Half-Life Multiplayer (Not CS:S)

I still believe that it will have its own modes like EVERY other fps. I just refuse to believe that they would work on this game for so long and put so much energy into it and be so utterly incompetent in knowing what the fans want by FORCING everyone to only play a polished up 5 year old multiplayer game. They have to realise that not everyone enjoys bullshit-strike.
to release just css as the mp would be a real shame. not everyone likes cs! it would be very odd to release a game like hl with its mp only being a game like cs, they are very different games in my view and would let hl2 down. near everyone looks for mp when buying a new game. :( damn cs
I still think there can be hope. As pointed earlier by someone else, CS:S will be available to ALL VERSIONS of Half-Life 2. This means also the SP version. That shouldn't be open to interpretation unless it was a mistake on the dev's part.

And since there is a SP only edition AND a more complete edition, I think this could indeed mean that there IS a separate HL2 mp.
It hasn't been ruled out yet mutt. It's just that there is an enormous amount of evidence suggesting hl2 has no mp of it's own.

Save the rage for when you buy the game and CS:S is the only mp to play.
McFly said:
Ok. Do you really think that Valve would be stupid enough to release a game without an actual multiplayer component? Counter Strike IS NOT related to Half-Life, why would it be the multiplayer part. It is a seperate game! They are not related! Im tired of people thinking that Counter-Strike will be the only Half-life multiplayer.

Theres even proof. They stated there would be different editions of the game. SIngle player box. SP+MP Boxed and collectors. This was announced befor eit was even decided that CS would come free with HL2.

Heres what Cliff said in an interview at CSnation:

-CS-Nation: Is CS: Source the only multiplayer game shipping with Half-Life 2?

-Cliffe: Half-Life 2 will come with CS: Source. Right now, we do not plan to include any other multiplayer games with Half-Life 2.

I think they'll release a HL2 MP later.
It was also said in the same interview that CS:S would be included with ALL VERSIONS of hl2.
Yes, it sounds to me as though he's indicating that HL2 is a multiplayer game, in terms of having a multiplayer component.

Does anyone else get the impression VALVe are being cagey about this in order to get people talking about it?
PvtRyan said:
Work on CS:S started in january.

I don't see how that's possible, when back in October, an early WIP version of CS:S was stolen along with HL2.
Shuzer said:
I don't see how that's possible, when back in October, an early WIP version of CS:S was stolen along with HL2.

Q: We're wondering where you lay the emphasis on while you have been making CS:S and how long it took..
Jess & Mike : The biggest priority is to appeal the new environment created by Half-Life 2 engine to gamers. We put a lot of effort to give similar feeling of CS to the established CS fans while we're combining the hugely-improved physics engine with the new graphics. The development of CS:S has begufn since January 2004. Although it was a comparably short period, there have not been serious troubles because it was basically a remake of a finished product.

I'm not saying they didn't say it. I'm just saying it's not possible
All I know Is that I'm ****ing pissed about this.
Brian Damage said:
Could one of the original thieves have made their own "CS: S"?

No. They'd need the original CS code to port the mod to Source.
And who's to say they didn't steal that along with the, erm... Source source?
They didn't release it. I doubt they got ahold of it.
You sure they'd release it if they had it? Was their Source Counterstrike released as code, or just as a game? If they had a Source-based version of CS, they'd still have that main gameplay code, it seems, so they could have released that for the cheat/hack-makers, couldn't they?
Well. They released HL2's source, why would they hesitate to release CS' source?
And it was released as a working mod, AFAIK.
So noone ever saw official-looking Valve CS: Source source code?

Would they need to release CS's code if they had it? It's probably been reverse engineered to heck :E. Would they even want to? I get the impression their primary target was HL2, and the guy who released it had some kind of HL2-related grudge against VALVe, and a deep-interest in the game itself (Which may have prompted some experimental mod-making, possibly using the nicked CS code, if they had it)...

It just seems fishy, and I feel more inclined to believe VALVe...
Well, I'm not sure what you're saying, but CS:S WAS stolen with HL2 and HL:2. I don't see how it could be a user created mod, or why they'd even waste making something like that?

They stolen an early version of Condition Zero as well.
Condition Zero being a version of CS? Hence, it would contain the CS code? Which could be turned into a CS: Source-alike, just possibly?

Let me go back through with what was stolen, as far as we know. All that was released to the public.

HL2's source code. An early, undated build of HL2. CS:S port. HL:S port. Ritual's May(ish) 2003 version of Condition Zero.

There was only one package of code released. That was HL2's source. I'm not sure what you're talking about at this point..
Thank you, Shuzer.

Now I know what you were talking about.

Was the build of CS: S in there actually called Counterstrike: Source?
All I can say is that maybe Valve has a proper MP other than CS or maybe it doesn't. All I know is that Valve likes to surprise people and that it is good at keeping things secret. For the five years they were developing HL2 none of us had any idea that the game was in development, they were simply so good at keeping it under wraps and hoping to surprise us that we knew absolutely nothing.

