Halflife 2 GTA mod recruiting new members and a new mod

NonStopableForce said:
you know we can't watch demos..... unless we have the map, and models... so your better off making a movie.... with Fraps


Yeah, pleeease make a movie Jas! :thumbs:
*cough* what about my questions *cough*


goods work so far i cant blv how much your pumping out, and so fast too!
Just saying sorry about the .dem thing.. i made it a .avi last night.. but was like 2 / 3am.. and must of comprsed wroung thing cuz i was tired >_< ill go sort out the movie now.

k.. i made the new movie's. sound is a bit crack.. on fraps as you will find out.. and i had to set everything lowest of the low setings because im on my lap top atm.. other wise known as CRAP TOP! :p and it hardly handels hl2 on good specs as it is let alone recording a movie at same time so its abit lagy.. not to bad.. u can make out what it is so.. i guess that's all that counts :D. so cheak out the samples of what i done in 4 days :p.


I would also like to say thanks to a old mate of mine borf.. for hosting these files :D your da greatest mate :p. love ya! lol. :D well back to work i go enjoy everyone.. ill update you later with what i get done.

Ok alot of people couldnt see the image's befor now.. so i changed the last page image host. so that they can see them.. for some reson they have made it so faster 2days after a post you cant edit it .. so i chagned as many as i could. so they should load up fine. for some people now. :D (every little helps)

ok! i got the car model able to drive now ingame all sorted out.. just need to assine the bone's alot better and sort out the animateions for weels to tern/spin and then the car is done.. well of course after skin but cheak it out so far.





:D i have been working all day on this stupid car.. tryin to get all animations working fine.. :/ and all it does is muck up..>_< so might take me a while to get this damn car working really well. so im going to have a break from the mod today and hang out with some mates who are coming to my house in what 5mins o_o! so i best be off and get ready... :D so ill either do some more work later on tongiht or tomoz :p but .. no update's since last big one im afraid.
I got a free 15mins well my mate's drove to get some food so hoped on my pc and started on the car skin.. here is a quick render of it.. so you can see it as it progress's >_< ahh well best bet get downstairs >_> befor they break my house :p.


I have been thinking for abit.. about what im going to do.. do a inteam test or a public very eirly alpha! and desided tomoz im releaseing a eirly alpha so i can get the people who atually play it. to tell me what i should add and do to get everything perfect :D. this mod is aimed to be the best .. and only way to get it the best is to get everyone giving me more and more idea's till my head explods! so come tomoz im releaseing the alpha! so look forward to it guys.. a 1 week old alpha.. now thats eirly! :p
Pre release is now out. enjoy

6days old mod.. made by one person.. and allready pre release you got to be kidding me!?!? nope im not.. enjoy!

Ok i finshed all the little tweaks.. such as w models :p that i forgot to add. lol and its all ready for a little playing by the public. rember this is just a pre release to gather idea's and get other people's idea's in to this mod. i taken out the car's for now. and when i release alpha 1.0 in a week or so ill add them in again. and get some code done. enjoy anyway. hope to see you guy's ingame.


Ow and some screen shots with me and my mate playing abit.





Have fun all. (tip if you wanna use shot gun put sv_cheats 1 on and type impulse 101)

Well basicly.. i stayed up to a stupid time last night working on the layout of a new huge city map. now all i got to do is fill it all in detail. and also make a boat / plane model and put them ingame. :D so ill get plane/boat maodel ingame.. and fix up the map abit. and i hope by next week i can release alpha 1.0 to public to test.
Wow, really good work man, amazing how much work you are getting done!
Ok things i have done since last update.

Made 2 new car models.
Put some code in game.. such as third pereson.
Started to detail the huge new map.
Tested carz/boats online with web master

Now.. i desided i dont want really to have to code it all my self so. i am looking for a coder to help out i dont mind if you are new. just really dont enjoy coding my self find it abit to.. boring. well if you are intrested you can contact me via email to [email protected]
Have you started on a player model yet? :D

Any more pics to show?
I am one of the mappers for this mod and have a small teaser update which consists of a shot of a corner building, a streetlight and the transitions between areaportal_window that we will use to increase framerates if windows are needed and they just look cool! So far there has been testing of vehicles and the alpha plays great if you havent downloaded it yet especially for a weeks work. I have a feeling newer versions of the alpha will be released when they are ready.





