Half life ... THE MOVIE!!!

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Oct 17, 2004
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flame me all you want but i realy think half life should be made into a movie it would be good :D i think it would be a great film
i mean think about the lamest movie youv eva seen and then rate a half life movie to it ... i mean common ITS GONNA HAPPEN,.. well actully valve wont let it happen because they want u to fell like u are gordon freeman YADA YADA YADA SO I GUESS THEY WONT :( but valve if your out there please think about it ...... i also wouldent mind u sending me a free copy of HL2 and a plastic blow up dole of alyx.... ;)
I really, really hope that there is no half life movie. It would quite frankly ruin the franchise, unless it was pulled of superbly. Which i doubt.

Name a videogame to movie thats at least "Good"
I'm with Valve on this one...no movie.

If there was, Uwe Bolle would no doubt take it and turn it magically into a grade A suckfest, like he has with so many other game-based movies. Ed Wood could direct better than him even though he's dead. :hmph:
SsmitzZ said:
well actully valve wont let it happen because they want u to fell like u are gordon freeman
A firstperson movie? :cool:
sfc_hoot said:
A firstperson movie? :cool:

Cant believe no ones done this yet...er...unless they have...I havent heard of/seen any.
Sure they have 5 sec clips where u see through someone else's eyes but a WHOLE MOVIE would be awesome.
A Half-life movie. How dumb. Movies can be turned into games easily but games can not be turned into movies fullstop.
HL2 Game turned into a Sci-Fi novel
HL2 book then turned into a comic book made by Marvel
The Marvel Comic then turned into a Movie

That is the proper sequence if you want it on the big screen
Idonotbelonghere said:
Cant believe no ones done this yet...er...unless they have...I havent heard of/seen any.
Sure they have 5 sec clips where u see through someone else's eyes but a WHOLE MOVIE would be awesome.

Being John Malkovich had 1st person parts in it - the story focused upon it being 1st person. That movie was really, really, great.
The Doom Movie is supposed to have a section filmed in first person.
HL2 Game turned into a Sci-Fi novel
HL2 book then turned into a comic book made by Marvel
The Marvel Comic then turned into a Movie

That is the proper sequence if you want it on the big screen
i agree
5hfifty said:
The Doom Movie is supposed to have a section filmed in first person.

It's really a shame that they took away the whole concept of Doom, and decided to make it just a Resident Evil rip-off. No demons, no references to hell, no D00M marine, in fact nothing that is DooM. I hope we'll at least see the chainsaw in action

Now a Halo movie, that could have some potential to be a good movie. There even were some rumours of Ridley Scott himself directing the movie, if one was ever made.
I reckon Doom 3 wrecked the concept of doom for me. I like the game but I don't think of it as really "Doom" if you know what I mean. But that's just the Doom fanatic in me.

Seppo said:
It's really a shame that they took away the whole concept of Doom, and decided to make it just a Resident Evil rip-off. No demons, no references to hell, no D00M marine, in fact nothing that is DooM. I hope we'll at least see the chainsaw in action

What are you referring to?
I was referring to an article which was about the Doom movie. Someone posted it here, but I can't recall the tread title. Probably something like "doom movie". The director stated that they had to "make some changes" to the story line.

In other words, the movie will not take place in Mars. There will be no demons: instead, the hellspawn monsters will be replaced with humans who have been infected with some kind of virus which has turned them into zombies. The space marines also got scrapped. They are replaced with just some ordinary US special forces, probably SWAT

Ok, I found the thread

Here's another
I thought it was naff, to be quite frank. Games don't make good movies. They probably don't make good books, either. Books sometimes make good movies, though, like Starship Troopers.

-Angry Lawyer
too bad S S T was one of the worst movies ive seen lol but anyway ......a whole movie in first person <-----(too lazy to quote original) WORST IDEA EVER im not saying i have a better one but still cmon think about it.......if you just sat for 2 and a hlaf hours watching someone play half life 2 and if they added more dialouge some cutscenes thats about wat youd get....personally i think i might have to throw up afterwords maybe a shower or 2 oh yes and id hafta gouge out my eyes and burn the clothes i was wearing when i saw it.....and thats jusst the begging of what i would hafta do to get the stupidity of a movie like that out of my head.....pleez do not encourage VALVe to be even more retarded than they already are!!!
Your pal,
{ JsX } Cpl. Punishment
i think i would make somewhat of a good movie but i seriously think it should be kept as a game............but valve should make some GD stuffed headcrabs!!!111!1!1!!!11!!
How do you expec the movie to go across?

