Half-Life: Filling in the blanks

Alyx: "What is that thing? Hmmm...a combine zombie, it's a...it's..."
Gordon: "Christopher Walken?"
Alyx: "What is that thing? Hmmm...a combine zombie, it's a...it's..."
Gordon: "Christopher Walken?"


Sorry couldn't help myself! :laugh: :laugh:
Inspired by a true event:

Slick: "I developed the gluon gun, but I can't bring myself to use it on a living creature. You don't look like you have that problem, however."
Gordon: "Nope." BRRRRRM!
Slick: *squish*

Scientist: "With my brains and your brawn, we'll make an excellent team!"
Gordon: "Wait a minute. What does that mean? Are you implying that all I'm good for is walking around in this suspiciously heavily-armored radiation suit and busting alien heads with the myriad of weapons I've found scattered around this facility? That my sole purpose is to be the muscle that gets you bespectacled, doddering, stuffy, ridiculous-tie-wearing elitest snobs to safety? I'll have you know that I am an MIT graduate, with a year of post-grad study at Innsbruck under my belt doing things that were published in scientific journals long before I'd even received an offer to join Black Mesa. That's right, they OFFERED me this job. I was hand-selected for the special projects team at anomalous materials. EVERYONE in this facility knows my name. Just who're you? Who the hell are YOU? I don't know you. So you can cram it, you old geezer, and get back to hiding inside your little dumpster. See if I lead your ass to safety."
Alyx: "When I told you Dog liked to fetch, I didn't tell you who'd be fetching did I."
Gordon: "I hate you people."

Alyx: "Dog take Gordon to the Ravenholm tunnel then circle around and meet up with me."
Gordon: "Ravenholm tunnel? You mean that place you abandoned, have sealed off with a blast door and a dozen warnings and speak in a whispered tone about? That one? I'm aware Eli was cut off mid sentence when he said, "Do not go through raven-", but you know? Raven what? Raven shore? Raven way? Raven station? Raven room? No, he meant ****ing Ravenholm. I want to go with Dog. Hey, where are you going! BITCH LISTEN TO ME."
Alyx: "When I told you Dog liked to fetch, I didn't tell you who'd be fetching did I."
Gordon: "I hate you people."

Alyx: "Dog take Gordon to the Ravenholm tunnel then circle around and meet up with me."
Gordon: "Ravenholm tunnel? You mean that place you abandoned, have sealed off with a blast door and a dozen warnings and speak in a whispered tone about? That one? I'm aware Eli was cut off mid sentence when he said, "Do not go through raven-", but you know? Raven what? Raven shore? Raven way? Raven station? Raven room? No, he meant ****ing Ravenholm. I want to go with Dog. Hey, where are you going! BITCH LISTEN TO ME."

Alyx: Gordon! You made it through Ravenholm, thank god!
Gordon: Yeah, no thanks to you.
Alyx: Gordon I need your help. My Father's been taken prisoner by the combine.
Gordon: Wow, that is a shame, I was hoping to spend some more time with him and ask a lot more questions that he could refuse to answer.
Alyx: There's a prison called Nova Prospekt down the coast.
Gordon: ...oh crap. I know where this is going, and forget it! Just forget it!
Alyx: Some Vortigaunts are sometimes held prisoner there.
Gordon: You mean the trans-dimensional lightning bolt-shooting aliens can't break out of there? That's it, I'm not going!
Alyx: My father is being held in the most secure part of the prison.
Gordon: Let's hope the food's good then.
Alyx: Gordon, I know it's a lot to ask but... please help.
Gordon: No.
Leon: You want him to take the coast line by foot? That's crazy! It's spawning season for the antlions!
Gordon: Antlions? Alright that's it! I'm staying here! As if it weren't bad enough with the zombies, now there's antlions! What the **** are antlions?! I don't care, I'm not going!
Alyx: He can use the car my father built Leon.
Gordon: Unless your father built an armoured tank you can go to hell. Speaking of which, where's that dog of yours? Let him rescue him!
Alyx: Gordon, I haven't been down the coast in a long time but I can't imagine it's gotten any better.
Gordon: Good thing I'm not going down the coast then! I'm staying here!
Alyx: Thankyou so much Gordon. And... be careful.
Gordon: Oh for the love of... You had better be more useful in the next episode or I am outta here!
Gordon: Where am I?
Citizen 1: Didn't see you get on.
Gordon: Where am I?
Citizen 1:This is my third transfer this year.
Gordon: Oy mate, this bloke won't answer me, can you tell me where I am?
Citizen 2: No matter how many times I get transferred I never get used to it.
Gordon: Okay, but where am I? And what's that flying thing? Hey, little robot, where am I?
Scanner: *flash*
CP: Get back citizen! *hit*
Breen: Welcome... Welcome to City 17...
Gordon: Thankyou! Finally someone answered my question! That guy is the friendliest person I've met so far! He seems nice.