Another update with a large building in my current map.


Gordon's Brother if you want to join the mod or trail out i should say email me at [email protected] me and the web master were testing more things today such as third person.. and boat/cards
As you can guess i got my hands full with code atm :p.. so not getin much done model / map wise but geting some boder line code done such as third person and team selection :p.

Few sceen shots of car/3rd person working nothin really elce to update with other than saying im workin on the code at the moment :p. ow and the map is just the bace line of the map.. and the car model isnt skinned yet.



Ow and as you can see we have a new member or two to be correct to the mod. One is a web designer who has allready sorter out the web site layout. Just need to get some $$ together to get a good domain. And DrDevin a mapper who has joined and has been working on a city map for some time allready for his trail :p as you can see he is good.

Anyways... basicly all i wanted to post and say is that thing's are geting done still just not so much i can show. I really would like to have more people help out this mod. its kinda hard doing it all your self. (guess in away its good cuz all u can do is blame your self if something goes wroung ;)) But yeh if you can Skin/Texture/Animate/Code/Model we need you. :p and at the moment we really need Skiners/Coders. Reson for this is because i dont really enjoy coding or skinning why i allways set them back to last thing's i do. so i figer if i get some people who enjoy it and are willing to help out things around here will get done even faster than they are are the moment. so if you want to join you can contact me via msn or email to [email protected]. Ill get the domain soon for the site. and thanks for all who supported us so far. Ow and i desided. instead of having a stupid name GTA HL2 (that i agree is a stupid name:p but was a on the min idea) that i would ask the poster's here to make a name for this mod. So post away idea's of name's for this mod. and ill now ill explain how the mod will ataully work.

Ok basicly there are 4 gang's in a map. all in cornor's of large city map's. there are npc's who will walk around the street's like normal people but then there will be in some area's gang members who will act just like they do in gta .. and fight you if you go near them. e.g. they will have a baceball bat run towards you try and kill you. these will be bot's. so basicly the idea is to kill these bot's and earn street cred. (guess that's the best way to put it) but as the other gang's leaders (Other player's) kill your gang members you wil also lose cred. So the idea is. To have a few players defend your HOOD lol :p and some go attack other gang's at the same time as driveing around.. and gernraly having fun. :) also i have added a new class to the code so now i got code ready for plane's :p. so ill add a plane model ingame soon. so then we got blame/car/boat working then all i got to work on is the motor bike. :p that wont be to hard. but yeh. the acsept is to earn credit to get better weponz/upgrade cars etc... and the wining gang as it would stand is one with most cred. (there will be a total of credit even if u spend it thats how it will work) so its like you have 1233 credit and u spend 1232 credit so u would have 1 credit left to spend. but it will still add up on score board as u have 1233 credit.. if that make's any sence.. :p well it will do when i sort it all out in code.. basicly the total of credit's you gang gets is the thing that determands who the wining team is.

ow well i hope i got a little bit of the basic concept across. kidna hard to explain it all. Well ill post more update's soon. im planing on tomorrow to input a new grenade model / make the grenade model mabe a sword of some sort. and a sniper rifel. but yeh back to point of this post.

If you are intrested in joining email me or speak to me on msn via [email protected]

Have a good day all. (and dont forget post your idea's here as well, idea's will only make the mod better not worse so please speak up if you have some idea's)

Damn, your awsome at everything you do. Nice job on the mod so far.
NonStopableForce said:
what happened to the paint ball mod? ditched it after 1 hour?


Yep,figured out i dont have any leader skills, and frankly, it was random :naughty:
I can also do a lil bit with photoshop, as im a quick learner.

Made this in like,10 minutes after an hour of fooling around-http://img90.echo.cx/my.php?image=myfirstsig1ss.png

I need to fix the computer that its on though.(stupid widows 32 file... always screws up...)
I've been following along with this mod, being both a huge GTA fan, and a half-life 2 fan, and so far, I love everything that you've made. I was considering joining the team earlier, but I haven't made up my mind yet. Rather than sit around thinking about it, I figured I'd post, to let you know ( I'll email you aswell, when I can be bothered :) ) that I would like to help in any way possible.

I know how to map, and model - Don't have anything to show, since I format pretty much every second month, and it's been a while since I've had a chance to really do anything. If you are interested, I'll trial for you or something, and we'll see how we go :).

