Half-Life2 jokes

Sep 21, 2004
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Im bored so im going to make up some jokes right now, You can make your own up too, No1s stopping you.

What do you get when you cross a human with a headcrabs?
A human with head-CRABS... Ahhahaha yes lame.
How do you know when a Zombie is happy?
It dies loling... Again I dont see how this is a joke nor How it's funny.
Why did the Gorden Cross the road?
To get to the other side! These jokes are getting crapper!
What do you do if a Strider Steps on you?
Nothing much you can do is there? Please tell me you can think of some better jokes worth reading!

These jokes are crap! Please post some of your own that are real jokes and funny. :thumbs:
lol these are pretty good...i laughed out of pity. poo yours is just sick!

how about this one.....man walks into a bar....ouch, it was gordon's crowbar!

Im looking at this word and it just looks wrong...wrong I tell you!

Right... If you think these jokes ( if you call em jokes) are funny, Have you ever heard a real joke in your life?
Arent manny jokes u can make w/ HL2

Urrm lol this 1 is lame

What do u can a man with a headcrab on his head......ahem a Zombie -_-
What's the diffrence between a Strider?

All the legs are equal, especially the right one!
Half-Life 2 has gone rainbow!! Itll be released on October 30th !!!1

(no it wont!!!1)


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Robert said:
What's the diffrence between a Strider?

All the legs are equal, especially the right one!

HAHa, i stole your avatar! it rocks..lmao.

Edit, i now have a customized version of your avatar.
How many geeks does it take to open a HL2 box and install it?

Two. Since they don't have girlfriends, they've only got one hand free.
bouche said:
How many geeks does it take to open a HL2 box and install it?

Two. Since they don't have girlfriends, they've only got one hand free.

Lmao , (stereotypical) but still quite amusing
Why must a strider's sexual organs be on it's feet?

Cus when it steps on u, ur ****ed! :imu:

What's the difference between the g-man and a g-spot?

...None, they're both hard to find.
Ehrm, let's give it a try.

Why did Gordon walk over the street?

'Cause he couldn't fly, lol

So, why did the zombie cross the street then?

'Cause he couldn't fly either
lol some good jokes here...unfortunately i cant imagine a good one..
whats the difference between a zombie and fileplanet?

... none they are both slow and ugly...HAHAHH..not funny
Why did the Headcrab cross the road?

Because he was stapled to a Chicken.
What did Gordon say to the therapist?

Nothing. He doesn't talk. Why did you even bother looking.

How original.
What did valve blame to delay of half life on?

there was a gold shortage

omg to funny

what did gabe call his childeren

valve and vivendi (his bastard child)

How did they come up with the idea of counterstrike?

Went to the future and downloaded all the counterstrike clone mods.
Alyx and Barney are in bed.
Alyx: Barney, you **** better than Gordon!
Barney: I know, your father says the same...
raipekass said:
Alyx and Barney are in bed.
Alyx: Barney, you **** better than Gordon!
Barney: I know, your father says the same...

lol that is another joke:

a boy ****s his sister...he says:"Wow...you are better than mum!" she answers: "Yeah, thats what dad said too!"
Question about the first scene from Opposing Force:

Why corporal Shepard crashed his helicopter on his first flight?
He felt cold and decided to turn of the ventilator.
what do u get when u cross xen with earth?

a resonance cascade
once upon a time, gordon was walking. he met a crumple-horned snorkak on the way, and he said, "Aye". He tripped and fell into the abyss, where dreams came true.
Not really HL2, but anyway. And don't take this the wrong way, I love Gabe, and I want to marry him. And that wasn't a joke.

Here goes.

Why did Gabe Newell cross the road?
There was a KFC on the other side.
Why did the chicken leave CS Italy?
Because he got run over while crossing the road
OK, I'm a bit mashed so these might be really random:

Why couldn't the tomato ketchup company mass produce and easily ship their product with a new futuristic invention?

Because the sauce engine wasn't released

Where do the birds off the trap town bink video hang out?

The crow bar

What happened when Black Mesa threw garlic and bagettes into the big machine thing off half life?

There was a renaissance cascade

What happened when Gordon went down on Alyx?

He got head crabs
As it was seen before, in a discussion on getting on boxes.

So, how will we get on top of boxes in HL2, mantling or what? Same as in HL1... crouch-jump.

How will Gordon get on top of Alyx? Crouch-jump.
So a pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel on his fly... wait a second, that's not HL2!

Nice jokes folks. Got a chuckle out of me on a couple. (I liked the G-Man/G-spot one as well :p )
What did gordon say when the combine soldier pushed him?

geee- man!!
I don't hate Gabe, I'm just making a joke ;) No pun intended.

How many children did Gabe have?

11. All of them were delicious.