Half-life2 VS Halo2[GameSpy Poll]

Warbie said:
Halo did introduce various tried and tested elements from pc shooters - but combined them successfully .... something i've yet to find in a PC shooter (which tend to use one or two of these features, but rarely mixes them well, or implements each as proficiently)

Actually, I thought HL1 combined elements quite successfully... whilst adding new content at the same time. :)

Warbie said:
The comabt in Halo (Xbox) is more involved and challenging, asking more questions of the player and demanding more practise, than any shooter i've played on any system. (in this area the only other fps to even come close is Golden Eye - another console game) The pc has no titles that excell in this area, imo.

I'd have to strongly disagree here. Far Cry, Half-Life 1, Unreal Tournament, and Call of Duty all have excellent combat that's different, exciting, and takes TONS of practice. Go onto any Unreal Tournament server anymore, and you can tell those who've played for a while, and those who haven't. Single player games will always not require too much practice to "master"... since after a while you can predict the AI routines.
Halo didn't seem to be very involved. I played it on Legendary, and granted, it was difficult, it was far from anything involved. Just sent 100s of enemies at me, all with standard, "Run, shoot, die" AI.

Again, I'm not bashing Halo, I'm just saying that it was a good game, but not anything groundbreaking unless you owned XBox.

(okay, so I guess my last post lied, it wasn't "The End" :p )
MadHatter said:
I don't get it. I anticipated both, want both, excited about both, I believe both will be great games, and I'll get both. When I'm playing games such as these, honestly, the last thing that pops in my mind or I care about is something like this, "Gee, I think Half-Life 2 would kick Halo 2 in the nuts in a 'Half-Life 2 vs. Halo 2' match".

seconded 100%
halo 2 cause half life 2 mp is crap, course x box live does suck
guys i cant vote 4,000 more times by myself...i did about 400 already but i need some help lol.
Strange that Halo was originally going to be a PC game...

Makes you wonder if it would have made half the splash in the PC market as it did in the console world...

Then again, they cut a TON of cool stuff from Halo when they switched it to XBox. So more than likely it would have been just as cool on the PC market. :)
Prone said:
seconded 100%

Quoted for so much emphasis.
Stop making goddamned HL2 v [Insert Anticipated Game Here] threads. Nobody ever said it was a competition. Jesus.
shiv said:
halo 2 cause half life 2 mp is crap, course x box live does suck

Thanks for making no sense.

And one thing: some of you underestimate the power of development for console games. Since no upgrading of the hardware is possible, developers must work harder and closer to the hardware to take their games to new levels.

"they require less development since not much testing is involved."

I never heard such bull really. Ever programmed? Where do you think console games are developed on? If you screw something up you can't fix it with endless patch downloads like you can on the PC.

Talk about things you know about.

And: HL2 and Halo 2 both own their plattforms.
UmbrellaMaster said:
I'd have to strongly disagree here. Far Cry, Half-Life 1, Unreal Tournament, and Call of Duty all have excellent combat that's different, exciting, and takes TONS of practice. Go onto any Unreal Tournament server anymore, and you can tell those who've played for a while, and those who haven't. Single player games will always not require too much practice to "master"... since after a while you can predict the AI routines.
Halo didn't seem to be very involved. I played it on Legendary, and granted, it was difficult, it was far from anything involved. Just sent 100s of enemies at me, all with standard, "Run, shoot, die" AI.

Again, I'm not bashing Halo, I'm just saying that it was a good game, but not anything groundbreaking unless you owned XBox.

(okay, so I guess my last post lied, it wasn't "The End" :p )

Well - i have to disagree again :)

The combat in CoD is as generic and simple as it gets (albeit with a few AI friends to help). Far Cry was a little better - but still a case of whip out your best gun, point and click. HL was great for it's time, but still asks little from the player in comparison. (I hear what you're saying about UT - the same can be said of any online shooter. I talking about single player only) You may not think Halo is involved, which is fair enough. But, compared to these titles it certainly is.

Which version of Halo did you play btw? the pc version is considerably easier (it's possible to run about, only using a few weapons, and still finish it on Legendary)

It's never 'The End' ... especially as i'm a 'last word freak' :)
UmbrellaMaster said:
Strange that Halo was originally going to be a PC game...

Makes you wonder if it would have made half the splash in the PC market as it did in the console world...