I also thought for a while, and was able to come up with 1 possible name for the mod:
"Grand Theft Valve"

Pretty shit, but I'm llama :D

Hope to hear from you.
Thanks to everyone for your intrested and support in this mod. I had some guy yesterday come up to me saying its the most stupid idea in the world why would people play a gta style clone.. if they could by the real redeal. the fact is its not ataully a clone. its a diffrent type of game play its more gang war fare. a you dont allway's kill people you can kill the npcs (bots) that are other gang members to get respect etc. I would like to thank all who emailed my last night as well. and ill email you all back now. And if you do have any idea's for the mod dont forget to post them. :D ahh well best get on with some work. was working till 7am yesterday :p. and just woke up at 3pm lol. doh! so work now.. rest later :D.

The team so far:

Jason (Me) - Done everything ingame so far :p
PSV - Web Master
DrDevin - Mapper (He has posted screen shots of his work on page 4.)

People in the trail.
Luke - Mapper (he is making a trail map right now)
Hoppers - Mapper
Flip - Modler/Mapper

So i figer if all the people who are on trail at the moment join the i deff wont need anymore mapper's. So really now we just need.

Dinkleberry said:
Its the name of a crime. Rockstar can go to hell anyway

Yeah, **** those guys, they only created one of the most influential series of our time, and they only gave jas inspiration for creating his mod. Those rotten bastards.
Dinkleberry said:
Its the name of a crime.

I doubt that excuse would stand up in court*, somehow...

"What do you mean 'I stole their game's name' ? It's a commonly used expression... And just because my game is about crime, stealing cars and running about in a city, it doesn't mean I'm stealing any ideas from their game which is about crime, stealing cars and running about in a city."

[* - I'm not saying he'll get taken to court, but I'm pretty confident he'll get "Lawyerized" if he uses the name "Grand Theft Auto".]

It's OK to be inspired by things, but it's not OK to rip them off.
:D i would love to go to cort about a name! would be so fun! its like omfg SHOT ME I SAID SHIT IN CORT ITS A ****ING WORD U RETARDS! :p
name is questionable,, but he could make a practically exact clone gameplaywise of GTA and wouldnt have to worry about any leagl trouble,, plenty of companies have already ripped off gta
Ok basicly today i have modeled a new grenade and sniper rifel. and 2 more cars to go ingame :D. so ill update with pics when all is done and done is all. oO
I have another update on my first map for this mod. A few shots of a building, a view of a room through a window and an alley between streets. More updates soon!



Nice to see dr devins update :D.. damn i love that guy! so i thought i should also post a update :D. Ok basicly today i been working on car models/wepon models and now its time for some ingame shots of one of the car models/skins. enjoy.





:/ i cant drive very well ;) lol ow no they sink!


Also we really do need a coder/skinner to join this mod save me doing it all :D. not my best 2 tallents basicly. so if we get one or both it would make my life alot easyer.

Hey guys, im new to this forum, but im in charge of the site and logo of HL2 GTA Mod, just wanted to say that Jas is the illest mofo around :p, been doing everything for the mod, respect mate :D, anyway here's a preview of how the site's going to look like
Looks good... but I'm with the nay-sayers who think you should change the name. The stargate mod just got C&D'd, and there's no reason it won't happen to you. I don't think any judge in 'court' would be moved by the "OMG IT'S JUST A WORD" defence (there is NO legal basis for that). It's just a word, but it's also a copyrighted game. Call it "Crime in Progress" or "Officer Down" or "Shots Fired" or any other term used to describe the situations depicted. You may also want to avoid using a screenshot of GTA in your website.
GTA means grand theft auto. and that's a word that was first used by law officer's. It has no copy right law's over it by any company so i should be fine. :D i did my research!
Jas said:
GTA means grand theft auto. and that's a word that was first used by law officer's. It has no copy right law's over it by any company so i should be fine. :D i did my research!

Well if you think that will stop you from getting c & c'd...

Still get the damn GTA logo and pic off your site.
lol that aint their logo, its just a font that they used to make their logo, and its free to use by everyone, so I typed HL2 GTA in a free font.

They even say it theirselves:

"The font used for the San Andreas text on the logo. It's called Diploma.

It does NOT say this font was created specially for a gta logo.
Its true its just a font nothing to do with there logo ;) plus like i said i dont atually care about the name of the mod .. or i care about is what gets done ..