Half-Life movie coming soon?

that would be extremely cool :D someone email doug to confirm it
It's funny that they don't even mention HL2...I love reporters that obviously don't know much about their topic!
Thats friggen awesome. I dont think it would draw an older crowd because of its fighthing aliens and alien bosses.
No man, a Half Life film would be awful. Think about it - has there EVER been a good game-->film conversion? No.
In any case, who'd play Freeman? It's a nice idea but Valve, for the love of God don't do it - no matter HOW much they pay you!
I agree with you. There has never been a good game>movie conversion, and I don't want one of the best franchises in the gaming world to be ruined by some lackluster action thriller probably starring Colin Farrel or Eminem.
Get off my porch!! :)
ya lol look at Resident Evil ------> shittest movie EVER!!! why would you want to watch a half life movie? Ho wcould they possibly make the movie as good as the game. For the love of god, if a half life movie ever came out, i would abandon my faith in Valve
Colin Farrell is a really good actor, perhaps you missed Phone Booth.

Also Valve has said before that they wouldn't do a movie unless it was done right.
I think either Charlie Sheen should play Gordon or Johny Depp. As for Barney, Matt Broderick .The G-Man could be Tommy Lee Jones.
tommy lee jones would be a good g man....doesn't have the voice though
well unlike other games i think the movie would be done right because the HL creators have that much respect for there cumminty and fans. They actualy listen to the crowd.
The guy who plays Agent Smith in The Matrix has the voice for G-Man.
If a movie is made then it needs to be written by and had the screenplay done by Marc Laidlaw who's written the whole HL series so far.
Oh yeahhhhh, I forgot all about Smith. Although seeing him in two um, "suit roles" would confuse people, and maybe only make him "suit people" for the rest of his career in films, lol. But yeah, he has a cool voice, perfect for G-man like Chris_D said.
Originally posted by Chris_D
The guy who plays Agent Smith in The Matrix has the voice for G-Man.

Hugo Weaving would be excellent as the G-man in general.
"Also Valve has said before that they wouldn't do a movie unless it was done right." - frog
Yeah, but JK Rowling said the same about Harry Potter and I don't care WHAT your opinion of Harry Potter is, the films were wank.
As for Marc Laidlaw writing the script? Fair enough but it shouldn't happen. At all.
And the thing about Jonny Depp playing Gordon? It's weird cause when there was talk of a Max Payne film, his name also came up...
I'm about to doctrine a lame audio clip for this "movie", gimme about 1 hour. (Yes I work slow)
think of the special effects u would need to make that movie. thered be a ton. theyd need the best effects guy there is to MAYBE get it close to good.
I do think Weaving is perfect, but ultimately wouldn't work. the G-Man would just seem like an Agent rip-off. Someone else would be needed.
I could definitly see Broderick as Barney though.
Agent Smith(Guy who plays him) Would be perfect for the G-Man part. Now, about Adrian Shepard?Since no one knows what he looks like, Valve should choose a guy with the personality Shepard is most likely to have.
Gina would have to play some part in it. She's the hologram that talks you through the hazard course. However, I have no idea who could play her.
gee its ai, they could computer graphic it, make it the chik offa final fantasy the spirits within, need to make her naked tho to increase sales in the US and thailand
Broderick shouldn't play Barney - Broderick shouldn't even be allowed to act (and I use act in the loosest possible terms here)
The only good role he ever had was in Election.
why are you even discussing this? Its a stupid idea and I would abandon Valve if HL movie were to be made. Many eleventeen year olds just don't understand that more of everything isn't always the best. Same with the punisher movie, if it were to be given a pg-13 rating then you know it was all about the money and franchise for larger audiences, Punisher is meant to be dark and gritty.

I believe Valve is about quality and not quanitity, they are not just out o suck us dry of money so they can make the bigger buck, its all about the giant player community and wanting to create fun games. Stop thinking about it, its rediculous. HL isn't anotehr marvel comic expose franchise where everything from cartoon series, books, movies are made.

Just look at Microsoft and their damn franchise money suckers, Supposedly Halo has books you can buy, that is just ridiculous, its a freagin game.
There's three books that have been written by one of the big companies that do strategy guides and it has all the behind the scenes info on the making of HL2. So what?

Now if they were to make a film, which they might, then it can't be like Resident Evil, Final Fantasy... it's gotta be like Half-Life the game... a film with the feel, the ambience, the brilliant characters to a 100% similarity, emotion, the stories. I give my 100% backing if it can be done, otherwise, leave it alone.
It's ignorant to say it can't be done. Just because other game movies failed doesn't mean some can't rise up (Ahem, Mario Bro's?!?! Yessss) Chris_d is right, it can be done well. Valve is a breakthrough kind of company. Maybe they will be the breakthrough that actually produces a good movie of a game. And I doubt they'd be doing it for the money, seeing as how a lot of fans would love to see a good HL movie.