Then again, they cut a TON of cool stuff from Halo when they switched it to XBox. So more than likely it would have been just as cool on the PC market. :)

I have reported about Halo's development from the beginning: it was supposed to be a MAC game, not a PC game...
how can more people like halo 2 more than hl2... it's just wrong.
Prone said:
I have reported about Halo's development from the beginning: it was supposed to be a MAC game, not a PC game...

and originally it was going to be a kind of RTS (or so i've read)
Warbie said:
and originally it was going to be a kind of RTS (or so i've read)

Not really. It was a third-person strategic shooter. Very large worlds. Different weaponry aswell. There is a beta video which was published in MAC World in 1999
halo will never out beat hl2. fact. end of story. we love you vienna! good night!

bloody console users. learn how to turn on a pc and see what your missing!!! pc has REAL multiplayer!!!
who cares? As long as HALO2 is on x-box I won't be playing it at all...
Pureball said:
halo will never out beat hl2. fact. end of story. we love you vienna! good night!

bloody console users. learn how to turn on a pc and see what your missing!!! pc has REAL multiplayer!!!

I have all consoles, PC and all that stuff. I've been playing games long enough to see all positive sides. I've been a games journalist for 5 years now and just look beyond the very narrow horizon those discussions always show.

Bloody console users? Grow up and get over it: this is the net and we are free to play what we like, be it on whatever plattform.
Warbie said:
The combat in CoD is as generic and simple as it gets (albeit with a few AI friends to help). Far Cry was a little better - but still a case of whip out your best gun, point and click. HL was great for it's time, but still asks little from the player in comparison. (I hear what you're saying about UT - the same can be said of any online shooter. I talking about single player only) You may not think Halo is involved, which is fair enough. But, compared to these titles it certainly is.

Wait a second, are we playing the same Halo? You know, the one with the guns and the enemies and where you find the best gun, whip it out, and kill 100s of aliens...? (not that I'm adverse to that... according to my enjoyable FPS list)
UmbrellaMaster said:
Wait a second, are we playing the same Halo? You know, the one with the guns and the enemies and where you find the best gun, whip it out, and kill 100s of aliens...? (not that I'm adverse to that... according to my enjoyable FPS list)
quoted for emphasis
UmbrellaMaster said:
You know, the one with the guns and the enemies and where you find the best gun, whip it out, and kill 100s of aliens...? (not that I'm adverse to that... according to my enjoyable FPS list)
There is no best gun.
guinny said:
guys i cant vote 4,000 more times by myself...i did about 400 already but i need some help lol.
In order to vote more than once you have to clear your cookies before you vote again. It's easy to vote 4000 times without lifting a finger if you download a macro script recorder. That's what Halo2 fans have done :LOL:.

Half-Life2 has been owned by Halo2 and GTA:SA :LOL:
SoSorry said:
In order to vote more than once you have to clear your cookies before you vote again. It's easy to vote 4000 times without lifting a finger if you download a macro script recorder. That's what Halo2 fans have done :LOL:.

Half-Life2 has been owned by Halo2 and GTA:SA :LOL:

You just need to go to the link at the bottom it loads the vote again.
Halo 2 vs. Half-Life 2: VOTE! (11/1/04)
GWalker said:
What the hell are the HALO 2 fanboys doing on HL2.net???

There are no Halo 2 fanboys here. Ignorance is bliss for the narrow-minded, right? If you don't have arguments, call names. I love both games.
GWalker said:
You just need to go to the link at the bottom it loads the vote again.
Halo 2 vs. Half-Life 2: VOTE! (11/1/04)
You have to clear your cookies before you vote again and go back to the original URL before you voted, or it won't register. I'm voting for Halo2 :LOL: since Half-Life2 has been owned already :p
UmbrellaMaster said:
Wait a second, are we playing the same Halo? You know, the one with the guns and the enemies and where you find the best gun, whip it out, and kill 100s of aliens...? (not that I'm adverse to that... according to my enjoyable FPS list)

Yeh - the one were your choice of weapons, and learning how to use each one, can make everytime you play each level a different experience.

There isn't a 'best gun' in Halo. That, along with the fact you can only carry two weapons, adds greatly to the combat. Choosing the right combo for a given situation can make a massive difference. Or, finding you have a poor set of weapons and having to work out a different way to tackle the problem. Anything that asks questions of the player, allows experimentation, and is super hard is all good in my book :)


In contrast, CoD (and similar titles) change very little with each play ... and quickly become repetitive.
Omg what a pathetic poll...

Halflife 2 will be better then any game out right now..
I'm not saying that because I'm a fanboy, I'm saying it because it's the truth..

Once it's out everybody will see..
Halo 2
Half-Life 2
people = shit
nuff said
prone there is hitman5 is one of them
crowbar him !
Xenome said:
Omg what a pathetic poll...

Halflife 2 will be better then any game out right now..
I'm not saying that because I'm a fanboy, I'm saying it because it's the truth..

Once it's out everybody will see..

In your opinion maybe, but I dont see that happening. Half Life 2 looks great, but deff not AMAZING. Here are the reasons why...

