Halflife2.net Community Mod

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May 13, 2003
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Right, we're going to make a community mod :)
Basically a mod that the community designs, creates and hopefully plays.

What do we need from you? Concepts.

We want the community to be involved in this project as much as possible, so the basic mod concept will be chosen by you! Post all your suggestions here and I'll make a poll later on for the community to decide which one is the best.

Once we have a concept in place, we're going to need developers. Anyone will be considered who has basic experience in any mod development field. Please email [email protected] if you would like to contribute any content.

Why the fluff is onions doing this? Well, myself and Pi|Mu|Rho have mod development experience, so we thought we might as well lead things in the right direction.

Any thoughts/questions/mod concepts, post here :)

Thanks, hope this goes well

Oops, forgot to mention, join #hl2mod on quakenet for IRC discussion :)
I got no good concept but just one thing, Involve something like the rail-ride in Half-Life and Half-Life Blue Shift! I loved those :P

Oh oh, and how about involving meches? Like, mechwarrior robots etc?
Ideas are good, but we'll need full mod concepts. Maybe you'd like to make one based on your ideas zakat?
I got some design docs at home (im in school now)... i think its a arcade teamplayer thingy mod... its really cool (what i can recall). Ill dig it up.
I was just thinking more of a standard deathmatch mod, Just basic. Kinda like quake3 and Unreal T. But having that thing that makes it unique. Also, I always liked having a gun that when shot makes people shrink, I think it would be pritty kewl. Because if u think about it. Well. let me explain:

Okies, you all have the same weapon and are in a simple death match arena. Like a quake3 level, but a lot more interactive. First of. They are only about 4 weapons. These weapons have different abilitys. First of all, there is a gun that shrinks people, then a gun that grows people. There is also a gun that slows people down and a Fast Gun that speeds people up .This is how it works:

Shrink gun: once u are shrunk to a certain size.... well basiclly.... u go pop.
Growth gun: Once u reach a large size, you obviasly. Go POP!
Slow Gun: This basiclly makes you slow, if u go to slow. you fall over and die.
Fast Gun: This obviasly speeds, u up. But if u go to fast, u run into walls and well.... SPLAT!

The level will be like a maze. there will be special areas you can access when u reach a certain size and new abilitys will be activated at different levels of growth and speed.

Could be quiet funny tbh, fat people running into walls and small mice falling over and dieing.
Here's my idea:


Outline: Deathmatch/Team DM where the idea is to damage your opponents without killing them.

Weapons: Pimarily the maniulator and a lot of random objects. However, there's plenty of scope for weird and wonderful weapon ideas.

Maps: Any - no particular style requirement

Principles: Opponent's health is only shown when hit, and then only displayed as a colour (green full, red almost dead). You can check a player's health safely by hitting them with a light object.
When you damage an opponent, you gain points based on how much health you removed from them. If you hit a player and they die, you lose 100 points.

Self-damaging (i.e. jumping from high places) causes the player to lose points.

Of course, there's scope for sneaky tactics, like pickung up a medkit and throwing it at another player just so you can hit them with something heavy :)
Okay, i found a old design doc of a mod i wrote loooong time ago. This mod has no storyline what so ever unlike my new mods. Some arcade action is always fun! :)


Design doc​

Type: Epic combat, Team vs. Team, Capture territories.

Gameplay: In Territory, everything is about power. Each map will have 2 teams fighting over a number of bases, also called territories.
Each territory will have a base defending the territory. To capture the territory, you need to get inside the base and take over the computer terminal.
The territories near the center of the map will have larger bases that are harder to capture than the bases closer to the edge of the map.
The game will be played in large areas and you’ll have vehicles (both air and ground) to help you in your task.
It will be an uneven amount of bases on the map, so it will always be one team which has one base more than the other.
You will get points for every territory you master. The first team that reaches a certain point wins the game.

Territories: You will find different kind of bases in the territories. Here’s a list of the bases you will encounter:

Main base - These bases will be located in the center of the maps. It will only be one main base on each map.
The main base will be the biggest and hardest base to take over, but it will also generate the most points for the team.
The main base will have sentry guns which will fire at any enemy in its range.

Vehicle bases - These bases will respawn vehicles. It will be a limit on how many vehicles each base can have. If you have more bases, you will get more vehicles but only at the vehicle bases. Vehicles plays a big role in the mod so be sure to have them when you make your attack!

