Halflife2.net Zombie Apocalypse

durk-a-dur! :P

(... You see, 15char word limit wouldn't stop spamming.)
Isnt it a 10char limit?

I type in four and it says i need 10.
Yes, obviously, you started the good roleplay here :D
Talk to Sloth. HE HAS THE POWER.
Shut up. Everybody...just...shut up.

Right now, we have zombies at our doorstep. Goddamned zombies. We don't know how many there are, but the news says the epidemic is worldwide and there's enough of them out there to be causing a stir in a city as massive as New York. News teams are on the ground, don't know what became of them--in all likelihood they're probably dead--but if it's enough to cause commotion yet newsfeeds can get out, it's not FUBAR yet but it's a significant threat. Probably numbers somewhere in the thousands, maybe tens of thousands.

Taking stock of the situation, we're in a convention center with no available weapons, enough food and drink to comfortably serve 700+ people for a day, and since we all arrived by plane, some of us will have had rental cars while others took taxis. Vehicles are moot in a city like New York anyway, now. The streets will be lined with cars as far as the eye can see and they'll all be at a standstill. A goddamned buffet for the deadheads.

So here's what we're gonna do:

First off, I don't care who you are on the forum or what I know you for. This isn't the internet, this is real life. So I'm gonna sort you by what you can do rather than who you are.

Everyone of age 18 and older, in good physical condition, you're going to make up our defense and raiding parties. We're going to need supplies; we can't hold out on punch and cheese and crackers and little meat trays they set out for us. We're going to need men who are willing and able to go into the city and forage for food.

The key here is survival and preservation of the group. I will NOT be sending out any yahoos who think this is a chance to get ballsy and take out zombies. No glory-seekers, no hotheads. Discretion is the key; if we can keep them unaware of our position, the longer we survive.

Next we're going to barricade this building. We've got a large hall here; we can make use of that. Everyone can help in putting up some furniture against the doors, barring and locking them, making sure the windows are secure. We're going to need door guards; you will not be positioned on the outside but rather the inside of the hall. Why? To keep the zombies out? No, you're going to be keeping people IN. I will not have anyone panicking and running out, I will not have any of the aforementioned bloodlusters going out for some action, and returning with a trail of enemies at their back. No one's giving away this position willingly. Worse, I will NOT have someone infected return. I will not. I'll kill you myself if I even SUSPECT you of being infected. I won't ask to see bite marks, I won't ask to see scratches. I'll kill you with these bare hands if I even think there's a chance you'll turn.

You will not be barred from leaving. I'm not unkind. If you can't handle it and you need to leave, then you strike out on your own and you go. But you get no supplies, you get no help. Your leave will be noted, and you will not be allowed back in. There will be outer defenders made up of members of the raider party who are on guard duty (there will be three teams rotating between raiding, guarding, and rest). If they see you returning, they will have orders to kill you. Any return will be met with hostility.

Next we're going to divide up the area into sections:

  • A section for sleeping. I'm sorry but unless anyone had the foresight to bring blankets and sleeping bags with them to the hall, the floor will have to suffice. I'm wary of bringing back items like blankets and cots from outside since we don't know if the infection can be spread that way. Sorry, you'll have to deal with the inconvenience.
  • A place to store food. I assume a convention center might have such a facility, maybe maybe not. We're going to have to look. The first act of the raiding parties will be to scout the rest of building and lock it down while everyone else works on the hall. If there's no place to store perishables, we're just going to have to pile it somewhere and ration it out. Food will be strictly monitored to ensure maximum longevity.
  • Medical facilities. I said before I'm not taking back anyone I suspect of being infected, but I know legitimate medical injuries of non-zombified nature can and will occur. We'll cordon a section of the hall off for these people. Raiders will have instructions to bring back medical supplies such as pain relievers, tylenol, medical dressings, morphine if you can get your hands on it.