Most of the time you just shoot monsters, and watching that for 2 hours gets incredibly boring. Just imagine reading the script:

*gordon shoots an antlion*
*Then he shoots another*
*then he shooters another*
*then he reloads*
*then he shoots another one*
*then he walks some more, and throws a box at a wall*
*then he gets in his jeep and drives*
*then he gets out to move some cars*
*then he drives some more*
*and some more*
*then he gets out and shoots combine*
*then he drives some more*
*then he shoots more combine*

It would be a horrible movie.
That is all.
A halflife movie couls blow away any other game movie-doom3 or even resident evil. hl's story is so uniqe and awesome that a properly done movie could even blow away the matrix trilogy. the only way that the movie can be made is approach it without intending on making a game tie in, but simply a movie based on the story and concept from valve-storyboards,concept art, storyline are perefect reference for a movie. THe Raising the bar book reminded me so much of the star wars art books- VERY professional. i think perhaps the only way a hl movie will turn out great is if Valve is involved and they just hire a director that will do what they tell him to do, a director that is not influenced by stupid executives: like micheal mann or micheal bay!!! OR valve could make it a project themselves, they have the money to fund it internally. HL movie- properly done- with a R rating in the U.S = Greatest SciFI movie in decades!!!!
thanks for posting guys an stating ur opinion without flamming me to death i think you all have good points a first person movie would be a well worth change but it wouldent appeal i guess if valve were to make it they couldent yet because the story isent finished an if they did do like hl3's story plot first it would make me kil myself (overdose of cheese) but it would be good to do just half life 1 and about the guy who was talkin about how it would be crap to watch sum guy play half life 2 an add sum cutcenes ETC. well just lesson the number of zombies an that it would be good im saying just immagine it HL'Sstory line is great i think they did the best job thats why it is "THE BEST GAME EVER MADE" think about it if doom is gonna make a movie an like stop like half the refrences to the doom game then it will suck yes? well because i hate doom an so dose valve i think they should bring a hl movie just to screw em ova cuz whateva doom dose HL CAN DO BETTA :D .... its a personal movie vendetta :D
Seppo said:
In reference to Doom the movie:

In other words, the movie will not take place in Mars. There will be no demons: instead, the hellspawn monsters will be replaced with humans who have been infected with some kind of virus which has turned them into zombies. The space marines also got scrapped. They are replaced with just some ordinary US special forces, probably SWAT

I truly find this a dissapointing turn for them. The zombie movie has been overplayed and im sure they will figure that out when they release the movie only to find that they make no profit on it.

And to everybody who thinks a movie based on Half-Life's storyline is impossible, you are so wrong. Especially you FaultySanity. A movie about killing aliens and combine would not become a fullout shooter on film.

The only thing I would find to be at fault is Gordan's lack of speaking. If a movie would ever be made, they would most definatly have to make Gordan speak. To keep the feel of Half-Life's tradition though, they would most definatly bring the audience to Gordan's voice about 15 minutes into the movie.

How so? Gordan could be rushed through sequences of being dragged from one lab to another, while in a confused and vague state of mind. I would be flattered if the scenes leading up to him speaking was done in first person. Fans would love that.

As for storyline and progressing through the story? That is simple, once you mix in Gordan and the main characters with some small 5 minute introduction of 'what happened?' from a scientist or even Barney.

For the rest of the movie, Gordan could be going through a world of trauma and of course, combine or marines. (Depending on whether the movie was based on HL1 or HL2. Im sure it would be HL2 though, alot more storyline to work with.)

You guys obviously dont know much about what you are talking about. Making a movie is not easy, but in no way is any theme impossible to accomplish. Heck, I'd write a script for you if you truly want me to prove this to you.

Movies are such a money maker that im sure Valve could not pass it up. Surely they have hundreds of perfect ideas for a movie, but are not going through with it for now due to doubts, just like all of you uncreative minds have.

And yes, I know I am going to get one of those "Well if you want to prove us wrong, why dont you do it yourself, dumbass??" comments.

If so, I'd like to point out to you that I only have 5 grand in the bank at the moment, and that is definatly not enough to make a full scale movie. Not to mention that I am still concentrating on graduating from Grd12 with some mentionable grades.

Valve, if you need any free scripts and ideas, contact me. (Yeah, like that is going to happen. Who the hell am I anyway? Just another grain of sand on the beach.)
hmm ive reconsidered and i think it could be a good movie but not if it were in first person and itd have to be loosley based on the actual half life and hlaf life 2
Did you by any chance read what I posted? Short first person perpectives from Gordon would actually be usefull for a movie, if there ever is to be one.

Gamers would love it, the introduction to the movie suits the FPS look perfectly until Gordon would speak, and hell, we all know Gordon will be knocked out by those aliens (I forget their name, but they are friendly in the game.). When Gordon could be knocked out by these aliens in a confused firefight or encounter, the FPS faint and gaining of conciousness would be perfect.