Outposts - Small bases. They are located at the edge of the map and won’t give you so many points.

Research facilities - You can upgrade your weapons or vehicles here.


Name: Coryth
Type: Ground vehicle
Purpose: Scout
Weapon/s: None
Other: A fast, 2 wheel scout. Not much for fighting but is a great spy.

Name: Whistler
Type: Ground vehicle
Purpose: Assualt
Weapon/s: Back mounted machinegun
Other: The perfect vehicle for an assualt. Fast, good armor, good firepower makes the Whistler to the perfect assualt vehicle!

Name: Minacious
Type: Ground vehicle
Purpose: Assualt
Weapon/s: Two Medium cannons
Other: A medium fast tank vehicle. Has great off-road ability and great firepower.

Name: Trespasser
Type: Ground vehicle
Purpose: Artillery
Weapon/s: One large long-distance cannon
Other: Has the ability to bomb enemies from long distances. Slow moving but has a tremendous firepower.

Name: Crevler
Type: Ground vehicle
Purpose: APC
Weapon/s: One small sentry tower
Other: A fast and well armored personal carrier. If you want to move your troops fast the this vehicle will be in good use.

Name: Mercury
Type: Ground vehicle
Purpose: Mobile base
Weapon/s: None
Other: Big and heavy and no weapons, but it can still play a big role in combat. You can use this vehicle to setup a small base on the battlefield. Your troops can heal them selves and get more ammo before they go into combat again. It’s also a mobile radar. You can see on your map where nearby enemies are.

Name: Venator
Type: Aircraft
Purpose: Scout
Weapon/s: One small laser cannon
Other: Not any good in combat but its good to scout out were the enemy is hiding.

Name: Raptor
Type: Aircraft
Purpose: Fighting
Weapon/s: Two medium lasers and one medium rocket launcher
Other: A pure fighter. It was build to do dogfights. It can also attack ground targets.

Name: Therium
Type: Aircraft
Purpose: Bomber
Weapon/s: Bombs
Other: If you hear this baby coming..***n! It can do tremendous damage with its bombs, leaving a mark of fire and devastation behind. The Therium is great to clear enemy bases.

Name: Quadri
Type: Aircraft
Purpose: Transport
Weapon/s: Two medium lasers
Other: A big and heavily armored transport ship. You can transport one Whistler or Minacious with it too.

Teams: Both teams begin with one small base on each side of the map. No team will be stronger than the other. They will have the same weapons and vehicles.

Points: Your kills will both counts as frags and points. If you kill someone, then you will get 1 frag and 10 points. You will need points to upgrade your character and your vehicle at the research facilities.

Research: You can upgrade your character and your vehicle in the research facilities. It’s only for yourself so it won’t affect the whole team. You need points to upgrade. You can upgrade so you get more firepower and so you can move faster.

Physics: This will have a key role in the mod. Realism? Hell no! Ever wanted to make a rocket jump with a car? You can (and you will) in Territory.
It’s about fun. Let say that you are racing around the map with a Whistler and all of the sudden your Whistler flies sky high, does some flips and lands on the ground. Ever played Halo? You should now know what I mean by "fun Physics".

Weapons: Don’t expect small guns. The mod will be full of explosions. If you hit the ground near a group of marines with the Minacious, the marines will go sky high. The mod will still have assault rifles and pistols, but the explosions will be more breathtaking.

Maps: The maps will be large open terrain. Some maps will be smaller then other just so small amount of players can play, but to get the most of the mod you need to be around 24.

Players: When you join a game, you have to choose which class you want to be. Every class has its advantages and disadvantages.


Sorry for my crappy English... I wrote it a long time ago and it isnt even done yet :)
Heh, no.

The one I'm currently working on is 50+ pages and growing :)
Brian Damage said:

So that's a baby design document...

No, not even that... its just some basic ideas :)

My design docs doesnt look like that (and they're way bigger).. i just found it on my HD :)
Majestic XII said:
Okay, i found a old design doc of a mod i wrote loooong time ago.


Design doc​

Sorry, got confused.
ok.. heres my first idea..its a multiplayer mod.

