Half-Life: Filling in the blanks

Barney: You're not kidding! You should see what the guards are like in Nova Prospekt! I won't go in to any details, but let's just say the term "Drop the soap quota" is quite frequent.

....Do tell more about this, "Nova Prospekt".
*First playthrough
Alyx: Jeez, this water's nasty. There room for two in that suit?
Gordon: ... Excuse me?

*Second playthrough
Gordon: I can MAKE room

*Third playthrough
Gordon: Hey, I have a better idea. Why don't you TAKE this suit and go save the world, and I'll just find a nice corner and take a NAP for once in my life. It's been a bloody decade since I've last gotten some sleep. And being unconscious from head trauma does NOT count.

*Fourth playthrough*
Gordon: You're not serious...? You just kicked a blood covered zombie in it's chest, which apparently has been ripped open... But you're afraid of muddy water? o_O
Alyx: Eegguhh... That smell can only mean zombies.
Gordan: Sorry My Bad.
Barney1: Hey Barney!
Barney2: Hey Barney!
Barney3: Hey Barney!
Barney4: Hey Barney!

Scientist: Gordon they're waiting for you in the tessst chamberr.
Gordon: What? OH MY GOD!! I'm A HALF HOUR LATE!
Breen: Doctor Freeman! If I'd known you were going to come right to my door, I wouldn't have bothered hunting you in the first place.

Gordon: Barney says, "f*** you"
Breen: Doctor Freeman! If I'd known you were going to come right to my door, I wouldn't have bothered hunting you in the first place.

Gordon: Barney says, "f*** you"

Got me laughing me arse off here at work, thanks.
Mossman: I'm really looking forward to the opportunity of working with you
Gordon: *zip*
Gordon: I made a tenis-ball cannon when I was 10 :cheese:

Okay, where the hell is this tennis-ball thing from? I hear it everywhere, but as far as I can tell Planet-Halfife just made it up as a fanfiction sort of deal.
Hmm, that's why I'm clueless then, I've not read EITHER of those/
Alyx: This is the gravity gun my father was talking about. You can call it the zero-point energy field manipulator if you really want to.

Gordon: *mimicks in a high pitched voice* You can call it the zero-point manipulator if you really to.

Just give me precioussss.

*clears throat and mutters btich under his breath*


Breen: Did you realize that your contract was open to the highest bidder?

Gordon: Dude, I don't even know where the f*** I am right now.
Gordon kills combine*
*gordon picks up combine radio*
CP voice:-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. aaaanyway, we have multiple murders and one prank call on 4th street, last known location of Freeman.
Gordon kills combine*
*gordon picks up combine radio*
CP voice:-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. aaaanyway, we have multiple murders and one prank call on 4th street, last known location of Freeman.

:D lol :D
Alyx: This is the gravity gun my father was talking about. You can call it the zero-point energy field manipulator if you really want to.

Gordon: *mimicks in a high pitched voice* You can call it the zero-point manipulator if you really to.

Gordon: Hey, i'm Gordon Freeman

Citizen: Gordon Frohman? The Sausage King of Chicago?

Gordon: Err... no, Gordon FREEman the famed physcist with a surprising aptitude for firearms and combat

Citizen: Not then John Freeman, the motorcycle riding liberator of Zombie Goasts, axed to help the humans against the encroaching Xenian menace?

Gordon: Nope, GORDON Freeman, here to liberate City 17's hopeless, oppressed inhabitants from certain death.


G-Man: So Wake up Mr Freeman, Wake up, and Smell the Ashes.

Gordon: I won't! You're not even my real Dad! I hate you! I wish I was never born!
Doctor Kleiner: Fascinating! We seem to have developed a very slow teleport!
Gordon: Great. Now if you make it a time machine, we can go back in time and screw the future around even more. You like that? Huh?

Vortigaunt 1: The Freeman must excuse us. It is rude of us to commune by flux-shifting in front of those whose vortal inputs are impaired.
Vortigaunt 2
: Yes, we are vocalizing your auditory language as a matter of courtesy.
Vortigaunt 1: Unless we wish to say unflattering things about you.
Vortigaunt 2: Just so.
*Both continue flux-shifting*
Gordon: (After a minute) Yeah, well screw you guys too!
Vortigaunt 1: The Freeman must excuse us. It is rude of us to commune by flux-shifting in front of those whose vortal inputs are impaired.
Vortigaunt 2
: Yes, we are vocalizing your auditory language as a matter of courtesy.
Vortigaunt 1: Unless we wish to say unflattering things about you.
Vortigaunt 2: Just so.
*Both continue flux-shifting*
Gordon: (After a minute) Yeah, well screw you guys too!

