Halflife2.net Zombie Apocalypse

What's the point of cramming everybody into the hall? The entire first floor should be heavily fortified with traps, weapons and armoured guards. Making everybody stay on ground floor will only make it easier for the zombies to kill everybody in one strike.
Keeps track of everyone. There will be defenses, whatever we can muster, but one key point to survival is sticking together and accounting for everyone's wherabouts. Plus, with everyone in a semi-secluded hall, you minimize the chance a zombie can spot us. That way the only time anyone (non-raider) is elsewhere is if they're sleeping or in the bathroom.

I agree with you that the 1st and perhaps 2nd floor should work as a buffert zone to slow down the zombies in the event of a break in. The main gathering area should be at some major conference centre a couple of floors up.
Alas, they don't usually build them like that. Although, I have been to one hotel that was set up in such a way that rooms started on the third floor, and meeting areas were on the second. That particular hotel's lobby was all tall glass and open space with escalators, though. Terrible to defend.

Most hotel convention centers have their main halls on the first floor, and the upper floors are all rooms. We're assuming that's the setup.

Also, why would you wanna check the employees? They were with us when the zombies came and thus cannot have been bitten.
I don't like to take chances with zombies and I am distrustful in such a situation. Also, recall that most of us got to NY by plane; we were in the air while the initial infection might have been spreading on the ground. We don't know about those people. One of them might be a carrier. Hell, there may be zombies IN the hotel, people who went outside before our arrival or while we were busy having fun, they started to feel under the weather and went back to their room. Couple hours later, zombie. Hence the room sweeps and survivor checks.

Never, ever, EVER take unnecessary risks in a zombie situation. Not checking someone because it's improbable that they are a zombie is the biggest mistake you can make. The BIGGEST, hands down. Hell I'd check anyone in OUR party who was outside shortly before the news broke, but considering we were ALL in the hall at the time, we're all ok.
^^ lol 10char :p

Sounds good for the raiding parties Darky.

Looking forward to getting out there.
Sign ups getting put up as soon as Jintor comes back online after his math studying...