There is a group of players trying to kill a large monster creature thing and 1 player gets randomly picked to be the monster.. The monster is sort of super-human in that it can pick up large objects and take a lot of damage, jump pretty high, and turn transparent or invisible, the monster also has various attacks to fight the other players..
Most of the levels would be places where its kinda dark and creepy with lots of objects, for example kind of like the Trapdown video.
The objects allow for the players to take cover behind or for the monster to knock around, pick up and throw or block bullets and so on.. The monster's ability to be cloaked in some sort of transparent way makes the situation even more intense

here's a quick stupid picture to kinda show a little idea of it: http://www.finalredemption.com/content/fun/idea01.gif
I'll try and think up of some cool ideas. I have had a few allready. And there is one that I am allready helping with on another team which has yet to get trully organised. So if that fails I will input it into here :)
Ok, my second idea:

There are two teams:
Team 1 has Jetpacks
Team 2 has Grappler rope devices

Both teams also can equip themselfs with various other guns and items.

Team 1 can't BUY grapplers and Team 2 can't BUY jetpacks, but they can obtain them from each other buy killing and retrieving the item from the opponent.

Now, the type of gameplay can be a sorts of things such as simple team-deathmatch, per-round fights(match restarts when a whole team is killed), capture the flag, or something else..

What makes this interesting is the use of jetpacks and grappler devices:
With the jetpacks it allows you to fly, which makes you a more deadly opponent because you can now shoot down players from above.. Of course the jetpack is kinda loud so you aren't very stealthy when you use it, so players might be frightened when they hear the sound of jetpacks closing in..
The Grappler is cool because it allows you to swing around, climb, hang and stuff which makes you able to manuever around levels quicker and allow you to shoot down players from above with surprise..

Combine the two and you get an interesting game going.. for example..

imagine a jetpacker fly around and then a grappler shooting his rope and getting it attached to the jetpacker. The Grappler dude now gets pulled for a wild ride..
But wait! the grappler dude is climbing closer the the jetpacker to get an easier shot!.. But aha, the jetpack felt the rope hit him and is now aware of the grappler attached to him, the jetpacker is now trying to swing the grappler into some structures! The grappler starts shooting at the jetpacker and damages the jetpack! The jetpacker is loseing fuel fast! and one of the jets isnt working! The jetpacker releases himself from the jetpack and opens his parachute, turns to look at the grappler and begins fireing his way. The jetpack continues to fly around uncontrollably and the grappler unattaches from the jetpack moments before the jetpack hits the ground in an explosion. The Grappler falls but shoots out another rope and attaches to a nearby structure which lets the grappler swing to safety..

pretty cool eh?

There could be other ideas like.. what if two or 3 grapplers are able to attach to the jetpacker, maybe the weight of the 3 would cause the jetpacker to lose control and get pulled to the ground..

shooting the rope of a grappler could cause it to break..

grapplers can pull objects around or be pulled..


What if you control both a jetpack and a grappler?
then you could maybe shoot a person with a grappler and then begin flying and pulling them around and swing them into some object..
or you could use the grappler while you are flying to quickly swing yourself around in various ways by attaching to objects..

i dunno.. :P

what do you think of the idea?
Hmmm, one idea here. Its not my best. But I wan't to refine some of the others. What do you think of this as a sort of core gameplay feature in a mod:

Its a FPS multiplayer. Now, normally there are two teams which are very similar or exactly the same. Why not mix things up abit.

How about there being one team of guys with heavy weapons lots of large tanks etc and the other team being completely different with faster running speads stealth modes. Stealthy silent ways to kill and special abilities such as climbing on terrain for access to other areas that hte enemy can't get at. You could even make smaller player models for the stealthy team. This way you please all the gun nutters AND the tactical sneaky players. Of cause there is allways the people that like both...

I know !!!! Why not have a third team involved if the server wants it!
A team which is gets some of the benifits of the other two sides.
Mix it up abit.

What you lot think of my wacky idea?
Is the mod going to be single player based as well, because i have a whole bunch of concepts for a mod that i am creating when halflife2 comes out. It is set in the future and will involve going world to world. I'll give you sets of concept art, map schematics, weapon if you need them.

(Ha,Ha,Ha!!!, trusting fools, only if they knew about them being copyrighted by my own company, Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,HaHAHAHA, cough......cough,cough,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ahhhh)
Ive been thinking of a concept for a while. But I cant mod for anything. The most ive made is an untextured box for operation Flashpoint.
Basically the mod is set 40 years in the future. World oil, coal, gas etc supplies have run out. Now this part requires some background knowledge. Antarctica is the only continent left on earth with lots of natural resources on it. Many countries have claimed land there but there is no official land seperation. Itt is a lawless continent.
So the idea is that these nations (which include UK, USA, Argentina and a few others) have to fight for these resources on Antarctica. Now I thought it would be cool if it would be a strategy/FPS like in Natural selection where you have a commander. But this would be on a grander scale, with amibence music. Also I thought the map rotation would be decided by who won/lost the last battle. There could be hold the fort style maps, meeting engagement, demolition etc. I puctured it with a very cinematic landscape and posssibly night time antarctic fighting would be cool. Maybe 3 or 4 way battles too.
Anyone wishing to further expand on my idea may do so.

