Halflife2.net Zombie Apocalypse

This thread has taken an odd turn.
Page 1: oshit zombies
Page 2: smokin' da ganja
Page 3: buttsechs

Pretty much sums up 85% of the threads in Gen. Offtopic.
I think it'd be pretty obvious that I'd Cloak outside, and bring supplies back to the building everyday.

But I'd need the upgrades at the Psi Labs for it to last long enough, if not, I can just send several nukes.

But srsly, I'd gather as many of you as I can and barricade the place.
Me? I'd go and help with the fortifications. I'd prolly have a weapon too, seeing that I carry my enforcer baton everywhere.
Well, it's better than having no weapon at all. :(
That which does not kill them only serves to make them stronger D:
I'd suddenly pull ot some heavy weapons, and turn into the predator in a concrete jungle.
Super grav gun, and a citadel for me.

I > Ya'll. :D

That's right, I got my own armada of synths and soldiers to protect me, and guard all entrances. Actually, you know what? Seal all entrances, and every member of HL2.net can chill in my office, and sit in my shiny chair. Take turns though, kiddies.

I'd convince everyone to camp the projection room, after we've stormed the kitchen, killed all the house elfs and taken all the food. We've also taken any weapon we can find. Then we'll set up lots and lots of traps and wait for the zombies to come to us.
Fun fact: There're 721 members in the board that has more than 500 posts, which means we would've had quite an army to use against the zombies.
I'd just get myself a rifle, some ammo, and start strafejumping around the zombies. That works in ZM, so it'll do.
Fun fact: There're 721 members in the board that has more than 500 posts, which means we would've had quite an army to use against the zombies.

Until you realise that whoever the Zombies kill, they create more.


And of course, Numbers is already a zombie...
I'd throw the towel in and just try to get the most fun out of my situation while everybody else does something useful. Hijacking the PA system to blast tunes while tripping balls on any substance I can get my hands on. I'd probably appease my inner rabid atheist by taking a few moments to point out how, in light of the recent zombie infestation and all its associated death and chaos, there most certainly isn't a god and then giddily applaud myself for being such a jackass. At the same time, I'd bitch out almost everybody else for not doing a good enough job when it comes to fortifications or distribution of weapons. Eventually, probably after a few days at which point I could be considered legally insane, I'd elevate from a nuisance to a serious threat to the other HL2.net survivors.

You would execute me and eventually eat my corpse in a fit of starvation since the original food supply would probably be exhausted at this point thanks to all the pot smokers enjoying their last few days of cannabis. However, after having become a veritable drug mule prior to my death, you would all become poisoned by the toxins held within my carcass. Slowly but surely, you would all succumb to the same dementia that befell me and HL2.net would cease to exist.
Willy got meh D:
Hey wait a minute, I think I'm getting up now. Oh, no, damnit, I'm a zombie. Curse you Willie!

Hold on though, I've somehow retained the power of cognitive though--

Im not afraid of ANY zombie invasion.

I'm too strong for them!

I hope:|.
Gotta pack alotta caffeine and powerbars...
And a crowbar or two.
Cyberpitz, only because i get the impression that he has alot of sex and because there are almost no females here (if there are, they will already be raped to death the first 5 minutes of this scenario) i would want something to stick my penis into without having it chopped off. Convertation to homosexuality is iminent...
Im not sure how I feel about how most of you would just get drunk or get high during a crisis situation like this. Its either awesome, or terribly depressing.
I'd've brung my laptop and find an escape route via heli, stopping by the gunshops first of course. Staying is suicide.
I get the feeling I'd be tagging along with Absinthe, although when he's martyred for his insanity I'll slink quietly into the background.
Sticking with danimal and samon would be pwn though. :D

I have troubles seeing how any zombie invasion could pose any threat to civilization. The day creatures equally strong as you but a lot dumber manage to kill you is the day you should die. Even if there are more of them. Just barricade the hotel and camp it out until they die of famine.
Are we talking the more recently introduced 'fast zombies', a la Dawn... remake? Or the bog standard slow moving zombies? If the latter, then I'll have to agree with PvtRyan. Everytime someone is killed by the walking dead in movies, I lose a little faith in humans.

