Halflife 2 this fall (Doug Lombardi)

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lonestar said:
yeah, i know it ... :rolling: aah , i know nothing! ;) so what..

why should they publish this, just to give us some false information. it's hlradio, after all. not a 13 year old kid who said on a forum "i talked to doug and he told me "fall" " .

HLR has made up these claims before, It's just a cash grab...
You'd think they'd deny it already. Or maybe they think we're smart enough to ignore HLR. :)
Son_Kane said:
You'd think they'd deny it already. Or maybe they think we're smart enough to ignore HLR. :)

Valve doesn't interfere with the quarrels of Mortals :p
Normal development cycle [--------------------------------|----------] Duke Nukem Forever

Half-Life 2 is Here

Thats all I have to say.
Nothing changed...it's been like this forever, and still ppl are complaining...

Btw, Fall is NOT September, the fall could even be November!
All you people, stop complaining!
It wont help the game to come out any faster!
Nothing changed, it's always been like this!

(i thought a second post was needed :()
Silent_night said:
did some1 email doug yet?
It's all true.

Guys, you'll probably have to wait for the game no more than another few weeks. Doug says its still going gold in August, so its likely going to be out by the end of September which means it'll miss summer by a whole 10 days. Even if it's anything after that, it hasn't been "delayed" by much.

This thread had better stop being a "Valve sucks" thread or it'll be closed. Honestly, the hostility some of you have towards everybody is really getting on my nerves.
Too many people still take Valves word literally. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment by doing so.

Summer in Valve terms means nothing.
LOL I agree Chris, this has gone so far out of control, I can go back to the threads from last year and read the same post by the same people, which I agree with most of you 100%, the problem I see is Valve has brought this all on THEMSELVES bottom line I dont care what anyone says. I payed $100.00 for 2 copies over a year ago!!!!!! I just went to the store and took out my old yellow stubs and transfered my HL2 to DOOM111 at least John Carmack doesn't jerk peoples chains he always has said "its done when its done" which Valve should have done from day 1.
once Gabe stated they would deliver the game to Vivendi in August.. the writing was on the wall pretty much.. game is coming early September.. shouldn't be a shocker to hear something like this from Doug.
{RiP}Bastion said:
LOL I agree Chris, this has gone so far out of control, I can go back to the threads from last year and read the same post by the same people, which I agree with most of you 100%, the problem I see is Valve has brought this all on THEMSELVES bottom line I dont care what anyone says. I payed $100.00 for 2 copies over a year ago!!!!!! I just went to the store and took out my old yellow stubs and transfered my HL2 to DOOM111 at least John Carmack doesn't jerk peoples chains he always has said "its done when its done" which Valve should have done from day 1.
dont you understand that in fact nothing has changed?
HL2 will go gold in August, and it will be released a while later, probably in the fall

it's been like this since E3!
They never said the game would be in the stores in August, nor in September!
This thread makes me go 'OH NOES'

Grow up, put up and shut up. It's a game. It'll be out when it's out, Valve do not suck, Valve do not owe you anything. Now just get on with things :)
If i can just revive this dead horse... and this may be a little around the topic. But why would it take over a month from when a game goes gold to when it's shipped? When has that ever happened? Somehow the math doesn't add up. Either HL2 won't make gold by the end of August or the game will be released at the tail end of summer. A month for manufacturing is ludicrous. Think about it.
ComradeBadger said:
This thread makes me go 'OH NOES'

Grow up, put up and shut up. It's a game. It'll be out when it's out, Valve do not suck, Valve do not owe you anything. Now just get on with things :)

I'm also tired of these comments too, from a moderator or not. Unhelpful.
Going gold merely means a master copy. They have to manufacture and print CDs, DVDs, manuals all things like that. Things take a long time.

My point is, they are a games company, and they will take as long as they like, you have no right to bitch and moan about them 'lying to you'. At all.
But after the game is gold you guys can RELAX, becuase it will come some weeks after with no huge delays.
We have a right to bitch and moan all we like. I bought a video card expecting my copy of Half Life 2 within weeks, instead it's been almost a year. Alot of other people have pre ordered Half Life two, some of them over a year ago. Others still upgraded their PC's in anticipation of an imminent release.

