Halflife2.net Zombie Apocalypse

RP time.

/EDIT I roll a 2d20.
so whut happens now beside massive amount of win, buttsechs and destruction?
I suppose we could hunt for other surivors, but that puts strain on no doubt already stretched supplies (and tempers)

We could go on a zombie kill spree as one big .net horde, with trucks. Lots of trucks.
*Pushes Danimals palm and it hits his nose*


im so getting an infraction...

Ill follow stiggy, ill get weapons, but ill just stick to a chainsaw or something...

I believe flamethrowers work best agaisnt zombies
Yeah, lets set those undead on fire, good idea :|
It worked in gmod.

I mean...

nevermind, jest feed me to em.
***-Koola Mena reporting in. Requesting permission to join fire-team.
Ahh screw it, 200 le' zed flambe coming up!

Koola, go raid the mall, look for condoms. Lots of condoms.

Somebody remake the "Daily Citizen Role Playing And Newspaper"

But seriously, why can't you set the undead on fire? Theyll just burn to dead matter. OR you could electricute them till they come back to life and will become the un-undead!
You mean living?

Anyway, fire + zombies + barricades = we all die. But it will be fun.
Best weapon against zombie?

Omega Tech Fusion Bomb?
Rocket Lounger?

***Azner reporting in, scouting for weapons.
Distribute them amongst the members, Shippi, go quietly and nobody gets hurt. I have taken the liberty of providing a more comfortable arrangment for the coming...festivities.

Also breasts.
Nice idea, Smoke, but I'd like to add one thing.

While our 721 man army is pretty strong, we will need more power if we will ever succeed in the inevitable breakout (because, let's face it, no one will come to our rescue). New York is big city, and the zombies can't have killed all 18 million people at once, which means a lot of people will come to our hotel in hope for help. As we need both the manpower and the skill, we will have to let them in (after, of course, a standard check to make sure they're not under-cover zombies). When we've reached a satisfying number (say, 3000) and the time is right (perhaps under cover of a snow storm), we will need to break out and steal a ship from the harbour and them try to find a safer place somewhere in Europe or Africa.

Another thing, we will need to arm everyone (that includes Lemonking and knghenry), if we are to stand any chance of survival.
i know a place where there are weapons!!! i saw it on my rampant search for condoms!
I was thinking along those lines, we will need to procure naval transport, a lot of it. Then head towards the nearest oil rig. Problem with this is the supplies we need to take along the way, and setting up hydroponics when we get there. Plus, we need somebody who at least knows how to operate machinery on a rig.

Or, we take and hold a power station, provided anyone in the group has a clue what to do, and won't get us all assploded.
Smoke, Monkey. Requesting permission to lead team to retrieve weapons at the New York Police Precint, location heading 002457NY.
We must roleplay this zombie-apocolypse.
*gets on gasmask and helmet*

Coming with you. Over.
Just needs one of us to invent as real Zombie Virus and for Munners to pay for all our tickets to New York and we'll be fine!
Alright boys and girls, it's show time!
Hah, I actually HAVE a gasmask.

*Sui's cool meter drops below "dangerously warm"*

Yeah, me too, actually. K1BN2 gas mask for Korean military use. I have it as part of my CD hazmat gear.
The concept would actually make a pretty good movie. I want Chuck Norris to play me.

It'll plant the traps at the entrance, BTW.