EDIT: Possible way to eliminatelamers etc is, the longer you spend on the server, the more you cooperate and complete objectives, the higher your rank/skill points go. Making you more powerful and a better soldier.
Also collecting coal/oil etc would be the essential key to winning. Hell, it would be cool to have your own coal mining vehilce that you could drive. If you lame about in the, the commander could lock him out the vehicle and assign someone else to it, or AI, if thats possible with source MP.
yea ill do abit of modeling for it... dont really care what it is just want more experance
I can definately map, and soon I will be able to model. By the time HL2 is released I should definately be into both. I like the more modern type gameply styles. Not like CS, but more like firearms. Of course you have to have original ideas/weapons/gametypes/maps/etc., but I like the real-life feeling, compared to the monsters and fantasy settings like natural selection. I think that upgradable weapons would be awesome, and I mean really upgradable. The weapons don't need to be life-like, just powerful. For example, you could start out with a simple assault rifle (not a colt or anything real, just make a cool model) and then have different ammo for it like exploding bullets, armor piercing bullets, bullets that stun maybe, incendiery (whatever, fire) bullets, etc. There are a lot of things that you could come up with. Different types of RPGs, prototype weapons (think eraser). You could also add multiple barrels to your weapons, you just can't get too carried away or else everything becomes unbalanced.

A really good idea that you could use that would take advantage of HL2 would be the addition of a recon class w/cameras or maybe a little flying thing with a camera on it, to have it broadcast live on your HUD (an upgrade to your armor), and back at base. Sticky cameras anyone? :)

The settings would most likely be urban, and i would like to see some nice altitude changes, like skyscrapers and such. Multiple scyscrapers where both teams would have to compelte an objective maybe. Somehow, the two teams would have to compete over something, so that its not just TDM.

Just my first thoughts, thought of while I was writing.
I like the idea of an urban enviroment. That is uncommon in most games today... for obvious reasons. But hey, I reckon with carefull planning it could work.

I also think that there should be some kind of objective in games other than whipe out the enemy. Hmmm...

This is turning out to be a good brain storming session in my opinion. We are getting a whole lot of ideas. Some of which complement others. I will post in a short while with my next idea. :)
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I like the idea of an urban enviroment. That is uncommon in most games today... for obvious reasons. But hey, I reckon with carefull planning it could work.

I also think that there should be some kind of objective in games other than whipe out the enemy. Hmmm...

This is turning out to be a good brain storming session in my opinion. We are getting a whole lot of ideas. Some of which complement others. I will post in a short while with my next idea. :)

Yeah, I have always liked the fact of the majorly upgradable weapons. That way, everyone has a unique weapon to fight with, and the choices will take a while to get old. You could also have an upgradable grav-gun with some cool options in the mod, since it does include prototype weapons. Basically you can make any weapon, just don't make it look alieny (not a word) and make it look like you can upgrade it tons and tons of times.

EDIT: I could definately see a majorly upgradable gun getting out of hand, as in looking really really bad. To implement this, you would have to have fixed mounting points for each upgrade, maybe 5 on each gun. A spot for a new scope, new barrels, a laser sight, extra ammo, flashlight (for dark indoor areas), maybe a mini RPG :). The point is that you would have a limited amount of upgrade slots on each weapon, but still have unlimited upgrades available to put on the guns.
here's just an idea for a type maps a mod could have.. it would have to be a weird mod I guess..

The maps would be wrapped around the inside of a hollow sphere and the sphere would be moveing/rotateing slowly in random directions..
The envirement could be a variety of different things.. which could involve things maybe connected from one side of the sphere to the other or maybe have different heights in the map or platforms..
for example, maybe an envirement could be some cliffy town with weird wooden double sided bridges stretching across the map from one side of the sphere to the other..
or maybe an envirement could be some sort of city with tall buildings stretching toward the center of the sphere and there could be cars and objects rolling around or getting pulled up the sides and then falling which could be kinda hazardous..
maybe there could be broken telephone lines that could could hang off of..

