Half-life2 VS Halo2[GameSpy Poll]

Its a popularity contest guys, just relax. Of course Halo 2 will win it
Well, I certainly hope that Halo2 has had a 350% improvement, Cause that's what its gonna take!!!! I played Halo, It sucked, Tribes2 was better, So it's gonna take a lot to convince me that halo can even come CLOSE, to what HL2 is gonna be... Someone give me a link to some new Halo shit, cumon, let's put the proof in the puddin!!! Where is there something concering Halo2 that is gonna knock my socks off like HL2 footage??? That's what I thought! Case Closed...... This is exactly why I fear this next election in the USA!!!!
Well, believe me Half-Life 2 will leave a better impression.
Halo 2 kind of sucked, maybe I'd like it more if it were in english. :naughty:
JaegerMaster said:
Well, I certainly hope that Halo2 has had a 350% improvement, Cause that's what its gonna take!!!! I played Halo, It sucked, Tribes2 was better, So it's gonna take a lot to convince me that halo can even come CLOSE, to what HL2 is gonna be... Someone give me a link to some new Halo shit, cumon, let's put the proof in the puddin!!! Where is there something concering Halo2 that is gonna knock my socks off like HL2 footage??? That's what I thought! Case Closed...... This is exactly why I fear this next election in the USA!!!!

you are exactly the type of person that ruins not only this forum, but the surface of earth..
arrogant, narrow-minded, feigns to be receptive to other people's opinions but obviously wouldn't listen to anything but his petty little prejudices (prejudices that are created mainly by hype and wanting to fit in a group of persons at all costs), compares completely unrelated things (good job with tribes2/halo and most of all your idiotic political statement thrown in).
your entire person is repulsive to intelligence. if you are 12 or 13, MAYBE you could be excused. if you're older, i fear that you have no luck. hang yourself quickly, please.

or your post is a joke and it's genius, really.
MadHatter said:
That's just stupid. Since when does enjoying console games or simply having a differing opinion mean you have a low IQ or you're stupid?
I was half joking and half not. Basically console games are popular because of their simplicity.
JaegerMaster said:
This is rediculous, Halo2 is in no way causing concern for HL2, For gods sake, I've never seen such a controversy over something that is so simple to deduce!!!! Tribes2, a $10 game has it over Halo2, it still baffles the mind when it comes to certain things... Here, I have a box of shit, surley you realize it's better than the cookies and milk you're enjoying right? It's the same thing with picking our president, exept most of us americans are fooled and will vote for Bush again, or Florida, who shouldnt even be allowed to vote... Anyways... Halo2 is another FPS like Tribes, Which don't get me wrong, I respect, but, HL2, well, you got the makings of realistic MOD's, Think Vietnam MOD's, think Desert Combat MOD's... What MOD support will Halo2 have???

I agree that Halo sucked, however something about it has caused the development of a fanbase. I think that "something" is it's simplistic, but effective 4-player multiplayer...it's something you can grab your buddies around a TV and divide the pathetic resolution in 4 and still enjoy. I think Halo is way overrated, but I think you're being irrational.

As far as your political comments, I could probably more easily argue that John Kerry is a traitor to the United States than you could argue that I've been fooled into voting for Bush, but lets keep politics our of the Half Life 2 section of a gaming forum.
If you want to vote more than once you probably have to clear your cookies each time before you vote. Halo2 people were probably using a macro script which you can run indefinitely and it will vote for you automatically whether or not you are using the computer. This was done last year when Gamespy held the "Best Game Of All Time" contest. Half-Life2 almost lost that because of voter fraud and Gamespy had to rerun the poll but users had to be registered to vote after that. Now they seem to have gone back to the old system where you can run a script to vote thousands of times for you. :D . If you want the vote redone honestly you will have to email Gamespy. I don't care who wins.
hAHAHA, I can't stop laughing,

Halo2 owned HL2 ;(

Yesterday THE POLL was for HL2 side ...............dam

KingPing_NOR said:
I voted about 150 timel :p

and we are still losing :LOL:
Whoa! That is crazy how the tables have turned so swiftly. Oh well...Halo 2 gets it. Half-Life 2 still pwns Halo 2 anyway anyday. :E
played halo on xbox and didnt like it
played it on pc and didnt like it.

dont understand the fuss.
Sharrd said:
Gamespy people can't joke, yet they try to do it everytime they say something about a game.
Obviously, Halo 2 is actually more anticipated, but most Halo 2 players won't go there, since they're the kind of people who only like mainstream games like GTA3 and Halo(these games aren't bad, but it's a fact that they're very mainstream).

So, Half Life 2 is not mainstream?
On the PC. Well, Halo just isn't a PC game and Halo 2 neither. I'd say comparing both of them is bullshit.

I've waited for both games and this month gets me the three most wanted games this year, each for another plattform. And I won't compare them. Why should I?

Halo 2: Xbox
Half Life 2: PC
Killzone: PS2

What makes Halo 2 and Half Life 2 comparable?
Holy shit, check out this guy in the GS forums:
Half-Life 2 just seems to me to be Half-Life plus better graphics. The game appears to play almost entirely like the first game, which, in case you missed it, is six years out of date
Varsity said:
Holy shit, check out this guy in the GS forums:

If that would be the case all shooters(incl. H2) would be out of date...
Ow well, lets just f*ck the polls and grab a :cheers:
Varsity said:
Holy shit, check out this guy in the GS forums:

Half-Life 2 just seems to me to be Half-Life plus better graphics. The game appears to play almost entirely like the first game, which, in case you missed it, is six years out of date.