LOL thats how I felt about it, too...
Barney: Anyways, I am way behind on my beating quota.
Gordon: Well I don't have any moisturizer but I can come back later if you'd like..
Fisherman Dude: I hope you like leeches.
Gordon: Leeches? Oh yeah, leeches. Obviously. Sounds like a blast, eating the bastard flesh of some mysterious alien. I mean, did we ever figure out how similar their physiology is? They bleed f***ing yellow! How the hell do I know they don't metabolize arsenic or something? Next thing you'll tell me is that desert is raw black headcrab on a stick.

Nameless scientist: I'm noticing a small discrepancy in the phaser arrays... Oh, its probably nothing. Continuing the test.
Gordon: Yeah, um, can we get that Mossman broad in here? I think I want to be somewhere else. Like China.
My first attempt at some of these, plz dont hate me if they suck :|

Eli: "There's noting Gordon can't handle... With the possible exception of you!"

Gordon: :naughty:


Dr.Breen: "What exactly have you created?. . . Can you name even one thing?

*First time playing*
Gordon: "ehhh, I.....dont...O YA a bloody crowbar :D."

*Seconds time playing*
Gordon: "Im about to make a huge explosion wich will Vaporize you, alyx and me."

*Third time & after playing episode one*
Gordon: "Well To bad I wont be seeing you in Episode 1, I MEAN Barney says ***k you!"


Alyx: "Is Kliener actualy tell everyone to. . . get busy?"

Gordon: " *unzips Hev suit* I guess so :naughty:


Scientist: "Gordon! Get away from the rays" (Im not sure if he says this.)

Gordon: "No sh*t sherlock."


Scientist: "Shutting down... Attempting shutdown... Its not..its not shutting down..its not...AAAWWW."
Gordon: "Hm what? Just a minute leme finish my glass of water."
*Gordon teleports into Xen*
Gordon: "Man this is good water"
*teleports again back to Test chamber*
Gordon "Nice makeover, Love the effects!"
*teleports again into the circle of Vortigaunts*
Gordon: "still lovin this water!"
*teleports back to Black mesa*

Gordon "Hoooolllyy Sh*****t!.....Im outa water."
My first attempt at some of these, plz dont hate me if they suck :|

Eli: "There's noting Gordon can't handle... With the possible exception of you!"

Gordon: :naughty:


Dr.Breen: "What exactly have you created?. . . Can you name even one thing?

*First time playing*
Gordon: "ehhh, I.....dont...O YA a bloody crowbar :D."

*Seconds time playing*
Gordon: "Im about to make a huge explosion wich will Vaporize you, alyx and me."

*Third time & after playing episode one*
Gordon: "Well To bad I wont be seeing you in Episode 1, I MEAN Barney says ***k you!"


Alyx: "Is Kliener actualy tell everyone to. . . get busy?"

Gordon: " *unzips Hev suit* I guess so :naughty:


Scientist: "Gordon! Get away from the rays" (Im not sure if he says this.)

Gordon: "No sh*t sherlock."


Scientist: "Shutting down... Attempting shutdown... Its not..its not shutting down..its not...AAAWWW."
Gordon: "Hm what? Just a minute leme finish my glass of water."
*Gordon teleports into Xen*
Gordon: "Man this is good water"
*teleports again back to Test chamber*
Gordon "Nice makeover, Love the effects!"
*teleports again into the circle of Vortigaunts*
Gordon: "still lovin this water!"
*teleports back to Black mesa*

Gordon "Hoooolllyy Sh*****t!.....Im outa water."

haha:laugh:, loved them!
Fisherman Dude: I hope you like leeches.
Gordon: Leeches? Oh yeah, leeches. Obviously. Sounds like a blast, eating the bastard flesh of some mysterious alien. I mean, did we ever figure out how similar their physiology is? They bleed f***ing yellow! How the hell do I know they don't metabolize arsenic or something? Next thing you'll tell me is that desert is raw black headcrab on a stick.
In fairness, Gordon hasn't eaten in the better part of two decades... I'd take whatever I could get if I were him.
Yeah, when is he ever going to get to eat something? Or sleep in an actual bed? Even from his own temporally displaced persective, he's been running around killing stuff for several straight days.
Gordon told me once that being in a stasis is like sleeping on a tempurpedic matress... Sounds pretty good to me. ^^
Yeah, when is he ever going to get to eat something? Or sleep in an actual bed? Even from his own temporally displaced persective, he's been running around killing stuff for several straight days.

He's running flack off adrenaline. That is what makes the best killers the best!
Gordon is like a sci-fi Jack Bauer. Well, a more sci-fi Jack Bauer anyway. On that note.

Gordon: Right now, slug-like aliens are plotting to take over the earth, my closest friends are in deepest trouble, and that Mossman bitch is probably going to be involved in all of it sooner or later. I'm MIT Graduate Gordon Freeman -- this is the longest day of my life, though due to peculiar time dilation problems days tend to pass in about four hours for me anyway.
Gordon is like a sci-fi Jack Bauer. Well, a more sci-fi Jack Bauer anyway. On that note.