I keep pushing for Noah Wyle and everybody thinks I'm insane

HL-2 would be easier to make into a movie as the characters already have more depth to them

-----Original Message-----
From: Fredrik Idestål [mailto:p[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 12:28 PM
To: [email protected]
And yeah, http://www.halflife2.net forum goers want Charlie Sheen to play gordon...

And finally, a question, IF Hl whould be a movie, what whould be the best movie, HL1 or 2?

// figge
rarely do movies do good that have been converted from games/comics... and pple are thinking very wishfully if they think a HL movie will be made as good as the game has been made.. even if Marc Laidlaw were to be involved in the proccess of the film making.

what most pple tend to forget is, that movies tend to be around.. a max of 4 hours (most pple don't have the attention span to sit around more than 2.5 hours generally) so this forces the directors/producers to compromise... which usually leads to areas of the game which most gaming fans would love to see, but don't get to because of the above mentioned compromising.

take the Final Fantasy game for example...the gaming fans (the hardcore ones anyway) love the series for how the char development is done in every game.. every playable char seems to have some level of in-depth char development with their own storyline.. but the directors of the movie did not even have 6-7 chars in the movie and nor did they have the char development like the FF series seems to have... of course this means that a movie that was 2.5/3 hours long would be like 4-5-6 hours long had they done it like the game.. somehow i feel this ties into HL being turned into a movie full of compromises that the hardcore HL fans probably won't like.

unless pple want to sit thru 5-6-7 hour movies, then its pretty safe to say that games/comics being turned into movies just won't be to most pples' liking.

with that said, if Valve is very selective on the way the story is told, and which actors are picked for the roles, then i think this HL movie idea could be pretty good.

i agree that Agent Smith from Matrix would be a pretty darn good G-man hehe "Mr. Freeman, so we meet again!" lol

what do u guys think about John Malcovich as G-man? or for any role in a HL movie for that matter? i think hes a good actor and might even make a good Freeman..hehe

as for the Barney role.. Mat Brodrick? hmm.. nahhhh.. i'd have to think about that role.. cause Barney is such a hilareous char in HL IMHO :)

what about Otis's char? now theres a role to ponder lol
There is more character development in the movie Phone Booth than the entire FF series. And that movie clocks in at just over one hour in length.
Originally posted by Boogaleeboo
There is more character development in the movie Phone Booth than the entire FF series. And that movie clocks in at just over one hour in length.

okay.. i haven't seen Phone Booth.. although i wanted to, but was so busy with work around that time that i never really got around to it.. guess i'll rent it.

as for FF series char development vs char development in Phone Booth.. lets admit one thing.. char development for FF was a monumental task.. to be honest, i don't think the FF movie had as many chars as most FF games do, so right off the start there is compromising.. then they didn't even do a decent job with the char development with the chars they had in the movie!

so i can't agree with u on the movie comparison since i haven't seen Phone Booth, but ya.. FF movie was heavily compromised.. and im afraid that is what might happen with a HL movie..

i hope Valve keeps alot of control on how the story is told, char development is done, and of course choosing of the actors.
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
what about Otis's char? now theres a role to ponder lol

John Goodman?
Originally posted by Chris_D
John Goodman?


Chris_D i don't really like Goodman.. but he may fit the role perfect.. just stick a doughnut in his mouth :LOL:
No no no... He's a bit too strong, powerful for Otis' character. His voice is way too deep and he's a bit too big as well... so then I thought... Wayne Knight from 3rd Rock to the Sun!!! Perfect!!
Originally posted by Chris_D
No no no... He's a bit too strong, powerful for Otis' character. His voice is way too deep and he's a bit too big as well... so then I thought... Wayne Knight from 3rd Rock to the Sun!!! Perfect!!

wow.. Chris ur good at actor/role picking :cheers:

Wayne Knight would be perfect for Otis's role... but he would still need that doughnut i was referring to.. preferrably one with colored sprinkles like when u see when u go to choose the Otis model in the customize menu in HL :cheese:
Well if they need someone for casting then I'll be the man...

It's not just the physical looks you've got to get right though, wonders can be done with make up and stylists anyway... its choosing the person that would have the right tone of voice, the right pitch, the right mannerisms, the right emotions.

What about Alyx?? Which actress?
lmao :D

Don't be mean... I was thinking more of the Gargantua :p