Halflife 2 this fall (Doug Lombardi)

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What the hell are you talking about mayro?

"We know that Valve's last attempt at releaseing a game was tooken so harshly that the publisher deemed it crap and said no!" You do realise Valve did not develop CS:CZ don't you?

As for the ports not being ready - Valve is a relatively big company and when the HL2 team stops working on HL2 because it is finished then there will be a LOT of personel freed up to churn out content for the Source ports... Only CS, DoD & TFC need proper attention...

The rest of your post makes no sense. You're arguing that the longevity of HL1 was due to mods which nobody including Valve would dispute and somehow that means Valve is doomed unless the ports are ready at release? Why wouldn't they be ongoing projects updated over time? Why wouldn't it be the SDK for new third-party mods that secures HL2's future anyway?

Gabe Newell said:
To the best of our admittedly weak planning abilities, we are looking at August

They'll be ready when they're ready...
DeltaBlast said:
They said, and I'll put this in caps and big so you all understand;
the game will be DONE, FINISHED, READY, GOLD in summer.
They did not speak about
This might very well turn out to be fall. But that is out of Valve's hands.

You beat me to the punch. Yes, they said it would be finished this summer. Nothing more.
Will halflife 2 be a good game when it comes out?
Im not sure any more. I was so impressed with it back in the day almost 3xx days ago when it was comeing out in september. I built a new computer for it even. When it got delay till xmas i was ok with that delay becuase hey, they got hacked some stuff needed re written. Then they delayed till Spring! It was a merry old time, waiting and hopeing for the game to finaly come just to be let down yet again to see it being pushed to a summer release....

Lombardi's quote is kinda like the straw the broke the cammels back. If he did indeed say this and its not just some HL radio POS then i think i wont be the only one let down.

It will get down to the point instead of seeing fan sites you will see bug sites.

*welcome to Valve please fix this .com*
Here we are today on the 2nd lvl of halflife 2 where we have had the extra time to look through ever nook and crany of the game. We would have complained about the textures not fitting correctly on the sign but the game crashed when we tryed to take a picture.
What you guys are failing to see, most of the people that bought halflife didnt do it untill they were introduced to counterstrike.

Some people dont see halflife as a game they see it as the platform or system for their game counter strike and couldnt give a rats ass about halflife 2... But bring up counter strike source the new graphicaly improved version of CS with a better anti cheat and bigger maps... And you have just sold Halflife2.
mayro said:
What you guys are failing to see, most of the people that bought halflife didnt do it untill they were introduced to counterstrike.
What qualifies as most? HL1 is easily one of the most sold PC games of all time and it certainly wasn’t only because of Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike didn’t exist and HL1 was already a hundred million dollar game with universal acclaim and many GoTY accolades. You’re forgetting that mods don’t just pop out of nowhere they follow an existing engine and an existing player base. Yes, there is a bit of a chicken and egg situation and some of luck involved, but HL1 was a huge game in its own right and HL2 will be too.
ShadowFox said:
You beat me to the punch. Yes, they said it would be finished this summer. Nothing more.

No, they've said it will ship in summer as well. Case in point the email I posted.
umm....did anybody ask...?

Did anyone ask valve if this is true? Even if it is true, we are all still going to get the game. I think someone should ask valve if this is true, I think a lot of web sites like to say things so they can get other people mad and start up trouble but if it is true oh well I can wait. one more thing ITS JUST A GAME!!! :borg:
Im just peeved that the only games i want have all! Been delayed....
Doom3 DELAYED- Halflife2 DELAYED - BLOODLINES! *are game is done valve wont let us release it* STALKER it will be delayed ..... no chance of it comeing out..... FEAR will also be delayed....

You know it strikes me funny i cant think of many games that dont somehow seem to not delay their game or get alphas of their game on the net. STALKER DOOM AND HL2 are all floating around as crapy beta builds. It must be the in thing to do, set a release date that you cannot meet. Release some information to make your fans want the game. Happen to have one of your partner companys have someone of their staff leak a POS beta of your game. Ill have to keep this in mind if i ever want to be a game developer.
it seems to me that there has been a gradual shift of language from valve. for months, the line has been "we're looking at a summer release date". then recently, there was a subtle change to "we're looking to have the game done by summer" and "we're hoping to deliver the game by summer".

now it's "release date this fall". before long it will be "we're hoping to deliver the game to vivendi this fall" (and so on). personally, i don't agree with the these fans who get so indignant about the fact that the game isn't out yet (i mean that's just what happens with such an ambitious project, expect delays) and act like they are owed everything.

let's not get confused about this though, valve DID say that we could expect a "summer release". not the game done by summer, not the game delivered by summer, but a summer release date. and as fas am i'm concerned, the fact that doug lombardi himself has now said fall constitutes a delay in my mind.

don't get me wrong valve, i really don't mind waiting at all (fall will be here soon enough). who am i to say "i want a fantastic game AND i wan't it now!". but just don't treat me like an idiot.