excellent one. can i add this as my sig??
Inspired by a true event:

Slick: "I developed the gluon gun, but I can't bring myself to use it on a living creature. You don't look like you have that problem, however."
Gordon: "Nope." BRRRRRM!
Slick: *squish*
Definitely. I mean honestly - if anyone was practically asking to die, it was him.
Woman: Were you the only ones on that train? Civil Protection...stopped our train in the woods and took my husband in for questioning; they're being nice though...letting me wait for him
Gordon: E? :(

True story
Alyx: Gordon! You made it through Ravenholm, thank god!
Gordon: Yeah, no thanks to you.
Alyx: Gordon I need your help. My Father's been taken prisoner by the combine.
Gordon: Wow, that is a shame, I was hoping to spend some more time with him and ask a lot more questions that he could refuse to answer.
Alyx: There's a prison called Nova Prospekt down the coast.
Gordon: ...oh crap. I know where this is going, and forget it! Just forget it!
Alyx: Some Vortigaunts are sometimes held prisoner there.
Gordon: You mean the trans-dimensional lightning bolt-shooting aliens can't break out of there? That's it, I'm not going!
Alyx: My father is being held in the most secure part of the prison.
Gordon: Let's hope the food's good then.
Alyx: Gordon, I know it's a lot to ask but... please help.
Gordon: No.
Leon: You want him to take the coast line by foot? That's crazy! It's spawning season for the antlions!
Gordon: Antlions? Alright that's it! I'm staying here! As if it weren't bad enough with the zombies, now there's antlions! What the **** are antlions?! I don't care, I'm not going!
Alyx: He can use the car my father built Leon.
Gordon: Unless your father built an armoured tank you can go to hell. Speaking of which, where's that dog of yours? Let him rescue him!
Alyx: Gordon, I haven't been down the coast in a long time but I can't imagine it's gotten any better.
Gordon: Good thing I'm not going down the coast then! I'm staying here!
Alyx: Thankyou so much Gordon. And... be careful.
Gordon: Oh for the love of... You had better be more useful in the next episode or I am outta here!


Woman: Were you the only ones on that train? Civil Protection...stopped our train in the woods and took my husband in for questioning; they're being nice though...letting me wait for him
Gordon: E? :(

True story

I don't get it ;(
Barney:Now about that beer i owe ya!
Gordon:Oh my... im gone FOR TWENTY YEARS, hear that, TWENTY! And the first thing you can see to me, is a half arsed joke about BEER...not, wow! where have you been all this time, not, are you alright gordon? not even a short little summary about what the hell has happened...just a little comment about beer...now are you going to tell me whats going on....

oh no wait, you're just switching on that fancy computer thing, and oh great, its that wise ass kleiner that was always getting zombified and leaving bitchy comments in black mesa...
Scientist: Don't linger, Mr. Freeman! You must hurry to the core, without delay!

Gordon: You ignorant f*ck! Incase you haven't heard, over the coarse of these last 4 days I havent slept, eaten, or taken a sh*t, and all the way have been killing hordes of aliens, and killing soldiers that the only order they have is to kill me, and all of the other scientists. If I were you, I'd be on the floor bowing to me, because I have been saved by this man countless times, and now that I'm in a small spot of power, and can give at least a little bit of the mission plan, I STILL have no right to hassle this man. Now if you don't mind, after I've gone through hell to save you, and this rant to save you from the bullet that I so desperately want to put through your skull, I want to take a break, and rest for a bit, so excuse me for needing a breather after pushing my body past natural limits!

