Halflife 2 this fall (Doug Lombardi)

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yep, delayed again, its not big or clever valve and it only makes us more pissed off, the way its looking your setting yourselves up for a big fall
DeltaBlast said:
They said, and I'll put this in caps and big so you all understand;
the game will be DONE, FINISHED, READY, GOLD in summer.
They did not speak about
This might very well turn out to be fall. But that is out of Valve's hands.

Quoted for emphasis. Can I just add that Valve also never promised it'd be going gold this summer but rather they were aiming for it. Given as to how close they are to finishing the game, it's more then likely going to go gold in August as Valve hoped.

Edit: Some of you guys are gun-jumping idiots, I must say.
Half Life 2 E3 2005 Video 700 Megs 35 Mins

Doug Lombardi Interview at E3 2005

Doug: The game will be released in Early Summber 2005 as we approch E3 2005. The game is close to get completed.

2005 Early SUmmer: HL 2 DELAYED

Gabe: The game will go Gold in Fall and will be released in Winter 2005.

Sometimes Valve scares me
Gronoken said:
Half Life 2 E3 2005 Video 700 Megs 35 Mins

Doug Lombardi Interview at E3 2005

Doug: The game will be released in Early Summber 2005 as we approch E3 2005. The game is close to get completed.

2005 Early SUmmer: HL 2 DELAYED

Gabe: The game will go Gold in Fall and will be released in Winter 2005.

Sometimes Valve scares me

(it's 2004) (unless I completely misunderstand you) (as I probably am)
Fact: Big type makes you correct. Even when hard evidence contradicts you.

Well tbh, I don't even want a release estimate any more, I mean there's no point because they can just change it at a drop of a hat. I'm no Valve hater, and I don't think they are lying to us. I just think they are clueless when it comes to release dates, so I'd prefer they didn't make any suggestions as to the release date until they are certain.

It's like HL2 i this giant carrot, and we are the donkeys (or asses, if you will) who trot towards the giant HL2 carrot for a month, and then it moves slightly further away. then we get close to it again, then it's pulled away once more. Ad infinitum.
Crusader said:
Fact: Big type makes you correct. Even when hard evidence contradicts you.

Well tbh, I don't even want a release estimate any more, I mean there's no point because they can just change it at a drop of a hat. I'm no Valve hater, and I don't think they are lying to us. I just think they are clueless when it comes to release dates, so I'd prefer they didn't make any suggestions as to the release date until they are certain.

It's like HL2 i this giant carrot, and we are the donkeys (or asses, if you will) who trot towards the giant HL2 carrot for a month, and then it moves slightly further away. then we get close to it again, then it's pulled away once more. Ad infinitum.

Ah! Long live the Carrot of HL2.net!
What gets me is the attitude of some people here. They thing Valve is taking so long to make them upset. Valve will release the game when they feel it's damn well ready. That's what they did with HL, and it is the most popular shooter ever.
lets not even talk about the bugs that halflife had after its release.... lol
Yeah, what the hell was with that carrot thing.. that was weird..
Hmm...My original estimate remains unchanged. HL2 = Two-thousand and Five release.
2005? That is not going to happen...
Tbh i don't think we'll see HL2 this year.. really all the deleys made me hopeless :(
Sandler said:
Tbh i don't think we'll see HL2 this year.. really all the deleys made me hopeless :(

what about the persistent/consistent messages of "SUMMER, SUMMER, SUMMER!!"
Well. I may be dramatic because people need to pop their head out of the GOLFER HOLE

It seems like being ignorant is the best way to pass time. Considering all the let downs we have suffered. Why don't they just scrap the game and remake what they have. Release it in 2005 as a completely different game and then make a friggen release date.

It's like they need to cut their losses. They are getting behind and I have no idea why we endure this YO-yo release date crap .
wonkers said:
Well. I may be dramatic because people need to pop their head out of the GOLFER HOLE

It seems like being ignorant is the best way to pass time. Considering all the let downs we have suffered. Why don't they just scrap the game and remake what they have. Release it in 2005 as a completely different game and then make a friggen release date.

It's like they need to cut their losses. They are getting behind and I have no idea why we endure this YO-yo release date crap .

ShadowFox said:
What gets me is the attitude of some people here. They thing Valve is taking so long to make them upset. Valve will release the game when they feel it's damn well ready. That's what they did with HL, and it is the most popular shooter ever.

I don't think anyone actually thinks VAlve is delaying on purpose. That would just be stupid. Mostly, people are tired of the drama and the constant guessing. We shouldn't have to debate whether September is summer or not. Modders shouldn't have to guess when the SDK comes out. ATI shouldn't have to look like idiots every time one of us glances at our HL2 coupon. Mostly, fans shouldn't be subjected to the same sort of evasive, equivicating half-answers that are most often seen in White House press conferences. It's all ridiculous. I just want this game to be released so I can get on with my stupid life and obsess about something else.
Gossoon said:
I don't think anyone actually thinks VAlve is delaying on purpose. That would just be stupid. Mostly, people are tired of the drama and the constant guessing. We shouldn't have to debate whether September is summer or not. Modders shouldn't have to guess when the SDK comes out. ATI shouldn't have to look like idiots every time one of us glances at our HL2 coupon. Mostly, fans shouldn't be subjected to the same sort of evasive, equivicating half-answers that are most often seen in White House press conferences. It's all ridiculous. I just want this game to be released so I can get on with my stupid life and obsess about something else.

