Halflife2.net Zombie Apocalypse


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Here's the scenario:

At the very first Halflife2.net Con in early 2008, attended by everyone with over 500 posts due to an extremely nice gift of free plane tickets and convention center to the entire community from an anonymous contributor (possibly Munro from advertising money), we're in the midst of festivities - actually, watching Pi Mu Rho do his real-life banhammer move on some flesh spambot that managed to make it to the convention - when the power flickers and goes off.

Que-Ever and Tollbooth Willie immediately take advantage of the darkness to begin shanking everyone around them, but their conquests are short-lived, as the emergency backup generator (luckily, we booked an expensive hotel) brings dim lighting back to the scene. We turn on a projection television and watch in horror as the 25-foot screen is filled with images of tousled, shaken reporters playing clips of what appear to be honest-to-god zombies running rampant in the cities of the world. The audience's reaction is mixed - while many of the forumites in attendance begin to panic, others are heard exclaiming phrases along the lines of "Holy shit, this is awesome!"

So, we're alone in a nice, huge hotel in the outskirts of, say, New York City, with every regular on the site inside and no zombies - yet.

What would you do, realistically speaking, in this situation? Which members would you stick with, would you stay in the hotel, would you leave, etc?
Well i think all of us on Staff would jump into the escape pod and live our lives on a deserted tropical paradise with plenty of booze.

That is all, everyone else can die.

I will attach myself to Darkside, and do **** all while surviving comfortably.
I'd try and stick with Willie, Qonfused, Naudian, Gordonfreeman911, Sonic, JNightshade, and Sinkoman (the ones I talk to the most, in no particular order), and probably look around for some knives or fire extinguishers that we could use to fight off zombies. Then we hole ourselves up in a board room with shit-tons of food and drink, a few TVs and computers, a bunch of consoles and games, maybe a couple decks of cards and some board games, and a whole pile of weed, and just have a ****ing party until the Zombiepocalypse decides to end our lives.
Stick with Stigmata, GordonFreeman911, Evo, DEATHMASTER, Koola Mena and Qonfused. Sit in the back while they get eaten alive. :D Also Stiggy's idea.
I'd have to agree with Stigmata. We'd all gather up and protect each other. All others who would like to join are welcome as long as they brought with them supplies or a weapon. We would have two stand guard outside of our makeshift bunker, switching between assigned peoples every couple hours. The rest would be renovating (fabulous) the bunker, making it stronger. Two brave people would be out looking for supplies and other signs of life.
Shit, I find PrincessJen and KngHenry and make my way towards the roof. **** you guys, you'll just get me killed. Digi can come to :)
I would go batshit insane. I'd hide in the walls, listening to people, scampering around in the ceiling and vents. Every once in awhile, I will drop down and ambush a lone traveler, attacking with makeshift melee weapons. Dragging the bodies up to the top floor of the hotel I create a hideous fortification using dismembered body parts and spraying the walls with blood. At night the survivors will hear my maniacal laughing echo through the city as I stand upon the rooftop urinating off the edge.
Tbh I would take the tickets but never show up. I'd be checking out Europe. :naughty:
Dune buggy with mounted machine guns.
Old 12 gauge and a pistol.

Then I would go town raiding. co05 can come too.
Grab every member of HL2.net and fortify the hotel. When we get close to running out of supplies, we retake New York City and rename it under a new government, run by Munro.
Grab every member of HL2.net and fortify the hotel. When we get close to running out of supplies, we retake New York City and rename it under a new government, run by Munro.

Are you kidding me?
I'd stay in bed because i wasn't invited


hope you get raped by zombie willie or something
I'd run out and start beating the shit out of the Zombies with my bare hands.

Everyone at HL2.net will think I'm so cool!
Are you kidding me?
Oh god. He'd try to upgrade the street signs and then the whole city would shut down for a week. And once it finally comes back, some of us would have inexplicable genetic disorders.
I'd try to find stigmata.. I heard he has weed.
I'd get a big ass speaker stack and get some bangin tunes on the go for y'all. Music to watch zombies go by. The soundtrack to the apocolypse.:farmer:
You guys are insane. I love a bit of ganja daily, but **** that if I'm in a goddamn zombie horror survival situation. Talk about overwhelming paranoia. I'd prefer to get drunk, I think.
I'd hang around with Stigmata and Qonfused since their they only regulars I've really conversed with outside of the forum

Now if we were including IRC in on this, it's me, Davo, Piers, and Pobz against the world
F*ck you all. I'm grabbing a shotgun, a 1911, and a motorcycle, and declaring myself interim ruler of the Playboy Mansion.
You guys are insane. I love a bit of ganja daily, but **** that if I'm in a goddamn zombie horror survival situation. Talk about overwhelming paranoia. I'd prefer to get drunk, I think.
Good point.

We'd smoke up once we were settled with our food and security :P
I'd be in Iraq... or actually I'd be in basic.
I would probably just sit their awkwardly once I realized that all of you were real people.
He already has.


On second thought though, I think ill hang out with Cpt Stern. That way whenever a zombie comes close, all I have to do is mutter "Iraq war" and they will flee in horror from the coming debate.
Id stick with stiggy, que, willie, pitz, numbers(He seems to have many science tech weapons hidden in his brian :D) and geo. Always need a little humor somewhere.

Though i doubt ill even get invited for having being a jackass last time :p
Staying home cause i wasnt invited due to my lack of popularity although i have been in this forum for ages. lol
That's a few people - we could probably get a good group of guys together to scav and guard... I reckon we should stay in the Hotel. Using all the L4D and ZM players to act as roving scouts - with all that knowledge of zombies and all...
I wouldn't have to worry about being bitten, I do a great zombie impression, and I have the suit too!
You mean your zombie fetish impersonation, or just regular type zombies?
Could you... could you show me how you'd seduce them?

well I don't have a digital video camera, but it's something like this *cough*-

moannnnn, *limp sideways leg drag* *hands curled up at chest like retard* erahhh, moannnn, *rips testicles off and eats them* urrahhhhhhh!