Gordon: Right now, slug-like aliens are plotting to take over the earth, my closest friends are in deepest trouble, and that Mossman bitch is probably going to be involved in all of it sooner or later. I'm MIT Graduate Gordon Freeman -- this is the longest day of my life, though due to peculiar time dilation problems days tend to pass in about four hours for me anyway.

buwahaha...that made me laugh good.
Very nice kupo :)

In a fight 'twixt Jack and Gordon, Jack would win. In fact, in a fight between Jack and most people (one-by-one or en masse, it doesn't matter) Jack would win.
Gordon just needs a chance to prove himself. Let's throw him into a fight without his precious suit! No armor, no heads-up display, no nothing, just a pistol and nowhere to run.
Against gargy!!!!

No... wait... Lets put him in the room with just the gluon gun, and gargy. :)
Eli: You remember my wife Azian don't you.

This is nor the time nor the place to discuss our... *ahem*... threesome or as I call it scientific unification.. if that was the implication... I mean for f***s sake your daughters right next to you!
Eli: You remember my wife Azian don't you.

This is nor the time nor the place to discuss our... *ahem*... threesome or as I call it scientific unification.. if that was the implication... I mean for f***s sake your daughters right next to you!

Eli: We've almost got that portal working again, but I wouldn't blame you if you... don't want to voulenteer for the trial run...

Gordon: Also, don't blame me if I never feel like putting my life in your hands again, because we all know what happened about 6 hours ago... Then I had to ride a frickin raft with a giant fan on the back of it through a soldier filled canal, with helicopters dropping mines on me, and zombies trying to rip my guts out and play jumprope with them... But I guess I can forgive you for it... when you have to do it too.

Eli: We're still not sure what that does... ALyx brings in the strangest things...

Gordon: It strangely resembles the sachel charges from black mesa... in a greenish, blobbish, I don't really think you should keep that here kind of way... :D (C4!!!)

Alyx: uhh ohh... Looks like theres more soldiers coming your way... Get those turrets set up!

*Sets up turrets to trigger spawners, then knocks them over, and hides in turret storage unit with SPAS 12 out* I'm fine where I am thank you...

Alyx: Uhh ohh more soldiers!

Gordon: *Shoots 2 soldiers in the face* Say... You think you could open these gates, and deactivate these enrgy felids so I have a chanse to SAVE MY ASS!?!?!?

Alyx: Looks like theres more soldiers coming Gordon, they're coming out from everywhere!

Gordon: *Kills a group of soldiers with a grenade* REALLY?!?! I didn't f*cking notice!

Alyx: Okay Gordon, I'm gonna leave off here, and catch up with you. Be there as soon as I can.

Gordon: Yes... Now that I've killed the whole combine force that was in this place, it would be a GREAT time for you to come and help. *Shoots last soldier in the head*
*After 25 seconds of fighting at Shore Point*

Refugee: "Winston's been hit!"

*Song 23 starts playing*

Refugee: "Patch him up and give him a medkit."

Gordon: "Nooo! Winston's hit! Oh the humanity! Oh Dear God, he was so young! Shame he died as a virgin... Wait a second, who the **** is Winston? As a matter of fact, why does he get the song? Why not the other hundreds of dead rebels out there? WHY?!"
*After 25 seconds of fighting at Shore Point*

Refugee: "Winston's been hit!"

*Song 23 starts playing*

Refugee: "Patch him up and give him a medkit."

Gordon: "Nooo! Winston's hit! Oh the humanity! Oh Dear God, he was so young! Shame he died as a virgin... Wait a second, who the **** is Winston? As a matter of fact, why does he get the song? Why not the other hundreds of dead rebels out there? WHY?!"
The musical god is just a cruel bastard!
Gordon: My good LORD, I'm in the citadel, the whole earth's transhuman forces' after me, I'm SO CLOSE to my goals, and here I stand in front of this human containment thingie, jesus, and there's no way going further from this point on, unless I would be so stupid to enter one of 'em pods, let myself strap in and be brought to Breen's office directly right away where he'll probably have a GREAT opportunity to blast my brains out w/ a pimpy deagle and thereby end the whole rebellion..now THAT'S a good idea! *enters pod* *pod turns to the right side to a sanitational device, frying other pods* *device fries Gordon*
Gordon: NNNNNOO--*wush* *burns away*
*Gordon put on HEV suit in HL. Techno music starts playing*
"Huh, this thing has an MP3 player too"
Dr. Breen: I must express my gratitude, Doctor. If I had known you were going to come straight up to my office, I wouldn't have bothered hunting you in the first place!
Gordon: Stupidhead.

[cookie to anyone who gets the reference]