I think we all have a right to bitch when we are being deceived and flat out lyed to.
Whats funny as ppl still quote gabe & valves statments like its the truth, after they have been lied to like a zillion times, thats the part that is commical. There is a TON of ppl that never register here or post couse there to pissed off. Im not even mad at all I just think its funny to read the post here. No hard feelings toward anyone here.
iamaelephant said:
We have a right to bitch and moan all we like. I bought a video card expecting my copy of Half Life 2 within weeks, instead it's been almost a year. Alot of other people have pre ordered Half Life two, some of them over a year ago. Others still upgraded their PC's in anticipation of an imminent release.

I think we all have a right to bitch when we are being deceived and flat out lyed to.
Did they force you to upgrade? No. Are release dates concrete? No

And anyway, you have a spinky new system for when it comes out.
or we can ?????? what can we? :p
Valve lied, period. Fanboys here are amazing. Valve said many times that the game will be RELEASED in Summer. Now they are moving to Fall. What's the big deal? They lied last year too.
Naveed said:
Valve lied, period. Fanboys here are amazing. Valve said many times that the game will be RELEASED in Summer. Now they are moving to Fall. What's the big deal? They lied last year too.

Yeah sure... other developers miss releasedates, but Valve lies about them. Get a life conspiracy boy.

My Summer is ruined without HL2. I guess I should go jump off a bridge or something. :( :(
ComradeBadger said:
Did they force you to upgrade? No. Are release dates concrete? No

And anyway, you have a spinky new system for when it comes out.

I'm not pissed off because I got a new computer. In fact, Half Life 2 isnt even the reason I got a new computer. I bought my computer for Far Cry and Doom 3. But I did however buy an ATI video card specifically because it came with a Half Life 2 voucher. I expected the game to be out months ago at that point,.

Edit:- Unfortunately my new computer is having some major problems. If any of you techno wizz kids thinks they cant help me please visit this thread.

ComradeBadger said:
Going gold merely means a master copy. They have to manufacture and print CDs, DVDs, manuals all things like that. Things take a long time.

My point is, they are a games company, and they will take as long as they like, you have no right to bitch and moan about them 'lying to you'. At all.


So the game's coming out later than anticipated big deal woopteedoo! It's not like they're cancelling HL2.
I think that its not people careing that valve is saying the gold is comeing in augest. I think its a matter of the wording that doug used and the passed information we have on VU and their unwillingness to press games. For a game as big as this it shouldnt take longer than a week to press and if they had thought about it ahead of time they would already have the cases and such in production.... Unless the manuals are also "when its done"

Doug should have never said release "canadate".
DeltaBlast said:
They said, and I'll put this in caps and big so you all understand;
the game will be DONE, FINISHED, READY, GOLD in summer.
They did not speak about
This might very well turn out to be fall. But that is out of Valve's hands.

"We've reworked certain parts of the game and we're aiming on releasing the game during summer ." - Gabe Newell, Gamereactor Interview
japher said:
just to clear things up valve did say summer. there's been probably tens of posts over the last two days saying (basically) 'valve never said summer release'. they did.

"We've reworked certain parts of the game and we're aiming on releasing the game during summer." - Gabe Newell, Gamereactor Interview (here).

"Playable start to finish right now... We're targeting summer for release" - Doug Lombardi, Gamespy video interview

hope that clears things up. they we're saying, "we're targetting summer". they are now saying, "we're targetting fall". so as far as i'm concerned this isn't old news, it's new news, of a delay.

(don't take this as me being outraged at the delay. i really don't mind, i just don't like being treated like i'm stupid. if it's not going to make their summer prediction, why don't valve just say so! instead of acting like they never said summer in the first place.)

Just for a little bit of emphasis comeing from a new post just like our nice little thread we have going on here.
DigiQ8 said:
"We've reworked certain parts of the game and we're aiming on releasing the game during summer ." - Gabe Newell, Gamereactor Interview
"We've reworked certain parts of the game and we're aiming on releasing the game during summer ." - Gabe Newell, Gamereactor Interview
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