So yes, if the movie was based on HL1 and/or 2, FPS scenes could easily be accomplished.
i would like to see it set in half life 2 but at the start of the movie while like u no DIRECTED BY: your mum co-edited : your mummas friends gurlfriends flatemates mum with the black screen behind it while thats going on the gman should speak of the residence cascade and about hl 1 an gordom freemen then sum like flashbacks of what happend ;) it would be shmiikky :D ders sum problems with that doe o well i hope valve does decide to do it ... or make metal gear solid a movie... actully JUST HALF LIFE :D
denominator you make a hell of a good point id love to see u make dis movie lol but ... u wont cuz i wont let u :D
If there's a HL movie, I wont watch it unless Gordon is a mute and Alyx wear scantier clothes :p
If half life 2 was made into a movie, it would remove all the imersion felt whilst playing the game. And lets face it, a movie made entirely in first person? not a chance! You would have to see Gordon's face, and Valve would not allow it anyhow!!
I think i read somewhere that valve is looking a studio that is willing to do it, but "every time they say: and then gordon falls in love, we run out of the room screaming back to seattle" that is what i read, but i really would like to see a half life movie, but a good one, not a crappie one :afro:
Samon said:
I really, really hope that there is no half life movie. It would quite frankly ruin the franchise, unless it was pulled of superbly. Which i doubt.

Name a videogame to movie thats at least "Good"

Resident Evil :E
legendaryvicius said:
I think i read somewhere that valve is looking a studio that is willing to do it, but "every time they say: and then gordon falls in love, we run out of the room screaming back to seattle" that is what i read, but i really would like to see a half life movie, but a good one, not a crappie one :afro:
That was in The Final Hours of Half-Life 2.

I think it'd be cool but only if it was made RIGHT; if Valve supervised, I have no doubt that it would be great.

Resident Evil was a crappy movie but the chick was hot (same with RE:A, the girl who played Jill Valentine was pretty damn sexeh!)
for everyone saying the HL movie would suck becuz gordon doesn't talk and you would see him (taking away the immersion factor), who says an HL movie would even have to center around Gordon?

I think the HL movie would be great if it just featured the story of a citizen who eventually becomes a rebel. It could cover the seven hour war to whatever the end of the HL story's gunna be. It'd have to have a pretty good director though, it could end up totally sucking if its not done right. Hopefully if a HL movie is ever made, Marc Laidlaw helps alot with it.
Crowbar, how about reading the posts before making yourself seem like having the almighty final say in the matter.

God people. Use the eyes and mind God gave you.
Valve do want to make a halflife movie, however unlike other game companies that jump on any offer made to them by some unknown dumb director or company, Valve will only allow the movie to be made if a good script is made that follows the tradition.

I dont get it!!! how fricking idiots are working in hollywood writing scripts and the majority are frickin crap? i could do better job than those guys, half the guys writing the fan stories on this site write better stories and scripts than the idiots i n hollywood!! Maybe we need: Micheal MANN!!!!
lol PHAT-T I LOVE UR IDEA why dose the movie have to be about gordon? very outside the box ;P but a shmex scene wit alyx would top da movie off :D i hope valve only makes the movie if they write the script cause then it realy is a half life movie ... i mean if some hollywood dumb ass hears about half life an decides to make a movie how will he continue it ... hel go off trak into shit ville if valve directed it an writ da script they would make a traditional half life story ;) if u got wat im saying please say so ... if not just nod :D
Centered around the adventures of Dog/Alyx before they met Gordon perhaps? That's an idea :p
uh well, lets putt it this way... everybody would like to see a HL1 or HL2 movie, butt I KNOW for sure that if it would be filmed.. it would be filmed for people that dont know anything about HL, because a very small percentage of people who would see the movie will have played HL, and if you would like to see a good movie, lots of money must be invested, lots of people MUST see the movie, so the guys who made the movie get there invested money back...

Soo they make the movie, AND IT WILL BE A STUPID "4 the family" MOVIE f**king up the whole concept ! AND ! if they make a good movie it must be made by a good steven-spielberg HL diehard fan that understands what other HL diehard fans whant... like the crawling in the vents with the noise of a headcrab 10 meters infront of you ! and he must have lots of money to make the goood effects ! :D

Soo we al WANT a good movie, but some already see that if there was a movie made of Half-Life it would be a horrible move.... get the point ?! :)
I like IMAX movies and Half-life movie for IMAX will be damn good. Jumping headcrabs, resonance cascade, wild chases ....in 3D !
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