The rest of the hall will be for mingling about, but there are a lot of people here...I don't want any paths blocked, I don't want anyone trampled on, I don't want anyone TO SLIP BY THE GUARDS. I swear to God I'll hold you just as responsible if you let one of them in. And you will answer to me.

We've got people with laptops, don't we? People who've brought their fragboxes and PCs and laptops for some LAN gaming? Get online while we still have electricity and phonelines and monitor the state of things. Try to get on the horn with anyone who might be surviving in nearby and foreign areas. Check the news constantly for alerts and information. Evacuations, supply drops, information on the disease and the infected, everything you can get, GET IT, and record it. Information is as key to our survival as food in this situation.

We're in this for the long haul. I don't know when or if the zombies will abate, if the infection's going to stop or if it's just going to keep spreading. So we're staying here. We stay in the most defensible position and we STAY. We keep our heads low and we STAY. We stay, and we stay alive. I won't see any of you die if I can help it. We're going to outlive these undead sons of bitches. To my last breath, I'm going to make sure we outlive these undead sons of bitches.

Now get into groups and let's get to work.
<3 Darky55

I am 27 and muscular of build. i average 13.2 on my quarterly beep tests. I know Judo, have had eight years of Jui Jitsu (refining and devoloping :P), some short methods of reku'do and i have been practicing a coagulation of different martial arts techniques with two cpura instructors. I grew up in ukraine, so am familiar with hostile environment, and am familiar in many tounges.

Please also note, i am also training and studying to become a police officer of WA and currently i am proficient with some small calibre hand weapons and high power rifles (also trying to work out using knife, a mate of mine is ex-3RAR z-troop, does some pretty amazing shit)
Holy christ, that makes me want to write a Forum Diary of events to the Halflife2.netters not in attendance at the convention - can you say epic thread?
Im 13, i learn Tae Kwon Do, and went to a military camp.

Good in foot drills D:

Put me somewhere where people like me can be put.

I don't think we'd let you outside just given the fact that a 13 year old (no matter how good at martial arts) isn't going to have a chance of overpowering or fighting off a zombie. Maybe you could help train us though... since I don't know shit martial arts.
I can cloak, Lockdown and Nuke. What isn't to love?
Cloak will be useful for you if the infection gets through our barriers and chaos ensues... nuke is self-explanatorily going to be a valuable skill, and lockdown might come into handy if the zombies build some sort of blood-mecha.
I also have a long-ranged rifle, and re-vamped graphics?
I shall distract the undead with my flailing santa dance.
I came to the convention in a vintage Storm trooper suit. Surely, there is great use for this.
Haha! It seems like it's a job interview... give your credentials and Darky/Smoke/Ennui will assign you a post :P
Keep it up, I dare 'ya! I'm about to overload my aggression inhibitors!
A section for sleeping. I'm sorry but unless anyone had the foresight to bring blankets and sleeping bags with them to the hall, the floor will have to suffice. I'm wary of bringing back items like blankets and cots from outside since we don't know if the infection can be spread that way. Sorry, you'll have to deal with the inconvenience.
You are aware that it's a hotel... right?
I brought a giant novelty sombrero for jokes. It may be used for hiding under like a bush in a Bugs Bunny cartoon when sneaking out for supplies. I don't think zombies have much interest in hats, seeing as they'd only get in their way.
Koola's definately in the raiding parties. Azner, sorry bro, it goes against my better judgement to let young'uns outside, even as scouts. I'll post you on guard duty.

Hat, take that silly hat off. The only thing it'll be good for is laughs--which will be important in the coming days/weeks/etc.; get some levity--but outside, or anywhere near a window, keep it off. Zombies are attracted to movement, and a big hat is certainly something to see moving around.

You are aware that it's a hotel... right?
Aw Christ, I glossed over that part in Ennui's post. Sweet Jesus. Ennui...I'm going to crack you. *Sigh* Well, how could you have known? Alright, here's what we have to do.

First, nobody leaves this hall for the time being. Nobody gets up, nobody returns to their room, if you have to use the bathroom, hold it. Nobody's going anywhere just yet.