HALF-LIFE 3 OMGOMGOMG!! Good point, I agree with you. I think that they know that we are tired of waiting, and I doubt that they are holding is back on purpose...We will get it soon I'm sure.
My own personal belief is that we'll be waiting for a much longer time (2005, '06)

But what do I know? ;)
:flame: I think its all bullshit. They wont ****ing release it, ever. I am pissed that I have waited a year and a ****ing half for this damned game and they delayed it 5 time. Now I should just forget about the game and start doing my own things until someone shoulds the words: "HL2's OUT OMFG OMFG OMFG THEY ACTUALLY RELEASED IT!! YAY YAY YAY!!!!! GO GET IT! IT"S IN STORES NOW!"
I will never heard those words, or anything like them. Farewell.
StevenlAFl said:
:flame: I think its all bullshit. They wont ****ing release it, ever. I am pissed that I have waited a year and a ****ing half for this damned game and they delayed it 5 time. Now I should just forget about the game and start doing my own things until someone shoulds the words: "HL2's OUT OMFG OMFG OMFG THEY ACTUALLY RELEASED IT!! YAY YAY YAY!!!!! GO GET IT! IT"S IN STORES NOW!"
I will never heard those words, or anything like them. Farewell.

Jesus people, if you are tried of waiting for the game - buy another game, renting something else. If you stay on this forum 24 hours a day, then surely you'll get angry waiting. :|
StevenlAFl said:
:flame: I think its all bullshit. They wont ****ing release it, ever. I am pissed that I have waited a year and a ****ing half for this damned game and they delayed it 5 time. Now I should just forget about the game and start doing my own things until someone shoulds the words: "HL2's OUT OMFG OMFG OMFG THEY ACTUALLY RELEASED IT!! YAY YAY YAY!!!!! GO GET IT! IT"S IN STORES NOW!"
I will never heard those words, or anything like them. Farewell.
Goodbye. Don't come back.
Gossoon good point and six-three excellent ave by the way. :sniper:
heh heh heh, you surely don't think I meant that? :-D

I am playing a game by the way, Thief 2 is great. I reccommend it to everyone :-p and if you can, get Thief 3. I hear it just came out?
Chris_D said:
I reckon that it will miss summer by a week or two. I can't see it coming in October.

If it goes gold in August then it's surely gonna be released before September 30th.

If its like that then I can wait I guess, if it does miss by a week or two but i just hope this does not extend even further.
Gabe said it'll ship this summer, that's what they've been saying all along, wtf is wrong with some people. And what's with the "HL2 ain't gonna be all that cuz it was released late." Gee, what? The story is going to be old? It's going to kick all ass even if FarCry 234 is released this year. Graphics wise, it's still going to last a long time before any game can match its realism and gameplay.
StevenlAFl said:
They wont ****ing release it, ever. I am pissed that I have waited a year and a ****ing half for this damned game and they delayed it 5 time.

5 time?! Did you count your mum saying "Half-life 2 will come out in January dear" and then when it didn't, you blamed Valve?!!

I'm tired of this attitude. It's like getting pissed off at someone who's gonna give you £1,000,000. They cant afford it just yet so they delay a little but dont worry, you'll still get your £1,000,000. Just a bit of patience is all you require, and you will get this gift requiring no effort at all!! (Except you give them £30). :p

Edit: You game player, you!! :rolleyes:
EC said:
Guinny, not meaning to pick at you, but I thought the forums were created in May of 03. Wouldn't that make November a year and a half?

On-Topic: I really think they're just trying to narrow the field even more so we fans don't have heart attacks not knowing the exact date of release. It'll get here when it gets here.

Did you steal your avatar from the MIRC protection script PnP?
orgionally posted by hiln
u speak like you dont know? you are the head of this operation arnt you?
anyway can you give me an estimate on how complete you guys are, 3/4 done 9/10
anything also
ive been hearing alot about somthing new coming up within the next few weeks?e3 perhaps?

nice talking to you,


that has to be the most informal , rudest email addressed to Gabe ive ever seen :O, Im suprised Gabe even answered back.

what can I say :| , stop thinking about yourself all the time, and have some respect for the guy who made this game possible.
clarky003 said:
that has to be the most informal , rudest email addressed to Gabe ive ever seen :O, Im suprised Gabe even answered back.

what can I say :| , stop thinking about yourself all the time, and have some respect for the guy who made this game possible.

That wasn't me who emailed it, I just copied and pasted it from the Valve question/info thread.
What have I been saying for months?

You absolutely will not see Half Life 2 before November. I would put money on that.

Mark my words
iamaelephant said:
What have I been saying for months?

You absolutely will not see Half Life 2 before November. I would put money on that.

Mark my words

July, August, September, October, November. That's 5 months. We will have HL2 in our hands in no longer than 3 Months.
Mark my words
wait a minute. if you doom 3 three has all these shadow stuff.. correct me if i am wrong but don't shadows take up alot of cpu power?

what are the games system reqs anyways?
i know this is off topic but you all bashing valve isn't helping ease the delay crap.

talk nice people
Can some1 please email Doug or Gabe and ask them if this fall thing is true , or is hlradio full of sh|t , please and thank u ! i think that will straightin all this out!
Silent_night said:
Can some1 please email Doug or Gabe and ask them if this fall thing is true , or is hlradio full of sh|t , please and thank u ! i think that will straightin all this out!

Fall is true, it's been known for weeks...
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