Halflife2.net Zombie Apocalypse

Loads machine guns at windows,

Lock and load

Found these 2 babies in the basement, dont go there though, its filled with a dozen right now.
I think I would try to find Dekstar and The Brick a few handguns... surely CS:S skill translates a little bit...
We need a mod to write up an awesome starting situation, then we need to codify a stat system and assign GMs so we can get this RP on the road?
The cool morning air lightly creeps in amongst the gaps of the wooden barricades, it was morning once again - You were still hoping you'd open your eyes to be safely within the confines of your warm bed.

You heave yourself off of the litter-ridden floor, you dust yourself off as you peer around the room with a blurred vision - It was suspiciously empty this morning, as your eyes still adjust to the light you see the silhouette of a man laying down infront of a large beam of light, obviously a window, a long and cylinder object protruding from his hands, you run the palms of your hands over your face in tire; the vision clears up, the silhouette revealed to be Danimal - A moderator of the team, wearing a thick leather jacket and torn denim jeans, the word "D A N I M A L" is sloppily painted on his back.

"I see you've woken up..." said the voice, your ears perk to the source, Danimal is speaking, "The others went outside, the crazy bastards, they really wanted booze." Danimal sighs and shakes his head, his eyes suddenly flash up with fear, his grubby hand reaching over to cock the large rifle in his tight grip, one eye tightly fitting the small scope, a gloved finger tightly wrapped around the trigger he turns to the window as his breathing picks up.

"It's just you and me in the HQ today, there's a rifle downstairs - Take it." Before you can speak to him the loud echo of a rifle shot penetrates your ears, Danimal jolts back from the recoil as smoke starts to fill the area around Danimal; your hands cover your ears and you quickly make your descent down the stairs...

...The room you enter is just as bare as the other one, tables turned over and interior doors nailed to the windows and entrance ways; one of the barricades, however, shows signs of looseness, probably the way everybody else left. Just as the man upstairs said, a slender rifle is placed on a surprisingly clean table, loose shells and a torn ammo box lay beside it. It's time for another day of fire, hell and zombies.

(Sorry, made it up as I typed.)
mmhmm - Wait two weeks and I'll boot one up - wait for holidays to get the system set up.
Me and Sloth and possibly others will be starting one soon, I hear.

News from the front.
A bit like Stormwind.

Well, probably a lot like Stormwind.
*Remembers daily citizen and all awesome stuff
What's Stormwind?

Also, I'll play, so long as I don't have to GM or anything.
Nah, Sloth and I are still working out planning atm.
Stay tuned - we might even try to sort out a subforum thiny to make it all nice and clean... But currently planned applications next monday {10th} and closing the Monday after that {17th}...
What's Stormwind?

Also, I'll play, so long as I don't have to GM or anything.
It was an RP story started in the Fan Fiction section a long time ago.

●█〓██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ MOFUGGIN' KABLAM, MOFUGGA'
Where do I sign up?

EDIT: Yes, I know it looks cheesy given my forum rank.
Wait till Monday, me and Sloth will hammer out something.
I'm so in.

6char (wait... when did that come back on?)
More like 15char, mirite?

Anyway, story RPs are awesome. I'm in.
I think I'd get a pet zombie and name him "Eernie". "What if it's a woman/girl?" you might ask. Well, that can be changed by a visit to the local clothing store and a minor surgical procedure. Anyway, each time he doesn't snap at me when I come near, he gets a new toy to chew on. I guess I'd need some food for him, too, and that's where you guys come in.

Anyway I think Solaris might be funny to have by your side. The zombies would actually get a headache even though they have no brain with which to absorb the unrefined Marxism with.

Hmm, if we were to rebuild the city, we'd need power. For that, we'd get RJMC and Solaris to argue inside a tiny chamber, you know, like a nuclear reactor works. We feed them while they have heated discussions in there.

What role could I play? Well, I could be police after I've taught Eernie to let me ride on his back.
13 pages... what is this? I don't want to read through 13 pages to understand what the hell you're all talking about.
Up your posts/page level and you only need to read through five!
My apologies, that popped up in the last 4 pages or so.

Basically we're getting an RP up. *nods head*

/EDIT Info on Monday.
If this really was a Zombie Apocolypse with HL2.net, right now we'd all be in a big pile getting gay.

Don't deny it.

^^ That kind of reminds me of South Parks - "The Pile"

ie:"This is even gayer than the pile"