Either way, sack the hotel. I'm gonna pull a The Walking Dead issue 3 and go find me a prison to stay in. Security lock downs, an armoury (I imagine), lockable (and escape/entry proof) doors, plus a generally big grounds and alot of buildings to relocate around.
Oh god. He'd try to upgrade the street signs and then the whole city would shut down for a week. And once it finally comes back, some of us would have inexplicable genetic disorders.

On second thought though, I think ill hang out with Cpt Stern. That way whenever a zombie comes close, all I have to do is mutter "Iraq war" and they will flee in horror from the coming debate.

Thread over.
1. Show that I was right about gun control in the UK when the zombies came.

2. survivaly stuff and whatnot. Try to organize either a way out to a safer location, prepare for a long siege or a final drunken blow-out, depending on the situation.
I'd probably just sit down amidst the chaos and have a wank.

But seriously, I'd go live in Hetairia castle, kthxbye.
Grab four shotguns, Samon, riomhaire and Angry Lawyer (even if they protest) and blast the way out to a bus and go all Carmageddon on their asses.
Drag Jintor along with the above (And try to find a fifth shotgun). I'd be a bit wary of AL though, for all we know he's the one controlling them <_<

I'd also bitch a little about how we should be getting a helicopter and not a bus (original > remake), then enjoy the buttsechs.
The question is, why stick with anyone? I'd just get the hell out of there ASAP
The question is, why stick with anyone? I'd just get the hell out of there ASAP

Aye, I'd steal some food, some kind of effective weapon that doesn't require ammo, and isn't very heavy, and just sneak out.
I mean, it's not like Zombies know where everyone is! I'd just sneak through the buildings and try to get into an airport, grab a parachute, and a plane or a heli and get out of there and go somewhere safe.
The first thing to do would be an overview of the situation. If you don't have a computer (laptop is recommended, you don't want to be immobilized if a combat situation evolves) you can do it with a pen and some paper. The overview doesn't have to meet the official safety regulations as long as it serves its purpose.

You might be confused now, and ask yourself what's the most important thing in a "survival" overview? Don't worry, I'll tell you. There are three (3) things that you'll want to analyse.

First of all, survival is the key! YOUR Survival should be the top priority. What do you need to survive in an intense battle against undead/unknown organism? Well, you obviously don't know what kind of abilities or offensive equipment your enemy has at his disposal, so you'll need to make sure that you can escape. You will not want to be trapped in a room and realise that your enemy can easily use ranged attacks, like grenades, to neutralize you in seconds. Search the surrounding environment. Look for potholes, craters, doors, cooling vents, windows. These might provide an excellent means of escaping in case you are slowly drifting into a battle that you can't win.

Second priority should be your offensive tactics. Defense will get you NOWHERE! You'll want to fight your way out. It is more than likely that you'll engage in battle sooner or later, so you'll have to provide yourself with equipment that are capable of dealing damage to your opponents. What kind of weapons will I need to execute the tactics that I chose? Will I need a backup plan? What kind of protection do my enemies have in their possession? Again you must search the surrounding environment. This time you're looking for weapons. It is very unlikely that you'll find any firearms, so you should start looking for melee weapons. Any kind of tools are great for two reasons: maneuverability and "cloak of shadows", which means that you're able to eliminate your target without making noise. Because lets face it, you're most likely dealing with an enemy that could easily outnumber you, so you'll have to stealth in and out, in and out, constantly using the shadows to your advantage, taking your opponents down one by one.

Third priority is co-operation. A fundamental mistake would be to think that you can survive alone. No, the more the better. Teamwork provides you with better chances of survival, as you have more eyes and more offensive power. If a crisis situation has evolved, there's a 96% chance that other civil victims can be found near you. Start looking for other units of human race, and build up a squad that has A) great mobility and B) basic knowledge of the offensive tactic that you're about to execute. When you engage in combat, do NOT panic. You must be able to work under pressure. Stay together in combat, but you can split up for a possible recon mission if needed. Don't go off the grid! It might be a fatal error for you and your squad.

Now you should have a decent overview of the situation in your hands. And bare in mind that the key to survival is smooth execution. A good overview and plan will get you nowhere if you're not able follow them.