Raiding parties 1 and 2 are going to secure the hotel outside this hall. Raiding party 3 stays on guard duty. I still want everyone to divide up into sections and start checking the interior of this room for things we can use as barricades and weapons. Also at this time remember to keep checking the news via the large TV monitor and the internet.

Parties 1 and 2, secure lobby first. This is a big hotel so I'm imagining a fancy, open lobby. Try to stay away from any transparent surfaces; glass, doors, etc. Just check the room, lock it down and barricade the doors if you can, then get out. While you're in the lobby grab the master key card that every major hotel has.

From there you're going to go floor-by-floor, room-by-room checking to make sure there is no one else in the hotel, and especially no zombies. No less than two people checking a room at a time, no more than three, and always leave someone posted at a door. Don't rush it. Take all the supplies you can; foodstuffs, blankets, TAKE THE SHEETS AND CURTAINS, very important. I'm assuming most of you have cellphones; stay in communication between every floor. Use the stairs; I know it's grueling but using the elevators would be a bad move. You're going to be splitting up your parties as you move anyway; as one group ascends the other will stay on the previous floor until the first party reaches the next floor. That party will monitor the stairway and the elevator as party 2 makes its way up. This is to ensure no zombies slip by in transit from floor to floor.

Once you're done, bring back all the supplies. Those sheets and curtains, we're going to use them to drape around any windows and transparent doors that face outside and can be seen into by street level. If those zombies even get a LOOK at a person, they're going to be on us like flies to shit, so we're gonna cover the windows and doors. We won't be able to see out from the first--and perhaps second--floor(s), but we can get high enough in a hotel to peer out through one of the rooms.

Nobody sleeps on the second floor. By that I mean the first set of rooms in the hotel. Anyone assigned to a room on that floor, you sleep in the convention hall. First floor would probably all be staff like myself anyway, so most of you won't be inconvenienced. I want to keep that floor clear as a buffer. Also, we're going to alter some arrangements...I'll have to assess the rooms, but we'll be cramming more people into fewer rooms. I don't want to have us all split up. Most of you will be on higher floors anyway...makes you harder to get to.

Ah, shit, I really don't want to be moving people into rooms. I'd rather everyone just slept down in the hall. What can you do, I guess. Well, maybe we'll still do it that way.

Anyway that takes care of day one. Day two, the first raiding party on outside shift is going to start moving in a concentric circle around the hotel, scouting the area and bringing back supplies. If you can get to a gas station or liquor store, pick up some maps. They'll come in handy. Don't engage the enemy unless you have to, and if possible, just outrun them and move in a pattern down the street to obscure where you're headed. Zombies ain't known for being bright, but you never know. They might be able to follow a simple trail.
What can I do for my country? I'd like to be in a position where I can give orders. Please refer to my post on page 6 and you'll notice that I have a very high knowledge of combat tactics and various aspects that are the key to survival. notice that I can also work in recon missions, executed with perfection of course. I have no previous experience from actual combat situations but have a high training and can work under pressure.
*** Sorry darkside, im heading too the nearby petrol station.

*collects canned and packaged food and some FHM:naughty:*

*** coming back sir, wont disobey orders again.
What about the hotel's employees and other guests? They might interfere with our plans.

We need to find a large group of people (30+) that handle the food section. It's a big hotel, so I figure it's a big kitchen too. The hotel will probably have a large food supply, and while we still need to find food sooner or later, our first priority must be to secure a fresh water source. I'm not to sure what happens to a city's water supply after a zombification, but I doubt it's gonna be drinkable for very long.

I disagree with you there, Darkside, we need to occupy the lower floors first and foremost, so make sure everyone can be called quickly to the entrance in the case of a break-in.
Yay, i forgot to mention, i can cook...

But how many of your can put up with chinese for a long time D:

Acctually, i cook western better than chinese :\ well, i did grow up in aussie.

