Halflife 2 GTA mod recruiting new members and a new mod

OK, seriously now... you can't call your mod "Grand Theft Auto".
I don't care what research you've done, if Rockstar don't want you using the name, you can't use it. "24" is just a number, but that doesn't mean everyone can go around making real-time television dramas under the name.

If you've made everything in this thread from scratch inside a few days as you claim, then well done to you... have a clap. But don't spoil it by being one of those people who think the laws don't apply to them, or that they'll get away with it.
Imagine how pissed you'd be if you'd named your mod "Officer Down" as someone previously suggested, it became really popular, and then a few months from now some clown releases their own mod vastly inferior to yours and named it "Officer Down" knowing full well you'd already claimed the name.
If you don't care about the name, then why insist on naming it after someone elses work?
I dont think the final name is going to be GTA as it is obviously asking for closing if it is. Another update from me:





DrDevin said:
I dont think the final name is going to be GTA as it is obviously asking for closing if it is. Another update from me:
Looks nice, but it looks like you like brick....
and the windows with light shining on them look funny, is it saposto look like the light is coming out?

Main character = "Otto"

Game Name = "Grand Theft Otto"

Eat that lawyers. It's what I'd do anyhow.
InZaneFlea said:
Main character = "Otto"

Game Name = "Grand Theft Otto"

Eat that lawyers. It's what I'd do anyhow.
pwn3d. you shouldn't be able to copyright the TITLE of your game anyway, you certainly can't copyright the title of a book...
yeh i think the name will be fine ;) but i dont mind either way .. i get taken to cort ill just say.. well ill change name then etc.. i dont care lol
You're not likely to get taken to court... you're more likely to just get an email saying "stop what you're doing at once, you cheeky rascals" ala Stargate : Source. If you continue, then maybe court, I don't know... you'd have to ask Angry Lawyer.

It'd be much easier for you in the long run to just not name your mod GTA.
Fine ;) just to make every happy the mod name is now going to be. GvG Mod.. Basicly.. gang v gang mod :p
Dogmatic said:
Yeah, **** those guys, they only created one of the most influential series of our time, and they only gave jas inspiration for creating his mod. Those rotten bastards.
Damn right, and don't you forget it!

re: The mod - wow your'e making the game in a shorter time than people could play it :)

Good to see when someone (some people now) can work on something so seriously, keep it up.
Ok.. We have got a little story line going now. the name of the mod is now Turf War. So basicly Turf War Mod. Here is a bit of the story line.

Two rival gangs go at it, in a furious show down for turf, cars, and street cred. Set in a gritty city atmosphere, players must use their environment to their advantage. Work as a team, to protect your gang, and take out the enemy. Gangs earn street cred allowing them to purchase new weapons, and possibly in the future, car upgrades. Teams are made up of players and NPC's, giving the game a real team-based feel to it.
I dont seem to see any of the pictures.
Can you post a link?
Deleter said:
turf war sounds like a lawn mowing mod..... ;) ....w/e

lol whatever, I guess you know nothing about gangs,GTA, etc.

Are there going to be drivable cars in this mod?
OmegaX said:
lol whatever, I guess you know nothing about gangs,GTA, etc.

Are there going to be drivable cars in this mod?

Did u read all the posts? , where's even pictures of the cars, and him driving : p

Yeh.. of course there will be.. driable cars due to in basicly all the pics there are car's and me in some drivein them >_>
The concept of having a free roaming, living city in which you commit crimes in isn't copyrighted for any company, and by having the name as "Turf Wars", you're pretty safe (unless there's another game with that name).

To be safe, I'd make sure you use your own style for your logo rather than attempt to emulate the San Andreas title, and avoid mentioning the game you're being inspired by too much.

-Angry Lawyer
As long as they're not making money off it, I'm pretty sure it's safe to at least use the same type of logo
That's not always the case...

If it was called Grand Theft Auto for example...anyone who say it would assume it was a Rockstar game, and if it was shit it wouldn't be doing Rockstar any favours so they don't tend to like people using that name
Good news everyone. i got chating to a coder last night. and he is willing to help out with the mod. so ;) have to welcome our new coder to the team. so welcome swallowbush to the mod team. :) he is going to start working at first on the hud element side of thing's. then go on to do more advance stuff so cant wait to see some stuff come from him. It also means now i have more time to get on with the models/skins/maps etc.. instead of coding all the time :D. so yay... doble win! :D ahh well i better get off to bed its 7am here and not one min of sleep yet!
Jas said:
Ok.. We have got a little story line going now. the name of the mod is now Turf War. So basicly Turf War Mod. Here is a bit of the story line.

Two rival gangs go at it, in a furious show down for turf, cars, and street cred. Set in a gritty city atmosphere, players must use their environment to their advantage. Work as a team, to protect your gang, and take out the enemy. Gangs earn street cred allowing them to purchase new weapons, and possibly in the future, car upgrades. Teams are made up of players and NPC's, giving the game a real team-based feel to it.

Maybe have npc cops, or smaller gangs seperate from the main ones?
NPC Chavs... make them killable in every imaginable way... your mod will become uber popular in the UK. :)
;) why do u think i come from the uk. + i hate chavyz!!!
omg chavs, dont get me started :flame:

i think that everyone in the world should unite in a single common interest, TO RID THE UK OF CHAVS! :sniper:

btw, whats happenin with the maps, is there going to be one HUGE map, or seperate levels?
if you don't have Rockstar's permission , im sure they will shut you down... nevertheless , i'd like to see it work out :D
They will shut you down if the name is related to it, and you base the game around their locations and settings. However, from what I see, all this game involves is:

1. Two teams.
2. NPCs.
3. Modern setting.
4. Large city.
5. Cars.
6. Criminal activities.

Combining these elements into a game violates no IP laws. Calling it "GTA Source", having the player as anybody from a Rockstar game, or copying any sort of visual/audio element directly will land you in trouble.

IP laws are more common sense than anything.

-Angry Lawyer
Well havent atually updated here with news for a while and still am not going to. :) goign to give u all a big update and a release instead of loads of small ;)
Jas said:
Well havent atually updated here with news for a while and still am not going to. :) goign to give u all a big update and a release instead of loads of small ;)

Sounds awsome, cant wait.
Jas I need my update... :D

Anything new happening lately?
Ok.. what i done in last week or so..

Added ingame a sniper rifel/coded!
Added another pistol
Added the hud
Got some gameplay code done
Made map alot bigger
Made the drivin side of thing's client side instaed of server
Made a better 3rd person
Made 8 new car's and got ingame

:D ill update with screen shot's prob on wensday :D so :p soon..
Jas said:
Ok.. what i done in last week or so..

Added ingame a sniper rifel/coded!
Added another pistol
Added the hud
Got some gameplay code done
Made map alot bigger
Made the drivin side of thing's client side instaed of server
Made a better 3rd person
Made 8 new car's and got ingame

:D ill update with screen shot's prob on wensday :D so :p soon..

Jas, you rock...

I've just got my PC back so will give the "preview" file you released a try! :D
it still on the 1st release ? my net's been down so i'm not up to date atm :(
Jas I don't think the install file is still being hosted :x

Heya guy..

Basicly in last few weeks i have had do to loads of work for my work.. shamfully :( so i didnt have that much time for the mod :( or even to be online. but now ! i got some more free time so progress time again. we have a new web master who is sorting us out with a web site + some hosting. and im going back to workin on code starting today been modeling mostly since last update. so stay in tune for some upcoming updates.