Half-Life, The Book!?


Aug 12, 2003
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Hi, guys. I went down my local library today and was looking through the sci-fi section (my fave) and came across a flyer for a book called;

'The Black Mesa Incident':eek:

This peaked my interest, so i look over the info (only one page) and it said;

The offical story of the events in the black mesa lab are a lie.
They say it was an accident.
It was not.
They say there were no survivors.
There was one.
He is a scientist with a secret.
A secret that will change the world.

It said coming soon, i hope it means real soon. It also had a picture of a nuclear bomb going off in a desert above this text.

I'm not sure if it's official or not but it didn't mention anything about half-life, or anything to do with it being based off a game. It might be a completely unrelated story. Just thought i would tell you guys.:)
There is nothing about this anywhere on the internet. I doubt a small library grabbed a flyer for something that doesn't seem to be anywhere else. Such a book would be announced. This smells like a hoax.

Any proof meladdo? If not, good attempt anyway!
What sort of proof would u like?

I didn't say it was even based on half-life, but i don't think they called it black mesa by coincidence.
Woah, can't find any info online, get the authors name and I can check.
Well, it definately doesn't relate to Half-Life... or it'd be SOMEWHERE on the internet.

It's just a coincidence.
It's probably some crappy story about a nuke going off and they say it was an accident but it wasn't, and so this scientist person tells everyone.

Hmmm i wonder where they got the name black mesa from, maybe the author played HL lol.
Well VALVe could make some cash off sueing him for that name.
I don't think it's related at all now;( I was looking forward to it as well.
How could it not be related? There is enough information that is shared between the actual game and the text on the flyer to link the two.
Or it would be nice if you took a picture of the flier or scanned it for us so we could see it.
yeah, maybe it's just a coincidence. Many sci-fi stories are based on the fact that USA had invested an large amount of money and people into doing reseach on weapons during the second world war, this reseach takes place in some sort of mountain, valley or whatever (I was sleeping in the class while teacher talks about the location where the research takes place) , so maybe black messa is one of these place that sci-fi stories writter like to refer to. By looking at the pictures shown in those websites that nw909 find out, black messa looks like a pecfect place to do scientific research. alien , ufo stuff are often reported in place like that too. Those mad ufo fans think that usa hides the alien and use their high-tech to take over the world.
"Scally!" Doreen's voice was shrill, and it sent his heart racing. Hastily he slipped the crowbar back into the crevice. "Scally! Quick!"

Quote from "Mystery of Black Mesa" by Carol Hamilton. I found the crowbar reference to be oddly nostalgic.
changed the link, doesnt have anything to do with half-life, but the cover looks like it
valve is punch of guys who read or watch too much sci-fi stories and movies. or they can be aliens planning on invading the world by first asleeping all of us by videogame. How about few of them are the actual survivors of the black messa incident, they use game to tell the story of their lives.
wonder how many books have half-life on the cover, or Black Mesa...

I bet there were quite a few of them even a 100 years ago, considering the scientific term and real geographical location, they're probably all coincidences, I'd be surprised if not
as a teenager full of energy and dreams, I would like that the alien, black messa incident, bush alienated stuff are all true.

If the man in valve is the actual survivor of the real black messa incident, he must know something and We are soldiers, heavily trained by hl, cs, dod, ns, ts and bunch other, valve is preparing us for a war, a war that will change the future of mankind...
You might think I'm being cynical or making fun of you by what I am about to say, but I am not. That was one of the most original conspiracy theories I have ever heard before. Actually pretty ingenious when you think about it. Training an obese, non-social society into an army of sharpshooters. We will be invinvible!!! Muwhahahahaha!!!
omg are you serious I think the guy that made BHD should make Half Life movie!.
Or they could have a an Anime about Half-Life that would be awesome too!.
Acaually, in eastern Arizona, there's actually a mesa named Black Mesa...and it's near the New Mexico/Arizona border..... But that's off-topic so......
Originally posted by FalconNinja
Or they could have a an Anime about Half-Life that would be awesome too!.
As much as I like anime... that thought makes me really scared.
Well if they were going to make a real time movie with real people this would be the characters Bruce willis,Johnny Depp,Tom Cruise,.and thats all.
yeah, right they film the movie on black messa, and they need people to play the roles of tens of thousand soldiers, how about we all hl fans will take the roles of those soldiers. Jacky Chan plays the role of Barney and I'm under his command.
Originally posted by FalconNinja
Well if they were going to make a real time movie with real people this would be the characters Bruce willis,Johnny Depp,Tom Cruise,.and thats all.

those people are nothing like the characters in the game......we had a whole thread on this.

...try again...
Originally posted by crabcakes66
those people are nothing like the characters in the game......we had a whole thread on this.

did you just pull some big names out of your ass?

...try again...
it's ok, i still support jackie chan to take to role of barney so we can see some kungfu fighting