Halflife 2 GTA mod recruiting new members and a new mod


Apr 12, 2005
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Hi everyone. I would like to announce that I'm starting a new mod for halflife2 called HL2 GTA. Its going to be based on Grand theft auto style game play. And am looking for a good team to start this mod off. So im looking for currently.

Web Side Designer (Must have other work to show what you can do)
Concept Artist (Must have other work to show what you can do)
Modelers 2x (Need to know how to use 3d studio max or milkshake )
Skinner's 2x (Need to be able to show past work)
Mapers 3x (Must have good hammer editor skill's)
Coders 2x (must know c++ and have nolege or pass use of game or halflife coding)

I have ran a few mod's before now and released some. and have finally got around to having some time to start another mod for halflife 2. this time I decided to go on the GTA style of mod. meaning allot of hard work for all departments. I'm aiming to make it a online gta game. and have already figured out how I can do most of the work. such as have people walking around. etc.. and how the money system can work. So if you are interested in this mod or you want to join this mod you can contact me via msn instant messenger or email to [email protected]

ill have a web site (temp) and a irc channel set up in the next day or so as well. so ill update with information about that soon.

Thanks all to all who are interested. and ill keep everyone posted here on how the mod progress.
Ok.. today I been working on some simple things and have finished the glock/base ballbat and some street sign models. and got the street sign models ingame and on a map I have been working on. (this has all been done by me in one day) ahh here are a few screen shot's/renders of the models.




I have to keep all the models quite low poly due to the sign's will be used over and over and hl2 does have its limit's due to the size of the maps that will be huge. a hole city in one map. so i need to keep Pollys down. ill remake the 30 sign soon it was just more of a test for me getting a model ingame due to I haven't done it befor. but I don't think that's a bad days work. a glock and a baseball bat done.. (accept skin both mapped) and started on the first city map and got a 30/40/50/giveway sign ingame. here are a few shots of the 30 sign ingame.



Later on today ill be starting on the web site and getting the irc channel sorted out so ill post again with more information about that soon. We still need a full team. because its still just me.. mind its only been a day since I decided I have anoth time again to make another mod. So if you are interested please email me [email protected]. or just post on the forums.

Thanks Jason
sounds very cool, and also add the planes and the choppers :D that would be awesome :p
Yeh.. And my idea's are alot diff to what both them mod's state they will do.. i plan to do alot more than them :D. I just finshed modeling a audi a3 and about to put it ingame.. so stand by for screen shots of that.. still on day 2 of mod :p and still only me doing it .. ahh well :p at lesat i dont have to worry about my team working slow! :p
Ok.. Its the end of day to of me working alone on this mod :( cuz no one has been that intrested in it. and so far i have got done the following:

1 Car model finshed + skin
2 Wepon models (Baceball bat/Glock)
6 Prop for map's (Streetlight/Sign's)
Put ingame Street Light/ Sign's
Started on the first city map.
Got a train that you can only drive on a track and max speed of 500 might change later.

And thats about all i got done today. But here is a screen shot of the map.. its not very much yeh but ill soon make it grow after i got some other thing's done.


I have played for tommorow to skin the baceball bat and the glock and model some arm/hand models and get them all ingame. replaceing the stun stick/mp5 ill work on the code later. Do some more of the map and make a few more props for the map's such as trafic lights etc. Hope to get some other things done as well such as starting on web site and fourms and irc channel.. was going to do that today but got carried away figering out hammer editor. due to im use to moding halflife 1 not 2. Also if you do wanna join and you can do anything on the first post you can contact me via email or via msn by [email protected]

Thanks again Jason

(Ill keep you all posted with more updates soon.) :thumbs:
That is not a glock :)

Glocks do not have external hammers. That to me looks like a SIG Suaer of some type...
o_O was ment to be a glock.. i just google glock and use a reference image from there.. mabe i picked the wroung one :/
I think you might be right. But still its modeled on a pistol and that is what the aim was to be.. ^_^ Anyway's day 3.. so i better get started on some stuff ill post update on what i done later.
Good to see how it's developing Jas.