[rant over :p]
japher said:
it seems to me that there has been a gradual shift of language from valve. for months, the line has been "we're looking at a summer release date". then recently, there was a subtle change to "we're looking to have the game done by summer" and "we're hoping to deliver the game by summer".

now it's "release date this fall". before long it will be "we're hoping to deliver the game to vivendi this fall" (and so on).

you summed it up nicely
Valve lie, its simple...they thrive on hype and know hype will sell the game. You cant miss-judge 9 months (from christmas to september) ...it does'nt happen. Thats like being pregnant and saying everyweek "My baby's due today hoorah" <------4 weeks------> "My baby's due today hoorah"....they lied about the christmas release date because they knew alot of people would pre-order it and they keep on lying out their fat arses because they know people will but ATI's cards that come with HL2 vouchers which means more $$$ for them while they plan their next big fiasco.

TBH im not even looking forward to HL2....its gone past the point of even being good, it is old news, no one cares about it, hardly...they release jack shit, and when they do its nothing special or only showing off their "one hit wonder" facial expressions which they think will sell the game. I tell you, after one day you WONT even care that them facial expressions are there.

If doom3 and STALKER both come out before half life 2 (which both are set to come out before it), HL2 will be absolutely nothing new...not even the facial expressions because STALKER boasts more realistic faces and settings than HL2 does imo.
Why do people use that referance its just a game? Game can be addicting you know... especialy MMRPG. A good profesor of mine related a famous game EVERQUEST to the addictive properties of alchol. You get a little taste and then you want more, its human nature to want more of a good thing. I dont think people really care that its "just a game" to some of us includeing me its not just a game. Its a form of entertament that i have been looking to since they release the e3 video and every time i see that its been delayed again it just really upsets me. I mean look at me here posting yet another message. Im gona go play basketball or something. You just gota understand man, its not just the game its the fact that some peoples Public Relations people have no idea how to relay information to the community that pays their bills.
I do want to appoligise guys, this adderall is crankin up my emotions and im getting to pissed over a "game". Sorry valve.
YOU shouldn't be sorry IMO THEY should. After all they are the reason you are getting pumped...
Alig- just to catch up on your post though. STALKER will have from what it looks a better physics system and animation system. Did you see that they put people in those phys suits or what ever and had them move jump and all that so when they did their animations for their models it looks like super like like? Stalker looks so awsome. "its a nividia game" lol
But im getting pissed over 0's and 1's and some people on this fourm look at games as just another pice of data. Im on the level where if some one tells me something i trust them and i belive them. When im misslead or lied to blantently *thank you fragmaster for pointing all this information out to us* i get very angrey.
Before i go though, would it hurt gabe to post a - we are currently working on XXXXX and plan to work on XXXX on this date and hope to have that part finished by XXXXX? It would make alot of us or me feal better to know they are doing something besides playing games like world of warcraft :)
mayro said:
Before i go though, would it hurt gabe to post a - we are currently working on XXXXX and plan to work on XXXX on this date and hope to have that part finished by XXXXX? It would make alot of us or me feal better to know they are doing something besides playing games like world of warcraft :)

Think of it as a pet (dog) with you and it's food. You starve it of food for a couple days, then you show him the food and he's extra excited. Kind of how valve likes to starve fans/media of info, then they give a sliver and we are foaming out the mouth, hence the hype. It's all business.
You know what would be funny..... Halflife 2 mod comes out for doom3 b4 halflife 2 comes out.....
mayro said:
You know what would be funny..... Halflife 2 mod comes out for doom3 b4 halflife 2 comes out.....

Funny but probable. But who would want that.
hiln said:
Think of it as a pet (dog) with you and it's food. You starve it of food for a couple days, then you show him the food and he's extra excited. Kind of how valve likes to starve fans/media of info, then they give a sliver and we are foaming out the mouth, hence the hype. It's all business.

Thats a good point, we are going to starve to the point where we don't care anymore, then we move onto Doom 3. Or whatever game you want.
blindvomit said:
Funny but probable. But who would want that.

Quite alot of people.....Doom3 engine wont be short of "Amazing" ...ID have got the knowledge and experience to make decent games and engines...l

Put it this way...if i could run counterstrike on source engine or the doom3 engine i know which one id pick anyday of the week.