I don't see why Valve should be incapable of doing the same thing again on a smaller scale for multiplayer, as for them lying? Well I wouldn't be surprised if Valve outright lied about whether they were developing HL2 five years ago, and we all know how much we enjoyed that lie right?
reading the word "games" in cliffe's phrase makes me still hoping for a hl2 mp modus.
The Mullinator said:
All I can say is that maybe Valve has a proper MP other than CS or maybe it doesn't. All I know is that Valve likes to surprise people and that it is good at keeping things secret. For the five years they were developing HL2 none of us had any idea that the game was in development, they were simply so good at keeping it under wraps and hoping to surprise us that we knew absolutely nothing.

I don't see why Valve should be incapable of doing the same thing again on a smaller scale for multiplayer, as for them lying? Well I wouldn't be surprised if Valve outright lied about whether they were developing HL2 five years ago, and we all know how much we enjoyed that lie right?

I hope you are right. Cybersheep even recieved mail from cliffe, but it was pretty dodgey. So atm, it could go anywhere - yes or no. The "we'll see what we can get done" seems slightly hopeful.

well, this is pretty vague but better than nothing

We'll see what we can get done.....

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenny Aksentiev [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 9:16 PM
To: Jess Cliffe
Subject: Re: question regarding multiplayer

Jess Cliffe wrote:

>>It's really a matter of artist/engineer bandwidth. HL2 and CSS are
>>incredibly complex games to build. We can't do 5 games at once.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Kenny Aksentiev [mailto:[email protected]]
>>Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 8:30 PM
>>To: Jess Cliffe
>>Subject: question regarding multiplayer
>>First off, hello to you, thanks for working on the game of the
>>millenium, etc
>>I just have a quick question regarding multiplayer, to settle any


>>You said that CS:Source is going to be the only multiplayer packaged
>>with half-life 2. Now, does this mean additional multiplayer,(in
>>addition to half-life2 deathmatch), or the ONLY multiplayer? Or is this

>>non-discloseable just yet? It just seems it would be a bad decision to
>>only have CS for multiplayer, but my friend thinks it is.
>>Thanks hopefully for your reply

thanks a lot for the reply Its the first one(not that I've sent many)
that I've gotten back so far. So does this mean. That CS:S is indeed the
only one, or is it all depending on how much can get done before the

thanks once again.
I still say they're giving us the runaround to make us talk about all this :E.
Brian Damage said:
I still say they're giving us the runaround to make us talk about all this :E.

We all know, we are just acting the way valve wants us to in this drama, so that the n00bs don't find out that there is actually a super cool MP...

*awaits confirmation from valve employee...
Brian Damage said:
I still say they're giving us the runaround to make us talk about all this :E.
Something's definitely up. Double-talk like this generally doesn't happen with these guys, since they apparently have responses planned for every possible question beforehand, and Gabe already denied CS:S being HL2's multiplayer.
Sounds like they're hiding a secret. We'll just have to wait and see.
TheSoupNazi said:
Something's definitely up. Double-talk like this generally doesn't happen with these guys, since they apparently have responses planned for every possible question beforehand, and Gabe already denied CS:S being HL2's multiplayer.
Sounds like they're hiding a secret. We'll just have to wait and see.

Like I said, we are all characters of a big plot...as the plot thickens...it get's more desperate.
Brian Damage said:
I still say they're giving us the runaround to make us talk about all this :E.

Valve is probably reading this thinking "The runaround?!? GAAWD, how could we possibly be more clear?? 'No other multiplayer games', now they think HLDM is a MODE, not a GAME?!?"
dscowboy said:
Valve is probably reading this thinking "The runaround?!? GAAWD, how could we possibly be more clear?? 'No other multiplayer games', now they think HLDM is a MODE, not a GAME?!?"

Agreed. Sadly, it seems quite clear to me that CS:S is the only multiplayer component that will ship with HL2.

To me it just doesn't make any business sense for them to hide the fact that they had some sort of secret multiplayer. I mean, just admitting that they did would produce more interest in the game, and thus more sales. So really it doesn't make sense, monitarily, for them to hide it. Sure I would understand them hiding details about it, but not the fact of its existence. But I'm sure everyone will continue to grasp at straws. :E

But don't take me wrong either. I'd be more than happy to find out I'm wrong.
Just imagine all the other multiplayer components hl2 is going to create... we will be overwhelmed.. just not at the beginning.
I bet its TF2 and they might not get it done at ship but probably be released over steam a few weeks after
Yeah, and we will be sitting down and speculating HL2's MP untill 2005, while Doom 3 wins every GOTY award...

Edit: oh wait, wrong forum.
I want to know why all the secrecy about multiplayer even after they told us about CS:S, if there's nothing more to say...
lans said:
Yeah, and we will be sitting down and speculating HL2's MP untill 2005, while Doom 3 wins every GOTY award...

Edit: oh wait, wrong forum.

:LOL: ..................
maybe they want us to create the HL2 multiplayer and then they just find the best version and hire the people who made it..
Kon said:
maybe they want us to create the HL2 multiplayer and then they just find the best version and hire the people who made it..

You never know :p
aeroripper said:
I bet its TF2 and they might not get it done at ship but probably be released over steam a few weeks after