Please keep us updated :D

Look forward to seeing some more soon!


Would need some work, especially placement of furniture and the front ends fairly off, but it could be changed to be a p99 fairly easily. Seems closer to that than anything else.
hey man im currently working on a mod by myself aswell i wouldnt mind helping with you mod. i can map model and skin and i know a little about coding.
I'm not sure if that'd work out, but the idea seems cool enough. I just hope that the police will not have the same Artificial Stupidity as in GTA however.
Ok.. I have now got a car model finshed and ingame. i have set it all up ready and made the weel spin/tern animation's and im just trying to get the compiler to work correctly. Here is some screen shot's of it ingame as a static model. (note i havent got around to skining it yet)




I have also skined the pistol.. but am going to tweak the skin abit more befor i release image's of that. i have started just now on some hand model's. and i have added some detail on to the map. and here is a pic of the model of the car rendered it still need's some work.. but this is just me mainly geting use to the way halflife 2 is built. because like i said im use to moding halflife 1 and halflife 2 is abit diffrent. and so far its all good :D. Well ill update with some more news abit latler. and that guy who said he could skin/model and do abit of code if you email me ill get back to you about it all. anyways here is render pic. (p.s. i ditched the audi a3 because it went wroung and made a 206 instead)


Thanks Jason
Great mod so far for what is it? 2 days work? If I can get around to making a map of a part of a city for you I will send it over. Kepp it up and dont be discouraged most people only join a mod when there is something good to see that is already created and if you can get that car working I am in right away!
Ow i got car all set up ready to work i just dont like typeing out the qc file's :D so i keep getin bored of it and runing on to makeing maps and stuff :D ill get car model in tomoz atm im trying to finsh the glock model skin and put abit more detail in the maps. some screen shots of map with abit more detaiil in.. going to expand it in abit.. first need to make some building models.



Now back to pistol skin o_o
Alright I am convinced. Try to get the car working please but I have started mapping a city block for the mod. I will post screenshots tomorrow. I think this could be a cool mod if it gets some more members. If you like the map then I would like to have the models in my map to make it more realistic. From there a video could be made to help recruit new members. I might be home all tomorrow to work on the map.
Do you have permission to use the name GTA?
I was considering posting a message to the effect of "There are loads of 'GTA' mods out there that have no work done on them... people aren't going to make your ripped-off mod for you" for the first reply.

I'm glad I didn't now, as I'd have looked quite silly. Get a new name, though.
I dont see why i would need to ask premistion from anyone to use gta as a name.. its not illegal to have something called gta >_> its not like the word is owned by a company with all they know i could mean something totaly diff.. :p so yeh.. i doput they will do anything. ow well day 4 .. better get started on more stuff.. and btw the name was the first thing that came in to my head :p not to bothed about the name of them mod.. could call it happy meal if i wanted lol :p i dont care.. if you guys can think of a better name tell me and il change it. Ok today im starting a new car model the corolla and geting that ingame and working.. so we have two diffrent type's of car ingame. then hopfully shizzle (a new member who has joined) might have done the hand model's. Im have given him a trial of making some hand model's so we will have to see how good his work is model/skin wise. Ahh well ill update a bit more later on what's going on cuz i got to go get a x-ray now.. because i might of broken my spine.. :p stupid motor bike crash.. so ill do some work later.

Ok. i have done the corlla model now and got that ingame.. here are a few screen shot's of it ingame.. and yes its unskined :p. both car model's look abit bland without a skin. but im sure with a good skin that ill do they will look great :D. the corlla is a slightly lower poly model than first car due to i want to test out the how hl2 handel's each car later on.


here is it ingame.





My new aim for today is to get a gun model ingame and working. and to extend the map some more. and then do the car skin's. dunno how much of that ill get done today. hope to get at least a gun model ingame and extend the map. :d ahh well ill update you all later.