Scientist: Why do you still linger? If you don't leave now, we'll never get this mess under controll!

Grodon: That's f*cking it.

*Shoots slick in the head*

Try to hurry me up now, asshat.


Breen: You have destroyed so much! What exactly is it that you have created? Can you name even ONE thing?

Gordon: What have I created? What? Ohh... You mean like... Filling the hearts of thousands of innocent citizens with hope that they'll one day be free? Because their hero in the orange suit has come back, and he's pissed. Your death bed awates you, you annoying ragdoll!

Breen: I thought not.

Gordon: Bitch, I just PWNZORED you! Now you can't think of anything so you act like you can't hear me?! ... Ohh wait... I can't talk... *Holds up middle finger to monitor*

I like my last one :)
Woman: Were you the only ones on that train? Civil Protection...stopped our train in the woods and took my husband in for questioning; they're being nice though...letting me wait for him
Gordon: E? :(

True story
Hahaha, had me rolling.
Barney: "I think he wants you to go through Gordon, you'd better hurry."
Gordon: "The 'One Freeman'. What a ****ing joke.
Barney Curman: Good morning mister Freeman, looks like you're running late.
Gordon Freeman: Sorry, your girlfriend had such a sweet butt.

Woman: Were you the only ones on that train? Civil Protection...stopped our train in the woods and took my husband in for questioning. They're being nice though, letting me wait for him...
Gordon Freeman: But they did serve good gulash to us on the train later.
CP: Pick up that can!
Gordon: Hey, what am I the janitor around here?!
CP: Pick up that can!
Gordon: Alright, fine...
CP: Now throw the can in the trash!
Gordon: Um.. OK.. *swish*...*BONK!*

True story
Woman: Were you the only ones on that train? Civil Protection...stopped our train in the woods and took my husband in for questioning; they're being nice though...letting me wait for him
Gordon: Oh yes, that is nice! Although I'd suggest getting a good book love, 'cause I'm willing to bet that you'll be waiting here a while. Aaaanyway I've got to dash but do say hello to your husband for me!
Mossman: They can tunnel through from their universe, but once they're here they're dependent on local transportation. If they knew what we're doing with entanglement - Oh, listen to me, I sound like a post-doc.
Gordon: ... well, uh, In cart-pushing college they never really taught us all this... but say, if you hop on local transportation and cruise by Gordy-Free's later, perhaps we could do interesting things with entanglement and I could tunnel into your Universe, if you catch my meaning.

G-Man:You've done so well, in fact, that I've received some interesting offers for your services.
Gordon:Hey, Hey, Woah, Woah... Slow Down! Interesting offers? My Services!? Listen Buster: I don't care if the Biozeminadian Sultans of Brigadian are offering you five palaces full of sexually arousing tentacle beasts. I'm not performing fellatio on any weird aliens until you tell me what's going on, and in plain English!

Gordon Freeman: "Oh shit! WTF?! Ahh! Die!!!" *Fires in multiple directions* "Ha! Took care of that zombie... wait a second... Alyx?"
Alyx: Oh snap!
Gordon: That's my line!
Vortigaunt: "We remember the Freeman..."

Gordon: "Really? Remember this?" *Thrusts crotch repeately* "Yeah!"
Vortigaunt: "We remember the Freeman..."
Gordon: "Yeah, it's hard to forget one man taking out most of you guys. I mean, come on, I'm a freaking scientist! You guys have the ability to shoot electricity. You guys must REALLY suck.
Alyx: It looks like you could have used some help...