1. Camperstrike is its only MP <- WTF ( hate CS...valve is full of lazy @$$ nerds who cant come up with anything new or original )

2. Ragdoll is no longer "amazing", its been done in many games

3. Graphics are deff not next gen ( atleast compared to Doom 3 and Far Cry )

Halo 2 looks a lot more action oriented than Half Life 2, and thats what I like. It also looks a lot deeper :D Oh, and Bungie is a 10x better company than Valve. Atleast they arn't stupid enough to get their game code hacked. :cheers: Half Life 2 would've been an amazing game LAST year, but everything that sounded cool last year has been done.
TheHitman5 said:
Half Life 2 would've been an amazing game LAST year

Funny because nearly every review that has come out on HL2 pretty much suggests HL2 is one of the best gaming experiences ever... including the editor of a Console magazine.

But oh yeah, we can't take their word for it.. I mean they are just the only ones who have actually played the game. Lets just take your speculation.
^ hehe well said :)

I couldn't care less if other titles have implemented next gen physics and gfx before HL2 - the point is these games weren't great (Far Cry's physics felt like a tacked on gimmick and the visuals of Doom 3 did little to hide an average game)

HL2 sounds amazing (any game that gets an Edge 10/10 is well worth a play)
TheHitman5 said:
Half Life 2 would've been an amazing game LAST year, but everything that sounded cool last year has been done.
Oh, you mean massively varied and superbly paced gameplay combined with in game plot driven action has been done?
Please people, lets leave it at this and don't feed the troll.
Let him starve.
1) Never have I seen a groundbreaking fps or any genre (save for FF, or Zelda) on the consoles... there are very good games on the consoles - e.g Halo, Goldeneye and Mario 64 - but the only incredible, amzing genre-redefining game I have played are on the pc.

2) People only like halo because of the physics ;) 'Okay, how do I amuse myself for the next halfhour? I know ill get crashed into, and fly aroud the level!'

3) Half-life 2, this is going to be the game, after hl1, there was a revolution in the fps genre, after halo, there was just a ripple of acknowledgment.
Half-life 2 will o0wn Halo 2 - because it won't be just a game... it will be an experience
TheHitman5 said:
In your opinion maybe, but I dont see that happening. Half Life 2 looks great, but deff not AMAZING. Here are the reasons why...

1. Camperstrike is its only MP <- WTF ( hate CS...valve is full of lazy @$$ nerds who cant come up with anything new or original )

2. Ragdoll is no longer "amazing", its been done in many games

3. Graphics are deff not next gen ( atleast compared to Doom 3 and Far Cry )

Halo 2 looks a lot more action oriented than Half Life 2, and thats what I like. It also looks a lot deeper :D Oh, and Bungie is a 10x better company than Valve. Atleast they arn't stupid enough to get their game code hacked. :cheers: Half Life 2 would've been an amazing game LAST year, but everything that sounded cool last year has been done.

I haven't seen any game yet with integrated physics into gameplay such as in HL2.

I haven't seen any game yet with such detailed facial expressions as in HL2.

I think (and alot with me) that HL2's graphics are better then doom 3's or far cry's...I honestly mean that.

Also, cs:s is not the only HL2 MP, eventough it's by far the most played MP FPS game on earth. We also have Dod:source, TF: source, and team fortress 2 is coming soon.


Furthermore: We'll see if Halo 2 can compete with the scores that HL2 got from magazines..;) I'm talking about scores like 98%, 97%, 96%, etc.

I respect your opinion, eventough it's pretty much all bs..
Funny because nearly every review that has come out on HL2 pretty much suggests HL2 is one of the best gaming experiences ever...
if you like a "storybook/action FPS" that is.
TheHitman5 said:
Halo 2 looks a lot more action oriented than Half Life 2, and thats what I like. It also looks a lot deeper :D

Oh yeah, Arnold Schwarrzenagar in a suit, basicaly... 'I Master Cheif, I come here to kick your behind!!!111'

Oh, and Bungie is a 10x better company than Valve..

Oh, so a company that lets its public play the game the second it is released, has the most popular multiplayer in the world and lets you download their games off the internet... also, valve won over 50 game of the year awards for their debut game and have spent every penny from that game in making its sequel is worse than a company that makes news announcements on its site that sound like a 5 year old has wrote them?

Atleast they arn't stupid enough to get their game code hacked. :cheers: .

Thats because they have fans who don't want to hack it, and it isn't their fault it got hacked...
Half Life 2 would've been an amazing game LAST year, but everything that sounded cool last year has been done.

Like yer mam... :naughty:
CatBOne said:
1) Never have I seen a groundbreaking fps or any genre (save for FF, or Zelda) on the consoles... there are very good games on the consoles - e.g Halo, Goldeneye and Mario 64 - but the only incredible, amzing genre-redefining game I have played are on the pc.

I'll have to disagree here, at least with Golden Eye and Mario 64.

No other game has come anyway near redefining a genre as much Mario 64 did. It is, without a doubt, the most 'perfect' game i've ever played.
Mario 64 was just an adventure game just like anyother on snes or genisis but with 3d graphics, thats it.