Ok i have got the pistol model ingame! with it fully skined and working 100% :D. So here is some screen shot's took me a while to figer out how to compile it all and get all it working but done it now! also! i extended the map abit and added some more detail in it cheak it out!





(this pic is befor i put pistol model ingame i just like the screen shot so there!)


Ok now to make a replacement for the mp5 ingame :D and put baceball bat in instead of stun stick :) ow and skin the cars and baceball bat :p and im still waiting on the custom hand models from the new member. so lets wait and see how they tern out.!
It's certainly starting to take shape! :D

Like the gun model, look forward to seeing it with the custom hand models! :thumbs:
w0w, i absolutely (spelling) love this idea, how would it play out though?

i mean, would you be able to own property? would people be able to climb to "pimp daddy" status? would there be a ranking system for that? how would the money be worked out? could you hire other players on to do dirty work for you?e.g. to sabotage another players building? will the police be as dumbass as in gta? will it be possible to pick a character, or custom design one, like the sims for example?

just a few questions :p

keep up the good work m8
The funny thing is I was talking to myself about this about 2 days ago. Recently my friends and I have been playing GTA III and in my opinion one of the better ones. While playing GTA III I was thinking how cool it would be to have this huge city in a HL2 setting.

I might be willing to help out with this idea.
Ok i got the bace ball bat ingame and all aniamted.. its replaceing the stun stick.. so it still has the glowing effect that ill remove later :D. here are a few screen shots (temp texture btw)



And here is a few shots of me shoting the pistol..



I have also added some custom sound's to the reload of the pistol and the fireing now. so it doesnt sound like default pistol. Also a mapper has joined our team DrDevin who is going to be working on some kick ass map's for us so soon get update's on that. and also a web site desighner! thank god who is also going to be looking after our irc channel. and his name is Jaouad dunno if thats his nickname :p but its his msn name. and he is offline so cant really ask him.. so there will be our web site up soon. and if you wanna join our irc channel on irc.gamesurge.net / #gtahl2 you are welcome. :D hope to see you all there soon! and ill keep working my ass off! but for now im going out with some mate's so ill be back in about 5 hour's and then get on the replacement for mp5. goign to change it to a m4a1. So look forward for that update.. then ill get car skins ingame and cars working better.. then player model.. then alpha team testing / video :D. ahh well only been 4 days what more could you exspect ;).
Wow. cant believe you've done so much. keep it up :thumbs:
You're achieving so much so quickly it's amazing. I've enjoyed every update so far! :thumbs:
Ok.. So i got back from my mate's about 2 hour's eirlyer than i thought i would.. :D fast bongs :D and then i got home and modeled a m4a1 then skined then put ingame with default mp5 animations.. so cheak che ch che ch cheak it out!

Baseball bat

Baseball bat swing (yet to remove the default glow from stick)



model/skin tweaked it abit.



Start of reloading m4a1




So lets have a look back on what i alone have done in the last 4 day's without any help yet :D.

Mod Updates:

Gun model ingame
Added new gun model sounds
Extended the map.
Bace ball bat ingame and skined
M4a1 ingame
m4a1 modeled
m4a1 skined


Corolla ingame
Added detail to map
fixed few bug's on model
Animated first car model


1 Car model finshed + skin
2 Wepon models (Baceball bat/Glock)
6 Prop for map's (Streetlight/Sign's)
Put ingame Street Light/ Sign's
Started on the first city map.
Got a train that you can only drive on a track and max speed of 500 might change later.

:D so i havent done bad for one person.. and ill keep on going :p so back to modeling the new shot gun i go..
Ok suprise.. i bothered to record a demo of it so far.. it run's very fast.. for god only know's reson.. but you can still make out what im showing you.. and ;) there is a little suprise in it for you all to see :D. hope you enjoy it.


Copy/paste link if click dont work ;)

Well.. its mega fast.. so i better say the suprise :p or you will miss it.. the new shot gun ingame and all sorted :D.

Ahh well time to work on some more stuff. *gets back to work*

you know we can't watch demos..... unless we have the map, and models... so your better off making a movie.... with Fraps