I dunno, the game would probably have to be weird, this is just a map idea... o_o
IchI said:
... then a gun that grows people.

Using HL2 physics it would cool to have bridges and the like, grow a person whilst they are running over the bridge, his weight increases, and collapses the bridge, causing him to fall(ragdoll) into an abyss.

I think Ichi's concept has potential - something that incorporates physics as a means rather than an asthetic. - and we should develop it more.

My thoughts :)

Good thread, wd
I think if we want a truely unique mod, we should focus on the physics side of things, like usng gravity weapons to lift objects, catapult people, collapse things, move things.

Physics hasnt been done in MP much, and it would utilise the Source capabilities not to mention retain Valves development ethos - making physics, and interactive part of the gaming expierience.

I know shite all about coding, and all the other aspects of moding a game, but i think we should keep it simple, in that we retain the HL2 resources, i.e textures, models, vehicles etc, and just make or mod maps and weapons.

This would hopefully mean that the teams work could be distributed quickly and easily, and the community would be able to test, critic and see the fruits of the mod teams work, reletively* soon after after the HL2 release.

Reletively*, in respect to other mods such as DoD or NS that are likely to make it to HL2, which could be many months away from public distribution.

MjM said:
I think if we want a truely unique mod, we should focus on the physics side of things

That won't be unique though... once HL2 and the SDK are out I'd bet money that there'll be at least 20 mods whose gameplay will be nothing more than 'team deathmatch with heavy objects to throw' or 'gravity gun v. gravity gun'.
Fluffy Kitten said:
That won't be unique though... once HL2 and the SDK are out I'd bet money that there'll be at least 20 mods whose gameplay will be nothing more than 'team deathmatch with heavy objects to throw' or 'gravity gun v. gravity gun'.

I guess thats to be expected just like there will be 20 DM, 20 CS clones, Mech clones, DoD Clones, BF1942 Clones etc. So in that sense we wont be unique, but if we do it well and have some ideas that go beyond 'team deathmatch with heavy objects to throw', then we will be unique.

Like Ichi's initial ideas, with changes in size and the like.
Posted this on the other thread. There are a few rough edges but its somthing that could be worked out

My self said:
Ive been thinking about something like this the past few days in school

You got a big map, City map W/ ever player for him self. It has to be very dark, kind of Splinter Cellish in the lighting aspect, maybe darker. There are a bunch of NPC’s (Michael Corleone types) randomly scattered at a bunch of points on the map. You talk to them and they give you a job to kill a random player. Think about it. Everyone has a contract. The suspense would be great. Weapons can be purchased from a location or I guess it could be like a counterstrike buy thing. You are penalized by killing a random player by having a bounty on your head. The more a random person is killed the higher the bounty until someone gets him, which is incentive for everyone to go after them. Obviously much of it is based on stealth and suspense but it would probly have a fair bit of action. I think there should be some sort of tracking system, that also makes you more vulnerable when using it.

Point System
1.)The more consecutive people you kill that your given a contract to the more $$ you get.
2.) The selection of who you (whoever you are) is to kill is not completely random. The more points (kills) some one has they have a higher percentage chance of getting a price put on there head. For example, Nikolai Zherdev is 18-1 he has like a 33% chance of getting a bounty on his head. Robert Kron is 0-7. He has a very small percent chance of having a bounty put on his head.
3.) You are penalized by killing a random player by having a bounty on your head. The more a random person is killed the higher the bounty until someone gets him.

Lots of things I haven’t really thought of, but I think that players that have the same contract should be able to work together. I don’t know if it would be continuous spawning of players or it could go round by round, or both modes could be thrown in there. It also seems like it could be kind of slow but there are of few things that could speed it up. I guess contracts could get to you via an intercom of something, so you wouldn’t have to go back to someone to get a contract every time I also don’t know if what time period it would be, Futuristic industrial looking, Right about nowish, WWII (just kidding), or even could be like a mafia thing.

I dunno. Sounds pretty fun to me. I’d probly try to mod it, if I had any Idea how to do any thing with making games.
ok.. heres another idea from me..

In a map there is two bases for two teams.. near the center is a crane to pick up and move heavy machine pieces..

in the center are machine pieces for a certain machine vehicle type thing, some machine examples could be:

The object of the game is to get to the crane and pick up the pieces and then swing them over to your base .. once you get all the pieces, you can then construct the machine and use it..