Gordon: No, really, I'm fine... really... I mean with the constant morphine that this HEV suit administers, its amazing that I am still breathing. I mean, I have YET to be hospitalized in over 20 years, AND I have had over 100 'minor fractures'! How many god-damned minor fractures can one man have until his bones turn into JELLO?!
Barney: C'mon, Gordon! You trying to get me into trouble?
Gordon: Duuurrhuhrhurhurhurhur

Scientist: Weren't you supposed to be in the Test Chamber half an hour ago?
Barney: C'mon, Gordon! You trying to get me into trouble?
Gordon: Duuurrhuhrhurhurhurhur

Scientist: Weren't you supposed to be in the Test Chamber half an hour ago?

My friend thinks I'm crazy now because I'm lolling over the phone at her.
In the beginning of Sand Traps, there are two stranded refugees: one on the rocky surface and one on the sand who is incapacitated by a band of antlions. The one on the rock says the following:

Laszo's friend: "I know you tried to help. I'll stay with him awhile. There's something I have to do."

Gordon Freeman: "Necrophilia?"
In the beginning of Sand Traps, there are two stranded refugees: one on the rocky surface and one on the sand who is incapacitated by a band of antlions. The one on the rock says the following:

Laszo's friend: "I know you tried to help. I'll stay with him awhile. There's something I have to do."

Gordon Freeman: "Necrophilia?"

Smoothly done. :laugh:
Does he do anything, anyway? I was under the impression that he shot himself.
these are all amazing :D I was planning on making a Gmod story (when I learn to pose half-decently) where freeman finds out his suit was on mute during the whole black mesa incident, and that was why he never spoke- it would be a retelling of both HL1 and HL2, and these would all be fantastic for use in it. do I have all of your permission for usage of these quotes?

(note, if there is anyone better qualified than me to make a comic such as this, go nuts- but please tell me, and give me some kind of credit. also, I don't want to be the guy saying "lol look at my ideas make a comic out of em plz" so please tell me whether or not you think the idea sucks a fat one.)

your faithful nooblet,
Gordon Shepherd
these are all amazing :D I was planning on making a Gmod story (when I learn to pose half-decently) where freeman finds out his suit was on mute during the whole black mesa incident, and that was why he never spoke- it would be a retelling of both HL1 and HL2, and these would all be fantastic for use in it. do I have all of your permission for usage of these quotes?

(note, if there is anyone better qualified than me to make a comic such as this, go nuts- but please tell me, and give me some kind of credit. also, I don't want to be the guy saying "lol look at my ideas make a comic out of em plz" so please tell me whether or not you think the idea sucks a fat one.)

your faithful nooblet,
Gordon Shepherd

You can use mine as long as you tell me which ones you're using :D
these are all amazing :D I was planning on making a Gmod story (when I learn to pose half-decently) where freeman finds out his suit was on mute during the whole black mesa incident, and that was why he never spoke- it would be a retelling of both HL1 and HL2, and these would all be fantastic for use in it. do I have all of your permission for usage of these quotes?

(note, if there is anyone better qualified than me to make a comic such as this, go nuts- but please tell me, and give me some kind of credit. also, I don't want to be the guy saying "lol look at my ideas make a comic out of em plz" so please tell me whether or not you think the idea sucks a fat one.)

your faithful nooblet,
Gordon Shepherd

I wanna help! :p
Barney: "And if ya see Dr. Breen, tell him I said f*ck you!"

Gordon: "I shall do nothing of the sort."

Barney: C'mon, Gordon! You trying to get me into trouble?
Gordon: Duuurrhuhrhurhurhurhur
I lol'd.
Vortigaunt: We see you still in Black Mesa. Clearly we see you in the Nihilanth's chamber.
Gordon: Really? Yet still you could not foresee the arrival of the combine and the inevitable doom of the human race? What happened? Something got stuck in your gigantic eye, you nipple-face?
Alyx: I guess you proved you can handle yourself out there.

Gordon: Handle myself? Handle myself? Missy Vance, whilst you were crawling around in nappies and learning potty tricks I was dishing out PHD justice with the sharp end of a crowbar, defending Earth against alien hordes and hopping from one end of a trans-dimensional bottleneck to the other. So don't ****ing patronize me with your 'handling' superiority crap, because I've been there, I've worn the t-shirt and I'll send you out of this room with your tail between your legs if you so much as say one more word. Bitch.