Actually, as much as some people on here may call that guy an idiot, he's right.
Halo Pride Baby?
WTF? Is M$ working up an army of halo zombies?
HALO PRIDE BABY! My god sounds like the 12 year olds screaming north SIDE at my school...
It is just another Florida. No need to get worried.

MadHatter said:
Actually, as much as some people on here may call that guy an idiot, he's right.
In that case would you like to explain what is so utterly differen about HALO2 then? Besides the dual wielding?
Forau said:
In that case would you like to explain what is so utterly differen about HALO2 then? Besides the dual wielding?

Yes i would like to hear a response from you MadHatter :angel:
tem' gullible fecks!

Anyway, hl2 is performing quite nicely considering it's market (computer) is not as vast as the xbox one.
antiliphe said:
Halo Pride Baby?
WTF? Is M$ working up an army of halo zombies?
HALO PRIDE BABY! My god sounds like the 12 year olds screaming north SIDE at my school...

What was that all about?
Forau said:
In that case would you like to explain what is so utterly differen about HALO2 then? Besides the dual wielding?

I didn't say anything about comparisons between HL2 and Halo 2.

I was agreeing that Half-Life 2 is essentially the same as it was before, just improved and near perfect. Half-Life 2 is merely a perfection of the current medium for FPSs. However, from what it appears to be, Valve isn't evolving the genre as much as I was expecting them to. Deus Ex is a perfect example of a game that invoked evolution.

But, of course, all I can do is wait until I get the game to see if my speculation is true. Until then, my speculations mean zip.

Okay, rabid fanboys, you can burn me at the stake now. Note: I'm not bashing either game and nor do I think HL2 or Halo 2 will suck (it's kind of obvious they won't), just expressing some thoughts and opinions.
MadHatter said:
I didn't say anything about comparisons between HL2 and Halo 2.

I was agreeing that Half-Life 2 is essentially the same as it was before, just improved and near perfect. Half-Life 2 is merely a perfection of the current medium for FPSs. However, from what it appears to be, Valve isn't evolving the genre as much as I was expecting them to. Deus Ex is a perfect example of a game that invoked evolution.

But, of course, all I can do is wait until I get the game to see if my speculation is true. Until then, my speculations mean zip.

Okay, rabid fanboys, you can burn me at the stake now. Note: I'm not bashing either game and nor do I think HL2 or Halo 2 will suck (it's kind of obvious they won't), just expressing some thoughts and opinions.

Hehe, no I'm not going to stake you.
But really you haven't played the game yet, and if it would be "more of the same" it would not get as high scores. So we'll just have to wait and see, right?
We'll have to wait and see, right!

That's the truest word spoken...

btw: utterly different halo -> halo 2? Well, most of it. And the double wielding isn't important. But that counts for the xbox and nothing more...
what? almost twice the amount of people?? whatever.. hl2 will be better, anyway. :)
Worst argument... ever.

Halo was a good first person shooter in it's own right, nothing new or groundbreaking, but it used a tried and true formula to win over console players.

Half-Life was a great first person shooter that brought new elements to the genre and changed the way computer gamers look at FPS.

In my opinion console games have always been "behind" computer games in terms of depth and longevity by a couple of years. Not saying they arent fun to play, you just don't normally see quite the in depth gameplay and such on consoles that you do on computers... could be because of the lack of buttons/keys. ;) This is of course changing now that a lot of devs decide to multi-release games onto consoles and PC's at the same time, but up to about now, this has been true.

What I'm trying to say is, Halo changed the way console players looked at FPS games by introducing tried and true PC FPS elements into the console system, Half-Life changed the way PC players looked at FPS games by introducing new elements like plot and dynamic AI that no one had seen before.

Both HL1 and Halo1 were good, both Halo2 and HL2 will be good. The end.
Halo is beating us but that's because Bungie has a huge following. More people play consoles because like it's been said before they require less development since not much testing is involved.
UmbrellaMaster said:
In my opinion console games have always been "behind" computer games in terms of depth and longevity by a couple of years. Not saying they arent fun to play, you just don't normally see quite the in depth gameplay and such on consoles that you do on computers...

I actually feel the opposite. It's console where I tend to find more creativity, innovation, lastability, challenge and superior gameplay.

UmbrellaMaster said:
What I'm trying to say is, Halo changed the way console players looked at FPS games by introducing tried and true PC FPS elements into the console system, Half-Life changed the way PC players looked at FPS games by introducing new elements like plot and dynamic AI that no one had seen before.

I agree and diagree. Halo did introduce various tried and tested elements from pc shooters - but combined them successfully .... something i've yet to find in a PC shooter (which tend to use one or two of these features, but rarely mixes them well, or implements each as proficiently)

The comabt in Halo (Xbox) is more involved and challenging, asking more questions of the player and demanding more practise, than any shooter i've played on any system. (in this area the only other fps to even come close is Golden Eye - another console game) The pc has no titles that excell in this area, imo.

At times single player Halo can match the compulsion and excitement of online play, which, in my experience, no other single player game has ever manged to do (and why Halo is worthy of all the praise and hype it has received)

All imo, of course ;)

UmbrellaMaster said:
Both HL1 and Halo1 were good, both Halo2 and HL2 will be good. The end.

Agreed :)