CS is supposed to be a tactical game but it is none dependent on shadows or anything like that, doom3 has by far the superior shadows over the two. Its a basic run - shoot game cs is.

Edit/ Oh and sound by a long way.
Alig said:
Valve lie, its simple...they thrive on hype and know hype will sell the game. You cant miss-judge 9 months (from christmas to september)
Who says they did? That's your assumption mate and it lack all common sense. The simplest explanation is that the delay wasn't just getting it wrong but a combination of factors:
*There were real scheduling problems and they weren't going to be ready for a good two months past the Sept date.
*The hack occured and they had a serious situation:
*They realised re-doing the netcode/Steam and cleaning the codebase / adding new security & protocols, assessing the legal damage of foreign IP being leaked would take them a while and they would have to miss their projected 2003 release by a substantial margin.
*They now had to face up to the fact that they were looking at a different release window with different spec computers and audience expectations.
*So the time would be used to finish, polish & test HL2, get Steam ready for HL2, and finally step up action on what were going to be post-release projects (ie. the Source ports)...
*This would all allow Valve's Steam subscription to be value-added. It's not like TF2 development isn't going on, so a Steam subscription is going to get access to a hellaofalot of content...

You make out as if Valve recklessly and irrationally announced the game out of the blue when they must have obviously known it was a good year away from completition, when in reality this conspiracy theory has no logic whatsoever to it...
It's a good thing a lot of you weren't Half-Life fans when it was being developed. Half of you would have killed yourselves.
You act like Valve recklessly and irrationally announced the game out of the blue when they must have obviously known it was a good year away from completition, when in reality this conspiracy theory has no logic whatsoever to it...

Then why was it announced a week before it would be out a week later? They lied purely and simply then?
Gabe said: Summer !

Besides, don't listen to HLradio. they suck!
kkevin666 said:
Then why was it announced a week before it would be out a week later? They lied purely and simply then?
I don't know what you mean? If you are talking about Doug's comments close to the date then I have no idea. Obviously he must have known it was going to be off by a bit, but I can say with confidence that he wouldn't have thought at that stage it would take another year... Doug isn't a project leader, a manager, a designer, or a programmer, let alone a big-wig CEO - he's just in PR and like many PR people he is often on the road and out of touch with the latest company happenings in terms of minute to minute internal decision making...
I had to draw the line. I won't be toyed with like friggen child. I set my accepted buy date as this summer. Or else I buy the competition mainly out of spite.

I will for sure state my concerns to their company. Who wouldn't? It's rediculus really. I understand the need for estimation but, to be this wrong and this far from expected dates is down right RETARDED.

I like the game, I like the concept, but there is no way I will support someone that stupid or someone who is lieing. Estimate once. Or don't say anything at all.

Please people I begg of you to be conscious buyers. You may love the game but you need to seperate the 2 different aspects.
oh so dramatic!!! :thumbs:

Seriously though, calm down...

And read the thread to get the responses in this thread. They explain rather alot. :)
this thread is getting kinda double-post heavy...

guinny said:
I can't totally agree with this for several reasons. Doom 3 will be great I think but in no way steal hl2's thunder. STALKER doesn't look very good at all atm, and You Are Empty I've never heard of. What is it anyway?

'You Are Empty' is a dark survival horror fps set in post genetic-apocalyptic 50's Russia.

Here's a screenie to get you drooling:
Thats great man, show me another game that looks kick ass that will be delayed.... *adds another game to the board*
I reckon that it will miss summer by a week or two. I can't see it coming in October.

If it goes gold in August then it's surely gonna be released before September 30th.
You are Empy

This game oozes with style.

The mappers on this development team are AMAZING. Look at that mapping render shot. The environment lighting is super impressive. The static shadows are borderline perfect.

What's even more impressive is that they built an in-house engine, and will be using it on this game and on games in the future. That is SUPER impressive, considering this is the company's first development title in the making.

The detail is pretty sick, and not just from a tech perspective.
Polykarbon said:
You are Empy

This game oozes with style.

The mappers on this development team are AMAZING. Look at that mapping render shot. The environment lighting is super impressive. The static shadows are borderline perfect.

What's even more impressive is that they built an in-house engine, and will be using it on this game and on games in the future. That is SUPER impressive, considering this is the company's first development title in the making.

The detail is pretty sick, and not just from a tech perspective.

Dude that picture looks like a upgraded version of DOD's one map with the church on it.
so wtf? ...fall now? >_<
we neeed confirmation from gabe. ;x
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