyx: Gordon. maybe you should lay off the sarcasm..
Gordon: what sarcasm? and why?

*zombine kills them both*
Breen: "Did you realize that your contract was open to the highest bidder?"

Gordon: "i r on ebay lol!!1! we r axept rape dollarz"

Alyx: "Well I guess you've proved you can handle yourself."

Eli: "There's noting Gordon can't handle... With the possible exception of you!"

Gordon: "Oh Eli, you are a one, aren't you?! I say, what's your next move after hooking your daughter up with a mute killing machine? Why not skip the foreplay of you flirting with me on her behalf and go right to the arranged marriage? By the way, I've been meaning to ask - why do you sound like Bill Cosby?"
Alyx: Man of few words aren't you

Gordon: Yes even though I haven't said anything to you yet...
Alyx: Man of few words aren't you

Gordon: Yes even though I haven't said anything to you yet...
*Two minutes pass*
Gordon: Oh wait that was the joke! Sorry... NOW I get it. Sorry, I'm no good with jokes. Say did you hear that one about the doctor and the elephant rapist?
Just incase that was a piss take, I was being over sincere, she says you are man of few words but he aint because Freeman hadn't actualy said any words to her. Yup bad one but most of them are on here anyway xD

Apologies if you weren't taking the piss, just clearing it up xD
Alyx: Ohh wow...haha...Gordon...wow your my new hero.
Gordon:New hero? Who else have you been seeing?
Alyx: Is doctor Kleiner really telling everyone to... get busy?
Gordon Freeman: Sounds fine for me.
Alyx: You ready?

Yes, I reproduced that effect with using Alyx.
I always imagined Gordon being a bit uncomfortable with her. Not with women, just with Alyx. From his point of view, she was a toddler a couple days ago.

Alyx: I'm Alyx Vance. My dad worked with you back at Black Mesa? I'm sure you don't remember me though...
Gordon: I don't remember you being quite so OH DEAR GOD when did you get those?

Dr. Kleiner: Go ahead Gordon, slip into your suit now...
Gordon: Er, can you close the door first? Or make Alyx leave? Or at least tell her to stop staring at my ass? Seriously, it's freaking me out.
Dr. Isaac Kleiner: Well, Gordon, I see your HEV Suit still fits you like a glove. At least, the glove parts do.
Gordon: Are you saying you can see my junk or something? Pervert.

Scientist: For God's sake, open the silo door! They're coming for us and it's our only way out! Oh my God, we're doomed!
*Gordon pushes scientist into door; door opens*
Gordon: See..that wasn't so hard, now was it?

Tram Speaker: Good morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System. This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Mesa Research Facility personnel. The time is eight-forty seven A.M... Current topside temperature is ninety-three degrees with an estimated high of one hundred and five. The Black Mesa compound is maintained at a pleasant sixty-eight degrees at all times. This train is inbound from Level Three dormitories to Sector C Test Labs and Control Facilities. If your intended destination is a high security area beyond Sector C, you will need to return to the Central Transit hub in Area Nine and board a high security train. If you have not yet submitted your identity to the retinal clearance system, you must report to Black Mesa personnel for processing before you will be permitted into the high security branch of the transit system.....

*Gordon leaps out of tram*
Alyx: I'm Alyx Vance. My dad worked with you back at Black Mesa? I'm sure you don't remember me though...
Gordon: I don't remember you being quite so OH DEAR GOD when did you get those?

This is probably my favourite. :D
Scientist: "For God's sake, open the silo door! They're coming for us and it's our only way out! Oh my God, we're doomed!"

Gordon: "Seriously mate, this is like the third time I've played this game and it does not get better through those doors. My advice would be to kill yourself and get it over with"

*Scientist runs through laser trip wires and gets torn to shreds by turret*

Gordon: "Yes that's the spirit!"

Marine: That all you got?

*Gordon blasts him with both barrels*

Gordon: My actions speak louder than words! Heh-heh... With a quick wit like that, I could be an action hero.

*Gordon walks into the room with the three scientists and the enormous rotating blades of doom*

Gordon: "...and exactly what scientific purpose do these serve?"
*Gordon walks into the room with the three scientists and the enormous rotating blades of doom*

Gordon: "...and exactly what scientific purpose do these serve?"

I don't quite remember that part... Lol'd anyway. :p
HL1, the level just before Serface Tension. There's that area where you have to escort a scientist to the retinal scanner to let you out - you get into the room the three scientists are in by blowing a whole in the wall in the room above with a big laser set-up. It's just after you get the tau cannon/gauss gun I believe.
Ah, I remember. The facility where the specimens are stored? It was called "Questionable Ethics" or something I think.
Civilian: Oh....didn't see you get on.
Civilian: Oh....didn't see you get on.

Zombie: Rarrraarggghhhh!!!!!
Gordon: I can't give you my lisense officer!!!
Zombie: Raarrararargggghhhh!!!
Gordon: Because you are headcrab zombie!!! Zombie Goasts leave this place!
Zombie: Rarrraaaggghhhhh... But this is our house!
Civilian: Oh....didn't see you get on.

this is one of the best, cos this is EXACTLY what any normal person would say, apart from "where am I?" or something like that. but you have to remember he's just woken up after fighting off a mini-alien invasion and Earths military pretty much on his own.
Zombie: Rarrraarggghhhh!!!!!
Gordon: I can't give you my lisense officer!!!
Zombie: Raarrararargggghhhh!!!
Gordon: Because you are headcrab zombie!!! Zombie Goasts leave this place!
Zombie: Rarrraaaggghhhhh... But this is our house!
Gordan needed to shot metrocoppers so he looked on ground and found weapon!
Barney: I can't talk for long, I'm way behind on my... beating quota.
Gordon: ...I'm really glad I'm your friend.
Barney: I can't talk for long, I'm way behind on my... beating quota.
Gordon: ...I'm really glad I'm your friend.

Barney: You're not kidding! You should see what the guards are like in Nova Prospekt! I won't go in to any details, but let's just say the term "Drop the soap quota" is quite frequent.
*First playthrough
Alyx: Jeez, this water's nasty. There room for two in that suit?
Gordon: ... Excuse me?

*Second playthrough
Gordon: I can MAKE room

*Third playthrough
Gordon: Hey, I have a better idea. Why don't you TAKE this suit and go save the world, and I'll just find a nice corner and take a NAP for once in my life. It's been a bloody decade since I've last gotten some sleep. And being unconscious from head trauma does NOT count.