If you want you can also swing/drop the parts or other objects with the crane at players to try and hurt them and such for extra fun.. :)

The crane also can pick up the built machines and break it apart by swing it into something a few times and dropping it and such (when the machine gets enough damage, it explodes and the parts go flying across the map.. Then you have to try and get the parts again with the crane and build it again..

When you have built the machine you have to then make your way to the opponent's base and try to destroy some targets on the opponent's base to win.

This type of game would probably have alot of back and forth action..
players will have weapons too of course..

what do you think of this idea?
Not nececarily what a half life mod should be, but some day I'd like to play:

Hershey Vs. Mars

Basically have all the Candy bars duking it out. An army of heavily armour coated M&M's vs. Tough skined Charlston Chews
I love Chump's idea, prolly just because the bounty-hunter thing is totally original.

Some sniping maps would be cool too :)

Here are some things to add to his ideas:
-Upgradable weapons? (Its from my mod idea, but I think that this one is better, and some upgrades would go perfectly with this mod) The better you get, the more upgrades you can have. EX: silencers, scopes, quiet boots, night vision, IR goggles...
-Lots of gadgets, especially if its dark and stealthy. It doesn't even need to be dark, as long as there are plenty of places to run to and escape back-ways.

I like the idea of having the highest scoring player being hunted the most too, keeps it a little more equal.

Also, since its a stealthy mod, to prevent spray-and-pray scenerios you could have body armor actually stand up to most types of bullets, and only allow the proper types of bullets to go through the armor.

Of course with stealth, comes camping. There would have to be some kind of a reward for killing your opponent fast also, just so that people don't hide in corners to stay away from the hunters.

-And chump, if it doesn't work out that this will be the HL2.net mod... we could always stary one up. I have always wanted to :) Plus, I can map and soon model. I'm taking a 3d modeling class in school, and will have a lot of practice for HL2 :) I would also be able to make a website and host it. I would actually like to see this mod come together.
Chump that idea does sound really really interesting! (the assasin one)

I'll have a think to see if i can come up with anything that may help :)
Paintballer has the vision :)

I think the game would have a really nice flow because there are incentives to getting a kill quickly. for starters ther are almost always going to be people after you. also there are people most likely after the same contract you have too, and you want that money to get that really nice armour or weapon mods. The money you receive should go down too after a certain amount of time.

The other thing to keep the flow of the game is the team work aspect. As i said players can work together to find someone or one could deceive the other if he knew the real location. I dont know :) Lots of possibilities

Of cours all of my idea is subject to change if someone can add to it such as Paintballer :thumbs:
How about a multiplayer mod based on crowbars?

We could call it Crowbar Wars, and have a ton of different types of crowbars. Users on the forums could submit crowbar designs (i think ther already is a post with them) and we could make it into a game!
lighting would probably be central to the mod. You don't want to make a splinter cell clone, so:

-Maybe have some rooms of buildings have motion-sensing lights, so that when you walk in a door people can see the lights through the windows.

-Have search/spot lights that are not moving too fast, but not too slow either. Just perfect for running through the shadows.

-Of course now you can shoot out lights to hide in the darkness.

-Maybe make some "light emitting grenades" to throw into rooms and see if anyone is hiding there, although everyone should be moving around.

-This takes advantage of HL2 physics: Make sure that there are tons of traps, where you can shoot out boards to let boxes fall on people, let an I-Beam swing down, things like shown at E3. Of course you would need some time to make up your own ideas.

EHEHEHEH!! Here is an idea with some depth and movie-like qualities. You could make a map of an area with a lot of people (realistic setting, NPCs), so many that you can't watch everyone at the same time, but also not so many that it bogs down the system. You could either choose to have body armor and everything, or be in normal clothes with a very kevlar vest on or something. This way you could blend in with everyone, and maybe sneak up on people. This would be hard to implement, but would be hella cool. You could also lose money for killing pedestrians while shooting at the target.
Paintballer said:
-And chump, if it doesn't work out that this will be the HL2.net mod... we could always stary one up. I have always wanted to :) Plus, I can map and soon model. I'm taking a 3d modeling class in school, and will have a lot of practice for HL2 :) I would also be able to make a website and host it. I would actually like to see this mod come together.

Thats awsome. Sadly, I dont know how to program worth crap:). Actually I am taking programming lessons in school right now so i could probly print stuff out on the screen :E
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