Anyway, what if they do breach the first floor? Do we weld up tall the elevators? I suppose that would be a good idea, and if the doors are made of metal, we can weld them, but then we have to get supplies by some other way.
In regards to the bedding problem, maybe not straight away, but could we not drag the mattresses and bedding down to the hall? Unless something like that would get in the way too much... but then dozens of huddled, sleeping people would tend to do that anyway.

Also, hypothetically, if I really had to pee, could I do it in the hat?
Seppo, you're with me planning and coordinating. You'll mainly coordinate raid teams and analyze data. Occasionally I may send you out for recon but not often.

*** Sorry darkside, im heading too the nearby petrol station.

*collects canned and packaged food and some FHM:naughty:*

*** coming back sir, wont disobey orders again.
Don't make me shoot you with the gun I don't have. :p

What about the hotel's employees and other guests? They might interfere with our plans.
Thank you for bringing up that point. It also addresses a fundamental question: what do we do with outside survivors? (Outside in this case also meaning, 'Anyone who is not from HL2.net')

With regard to hotel employees, we're going to herd them into the hall as well. Getting cramped, but I want these people accounted for. Every cook, maid, valet, concierge, bellhop, and security officer. I want these people checked out, listed, and kept in sight. For the time being we're going to stick all these people in an isolated part of the hall (isolated basically meaning nobody else standing nearby but guards) for a day or two. This is to ensure that if any of them are infected they will not be able to infect the rest of us. This will be standard procedure for survivors; we strip them, check them for bites, scratches, any trace of blood or wound, and if they're clear we quarantine them for a period long enough to make sure no change is going to occur. They'll be let into the general populace after that.

Subsequently, trustworthy individuals may be let out of the hall to perform duties.

We need to find a large group of people (30+) that handle the food section. It's a big hotel, so I figure it's a big kitchen too. The hotel will probably have a large food supply, and while we still need to find food sooner or later, our first priority must be to secure a fresh water source. I'm not to sure what happens to a city's water supply after a zombification, but I doubt it's gonna be drinkable for very long.
Indeed. Bottled waters, storing ice in a freezer to thaw later. These are essentials the raiders will be grabbing on trips into the city. I'll be honest, aside from that I have no idea how to secure an indefinite amount of water for 700+ people in a zombie crisis. Like you said, open water sources are out.

As for food, it's mostly going to be perishables. Things with long shelf life. Hope you like top ramen.

I disagree with you there, Darkside, we need to occupy the lower floors first and foremost, so make sure everyone can be called quickly to the entrance in the case of a break-in.
And what are we going to do, throw ourselves at them? No, if the first floor is breached we retreat to the empty second floor and funnel the zombies into the stairwell where their speed and maneuverability is further reduced, and their numbers count for nothing.

Plus, as I said, I want people AWAY from the zombies as much as possible. We're not an army. We're not a small enough unit to move around with ease. Jeez, some people on here are kids (nobody take that the wrong way, but jesus, some of you haven't even seen two decades of your life). I'm not going to call everyone down to fight or flee. I'm trying to keep everyone ALIVE. You're people...I cannot stand the thought of throwing people to face those things. So no, we keep the first floor for keeping track of everyone and doing our daily thing, the second floor is clear, and above floors will be for sleeping. I may even set third and fourth floors to be cleared if possible/I deem it necessary.

Hat, for the above reasons I think it's best to have people sleep in their rooms. If an attack DID occur, say when most people are sleeping, we're boned if we're all on the first floor.

And if you pee in that hat, keep it away from me. Seriously.
What's the point of cramming everybody into the hall? The entire first floor should be heavily fortified with traps, weapons and armoured guards. Making everybody stay on ground floor will only make it easier for the zombies to kill everybody in one strike.

I agree with you that the 1st and perhaps 2nd floor should work as a buffert zone to slow down the zombies in the event of a break in. The main gathering area should be at some major conference centre a couple of floors up.

Also, why would you wanna check the employees? They were with us when the zombies came and thus cannot have been bitten.